Solving a Lasik Post Op Problem

I had Lasik vision correction surgery two years ago, and am quite glad I did. I think that my Lasik story might be helpful to some that consider that they might not be a perfect Lasik client, and are concerned about side effects after the Lasik procedure. I did have a significant side effect after my Lasik operation, but have weathered it well, and still recommend the operation highly.

My operation went exactly as described, with no pain or real discomfort at all. My Lasik physician was clear, stating each step that he completed so that I would know the Lasik procedure was proceeding as expected, and more quickly than I had imagined. I know that all of the discussion I had earlier with the Lasik professionals stated the operation generally took less than twenty minutes, but I was still surprised.

At the end of the operation, my Lasik doctor replaced the flap to its correct position in my eye and covered it with some kind of clear goop. Even at that time I could notice a distinct improvement in my vision. I was instructed to wear goggles over my eyes for five nights in order to prevent me rubbing my eyes while I was sleeping. I guess they assumed that any good Lasik patient would not do that when awake.

In addition, I followed all post-op Lasik procedure instruction to the letter. I slept immediately after the Lasik procedure was done (after I made it home, of course), used the eye drops religiously, and did not try to strain my eyes by reading everything that I could. I was amazed the immediate improvement in vision that Lasik makes, just as if there was a set of weightless contact lenses. Very impressive.

My biggest problem in Lasik procedure recovery was a result of epithelial erosion. The flap that is made in the eye during the Lasik procedure is made from epithelial cells. Once the flap is replaced at the end of the Lasik procedure, these cells start to regenerate in order to fill in the line where the flap has been cut. All of this is normal post-op Lasik healing. However, in my case the cells would grow fine, but at night my eyes tended to dry out when I was asleep. So, when I woke up, my eyelid would pull up some of the new cells from their place where they belonged, where if my eye was sufficiently moist they would have stayed in place.

I told this to my Lasik physician, who said this side effect just makes healing a little longer and it was not a serious side effect. When I went for a checkup to the Lasik center (which I highly recommend any time a Lasik client has any post-op worries or questions) they decided that I needed a thicker, more jelly like version of the eye drops to use at night. This worked well, and the rest of my post-Lasik recovery went well.
I am a strong advocate of the Lasik vision correction procedure. I also strongly suggest interviewing a number of positions, and do not put low cost as the highest priority. Your eyes are very important, and a highly competent Lasik physician is the most important factor.

Beauty: Your Hair Removal Options

Are you female? If you are, there is a good chance that you have an unlimited number of different issues to deal with on a daily basis. Many of those issues are likely health and beauty related, like hair removal. If you are having a problem with unwanted body hair, did you know that you dont have to suffer any longer? There are a number of steps that you can take to make this unsightly issue, disappear and possibly for good.

The first step in getting rid of your unwanted body hair is to examine all of your options. As you likely already know, there are a number of different ways to remove unwanted body hair. Some of these hair removal methods are temporary and others are more permanent. If you have had enough of dealing with your unwanted body hair, you will want to continue reading on.

When it comes to removing unwanted body hair, the most common method used is that of shaving. Many women, often a weekly basis, shave their unwanted body hair on their legs and armpits. While shaving is nice, it is a hair removal method that is temporary. That is why many women often end up saving once or even twice a week. It is also important to mention that shaving in certain areas, especially the face, can make unwanted body hair even worse. That is why you may want to take the time to examine your other options.

Speaking of your other options, for removing unwanted body hair, another one of your options is that of waxing. Waxing is a popular hair removal method, as there are a number of different ways to undergo it. Waxing is commonly offered as a service at many hair salons, beauty salons, and spas. With that in mind, there are also home waxing kits that you can buy to perform your own wax jobs right in the comfort of your own home. Additional reasons as to why waxing is a popular hair removal method is because it is affordable and more permanent than shaving.

Another one of the many ways that you can remove your unwanted body hair is by using hair removal creams. Hair removal creams are often marketed as an easy way to remove unsightly body hair. While this is true, not all hair removal creams work the same. This means that you may have to experiment with multiple brands of hair removal cream to find the cream that works the best for you. Should you decide to use hair removal cream, as a way to remove your unwanted body hair, it is important that you read all directions, as some hair removal creams can only be used on certain areas of your body safely.

Although waxing is more permanent than shaving, many individual who use waxing to remove their unwanted body hair have to do so on a monthly basis. If you are looking to remove your unwanted body hair for good or at least for a period of one year or more, you will want to examine laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is one hair removal method that is rapidly increasing in popularity, as it is often permanent for many individuals.

Despite the fact that laser hair removal is increasing in popularity, there still many women who opt not to undergo a laser hair removal procedure. One of those reasons is due to cost. Yes, it can be expensive to undergo a laser hair removal procedure, but you need to think long-term. When compared to the cost of shaving, waxing, or buying hair removal creams overtime, you may be able to save a considerable amount of money with laser hair removal.

The above mentioned laser hair removal methods are just a few of the many that you have to choose from. If your unwanted body hair is such an issue that you hate going out in public, you may want to consider consulting with your primary care physician for professional advice.


