Facts about Hair Transplant Procedures

It is getting more common for people to get hair transplant procedures as the methods keep improving. It is just less obvious than in earlier times when everyone could spot a person with bad hair plugs. Yet, there are still a few facts about hair transplant surgery that are not widely known.

1. A large percentage of men have balding issues. In fact, 50% of American men that are 50 years old or older are dealing with some amount of hair loss. Hair problems in today’s society beg to be conquered. Some do it by shaving their heads completely. Others take the exact opposite route and have hair transplant surgery. Those who accept their baldness may have a healthy psyche, but they are slightly out of step with the rest of the world.

2. The procedure is permanent. If you decide you do not like the results, it is not as simple as taking off a wig to change your hair. You would have to go through many surgeries and your head may never look the same. This is why you should never accept any doctor’s offer to do a few hair grafts and see how you like it before doing a full hair transplant surgery. Once you start, you are committed.

3. You need several days of rest afterward hair transplant surgery. Since the operation is so easy to endure, you might think that you can jump up and go right back to your regular activities. It is just your scalp after all, not muscle or bone. The truth is that you have many small wounds and you need to protect them.

4. Hair transplant can be a time-consuming commitment. Treatment can often last one to two years. Mega-sessions where thousands of grafts are done in one sitting help to shorten the overall time. However, the length of these sessions is often grueling.

5. Hair transplant surgery may be combined with other procedures. If you do not have enough hair, you cannot have a normal hair transplant surgery. However, there are other surgeries that can be used in conjunction with hair transplant to achieve similar results. The difference is that these procedures are generally more painful.

6. The grafts may not survive. Few surgeons will divulge to you the fact that hair grafts do not always survive after hair transplant surgery. The hope is that only a few will be lost and the overall result will not suffer. The reality is that is what usually happens.

7. Hair transplant treatments do not cost as much as you think. For example, you might reasonably spend $12,000 on a hair transplant. If you got it done at age 30 and died at age 70, you would have the transplant 40 years.

That would average out to $300 per year, or $25 per month. Many of the supposedly low cost treatments for hair loss cost much more than $25 per month. You would actually save by getting the hair transplant surgery done in the first place.

Are Women Good Candidates for Hair Transplant Surgery?

Balding is not just a men’s problem; women often lose hair as they get older as well. You might wonder, if that is the case, why more women do not have hair transplant surgery. You may be surprised to know that many women are not good candidates.

Women usually have a different type of hair loss than men. Male pattern baldness uncovers parts of the top of the head. However, the sides and back of the head are usually covered with healthy balding-resistant hair follicles.

Men with this pattern of balding will have donor hair that survives the hair transplant process and flourishes long afterward. That is because a naturally-occurring enzyme in the body combines with testosterone to create a chemical called DHT. This chemical is responsible for the hair loss on the tops of men’s heads when they have male pattern baldness.

However, it does not affect the back and sides of their hair in most cases. These areas have healthy hair follicles and make excellent donor sites for hair transplant surgery. These are called stable sites because they remain unchanged over time rather than shrinking like the hair follicles affected by DHT do.

Female pattern baldness is different. In most cases, they do not have large areas of stable balding-resistant hair follicles. The sides and back of their hair tends to thin just as the front and top of the head do. The DHT affects all the areas of their hair.

Any hair follicles that are affected by DHT will simply fall out if they are moved by hair transplant procedures. Moving them from one place to another does not affect the basic nature of the hair follicle.

Also, women do not have the problem of receding hairlines in most cases. Their hair is lost in a more diffuse manner, thinning uniformly all over the head. It is not so much where their hair is that is the problem, but how much they have. Hair transplant surgery will not correct this problem. It is best used to move hair from one place to another.

There is a very small percentage – about 5% of all women with baldness problems – who are good candidates for hair transplant surgery. The thing that all these women have in common is that they all have healthy areas of hair follicles that can be used as donor sites.

For example, women with mechanical or traction Alopecia have lost their hair because they have scratched their head for a long period of time, they have used tight rollers or their hair has been pulled or stretched in any manner. These women almost always have an area of their hair that is unaffected. If they do, they can have hair transplant procedures.

Some women have cosmetic surgery and suffer hair loss around the incision sites. In these cases, hair transplant surgery can help. Other women actually have a pattern of hair loss that is similar to male pattern baldness. These women are able to have the surgery, too.

Finally, women who have suffered trauma from accidents or burns are good candidates for hair transplant procedures. If you are a woman with balding problems, is worth the time to consult with a doctor to find out if you are one of the women who can benefit from hair transplant surgery.

Why Are Some People Better Candidates for Hair Transplant Surgery?

Why Are Some People Better Candidates for Hair Transplant Surgery?

