Vitamins and Hair Loss

Vitamins are necessary for your body health as well as hair health. Different vitamins contribute to maintain your body metabolism and hair growth. These also prevent your hair from falling. So it is very important for you to take different vitamins in your daily diet in sufficient quantity. Some of the most important vitamins and minerals that are necessary in maintaining your hair growth are biotin, folic acid, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and inositol.

Having these vitamins and minerals in enough quantity will prevent hair loss and maintain your hair growth. However, consuming these vitamins and minerals in excess may cause a lot of problem. So it is very important for you to know, how much of these vitamins and minerals you needs in your daily diet. You can take the help of your nutritionist to gain knowledge of this. You also can get sufficient information from internet websites and magazines etc.

Scientists have performed a number of tests on these vitamins and minerals to know how these helps human hair either to grow or prevent them. And from different studies the vitality of these vitamins and minerals for human hair has been established.

For example; scientists have found that a deficiency of magnesium results in hair loss in porches. Similarly, a deficiency of inositol or biotin result in total hair loss or complete baldness. Luckily, the complete baldness has never been the case with females, till date.

If you think that you are losing your hair and need some more vitamins to consume in your diet, you can choose from various food diet rich in vitamins necessary for hair growth.

You also can opt for multivitamins. But before choosing any option, it would be better in your interest to consult your doctor or nutritionist to know the exact intake that you need to have. As you know that the excess of vitamins and minerals also leads to problems like hair loss. So think for a minute, if the reason of your hair problems is an over consumption of vitamins and minerals.

For example: vitamin A is good for your immune system and your hair health if you consume in right quantity. But when taken in excess may cause hair problems and many other health problems too. Fatty acids are another example; different fatty acids maintain your hair texture and save them from dryness, but when consumed in excessive quantity leads to problems.

This is also in best interests of yours to prefer diet rich in different vitamins and minerals rather than opting for vitamin supplements and multivitamins. Make sure that your diet contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins and minerals. Eat whole grain breads, a lot of leafy green vegetables, especially greens and drink a lot of water. Include in your diet various dairy products like milk, cheese, butter and poultry products like egg, etc. Sea food like cod fish will also help your hair to make good, gorgeous and healthy.

Eat a lot of whole fruits. Although, you can have fruit juices occasionally but having more of whole fruits than fruit juices is much better idea.

You also can try on different shampoos and hair oils to maintain your hair health. But dont try any product on the basis of TV advertisements.

Ask your doctor or health care expert for the right kind of oil and shampoo that will prevent your hair from falling and make healthy and good looking.

No matter what you try for your hair health, it is always better idea to have food rich in different nutrients and vitamins and minerals to maintain your body and hair health.

Hair Loss Help

Long, lustrous and silky hair are trade mark of many, especially females. A female’s hair are her best natural accessories to carry and obviously show and even compete with her same sex friends. But if you are amongst those 60% of the females, who is suffering / with hair problems, then you know the shock of being less haired over your head. The major problem is that the hair loss in females is considered as a taboo in society and this adds to salt into bounds of the females suffering with hair loss or hair thinning problems.

Women themselves do not feel comfortable in openly discussing their problems, however, men can openly discuss openly and thus able to try on several treatment options including treatment of hair loss using medications, etc.

You are not the only woman, who is suffering with hair loss and feeling difficulty in openly discussing and finding resolution of hair problems. According to a clinical analysis, one in every four women is suffering with hair problems.

Females also keep worrying, why hair loss happens?

The causes of hair loss in woman can be any, like; harsh hair treatments, hormonal changes during pregnancy, or the menopause. Stress and unhealthy eating habits also lead to hair problems. Sometimes, hair thinning in females may be genetic. The hair thinning as a genetic factor normally occurs between 18 to 24 years of age.

The most common form of hair loss due to genetic or other medical factors is alopecia androgenecia. This is the sort of hair problem in which the hair becomes extremely thin so that one can see through it. Alopecia areta is another form of hair problem that normally starts as tiny bald patches but may result into total hair loss, if not taken care of.

If you can believe it, almost one quarter of the world population is suffering with some type of hair problems. And any sort of hair problems in females affect self confidence and sometimes, may even lead to anxiety and depression.

The first step in settling any sort of hair problems is, distinguishing the nature of hair loss you are suffering with. There are a number of treatment options available for treating hair problems, depending on the kind and severity of problems. Your doctor may suggest you some oil / cream / lotion to apply on your scalps.

If hair loss is due to hormonal or hereditary or due to some other serious health problems then your doctor may prescribe you a variety of medications.

Besides getting aid from a health professional, you also can take care of your hairs to avoid hair loss.

Here are given some tips and tricks to prevent you from bad hair days.

1.Analyze your diet. Nutrition plays a vital role in keeping healthy tresses. Lack of essential vitamins and minerals and proteins etc may switch hair problems. Ask your doctor / nutritionist for help.

2.Opt for loose and comfortable hair style. Give up the hairstyle that introduces tensions in your hair follicles. For example; tight ponytails, chignons and plaits.

3.Avoid layered cuts as these create misapprehensions of more vigor.

4.Do not use in large the heated hair styling tools, such as; tongs and straightening irons, as these may create strain and breakage of hair.

5.Use wigs and hair extensions or use hats, scarves and funky jewellary to draw attention away from your hairs.

6.Ask your hair dresser to monitor your hair growth, but not become obsessed about it.

7.Stress is a major trigger to hair loss. Try to stay positive.

