Why Plugged Hair Follicles Thin Your Hair and What You

Why Plugged Hair Follicles Thin Your Hair and What You Can Do

Losing your hair to where it thins or you become bald does not have to happen.
Just by understanding why your hair falls out and thins allows you to take counter measures. Discover what counter measures you need to take to keep your hair full, thick, or from thinning.

There are various ways to keep your hair clean, shiny, and thick. If you still have hair and want to keep it or if your hair is starting to thin out, here are some hair remedies that you can use.

When your hair starts to thin down, three of the reasons are:

* Your hair follicles are slowly becoming plug and preventing hair from growing out

* Your hair is not receiving the nutrients it needs to grow and stay strong

* Your hair is not getting enough blood circulating in your scalp

I will cover only the first of the two items.

Plugged Hair Follicles

Just like acne, your hair follicles can become plugged. In acne a plug follicle results in sebum and bacteria becoming trapped in the follicle, which leads to an infection known as a pimple.

When a hair follicle becomes plugged on your scalp, the hair in that follicle becomes trapped and is prevented from coming to the surface. Over time, your scalp becomes smooth and you become bald or lose most of your hair.

So the secret to preventing hair loss, thinning and balding is to prevent your hair follicles from becoming plugged. Once you know what causes your follicle to plug, you can avoid or counteract those conditions.

Here is what causes your follicles to become plugged.

* Excessive build up of testosterone in blood converting over to DHT and plugging up your hair follicles

* Use of shampoos, conditioners, and gels that contain excessive un-natural chemical that stay on your scalp and get trapped in your follicles

* Excessive release of sebum and scalp flaking mixing together to form a hard material that plugs up your follicles.

DHT Build Up in Your Follicle

It is well known now that excessive conversion of testosterone into DHT accumulates in the hair follicles and plugs. Knowing this you can use a variety of shampoos on your hair to dissolve this DHT. This keeps your pores open and your hair growing normally. You can also take capsules that prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT.

Un-natural Shampoo and Conditioners

Most shampoos, conditioners, and hair gels are created using petrochemicals, un-natural additives, dyes, preservatives that are harmful to your hair and scalp.

In addition, these un-natural hair product chemicals get into your pores and can plug. Once in the follicle, they also get into your blood and are harmful to your liver and the rest of your body.

Search for more natural shampoo products which contain fewer petrochemicals and have more herbs with natural cleansing chemicals

Excessive Sebum and Scalp Flaking

Some people have oily hair and some dry.

When the hair follicle releases excess sebum it accumulates on the scalp. Here it will combine with dirt, dead scalp cells, and shampoo chemical residues.

Using natural remedies reduces the amount of chemical available to combine with excess sebum and dead scalp cells. If you use any type of gel to style your hair these gels combine with sebum to plug up your follicles.

To keep your hair and scalp clean and follicles open, use aloe vera gel mixed with a few drops of jojoba oil. Buy aloe vera gel, 99% pure and pure jojoba oil. Put some aloe vera gel in your hand and add 4-5 drops of jojoba oil. Rub your hands together then rub this mixture into your hair. This mixture will keep your hair shiny and thick and your hair follicles open.

Just making these changes to your hair care will go a long way in keeping your hair from thinning any further

Why Use Acne Medicine

Many people have to deal with acne. This very annoying problem can happen to anyone at anytime in his or her life. Acne is the clogging of pores. They are often times called pimples and can occur on the face, neck, back any many other parts of the body. Acne is some thing that is more common to be found in teenagers and adolescents. It is not restricted to any certain age group and can be found to be a problem for many adults as well.

Having one or two pimples may not be a problem for most people. It is when there is a group of acne lurking on your face and body that is uncontrollable. Many people are very self-conscious about their acne problem. It can be hard for anyone to deal with if the problem persists and is out of control.

Using acne medicine is just one way that you can get an acne problem under control. There are many medicines out there on the market for people to purchase. Many of the over the counter acne medicines work just fine. These medications can be used for most people of any age and will resolve the problem with in a few weeks.

There are creams, gels, and even tablets that can help with an acne problem. Many people will find that using the ointments as soon as they see the pimples start to appear will find that the medicine will help the problem. However, some people have to get a prescription for their acne problem in order to get it under control.

The main thing to remember is to keep your face clean. You must use a good cleanser and a good moisturizer in order to keep your face free and clear from any blemishes. You can use many of the toners and cleansers sold in the stores today. Some of the cleaners even have special ingredients in them to clear up or keep away pimples.

Many of the acne medicines on the market are designed to help heal and conceal the blemish. You can find many of the creams out there to be tinted to match your skin tone. This will help to hide the pimple while the acne medicine is helping to heal it. You will feel more confident and at ease when you do not have to worry about showing the world your pimple.

When you eat a good diet, drink plenty of water, cleanse well, and use the right acne medicine, you will have a better complexion and be more confident in the way that you look. It is never too late to take care of your skin and you can improve the way you look and feel.

The Whole Truth About Acne Home Remedies

A lot of people suffer from acne. Anyone with acne has one goal in mind: to get rid of it. The severity of the condition will vary between people, as will the effectiveness of certain treatments. You shouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of blemishes on your face. The prescription and over-the-counter medications vary in price and effectiveness toward your skin. But why not try a few acne home remedies first? You may find something that works for you from your very own bathroom or kitchen.

