Its origins stem from an Indian remedial and grooming practice which had been and continues to be part of the Indian daily ritual for over 4,000 years. The ancient Indians believed that when energy channels become blocked and the flow of positive energy is obstructed, negative energy builds up and increasingly leads to a wide array of ailments and dysfunctions such as stress, depression, poor sleeping habits, localized and remote pains and aches, hampered and sluggish blood circulation, overall poor health, as well as loss of hair or baldness. The main focus and intent of the Indian Head massage, therefore, is to open up the blockages and to allow the positive energy to flow freely through the entire body and in the process to get rid of the amassed negative energy.

Indians in times of yore, young and old and mostly women but not exclusively, sat in large groups and massaged each others heads. They began by applying a variety of nut and grain oils (coconut, almond, olive or sesame) which were to nourish the hair and scalp while, at the same time, the massage promoted improved circulation. Todays modern Indians get their head massage treatments regularly in beauty salons and barber shops.

The Indian Head massage was introduced into the Western world in the early years of the 1970s by Narendra Mehta, a native of Bombay, India and an osteopath and a massage therapist. As countless techniques for the Indian Head massage were passed down through the generations, Mr. Mehta developed his own particular technique by integrating the head, neck, and shoulder and massage into a single robust therapy which promotes and elevates the body to heightened states of physical, mental and spiritual health and wellness. Mr. Mehta branded his comprehensive massage treatment as Champissage. Champi means head massage in Indian and it is also, by the way, the origin of the English word shampoo. With the help of Mr. Mehtas promotional campaign, Champissage rapidly gained popularity in Europe and elsewhere around the world, and he summarizes his own belief which, in fact, echoes the belief of his ancestors by making the following statement out of his current home base in London: Unfortunately, in the West, many people worry about their hair’s health only when they start to lose it. Healthy hair should be promoted from childhood with the help of regular massage.

The body has seven chakras which are centers that regulate the flow of energy all through the body. Champissage works on the top three energy centers or chakras which are found on the crown of the head, the forehead and the throat as it aims to bring the entire body into corrected alignment and proper balance. The resulting effects are strong, silky and shiny hair, relief from stress, restful sleep patterns, increased energy and sharpened mental clarity.

The Indian Head Massage or the Champissage is performed in a quiet place where the client can sit comfortably on a chair and the massage therapist can either stand or sit directly behind him or her. The sequence of the treatment is as follows:

* The shoulders. Gently squeezing the trapezoid muscles at the base of the neck and moving outward toward the shoulders. This is repeated three times while slightly increasing the pressure.

* The neck. The neck is massaged with small circular motions, beginning at the collarbone and ending at the hairline. This is repeated three times.

The sides of the neck are then stroked with a rolling motion beginning under the jawbone and ending at the shoulders. This is repeated three times.

Avoiding the vertebrae, the back of the neck is pressed with a gliding and rotating motion from the collar bone up to the hairline and it is repeated five times.

* The head. The head is moved slowly and gently forward and backward three times.

The entire area of the scalp is massaged with rolling gentle pressure four or five times and then the scalp is rubbed briskly without causing pain for a full minute.

* The hair. Fingers are run through the hair from the forehead back three times.

* The temples. The temples are worked with small circular massaging and pressing movements three times.

* The end. Slowly stroking the entire head area from the forehead to the back for a minute and progressively making the strokes lighter and lighter.


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How Modern Hair Restoration Can Be Successful

Before seeking the services of a hair replacement center, it is important to understand some basic information about hair loss and what can do about it.

Hair Loss Background

Approximately 95% of the estimated 60 million men and women in the United States who experience abnormal hair loss suffer from a hereditary condition called androgentic alopecia. This is the gradual loss of hair that usually begins somewhere between 30 to 40 years of age in men and is essentially a cosmetic disorder, which is relevant because most health insurance plans will not pay for cosmetic care.

In women, the onset of hereditary hair loss usually does not occur until after menopause.

The incidence of androgentic alopecia is highest in white males but can also be found women, Asians, and African Americans. Usually, the thinning hair begins in the frontal area and progresses back over the head. In general, the growth transition begins with large, thick healthy hair, then progresses to thinner, shorter, indeterminate hairs, and finally, short, nonpigmented vellus hairs cover the area sporadically.

During this transition, the patient may notice more shedding than normal. Some shedding is natural, as up to 10% of a persons hair so prone to shedding at any given time. Lab studies can be done to determine whether the hair loss is genetic or caused by other sources.

What can be done about it?

Once the cause of thinning hair is determined, a hair replacement center can offer several viable solutions for hair restoration.

If the cause is not genetic, changes in medication, diet, or hairstyle products may take care of the problem without any significant out-of-pocket cost to the patient. In the event the patient is loosing hair due to genetic reasons or the changes mentioned above do not create a regrowth of hair, other options are still available.