Easy Hair Loss Cure

Hair loss and baldness is a common problem in our society. A number of men and women are facing hair problems and seeking for help. Hair problem badly affects ones social activities and especially the women. About 90% of men and women are suffering with hair problems, some time it is thinning of hair, sometime it is falling of hair and some time it is becoming bald.

In general, a person with less hair on his / her head is considered as less smart / beautiful as his / her counterpart who has hairy head with healthy hair.

Hair loss is clinically diagnosed as the deficiency of Biotin a vitamin of Vitamin B Complex group in the body. Vitamin B7 and vitamin H are other synonyms of Biotin.

It is said that, prevention is better than cure, so a person need to take vitamin H rich diet to maintain his / her body and hair health, as biotin is also important for other bodily functions. But no problem comes calling in life, so if you are being in hair problems, then you need to take necessary steps to prevent further loss and ultimately baldness.

Now, you definitely be interested in knowing, what are the steps, one has to take in case of Hair Problems??

Here is little Easy Hair Loss Cure advice, which you will like to follow, if you are facing Hair Loss Problems.

Different types of lotions, various medicines and shampoos in different fragrances are available in the market stores to prevent your hair. You can buy these hair loss products from a medical store in your locality. There are the products, which you can by only after a physicians prescription. The choice of selecting a hair loss product totally depends on the level of suffering you are going with.

The clinical root cause of hair loss may be any, like hereditary, hormonal imbalance and aging etc. And hence an individual need to receive medications accordingly. The blocking of hair follicles is found one major condition for hair problems. A hormone called dihydro testosterone in excessive quantity does the blocking of hair follicles, which ultimately results into hair problems. Dihydro testosterone is also pronounced as DHT. The effect of DHT in hair follicles can be neutralized using 5 alpha reductase, which is an inhibitor.

Nugen HP, Revivogen, and Hair genesis are some of the common hair loss products available in pharmacies and drug stores. All these medicines help in reducing the level of DHT and thus help in control of hair loss and promote healthy hair.

Nugen HP controls your problems naturally. This blocks the DHT in follicles and thus cures your hair problems. If you are facing hair problems, you must have to take proper nutritious balanced diet. Take a diet full with proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Hair genesis is very effective in hair problems. It is a natural DHT blocker and prevents hair loss in males.

Many more products are available in the medical and pharmacy stores, but while using any product, taking diet rich in nutrition is also equally important.

You also can use hair conditioners to prevent hair loss. Revivogen, Folligen, Tricomin, and Nisim are some of the hair conditioners.

Minoxdil is a drug, which is effective in case of youngsters hair problems.

So no matter, if you are facing hair problems, a no. of drugs, and conditioners are there to help you and prevent your hairs. But be cautious, take the advice of your doctor and have food enriched with vitamins and minerals and proteins. Hair loss is curable and with little extra effort you can have healthy hair on your head.

Choosing the hair loss remedy

Your external appearance and beauty of your hair contributes a lot to your personality. It is for this simple reason that there is too much rush for buying the cosmetic products The market today is flooded with a variety of cosmetic products which offer all kind s of hair loss solutions and hair loss cures.

Be careful while choosing a hair loss remedy

But before you choose a hair loss remedy for you, beware of the fake hair loss solutions and hair loss cures. It is always better to consult a doctor if you are suffering from hair loss. Hair loss can take place due to various medical conditions. It is quite possible that that your hair loss problem is not of permanent in nature and could be cured by some simple treatments.

Do not let over-the-counter drugs dupe you. You must diagnose the actual cause of your problem and search for the right kind of remedy.

Herbal hair loss remedies

Herbal hair loss solutions play important role in countering hair problems. Herbal remedies have always been popular in traditional Indian and Chinese medications. Of late, they have been dominating the Western world as well.
Reasons for their popularity

There are mainly two reasons for their popularity.

First, they have fewer side effects. They are the ideal hair loss cures if you are looking for safe, risk free procedures.

Secondly, they are very effective. No, they do not stand for any overnight solution. But you may certainly notice a difference in the thickness, strength, volume and sheen in your hair after using a herbal hair loss remedy. Herbal remedies increase circulation, disinfect the scalp and stimulate hair growth. There are some herbal remedies which also block the synthesis of DHT ( dihydrotestosterone) the natural inhibitor of hair growth.

Some of the herbal hair loss cures that you may find useful are as follows –

Green tea (Camellia sinesis) – Catechins in green tea inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. Therefore drinking green tea everyday is a fruitful treatment for male pattern baldness.

Ayurvedic Antistress Tea Consuming this mixed drink of Nardostachys jatamamsi and Bacopa monnieri 2 to 3 times a day relieves stress and prevents hair loss.

Ginko biloba – It intensifies blood circulation to the scalp and skin. Consuming 120-160mg of dry Ginko extract every day can keep your hair follicles rejuvenated.

Saw palmetto (Seranoa repens) This herb is known for slowing hair loss and encouraging hair regrowth. It is a core element of many hair loss formulations. The recommended dose is a 160mg capsule twice each day.

He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) – This Chinese herb is used in many commercial preparations for hair loss remedy.

Pygeum (Pygeum africanum) – Used to treat prostate problems and male pattern baldness. Recommended dosage is 60-500mg per day.

Stinging Nettle (Urtica diocia) – It blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT. It delivers wonderful results if taken in combination with Pygeum and Saw Palmetto.

If you are choosing a cosmetic hair product for your self, read its label carefully. Choose a product that is based on the above herbal supplements or contain the natural hair care products.

Besides these herbal remedies there are various dietary supplements which are essential for supplying the adequate nutrition to the hair follicles and ensure good health to your hair. Eating a diet rich in vitamin, minerals, and protein is the best hair loss remedy one can choose.