Understanding the Jekyll Hyde Male Menopause Syndrome

Andropause is a condition brought about by low levels of testosterone throughout the man’s body. It normally occurs in men aged 40 years old and above where they experience symptoms similar to women’s menopause. However, changes in men are gradual, characterized by fatigue, changes in moods and attitudes, and loss of physical agility, energy, and sex drive. Studies show that men may even acquire the Jekyll Hyde Syndrome or Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS) which can later on affect the people around him.

A lot of people are familiar with the book written by Robert Louis Stevenson entitled Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It speaks about human psyche dealing with the mind of a male in particular. Dr. Henry Jekyll has a life-long pursuit of separating man’s two natures to obtain the essence between evil and good.

Dr. Jekyll superiors and friends refused to help him. However, he succeeded in doing his experiments using his formula, but the results were shocking. Dr. Jekyll’s evil nature, Edward Hyde, surfaces with a separate identity. Hyde starts to murder those people who refuse to support Dr. Jekyll’s cause. From then on, Dr. Jekyll keeps on fighting to control his evil half.

It is really shocking that this transformation could occur with men undergoing andropause. Their attitudes can suddenly change from being once a loving and sensitive person to becoming mean and uncaring. Some wife does complain to their husbands that they completely changed from being Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde.

There are pointers to understand in the manifestation of this syndrome. Mostly, men who experience IMS can really change apparently overnight. He could appear so peaceful, loving, and contented but suddenly he freaks out as agitated, mean, and discontented. Other factor which triggers the condition involves a crisis of a relative or close friend. It could also be a difficulty in achieving his real identity since he has different roles such as being a father, a son, a husband, or a friend. This leads to confusion and fear thinking that he has to destroy his old version to move into something new.

IMS has affected a lot of men. It was mentioned earlier that plummeting testosterone levels can cause a man to become withdrawn and irritable which is considered an internal cause. However, external causes also trigger IMS in men. It can include physical injury or illness, or a relationship or job loss. So he thinks that his problems are caused by another person thus complaining more about it. Then he justifies it with anger to release the blame viewing the world via distorted lenses.

But not all men acquired IMS. There are four factors that should come together to develop IMS. It is determined by changes in hormones, brain chemistry, loss of identity, and stress levels. You just can’t easily rate men who are irritable and angry with IMS. They should take the tests to be sure that they have IMS since being irritable and angry are normal.

Men can seek counseling to treat IMS so that they could prevent themselves from becoming Mr. Hyde of course. Men having low levels of testosterone can have testosterone restoration. Right diet and exercise is also significant. Exercising can increase testosterone levels. But keep in mind that low-carb diets are not helpful. Low carbohydrates can lower serotonin levels making men irritable. Remember, understanding IMS and seeking proper help is worth all the effort.

Old Fashioned Cures: Arthritis And Home Remedy

Old Fashioned Cures: Arthritis And Home Remedy
Mike Herman

Arthritis is a disease that affects millions of individuals all
over the world.

Especially in this country, the number of arthritis sufferers is
staggering; especially considering that to this date, there is
no cure for the debilitating disease.

Scientists have been working towards finding a cure in addition
to finding reliable treatment programs that will allow patients
to live life free from joint pain and aggravation.

However, many sufferers are choosing to take the time to
research arthritis and a home remedy on their own, turning to
treatments used in generations past.

For those suffering from arthritis and pain, a home remedy may
be just the ticket to combat this disease.

A popular method of treating arthritis and a great home remedy
is supplements.

By simply including the necessary vitamins and minerals, along
with a quality diet, you can easily control your arthritis
problems. Much like any problem concerning the body, nutrition
is incredibly important.

Remember the old adage, “you are what you eat” and choose foods
that will benefit your body and condition.

For example, alfalfa contains a necessary ingredient in forming
bones and ensuring bone strength.

Another popular remedy is the aquatic herb Bogbean. Since the
herb works as an anti-inflammatory, eating this herb or taking
the herb in a supplement form can dramatically aid you in
combating arthritis.

Other types of popular remedies include nutrition rich plants
like ginger, known universally for its properties in fighting
joint pain and stiffness.

Whether you add ingredient into your diet or take supplements
containing the root, your joints are sure to the difference.

For individuals who are unable or unwilling to take typical over
the counter anti-inflammatory medications–including aspirin or
Advil–due to the harmful effects on the stomach, should
consider using Boswellia.

In addition to improving circulation and reducing inflammation,
Boswellia will not cause any gastrointestinal pain or bleeding.

About the author:
Learn More and Get the Type of Natural Remedies for Arthritis that Will
Help You With the Fatigue and Joint Pain Associated with

Menopause–The Silent Howl for Males

An aged man walks along the road when a frog shows up in all of a sudden, the frog uttered to him, If you will kiss me I will transform into a beautiful maiden. The man, after hearing the words of the frog, picks it up at once and places it inside of his purse. The frog in its great confusion asked the man, Why didnt you kiss me? But the man answers, I would prefer to have a frog talking inside of my purse.

