Symptoms of Arthritis

Symptoms of Arthritis
John Robben

Symptoms of Arthritis

In a previous article, we discussed what Arthritis is and its
many forms, now it is time to take a look at the symptoms of
Arthritis. Arthritis shows up in various ways. Some of the first
symptoms include things like knees cracking when you stand up,
general pain or swelling around joints that lasts for more than
two weeks, you may also notice that pain in your joints
increases as you move, also you may notice increased stiffness
in your joints when you wake up in the morning, and your joints
may appear red and feel warm to the touch.

Some other symptoms of Arthritis include fever, a sense of
feeling tired all the time, even a feeling that you have the
flu. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is imperative
that you see your doctor or physician at once. Only a doctor can
truly diagnose whether you have Arthritis, and because there are
over 100 forms of Arthritis, it is also important to determine
which form of Arthritis you have. The different forms of
Arthritis have different symptoms as well. It is also important
to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, since Arthritis
has no known cure, the sooner you seek treatment and begin a
regimen of care, and the better your results of managing your
Arthritis will be. Your treatment plan may include things such
as a specific course of medicine, plenty of rest, adequate diet,
and proper nutrition, losing weight if you are overweight, and
in severe cases, surgery may be required. In future articles we
will look at treatment options, from Acupuncture to Zinc.

Is it Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis?

We’ve discussed that there are over 100 forms of Arthritis. The
most common forms are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and
Gout. All of these forms have different symptoms and require
testing by your physician for an accurate diagnosis. Here are
some of the symptoms and differences between Rheumatoid
Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis:

Osteoarthritis Typically begins in one Joint Osteoarthritis
Typically affects only the Joints Osteoarthritis does not
affect Internal Organs Osteoarthritis affects Cartilage
Osteoarthritis causes Stiffness in the Joints when waking in the
Morning Osteoarthritis is a Result of Wear and Tear on the body

Osteoarthritis is a result of cartilage being broke down. As
this takes place, the bones rub together. This typically happens
in the knees, hips, hands, and spine. Unfortunately, when the
pain sets in there has already been a substantial loss and
damage to the cartilage.

Rheumatoid Arthritis has different symptoms than Osteoarthritis.
Here are the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Symptoms of
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Extreme Tiredness and Fatigue Low Grade Fever Muscle Pain
and Aches Appetite Loss Painful and Swollen Joints Redness
and Heat at the Joint Site

Typically, Rheumatoid Arthritis affects the joint of the body in
a symmetrical fashion. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systematic
disease and it often affects other organs in the body, and not
just joints.

The symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis often appear, and then
enter a state of remission. There is no proven reason as to the
exact cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis, however it has been
suspected that bacteria, fungi, and infections may cause it.
There has also been evidence that Rheumatoid Arthritis is a
hereditary condition. It is also believed that certain triggers,
such as poor nutrition, stress, and infection can bring on
Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Stay tuned for our next article, “Osteoarthritis: Cause and

About the author:
Written by John
Robben of Ultimate Water Massage, Inc. Providing Massage
Services and Pain Relief products. Visit our
Arthritis Information

Dental Extractions

Dental extractions are among the easiest and best ways to get relief from a toothache. As the name implies, an extraction involves removing the tooth. If your pulp has died or the tooth has become severely infected, extraction may be your only route. Depending on the tooth, the dentist can do either a simple extraction or a more complicated extraction.

Simple extractions
These types of extractions, the simple extractions, are the most common in the world of dentistry. During a simple extraction, the dentist will remove the tooth by loosening the gums around the socket. He will grasp the tooth with forceps and move it from side to side until he can get it to break free from the socket and remove it.

The teeth are held to the bone by a thin piece of soft tissue. This soft tissue is known as the periodontal ligament. The dentist uses this tissue to remove the tooth. As you may know, the key to removing a tooth by pulling is to rock the tooth from side to side, which enlarges the socket in the bone and breaks the ligament that helps to hold the tooth in place.

Simple extractions, also known as pulling, dont take long to complete. The dentist will numb you before he starts, so you wont feel anything. Depending on the tooth, pulling it will normally take just a few minutes after you have been numbed with local anesthesia. Once completed, the dentist will place gauze in your mouth to bite on and you will be free to go.

Complex extractions
As we all know, not all teeth can be pulled. Sometimes, the tooth will be so decayed or broken off that the dentist will have nothing to grasp above the gum line. In cases such as this, the dentist will need to perform a more complicated extraction, which involves getting the tooth out below the gum line, as he wont be able to use the standard method of pulling and rocking.

These types of extractions involve the dentist making an incision in the gums around the tooth, and raising the flap he cut to expose the bone. Once he has exposed the bone, there may be enough of the tooth exposed for the dentist to grab and remove it using the pulling method. In most cases however, the tooth will be embedded in the bone, meaning that the dentist will be unable to pull the tooth out.

With teeth that are imbedded in the bone, the dentist will need to use a drill and chip away at the bone to get to the tooth. This is known as cutting the tooth out, and happens to be very common with impacted teeth or teeth that are severely decayed. Once the dentist has cut his way to the tooth and removed it, he will sew back the flap of skin that he cut to get to the tooth. The flap of skin and the socket will heal over time – providing you take care of it.

