When To Use Blood Pressure Medication

If you are concerned about your blood pressure there are different types of medication you can take to help control or lower your pressure. You might try some lifestyle changes first before opting for medicine. Remember that sometimes medicine is the only way you might be able to lower it. Different lifestyle changes do not always work on their own.

First you might consider your diet. Do you consider yourself a healthy eater? Do you think you have a pretty healthy diet? Your diet could be affecting your blood pressure. High amounts of salt and sodium intake can raise your blood pressure. Try to limit your salt intake and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

If you love salt, consider substituting it with a different seasoning. There are so many different kinds of seasonings available you can easily find something to your liking.

Are you physically active on a regular basis? Physical inactivity can play a part in high blood pressure as well. If you can try to get at least thirty minutes a day of physical exercise you can help lower or control your blood pressure.

If you cannot set aside a full thirty minutes do ten or five minute intervals. As long as you get thirty minutes total for the day you are helping your blood pressure. This could mean taking a walk, doing an exercise video, riding a bike, etc. Whatever physical activity you enjoy the most will benefit your health and blood pressure.

Do you use tobacco or drink high amounts of alcohol? This can dangerously increase your blood pressure. Try to limit your tobacco use or alcohol consumption. If you can, quit them altogether. This is not always easy for some but do not feel discouraged.

There are many products to help you quit both habits and just focus on knowing you will feel healthier and you will be controlling your blood pressure too. If you have high blood pressure you are at risk for a stroke or heart and kidney disease. This alone should be motivation enough to get healthier.

While some of these lifestyle changes alone may not help you, it is always worth giving it a shot. If all else fails talk to your doctor about starting a blood pressure medication. Just remember to keep trying the lifestyle changes along with taking your medication. Doing both can significantly help your blood pressure.

There are many different types of blood pressure medications and sometimes two will work better than one alone. If you do not like taking medicine this can be rather hard to accept but know it will benefit your health in the end.

A few types of blood pressure medications are beta-blockers, diuretics, vasodilators, alpha-blockers, alpha-beta-blockers and nervous system inhibitors. These are only some of the many available blood pressure medications.

Before taking any blood pressure medications or starting any new diet you want to consult your doctor. They might be able to help you choose something that will help your blood pressure without drastic changes or measures. Ask them any questions or concerns you have. This is your health you are discussing and you want to know everything.

If he suggests a medication ask him what it does, what the side effects are and if it will interact with any other drugs you might be taking, prescription or non-prescription. You can never be too careful and avoiding a stroke or heart disease is very important if you can help it.

What Should You Know If You Have High Blood Pressure?

What Should You Know If You Have High Blood Pressure?

If you are battling high blood pressure there are some things you will want to know. First thing you want to understand is what the numbers mean. Your blood pressure will read with a top and bottom number. The top is your systolic pressure and the bottom number is your diastolic pressure.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80 so if your blood pressure reads 130/90 you are at risk for developing high blood pressure. This reading is called prehypertension which is basically a stage before developing high blood pressure.

By having your blood pressure checked and monitored often you can easily lower it where it needs to be. The best way to do this is by maintaining or adopting a healthier lifestyle. Have you always had normal blood pressure until recently?

If this is the case, consider what you have recently started doing different that may have caused it to rise. Did you change your diet? Have you been exercising less? Maybe you are on a medication; some medications can cause your blood pressure to rise.

If you do have high blood pressure you can easily monitor it at home if you choose. If you do this you still want to keep your regular doctor visits. You can share your own results and you can both see what is and isn’t working for you.

If you are on other medications consult your doctor. Chances are one of these could be raising your blood pressure and you want to take control as soon as possible. If your blood pressure gets too high without proper treatment you are at more risk of having a stroke or heart and kidney diseases.

If you have recently changed your diet you should talk to your doctor, especially if your blood pressure has risen since then. Lots of salt and sodium can cause high blood pressure and not enough fresh fruits and vegetables. If this is the case, try to limit your salt intake and get more vegetables in your diet.

Also physical inactivity can be a cause for high blood pressure. Have you recently stopped doing regular every day physical activity? If so, consider starting again. You might have stopped because of an inevitable reason; broken bone, etc. If this is the case talk with your physician. Together you can find a way to still get a little bit of physical activity in your daily routine.

You also want to cut off or limit your use of tobacco and alcohol consumption. Many people do not realize these cause high blood pressure. There are many over the counter medicines and even doctor prescribed medicines to help you quit smoking. There are also many different resources to help you quit drinking.

If your doctor prescribes blood pressure medicine for you, you want to be sure and remember to take it. Some people are bad at remembering to take medication. There are many different ways you can help yourself remember.

You take the risk of a stroke or heart disease by not taking your blood pressure medication. This should be reason enough to take your medicine, but sometimes people just forget. While it sounds like reason enough, if you are not used to taking daily medication it is rather easy to forget.

If you have certain questions or concerns talk with your doctor. They will gladly answer any questions you have and do their best to get your blood pressure at a normal rate again.

High Blood Pressure in Adolescents

High blood pressure is a condition where the blood pressure is more than normal. It is also known as hypertension. Heart pumps out blood, so that oxygen can reach to different parts of the body via blood. The pressure with which heart pumps blood is known as blood pressure. The blood pressure comprises of two measures, the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is the larger figure and represents the pressure within the artery of the heart, when contractions take place which pump blood to different parts of the body. Diastolic pressure is the pressure within the artery of the heart, when the blood is filling in the heart and it is at rest. Both the pressures are measured in millimeters of mercury or mmHg. High blood pressure is abnormal increase in systolic pressure or diastole pressure.