This story can be likened to a satire wherein it depicts an aged man with a sexual insecurity. According to some researches, a man reaching the age of 50 and 60 are already not capable to perform for quite several reasons. And this situation is often associated to male menopause.

Nowadays, approximately 18 million of the male American population are affected with this dilemma on waning sexual potency, affected by the lowering of the testosterone level.

Moreover, this dilemma which is often termed as the midlife crisis for aging men does not solely affect their sexual potency; this also affects their mood, as well as their endurance, quite akin to the feelings of women when they are also reaching their menopausal period.

According to specialists, male menopausal may show various symptoms like frequent fatigue, grouchiness, the lowering of sex drive, decrease in lifes enjoyment, waning strength of erections, falling fast asleep after eating dinner, the ability in sports is gradually declining, lowering of strength ad stamina, and decrease in energy.

If a man above the age of 50 is experiencing three of the mentioned symptoms, there is a chance that it might already be a low testosterone syndrome.

There are statistical studies that also reveal the effects that can be related to the lowering of testosterone level, these are:

Reduce of libido level, this includes the eagerness for sex and the sexual thoughts
Reduce in muscle mass
Reduce of memory level
Increase of heart ailments

It is usual that on the part of the women, they often perceive that men will not go through to anything like what they will go through as they reach their midlife. However, with all these presented facts about male menopausal, it shows that women and men will be going through to a closely alike experience in the later years of their lives.

People frequently focus on the differences between the menopause of male and female that they tend to neglect the numbers of its similarities, like for instance the impulsive mood swings, anxiety and bad temper, the aching of neck and back, the lapses and loses of memory, the lowering of concentration, lowering of self-esteem, the feeling of gaining weight, and sickness or injury takes longer time to cure.

Although men go through some reproductive modification, they do not lose their capacity for reproduction, unlike women. However, because men are considered to have a sturdy performance in terms of sex, many of these men would prefer to keep the frog talking inside of his purse and dismiss the fact that it can transform into a beautiful maiden, than let the situation caused by male menopause insult his sexuality.

Note this, the fatigue brought by male menopausal dilemma is taken by these men quietly, yet, inside of them there is an out bursting howl.

A Guide in Surviving Male Menopause for Men and Women

A Guide in Surviving Male Menopause for Men and Women

The male menopause or andropause is a condition that all men will go through once they reach a certain age. It is something that everybody should know how to deal with, especially men and their spouse.

This condition is very similar to female’s menopause condition where there are also related symptoms. The cause of andorpause or male menopause is the decline of hormones as they age.

If you think men are spared from menopause, you should think again. The andropause condition or the male menopause condition will eventually affect all men once they reach a certain age. This particular condition is associated with the decline of male hormone levels that occurs at certain age, usually when men reach late 40’s or early 50’s.

The main symptoms of andropause are erectile dysfunction or failure to achieve erection, mood changes, night sweats, constant fatigue or tiredness, and also irritability and depression. Some even said that when men are suffering from andropause, they become more motherly than fatherly. They tend to be focused more on family and friends rather than the natural focus of men on money, career, and power in the early life before the andropausal stage.

Surprisingly, the change isn’t always noticed by men who are going through the andropausal stage. The men’s spouses do notice it and have constantly said that their husbands are going through the menopause.

There will also be physical changes associated with andropause, such as loss of hair in the armpits and axilla, shirking of the testicles, lessening of muscle mass, and also decreased muscle strength.

This change is due to the loss of androgens in a man’s body. Androgen’s is known to be the basic ingredient that makes up masculinity and because of the loss of this ingredient, physical change occurs.

Andropause may cause depression in men and because of their irritability; it may also cause depression in their spouses. This is why it is important for women to know how to deal with andropause and teach their husbands to know how to deal with it too. Here are some ways women can teach their husbands to cope up with the inevitable changes that andropause can cause:

The first thing a woman should teach her husband is to teach them how to love and reward themselves as well as love and reward others.

Men are usually abusive when it comes to alcohol and smoking. Teach men not to abuse alcohol and also quit smoking at the same time. Tell them that it will lessen the signs and symptoms of andropause or male menopause and also, will be healthier for them.

Lack of exercise is a known cause of early aging. This is why it is important to encourage men to exercise. This will prolong their youth and also slow down the physical changes that naturally occurs when people age.

Eating right is also one of the best ways to combat andropause. Teach men to eat qualitatively and not quantitatively. Tell them that it is more important to eat the right kind of food instead of eating more of the wrong kinds of food.

Andropause is inevitable and will eventually happen as men reach a certain age. Teach your husband to deal with it. Teach them to accept it in order to live life to the fullest. Tell them to seek out some hobby in order for them to take their mind off the condition.

These are some of the ways you can effectively help your husband when they are suffering from andropause. Always remember that this condition is unavoidable and it is relatively the same as menopause. The best thing you can do is accept it and enjoy it.