Reasons To Improve Your Poor Posture

How often do we think of our posture as an overall body workout? Probably not at all, but it is essential to supporting structures of the body from being injured. Progressive deformities are also prevented by paying attention to your posture. Correct posture is less stress and tension on the joints and some muscles in the hips, back, and neck. If you sit slouching or leaning when standing you are slowly but surely rounding your chances of increased stress relief and osteoporosis. When you talk about posture you are talking about sitting and standing in way that supports your upper and lower back, spine, and hip and ankle joints. If you already suffer from poor posture it is not too late to make corrections. If you stop carrying the laptop bag one shoulder and that heaver pocketbook on the other shoulder and carrying that grocery bag all at the same time. Things may be a little better for your posture if you take your time and put some of those things down or call someone to assist you. Extra added weight adds extra pressure on important parts of the back and neck areas. If you must carry a bag the ones that cross your back and distributed the weight evenly is best.

Problems with posture can begin at very young ages causing problems later in like. Of Course you remember your mother telling you to sit up straight. It was with good reason; they were trying desperately to keep you from damaging your spine, hips, and neck. They might not have known it but they were also saving you from musculoskeletal respiratory, circulatory systems, and digestive systems as well. Poor postural habits can be caused by low self esteem, degenerative processes, muscle guarding, and avoidance, or postures that stick over time. For example, if you have been hunching over for as long as youve been sitting upright, you find it to be a completely natural position. Excessive weight gain and even excessive weight loss can cause your posture to change.

The best way to begin to the process of correcting poor posture is to have an examination by a doctor to determine the best treatment. Some observations can be done at home. Watch the patient as they sit stand and walk or estimate any deviation from an ideal posture. The doctor however, will actually perform a spinal segment alignment, possibly a flexibility tests, and muscle length and strength test to determine the exact cause of the trouble. Because most of the posture correcting process is related to muscle tightness or weaknesses found during the examination. Once a diagnosis is done then you can concentrate on the solution. The treatments will be very relaxing and maybe even invigorating. Well, first you want to treat the area with heat; stretching, massage and strengthening exercises. Anything extra will spend time on treatment of ligaments, for bones, or nerves for the over all posture treatment. Exercise of antagonist muscles to increase the strength of those muscles providing more power to lift and stretch in a way that is comfortable for the body as opposed to tension causing. So make sure to take good care of your back and other areas of the body that are affected by good posture and enjoy strong muscles, better concentration, and blood circulation.

It may take a period of discomfort and unpleasantness to be able to correct your posture. But once you are able to get the problem taken care of, you will experience benefits for the rest of your life. So as soon as you can, get recommendations from a doctor so that you can find out what course of action you should take for repairing your poor posture. It might involve simply buying a special type of chair, or it might involve expensive chiropractic treatment. No matter what, you should follow through with treatment.

Have You Bought Into These Arthritis Myths?