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More Symptoms Associated With the Male Menopause Condition

Everyone knows that menopause is associated with women who reach a certain age. However, not many people are aware that menopause will also be experienced by the male population when they also reach a certain age. The male menopause condition or also known as andropause is very real and as a male, you have to be informed about it in order to cope with it.

Male menopause occurs when you reach the age of about 50 to early 60’s. The signs and symptoms of male menopause are quite similar to what women experience when they are going through the menopause.

However, unlike the female menopause where the production of hormones stops instantly, the male menopause will only decline in the production of male hormones called testosterone. This decline will result in the different signs and symptoms that you will experience when you go through male menopause.

Male menopause will have symptoms similar to menopause that women experience, such as fatigue, infertility, hot flashes, and mood swings. However, there are more symptoms that men should be aware of when they experience male menopause.

You have to consider that you will also experience erectile dysfunction, loss of interest in sex, depression, and anxiety. There are also other symptoms linked to male menopause. Some men reported that they became more motherly. It is a fact that males are more focused on money, power, and career. When they experience male menopause, they somewhat reported that they became more focused on family, and friends, which is the primary concerns of women. Sometimes they say that they regretted their former attitude.

Males will also experience loss of hair in the armpits and axilla, decreased sex drive, shrinking of testicles, impotence, constant feeling of tiredness, decreased muscle strength, decreased muscle mass, decreased bone density, and low sperm count. All these symptoms points to male menopause.

This is all due to the loss of androgens in the male’s body. This is why there is testosterone replacement therapy as a treatment for men who are going through male menopause. It has been found that testosterone replacement can significantly improve your condition and decrease the signs and symptoms of male menopause.

There are also other treatments that are not as complicated as testosterone replacement therapy that you can do in order to improve your condition. However, it is recommended that you should mix these activities with testosterone replacement therapy. It is recommended that men should relax and rest well, exercise, eat the right kinds of food, and abstain from drinking and smoking.

Together with testosterone replacement therapy, you will see that it will significantly improve your condition. You will see that it will increase your sex drive or your libido, increase your muscle mass and strength, increase bone density, and it will also prevent depression.

Before you jump up and get yourself treated with testosterone replacement therapy, it is very important that you should consult your doctor first. The doctor will be able to determine if you have a low testosterone level by conducting a series of tests. The doctor will also be the one to recommend you to a qualified professional to do the testosterone replacement therapy.

Always remember that testosterone replacement therapy will not cure male menopause. It can only relieve the symptoms you experience associated with male menopause and can help you cope up with this condition. Just remember the signs and symptoms of male menopause and you can easily determine if you need to visit your doctor.

How Are Eyebrow Hair Transplant Procedures Different?

It is not unusual for men to have hair transplant surgery for male pattern baldness. Even female baldness is discussed on commercials for hair transplant clinics. A less common use of hair transplant surgery is to replace eyebrow hair. However, this procedure is quite different from other hair transplant surgeries.

It is important to replace eyebrow hair that has fallen out because it is such an integral part of the human face. People realize that men have receding hair lines and balding on the tops of their heads. It is not out of the ordinary to see a woman with thinning hair. Yet, look at a person without eyebrows and the effect will be disturbing. Eyebrows are just expected.

Some people have hair transplant surgery to their eyebrows because the hair has simply fallen out over time. Others have thyroid disease or other diseases that affect their hair. A certain type of alopecia results in eyebrow loss. Excessive plucking can be a problem, too. Burns, tattoos, and infections can cause the eyebrow hair to fall out, and some people just are not able to grow eyebrows at all.

Hair transplant surgery for eyebrows is different because eyebrows are different from scalp hair. For one thing, the hair has a distinct growth pattern with each section of the eyebrow pointing in a different direction. The hair forms a sharp angle so that it grows out and then flat to the face. Scalp hair has a much gentler angle.

Eyebrow hairs do not grow in the same type of follicular units as scalp hair. Rather than growing in groups of one to four hairs, they are simply single strands of hair. You can see this if you look carefully in the mirror at your eyebrows. Hair transplant methods have to take this fact into account.

When doctors do hair transplant surgery to replace eyebrows, they have to make sure that they put the hairs in so that they will point in the natural hair direction. For this, the surgeons use very fine gauge needles. They must also use this to help the hair to lie flat.

Because the eyebrow hair is made of individual hairs, hair transplant surgery must involve creating those single units of hair. To do this, hair is taken from the scalp, just as in other hair transplant procedures. Then, the follicular units are divided into individual hair grafts. This is done with a stereomicroscope.

Inserting these micro-grafts is a very tricky business. Creating the correct angles is difficult. If the patient does not have straight hair, her curly hair must be inserted by rotating it so that it lies even with the curve of the brow that is being made.

One drawback to eyebrow hair transplant surgery is that eyebrow hair, which usually does not grow, will grow and need to be cut because it is actually scalp hair. Also, when the wounds heal, the lay of the eyebrows may change and not be so natural.

However, if you need hair transplant surgery to replace your eyebrows, it is usually a much better alternative than other choices you have. Eyebrows drawn in with eyebrow pencil do not look natural at all, and the option of going without eyebrows is unthinkable to many people. Hair transplant surgery may just be your best bet.