Blood pressure is measured by putting a blood pressure cuff on the arm and placing a stethoscope on the chest. There can be very little variation in blood pressure depending upon the time, emotional moods, age, gender, weight, height, physical activity, stress and other illness such as heart disease and kidney disease. Children and adolescents become anxious when they visit the doctor. This is also an important factor which affects the blood pressure and the readings taken get tampered because of it. That is the reason why many blood pressure readings are taken in order to determine whether the adolescent has high blood pressure or not. The nurse may even ask the adolescent to calm down while taken the readings. Time gap is given between each reading, so as to give time to the adolescent to calm down. Emotions can also affect the blood pressure reading.

An infant will have a normal blood pressure reading of 80/45, where as an adolescent will have a normal blood pressure reading of 110/70. Therefore, age, gender, and height are important factor when determining the normal blood pressure level. Adults will have a higher blood pressure than the infants and teenagers. Also, boys have a higher blood pressure when compared to girls and tall people have a higher blood pressure than short people. An adolescent is said to have high blood pressure when the blood pressure is more than the blood pressure of ninety percent people of his/her age, gender and height.

There are many risks associated with hypertension or high blood pressure. The risk of developing coronary heart disease increases proportionally. The arteries will develop greater resistance towards the blood flow, because of which the heart will pump blood harder. Stroke is also another risk. Adolescents who have had high blood pressure as a child, develop harmful effects on the blood vessels and heart till the time they turn twenty.

The causes of high blood pressure can be classified as primary and secondary. If the causes are definite, they are primary and if the cause is linked to some illness, it is secondary. Primary causes are high blood cholesterol levels, smoking, stagnant lifestyle and overweight. Secondary causes are obesity, immobility due to chronic illness, prescription drugs, intense pain due to burns or cancer and illegal drugs. High blood pressure can develop due to hereditary reasons.

Hypertension is diagnosed by blood test and urinalysis. The kidney function will also be checked, along with blood cholesterol levels. Family history check is another important factor. Adolescents eating habits, exercise levels, activities in school and home will also be studied thoroughly. High blood pressure is dealt with by weight reduction, healthy diet, and increase in physical activity. If hypertension is due to illness, the illness is treated first. These treatment measures will decrease the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. It will also strengthen the heart and decrease the level of cholesterol in blood. This also helps to keep heart diseases at bay. The good thing is that only one percent of the adolescents, who have high blood pressure, need medication to bring back the blood pressure to normal.


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Do You Have Arthritis?

Do You Have Arthritis?
Lambert Klein

Do you have arthritis? If so you are not alone. 66,000,000 people do almost 1 in 3 adults.
Arthritis is second only to heart disease as a cause of work disability. Besides limiting daily activities arthritis can cause many lifestyle problems. You may assume there’s nothing you can do that will help. Don’t believe that. There are steps including supplements and lifestyle changes you can make to significantly improve your life.
Your doctor may ask a few of these questions:
Where is your pain
When does it hurt
How long have you had it
Any swelling or redness
Family history of arthritis
He may wish to perform a movement test and have some x-rays taken.
Inflammation from your arthritis is a significant source of pain. Your physician may recommend OTC medicines or a prescription.
You should be aware of alternatives such as natural supplements and physical exercise.
Nettle Leaf Extract This supplement appears to suppress TNF-alpha and IL-1-beta. Nettle leaf may inhibit inflammatory cascade in rheumatoid arthritis. Also joint protection is assisted with nettle leaf.
MSM: Msm contain Sulfur and anti-inflammatory properties
Glucosamine Sulfate/Chondroitin: Reduces joint pain and may substantially rebuild cartilage. This may take a while to see results.
Fish Oil: DHA, EPA and Omega 3 found in quality fish oil. Reduces painful inflammation and may promote joint lubrication. Look for a high quality, low mercury supplements like Carlson’s fish oils. Flax seed is another practical choice.
Try high quality multivitamins such as Purity’s Perfect Multi Super Greens.
Vitamin E: Use a natural product like Vitamin E-8 daily.
Cherries: Recent research has shown that tart cherries contain powerful antioxidants that may help relieve the pain of arthritis and gout and also protect the body against cardiovascular disease and inhibit cancer tumors.
There is also a cherry capsule that is very good named Fruit Advantage.
Exercise: Exercise is important not only for arthritis but your overall health.
Weight Control: Even modest weight loss will bring healthy results. Start slow if you need to, and then try to reach your target weight.
Stress: Ah Stress. This one unnecessarily causes us so many health concerns. It practically seems to be the source of most health problems.
There are many options to help deal with excess stress. Exercise is one of these. Even if you begin by walking to the corner and back, then around the block pretty soon you will be walking a mile or more.
Other things you may consider are Yoga, Meditation, Music and a new hobby.
There is a rather unique procedure I came across a while back called Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short. This works on the principles of Acupressure and Acupuncture.
Wait! Don’t let that intimidate you. Even though EFT is a remarkable tool it is actually easy to grasp. I personally have seen significant results. You won’t have to poke yourself at all. It just basically requires limited number of words and some tapping on certain key points.
So don’t give up. There are many options for you to vastly improve your health.
Copyright 2005 Lambert Klein

About The Author

Lambert Klein is the owner of Think Healthy supplements and products.
Arthritis supplements can be found at Think Healthy.