Have You Bought Into These Arthritis Myths?
David Silva

Myth 1: Exercise doesn’t help arthritis, and in fact makes the condition worse. Fact: Proper exercise performed on a regular basis is an important part of arthritis treatment, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Twenty years ago, doctors advised exactly the opposite, fearing that activity would cause more damage and inflammation. However, not exercising causes weak muscles, stiff joints, reduced mobility, and lost vitality, say rheumatologists, who now routinely advise a balance of physical activity and rest.Three main types of exercises are recommended:Range-of-motion … moving a joint as far as it will comfortably go and then stretching it a little further to increase and maintain joint mobility, decrease pain, and improve joint function. These can be done at least every other day.Strengthening … using muscles without moving joints to help increase muscle strength and stabilize weak joints. These can be done at least every other day, unless there is severe pain or swelling.Endurance … aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming and bicycling to strengthen the heart and lungs and increase stamina. These should be done for 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week, unless there is severe pain or swelling.Myth 2: Arthritis only affects older people.Fact: While it is true that arthritis becomes more common as people age, arthritis may begin at any age, including childhood. Nearly three of every five sufferers are under age 65. Conversely, some elderly people never develop arthritis. Myth 3: Arthritis is nothing more than minor aches and pains.Fact: Arthritis can be permanently debilitating. Many forms of arthritis or musculoskeletal conditions are self-limited and get better without specific treatment. Others, however, such as rheumatoid arthritis, may be quite serious and may affect the body’s internal organs as well as the joints. Arthritis already affects more than 42 million Americans in its chronic form, including 300,000 children. By 2020, CDC estimates that 60 million people will be affected, and that more than 11 million will be disabled.Myth 4: A warm climate will cure arthritis.Fact: Arthritis occurs in all parts of the world. Many people do notice that a difference in the weather can cause their arthritis to flare, but for most people, moving to a different climate does not make a big enough difference to justify moving.Myth 5: Knuckle cracking will give you arthritis.Fact: There is no clinical evidence that knuckle cracking causes arthritis in the fingers or the hand. Studies of people with osteoarthritis in their knuckles show they are no more likely to have cracked their knuckles earlier in life than people who did not develop the condition. However, the bad news is that there is some evidence that people who habitually crack their knuckles have decreased hand function, such as reduced ability to grip tightly.Myth 6: Drinking milk prevents arthritis.Fact: Drinking milk does not prevent arthritis. This myth is often attributed to confusing osteoarthritis with osteoporosis, a condition that can be reduced by drinking milk and taking regular weight-bearing exercise. A person with osteoporosis gradually loses bone material so that his or her bones become more fragile. Osteoarthritis results from the wear and tear of life. The pressure of gravity causes physical damage to the joints and surrounding tissues, leading to pain, tenderness, swelling, and decreased function.For More Information:Centers for Disease Control and PreventionCenter for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health PromotionMail Stop K-454770 Buford Highway, N.E.Atlanta, GA 30341-3717770-488-5131 Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Clearinghouse1 AMS CircleBethesda, MD 20892-3675301-226-42671-877-22-NIAMS (toll-free) FoundationP.O. Box 7669Atlanta, GA 30359-06691-800-283-7800http://www.arthritis.orgAmerican College of RheumatologyAssociation of Rheumatology Health Professionals1800 Century Place, Suite 250Atlanta, GA 30345 About the Author
About Arthritis Today

For Arthritis Patients the Wrong Doctor Could Spell Disaster

For Arthritis Patients the Wrong Doctor Could Spell Disaster
Rudy Silva

For Arthritis Patients the Wrong Doctor Could Spell Disaster

New Book “Take Back Control of Your Arthritis: The 12 Critical Steps” Debuts During National Arthritis Awareness Month in May

San Antonio, Texas – April 14 /Xpress Press/ – Choosing the wrong physician may have disastrous consequences for an arthritis patient,” says Dr. Joel Rutstein, a board-certified rheumatologist and author of the new book “Take Back Control of Your Arthritis: The 12 Critical Steps.”

Dr. Rutsteins book debuts during May, which is also National Arthritis Awareness Month.

“Finding a Doctor You Can Trust” is the books first chapter and first step in Dr. Rutsteins 12-step road-map, which teaches arthritis sufferers how to avoid “the wrong doctors” and better self-manage their rheumatic condition.

How do you know if you are seeing the “the wrong doctor”?

— Dr. Rutstein suggests asking yourself the following questions the next time you see or call your doctor. If you answer yes to any of them, you may be seeing a physician who is not providing treatment that is in your best interest.

— Is your doctor unsympathetic when it comes to your complaints about pain?

— Does your doctor under-treat your pain, or do you feel your doctor does not believe your complaints of pain?

— Is your doctor excessively busy or a “bad listener”? Does he or she seem uninterested in hearing your medical history or evaluating your multiple complaints?

— Is your doctor too rough when examining your joints and muscles? Do you sometimes leave the medical office in more pain then when you arrived?