Dental extractions are very common, and happen on a daily basis for dentists. Oral surgeons are the best for extractions, as extractions are all they do. All types of extractions, even the most complex, will take time to heal. As long as you take care of your extraction site, youll avoid common pitfalls such as dry sockets and other mishaps. Although they can be painful once the procedure is over – youll eventually start to feel a lot better once you have had the tooth or teeth removed.

Whirlpool Air Purifiers: Reviewed

If you are a homeowner, there is a good chance that you have heard of Whirlpool before. Whirlpool is a well-known and well-trusted company. They make and sell a wide variety of different products. These products include, but are not limited to, ovens, dishwashers, washers, dryers, refrigerators, and air conditioners. In addition to the previously mentioned items, Whirlpool also makes and sells air purifiers. If you are in the market for a new air purifier, whether that air purifier is for your home or for your office, you are advised to examine what Whirlpool air purifiers can do for you.

Whirlpool currently has two different types of air purifiers available for sale. These air purifiers include the Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier and the Whirlpool Air Purifier. Each of the air purifiers are great for those who are looking to clean up the air inside their home or their office. Both air purifiers are considered well performing, due to their use of HEPA filters. It has been noted that HEPA filters are the best type of filters for air purifiers.

With the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, you are not only getting a top of the line air purifier, but you are also getting an air purifier that is considered energy efficient. In fact, the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier is considered an Energy Star product. Another reason why you may love this air purifier is because it has a sleep mode, as well as a change filter indicator. It is also important to note that the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier is qualified to clean the air in rooms with up to 510 square feet.

The Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier tends to cost a little bit more than most air purifiers. Despite the cost, which typically ranges around $300, you need to remember one thing. The air purifier is designed to clean the air in rooms up to 510 square feet. Most of the low-costing air purifiers can only clean the air of rooms with 200 to 300 square feet. In addition to the original purchase price of the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, you also need to consider the cost of the replacement filters. These replacement filters cost around $100; however, replacement filters are only needed about once a year.

The other air purifier developed and sold by Whirlpool is often referred to as the traditional Whirlpool Air Purifier. Despite sometimes being referred to as traditional, this air purifier is just as effective as the one mentioned above. In reality, the only difference between the two is the amount of space that it covers. Instead of covering 510 square feet, like the above mentioned Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, this model is only effective at cleaning the air in spaces that are up to 250 square feet. That is why you will find that the cost is a little bit lower.

The cost of the Whirlpool Air Purifier, which is also considered an Energy Star product, is around $200. In addition to the originally cost of purchase, you also need to examine the cost of replacement filters. These replacement filters cost around $100 each. Replacement filters need to be replaced whenever the replacement filter light is activated, which tends to be about once every year.

In addition to all of the features mentioned above, Whirlpool air purifiers, including the Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, as well as the traditional Whirlpool Air Purifier, are known as being extremely quiet. In fact, you might even say that they are silent. Whirlpool stands behind the quietness of their air purifiers, so much that they offer a 30 day money back guarantee. That guarantee states that if their air purifier isnt as quiet as the air purifier that you are replacing, they will take the product back and return your money.

If you would like more information on the above mentioned Whirlpool air purifiers, you are urged to visit the online website of Whirlpool. That online website can be found by visiting

Planning for Your Hair Transplant Surgery

It takes courage to take the first steps in going through with hair transplant surgery. Planning for the procedure is necessary before you even make the final decision to have it done. Once that step is completed, you will be ready to start the preparations for your surgery.

Before you are approved for a hair transplant procedure, the doctor will have to sign off on you. You must be deemed appropriate for the surgery. It may seem that everyone would be approved, but there are several reasons why you may not be.

The doctor will explore both the hair loss you have suffered, and the hair growth you still have. This is very important, because knowing where the donor hair for the hair transplant will come from is imperative.

The doctor will also want to know the patterns of baldness and hair growth in your family history. This will give an idea of whether there is hope for a good result that will last for a fair amount of time. You will also need to reveal to the doctor if you have had any hair replacement surgery before.

To get an idea of how you will react to having a hair transplant procedure done, the doctor will ask many questions. He will want to know the basics of your lifestyle as they relate to your health and hair.

The doctor will also want to know what you think will change when you have your hair transplant. If your expectations are too high, you may be referred to counseling before a reputable doctor will perform a hair transplant. If you are positive yet realistic, you may be ready for the next step.

Next, the doctor will get all the facts on your health that are related with surgical procedures. Uncontrolled high blood pressure would be a problem. If you are on anti-clotting medications such as Coumadin, you would have to stop taking them for awhile before having a hair transplant.

People who have a history of excessive scarring might want to think twice about getting a hair transplant. Scars are usually a part of the procedure because the donor hair is taken from the back and sides of the scalp. There, scars are formed when it is removed.

If you get this far into the plan and are approved for surgery, the doctor will begin to discuss the day of the hair transplant itself. You will be assessed and told exactly what hair transplant procedure will be done. The doctor will discuss where this procedure is to take place.

The doctor will give you information like how long it will take for you to treat you transplants like normal hair. He will also give you an idea how different you will look after the hair transplant.

Getting a hair transplant is a big step, but with good planning, you can be sure you are making the right decision. Any respectable doctor will work with your well-being in mind to make sure you are doing the right thing.