What Is Hormonal Hair Loss? Can It Be Controlled?

People lose hair for various reasons. Illness and medication, like chemotherapy to treat cancer, can cause hair loss. Hair loss can also be inherited from a parent. Often, hair thins because it is fine-textured, or because too many harsh chemicals have been used on it, so it breaks easily.

What if I have hormonal hair loss?

The following photos show typical female hormonal hair loss patterns.
Typical female baldness begins with a generalized thinning of the whole scalp. Contrary to male pattern baldness is that no receding hairlines or hair loss on the crown takes place.

A generalized thinning of the hair occurs. It is seldom that a man displays the same type of hair loss pattern as a woman

The thickened hair root prevents the hair bulb from returning back to its place in the skin. Because of this, new hair will be produced, but will not be able to settle. The growth phase will then be disrupted and the hair bulb will continuously produce new hair, which, instead of lasting the normal five years, will only become a few weeks or months old. Now you have constant hair loss!

Personally, I prefer products by L’Oreal, such as Excellence. It’s easy on the hair. It never made my hair feel any thinner and adding some auburn highlights to my brown hair always makes me feel like a new person. Because my hair is fine, I never use the enclosed conditioners with hair color products. Hair conditioners often make fine hair feel thinner and unmanageable. On the other hand, if you do want to use some conditioner, use only a fraction of what’s recommended! And never use conditioners on your scalp, just put some at the hair ends.

Another great product that I highly recommend is Rogaine. Rogaine has gained a reputation of being able to reverse the hair thinning process!

Bottom line: While we’re feeling the way we do during the menopausal years, I think it’s important to try anything to help ourselves feel and look better.

Now that you know a little more about what are the causes for hair loss, we urge you to find out more about how hair loss, or hair thinning can be prevented! Yes, it is true, there are many effective products on the market right now which has been proven to be truly effective in reversing thinning hair problems!

Choosing the hair loss remedy

Your external appearance and beauty of your hair contributes a lot to your personality. It is for this simple reason that there is too much rush for buying the cosmetic products The market today is flooded with a variety of cosmetic products which offer all kind s of hair loss solutions and hair loss cures.

Be careful while choosing a hair loss remedy

But before you choose a hair loss remedy for you, beware of the fake hair loss solutions and hair loss cures. It is always better to consult a doctor if you are suffering from hair loss. Hair loss can take place due to various medical conditions. It is quite possible that that your hair loss problem is not of permanent in nature and could be cured by some simple treatments.

Do not let over-the-counter drugs dupe you. You must diagnose the actual cause of your problem and search for the right kind of remedy.

Herbal hair loss remedies

Herbal hair loss solutions play important role in countering hair problems. Herbal remedies have always been popular in traditional Indian and Chinese medications. Of late, they have been dominating the Western world as well.
Reasons for their popularity

There are mainly two reasons for their popularity.

First, they have fewer side effects. They are the ideal hair loss cures if you are looking for safe, risk free procedures.

Secondly, they are very effective. No, they do not stand for any overnight solution. But you may certainly notice a difference in the thickness, strength, volume and sheen in your hair after using a herbal hair loss remedy. Herbal remedies increase circulation, disinfect the scalp and stimulate hair growth. There are some herbal remedies which also block the synthesis of DHT ( dihydrotestosterone) the natural inhibitor of hair growth.

Some of the herbal hair loss cures that you may find useful are as follows –

Green tea (Camellia sinesis) – Catechins in green tea inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. Therefore drinking green tea everyday is a fruitful treatment for male pattern baldness.

Ayurvedic Antistress Tea Consuming this mixed drink of Nardostachys jatamamsi and Bacopa monnieri 2 to 3 times a day relieves stress and prevents hair loss.

Ginko biloba – It intensifies blood circulation to the scalp and skin. Consuming 120-160mg of dry Ginko extract every day can keep your hair follicles rejuvenated.

Saw palmetto (Seranoa repens) This herb is known for slowing hair loss and encouraging hair regrowth. It is a core element of many hair loss formulations. The recommended dose is a 160mg capsule twice each day.

He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) – This Chinese herb is used in many commercial preparations for hair loss remedy.

Pygeum (Pygeum africanum) – Used to treat prostate problems and male pattern baldness. Recommended dosage is 60-500mg per day.

Stinging Nettle (Urtica diocia) – It blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT. It delivers wonderful results if taken in combination with Pygeum and Saw Palmetto.

If you are choosing a cosmetic hair product for your self, read its label carefully. Choose a product that is based on the above herbal supplements or contain the natural hair care products.

Besides these herbal remedies there are various dietary supplements which are essential for supplying the adequate nutrition to the hair follicles and ensure good health to your hair. Eating a diet rich in vitamin, minerals, and protein is the best hair loss remedy one can choose.

Female Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem amongst all the men and women. Many of the women of our society are facing the problems of hair fall and even going almost bald. The cause may be any but sometime it affects the confidence of women more in comparison to their male counterparts. Hair of a woman is the important asset to make her healthy and gorgeous. For many of the women hair problems are not only a biological setbacks but a part of self-esteem too.

The root cause of hair loss in women is not genetic but it is related to several other metabolic problems like, pregnancy, stress, chemotherapy, crash diets / anorexia, thyroid hormone deficiency, major surgery, sever infection or high fever. Hair loss in female due to above mentioned factors is normally temporary, so if you are facing hair loss and at the same time going through any of the above mentioned trauma, dont be panic, keep patience, take prescriptions and precautions and after all a diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Definitely your hair will grow again and as healthy as before.

The pattern of hair loss in females is completely different from males. While males go bald, the baldness in females is rare. The normally occurring pattern of hair loss in females are found as thinning and lessening in shaft hair diameter around the forehead and crown of the scalp. The pattern is more to be found in females in the forties. This pattern may also found in the females with the beginning of menopause. According to clinical trial and statistics, about 13 percent of females experience hair problems before menopause while this number is alarmingly high, about 37% for post menopause.

As a female grew old, the intensity and level of a hormone called Estrogen drops in her body. The estrogens blocks the steroid hormone pre menopause, which results in low level of DHT. Post menopause the level of DHT in females rises and some time it is so high that it causes hair problems.

Amongst commonly occurring post menopause hair problems are decline in hair growth, thinning of hair and general effluvium. As a female enters into her 80s, the follicle shrinks completely and hair growth stops.

Major Causes of Hair Loss in Females

The most common type hair problems diagnosed in females is Androgenetic alopecia inherited. However, this is most common cause of hair problems in males as well. Androgenic alopecia in females is seen as hair thinning which means the number of hair on female head heavily reduces. Since the reason of hair loss varies individual to individual and hence proper medical help is of utmost importance.

Some other common causes of hair problems of females are mentioned here:

1.Alopecia areata- This is patchy loss of hair from the scalp. Sometime eyebrows and other hair bearing parts begin losing hair. This type of hair loss is considered to be due to autoimmune.

2.Traction alopecia- This type of hair loss occurs because of continuous traction pressure on hair follicles. Sometime this may occur because of tight braiding or corn rowing of hair.

3.Trichtotillomania- This type is supposed to be cause of stress or result of some other psychological disorder.

4.Telogen effluvium- This is associated with poor nutrition, drugs and stress.

5.Loose anagen syndrome- This disease is more common in fair haired ladies. This is the situation in which bunch of hairs drops down while combing, shampooing, etc. Normally the scalp hair comes out very easily and this lessens the hair density on your head.