— Finally, is your doctor a poor communicator? Is your doctor not explaining your diagnosis and plans for treatment clearly and in simple and understandable terms?

Patients should spend as much time picking the perfect doctor as they would the perfect spouse, cautions Dr. Rutstein. “After all, your physician is the medical expert responsible for making life and death decisions concerning your health.

“Take Back Control of Your Arthritis: The 12 Critical Steps,” ($19.95, 229 pages) is available for sale at or by calling toll free 800-980-6255. Multiple helpful video programs, including innovative exercise videos, are also available for purchase at the site.

About Dr. Joel E. Rutstein

Dr. Rutstein is the publisher of, one of the largest patient information websites dealing with the subject of arthritis and osteoporosis. A Spanish language version of the site may be accessed at

In 1978, Dr. Rutstein founded the Arthritis Diagnostic & Treatment Center in San Antonio. He is currently the clinic’s director. He is a fellow member of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians and is also the Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. recently named Dr. Rutstein as one of the “Best Doctors in America for 2003-2004.”

About the author:

Press Release

Eating Disorders in Adolescents

Since the adolescence is the age where bones are sprout and grow rapidly, well nourished food must be given to the adolescent to facilitate normal growth & development. The nutritional intake must be monitored regularly and modified depending upon the growing needs. Teenagers tend to develop eating disorders which affect their nutritional health. The eating behavior must be corrected as early as possible as it can lead to the development of complex illnesses. Eating disorder is the third common chronic illness, especially in adolescent females and the number has been increasing rapidly from the past thirty years.

There are two subcategories of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is the restrictive form, where the intake of food is limited severely. In bulimia nervosa is the eating disorder where the adolescent binges on food and then tries to minimize the effects by forcibly vomiting, fasting, and catharsis or over exercising. When handling adolescence eating disorders, they must be handled differently from adult eating disorders. Adolescents face problems such as growth retardation, suppressed height, abnormal weight, pubertal delay, menstrual periods absence, and menses unpredictability. When the adolescent is growing there will be critical tissue components loss like loss of body fat, muscle mass and bone mineral.

Nutritional imbalance is also caused which reflect abnormalities in the levels of vitamins, mineral and other trace elements. The problem is that these abnormalities cannot be recognized clinically. But since protein and calories are essential to the growth of the adolescent, it is important to trace their abnormalities. Because of the problems, healthy adulthood is not a possible thing. Because of all these reasons, it is important to diagnose adolescence eating disorders as early as possible. Eating disorders give rise to peak bone mass impaired acquisition in case of adolescents. When they turn into adults, this problem aggravates to osteoporosis. Even internal organs get affected due to eating disorders. All this can be prevented by early intervention so as to limit, prevent and ameliorate medical complications, which can turn become life threatening.

Adolescents who practice unhealthy weight control practices and are obsessive about figure, weight, food or exercise should be treated clinically. Not only should the symptoms be checked, but their duration, intensity and frequency should also be checked. Although most of the physical complications caused due to eating disorders get solved with the help of nutritional rehabilitation some of the conditions become irreversible and the long term consequences of this are very dangerous. It is best if the eating disorders are recognized in the early stages as it wont result in irreparable damage. The medical monitoring should be pursued till the adolescent returns back to appropriate psychological and medical health.

Eating disorders not only result in physical abnormalities, but also psychological abnormalities. Adolescents with eating disorders take onto social isolation, low self esteem, affective disorders, low self concept, substance abuse, anxiety, and depression. Usually adolescents switch to unhealthy eating habits because of depression and lack of knowledge about affective techniques to lose weight. So the patients who are being treated for eating disorders must also be treated for psychiatric illness, if they have any. Even if the habits doesnt fit the strict criteria, adolescents who limit food intake, binge, vomit or purge accompanied with or without harsh weight loss, should be monitored because of the involvement of risk of even death. Early treatment will have an improved outcome. But the level of intervention in adolescents should be less when compared to adults.


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