The main purpose of an acne medication is to unclog your pores and calm inflammation. Acne home remedies are usually not for extreme cases, but more aimed at the mild to occasional blemishes. Some acne home remedies sound a little silly, and are not tested or proven by a real dermatologist. Some home remedies may worsen your condition or not effect it at all. You should be aware of this possibility before you try any of these.

Common acne home remedies include: salt water, toothpaste, egg whites, ice, apple cider vinegar, steam, or wheat germ.

Washing your face with warm, mild salt water dries up excess acne-inducing oils. The advantage to using this instead of a normal soap to wash your face is that it is less likely to aggravate the acne or your skin.

Applying a bit of toothpaste on a visible pimple before you go to sleep helps reduce swelling. It also keeps the area free of oils that could make the spot worse. Be sure to use an actual paste because a gel will not have the same effect. This is the most common of all the acne home remedies.

Dab egg whites on a pimple that is already on the surface. If you leave it on overnight, it is said to draw out the infection and speed up the healing process.

Holding a cube of ice on acne before bed should visibly decrease the inflammation and swelling. It may also reduce the chances of scarring after your skin has cleared up.

Placing a cotton ball into apple cider Vinegar and then applying it to your infected area will almost instantly reduce swelling. This works especially well for large inflamed spots.

You are always advised not to squeeze any pimples, however, blackheads will not go away on their own. Opening your pores using steam to can assist you when you are cleaning your face. Take a hot shower or put your head over the vapors of a boiling pot of water.

Wheat germ, which can be found in most stores, is one of the only acne home remedies taken internally. Taking wheat germ with one meal a day can clear your acne and leave your skin softer than it was before because it is rich in helpful vitamins.

The most commonly effective acne home remedies are found in most homes.
The benefit of experimenting with these on your blemishes is that you don’t have to go out and buy anything. If it doesn’t work, you didn’t waste any money in the process. If it does help the condition of your acne, then you have a great, cheap solution to your problem.

Acne Skin Care Products That Work

Acne is one of the most common skin problems that people have to deal with it. Being a disorder that is caused by irritated blackheads and whiteheads, acne becomes difficult to cure if the infection is left untreated which leads to further irritation and may produce abscess.

A normal pimple has a life cycle of six to eight weeks without treatment. But when it develops to acne, it would require more time to heal it without painful peeling, acne traces, or ugly scars. If you think youre pimples become infected and irritated that may lead to acne, you need to find a good line of acne skin care products as early as now. This is a very effective way to control acne that may cause you bigger problems in the future.

Effective Acne Skin Care Products

The first thing you need to consider when looking for acne skin care products is finding a good cleanser. Since cleansing the skin is the first step in treating your skin disorder, it pays to look for a good cleanser that will help the treatment more effective and faster.

One of the most effective acne cleansers in the market today is the Active Cleansing Gel that contains triple exfoliating action of salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and lactic acid. This acne skin care product helps you clean your skin without deeply exfoliating it. Whipped Camphor Cleanser is also a popular product for deep cleaning the skin.

When looking for acne kits that would prevent the skin disorder, look for those kits that have products containing benzoyl peroxide, sulfur and glycolic acid that are usually customized for individual skin care needs. When there is a need for you to use accutane acne productsa prescription medicine that is used to treat severe acnemake sure that you are constantly monitored by your dermatologist or by the doctor who prescribed the medication.

More and more dermatologists now recommend Acne Clearz Acne products as a good acne skin care product. Aside from being DHEA and fragrance free, these products are good for adults and teens. Since it the products feature hydroxy and anti-oxidant protectors, it is also good for good for sensitive skin. These products are also known for containing superior oil production ingredients that focus on cleaning the pores to fight existing acne.

The Acne Control Thera Line, on the other hand, is primarily physician formulated. The products have sebum protection and oil control, which are good acne bacteria destroyers. These acne skin care products help prevent acne by removing dead skin cells through safe exfoliation.

While some of the products contents minimize pores, others dissolve white and black heads to soothe the skin. The major components of these products are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur and are expected to work in as early as six week of use.

Effective acne skin care products also include topical treatments. Acne Ltd. III offers products that are known for destroying acne bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses in the areas affected. These products are formulated with highly concentrated ingredients include zinc oxide, iron oxide, sulfur, sodium chloride, poyethylene glycol and magnesium stearate which also contain moisturizer so as not to dry the skin when applied.

Acnesil Acne Products, on the other hand, also offers topical creams that have melaleuca alternifolia, aloe vera and vitamin E that are known to reduce whiteheads. These products serve as the first aid when signs of a pimple breakout occur. Formulated not to dry up the skin even when used on larger areas, the products also speed up the span of time to heal an acne outbreak.

While most acne skin care line offers products that contain medication and treatment concentrates, the Body Shop Acne Products has a wide range of tea tree oil based products to soothe and pamper the skin. Some of the products include tea tree oil facial blotting tissues, tea tree oil facial wash, tea tree oil facial scrub, tea tree oil daily cleansing wipes, tea tree oil face mask, tea tree oil blemish stick, tea tree oil daily foaming facial wash, and tea tree oil cosmetics like the tea tree oil pressed powder and blush on.