Surgery offers a couple of solutions. One is a scalp reduction. This is where a portion of the bald scalp is removed, and then the skin is stretch to cover the area of the scalp where the skin was removed. The other option is probably the most commonly considered option. Hair follicles can be transplanted from a donor or from thickly haired sections of the head. The main problem with hair plugs is covering the bald area with enough plugs to provide satisfactory results.

The last option is hair weaving. Hairpieces are weaved into the patients natural hair to create a prosthetic method of covering the baldness. While the hairpieces of the past were often horrendous failures, many of the modern prosthetics are indistinguishable from the patients own hair.

Conclusion for modern hair restoration technologies

Now that you have a general idea what to expect from a hair replacement center, you can more effectively prepare a list of questions for the doctor. You can also go prepared to ask questions about your family history, medical history, current medications, diet, and general hair care regime.

While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it is also an integral part of self-image. As such, concern over hair loss is a normal reaction and should not be taken lightly.

Hair Loss Gets In The Way Of Having Picture-Perfect Tresses

Hair Loss Gets In The Way Of Having Picture-Perfect Tresses

Much has been said about hair being a person’s crowning glory. You’ve probably noticed how every single shampoo and conditioner commercial emphasizes (and most of the time, over-emphasizes) the need to have long and silky tresses (for the women) and healthy and fuzz-free hair (for the gentlemen).

In the metro, there’s also a burgeoning of parlors and salons offering a variety of hair care services to cater to the hair whims of every customer. But the reality is that, not everyone is blessed with picture-perfect mane. Men and women have to deal with hair woes such as dry and oily hair, dandruff, split ends, and hair loss.

Since premature loss of hair is hereditary, some people have to face the brutal fact that they would be bald sooner, not later, than they expect. It’s an amazing thing to know that several kinds of hair loss treatment are now up for grabs in the market.

According to experts in the field of hair care, women should note that men are not the only ones who have the tendency to experience and suffer hair loss condition. It only seems men are more prone to having partial or complete balding but this doesn’t mean women are safe. If a person is starting to notice excessive hair fall and bald spots, he or she should immediately consult his or her doctor.

Although a person doesn’t have any history of premature loss of hair in the family, he or she can get bald as a side effect of a particular drug. Aside from medication and genes, one can experience premature loss of hair because of an existing disease or illness such as cancer.

Nowadays, hair loss treatments may come in the form of pomade or surgical enhancement. He or she can choose among different brands or methods according to his or her budget and preference.

How do surgical or non-surgical treatments actually fight a person’s biological tendency to lose excessive amount or hair?

Manufacturers behind most kinds of hair loss treatment like growth stimulators, super oxide dismutase and anti-antrogens explain that these services or products generally stimulate hair follicles to ensure production of healthier and stronger hair strands. But the more effective treatment is DHT inhibitors which prevent 5-Alpha Reductase and testosterone from teaming up and thus, resulting in noticeably less hair fall.

Though hair loss is an inevitable reality for some, one can do something to prevent and fight it.

DHT Blocker Supplements

People read articles and ads of hair loss supplements in almost every publication everyday. These are herbal supplements and steroid based hair loss supplement but do these Hair Loss supplements really work? Most of the hair loss is caused by DHT or Dihydrotestosterone.

This is a naturally occurring enzyme, and one of the most potent ones in the human body, and is produced by the reaction of an enzyme called 5 alpha-reductase with the hormone testosterone; this DHT is the main cause of thinning of hair which finally leads to hair loss in men and women.

When DHT id formed by the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme reacts with testosterone in the fair follicles the DHT thus formed attaches itself to the receptor cells of the air follicle thus stifling the growth of the hair. This finally leads to loss of hair because the DHT finally kills the hair follicle. Luckily for many this condition can be reversed or rather prevented by taking DHT Blocker Supplements that stop or block DHT formation in the body.

These can be herbal supplements or laboratory prepared steroids with the ability to stop the effects of DHT and finally assist the re growth of hair in men between the ages of eighteen and forty. However, whatever the DHT blocker supplements one is advised to take them only in consultancy with a qualified medical practitioner as some of the DHT blocker supplements have serious side effects.

How long does one wait to see results?

DHT Blocker supplements have to be taken on a regular basis twice a day as a preventive measure, though the kind of DHT blocker supplement depends on the cause of the high level of DHT in the body. The results of DHT blocker supplements can be seen in the first week of taking the DHT blocker supplements. The improvements continue over the next six or eight weeks. One pack of DHT Blocker supplements lasts for a month though you will find some good advice and offers on Procerin.

Some of the better known DHT blocker supplements are Saw Palmetto or Serenoa repens. The berries of these naturally available DHT blocker supplements contain certain fatty acids and sterols that effectively block 5-Alpha-Reductase and reduce DHT uptake by hair follicles thus preventing hair loss very effectively.

The other DHT blocker supplements are Boarage oil, Stinging nettle or Urtica diocia and Green tea as well as grape seed extract. For a greater description of how these DHT blocker supplements can help you Click here Procerin.