Just when you think you have found the solution to your problems with balding, you might discover that hair transplant surgery is not for everyone. It is discouraging, but do not give up hope until you investigate to find out if you are a possible candidate. You may be surprised.

The most important thing to remember is that you need hair for the hair transplant to your balding areas. The hair has to come from somewhere on your body. Wherever you take the hair from is called the donor site. There can be different donor sites for different people.

The most common donor site for hair transplant surgery is on the head. If the sides and back of your head have full lustrous hair, you are in luck. This hair can be used as donor hair to replace hair you have lost on your balding spots. If your hair in these areas is not healthy, you face a difficult problem – where does the surgeon get the hair?

A new procedure allows doctors to use donor hair from other parts of the body. For example, if a man has a particularly hairy chest, some hair can be used from that area as donor hair for the head. This hair transplant procedure requires a surgeon skilled in the latest techniques in order to keep scarring to a minimum.

Another aspect of choosing donor sites is the color of the hair being used in the hair transplant. If it does not match the area around the balding area, it will look unnatural. The texture should be even as well as the waviness or curliness of the donor hair and the area of hair around the balding area.

If you have lost your hair due to genetics, or a family history, you will likely be a good candidate for hair transplant surgery. Men who have hair loss in their families usually have a good idea of the way the baldness pattern will play out.

Your relatives may have had hair that went bald into a horseshoe pattern and held at that stage. If this is the case, your surgeon will know what to expect. Then, he can take “bald-proof” hair from the sides and back of your head as donor hair and perform the hair transplant.

If you have lost your hair because of some kind of trauma or burns, you will also make a good candidate for hair transplant surgery. This is because the hair you still have will probably still be healthy. It will provide good donor hair for your hair transplant. The most likely situation is that you will have enough hair to make this possible. However, if you have lost too much hair, a hair transplant may not be possible.

You can benefit greatly from hair transplant surgery if it is right for you. Do not give up on it until you talk to a surgeon. If your surgeon says that you are not a good candidate for hair transplant surgery, you may want to get a second opinion. However, if you are a good candidate for the procedure, it is nice to know that there is a good reason you are being accepted. It will make you more confident in your surgeon.

Vitamins and Hair Loss

Vitamins are necessary for your body health as well as hair health. Different vitamins contribute to maintain your body metabolism and hair growth. These also prevent your hair from falling. So it is very important for you to take different vitamins in your daily diet in sufficient quantity. Some of the most important vitamins and minerals that are necessary in maintaining your hair growth are biotin, folic acid, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and inositol.

Having these vitamins and minerals in enough quantity will prevent hair loss and maintain your hair growth. However, consuming these vitamins and minerals in excess may cause a lot of problem. So it is very important for you to know, how much of these vitamins and minerals you needs in your daily diet. You can take the help of your nutritionist to gain knowledge of this. You also can get sufficient information from internet websites and magazines etc.

Scientists have performed a number of tests on these vitamins and minerals to know how these helps human hair either to grow or prevent them. And from different studies the vitality of these vitamins and minerals for human hair has been established.

For example; scientists have found that a deficiency of magnesium results in hair loss in porches. Similarly, a deficiency of inositol or biotin result in total hair loss or complete baldness. Luckily, the complete baldness has never been the case with females, till date.

If you think that you are losing your hair and need some more vitamins to consume in your diet, you can choose from various food diet rich in vitamins necessary for hair growth.

You also can opt for multivitamins. But before choosing any option, it would be better in your interest to consult your doctor or nutritionist to know the exact intake that you need to have. As you know that the excess of vitamins and minerals also leads to problems like hair loss. So think for a minute, if the reason of your hair problems is an over consumption of vitamins and minerals.

For example: vitamin A is good for your immune system and your hair health if you consume in right quantity. But when taken in excess may cause hair problems and many other health problems too. Fatty acids are another example; different fatty acids maintain your hair texture and save them from dryness, but when consumed in excessive quantity leads to problems.

This is also in best interests of yours to prefer diet rich in different vitamins and minerals rather than opting for vitamin supplements and multivitamins. Make sure that your diet contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins and minerals. Eat whole grain breads, a lot of leafy green vegetables, especially greens and drink a lot of water. Include in your diet various dairy products like milk, cheese, butter and poultry products like egg, etc. Sea food like cod fish will also help your hair to make good, gorgeous and healthy.

Eat a lot of whole fruits. Although, you can have fruit juices occasionally but having more of whole fruits than fruit juices is much better idea.

You also can try on different shampoos and hair oils to maintain your hair health. But dont try any product on the basis of TV advertisements.

Ask your doctor or health care expert for the right kind of oil and shampoo that will prevent your hair from falling and make healthy and good looking.

No matter what you try for your hair health, it is always better idea to have food rich in different nutrients and vitamins and minerals to maintain your body and hair health.