Old Fashioned Cures: Arthritis And Home Remedy

Old Fashioned Cures: Arthritis And Home Remedy
Mike Herman

Arthritis is a disease that affects millions of individuals all
over the world.

Especially in this country, the number of arthritis sufferers is
staggering; especially considering that to this date, there is
no cure for the debilitating disease.

Scientists have been working towards finding a cure in addition
to finding reliable treatment programs that will allow patients
to live life free from joint pain and aggravation.

However, many sufferers are choosing to take the time to
research arthritis and a home remedy on their own, turning to
treatments used in generations past.

For those suffering from arthritis and pain, a home remedy may
be just the ticket to combat this disease.

A popular method of treating arthritis and a great home remedy
is supplements.

By simply including the necessary vitamins and minerals, along
with a quality diet, you can easily control your arthritis
problems. Much like any problem concerning the body, nutrition
is incredibly important.

Remember the old adage, “you are what you eat” and choose foods
that will benefit your body and condition.

For example, alfalfa contains a necessary ingredient in forming
bones and ensuring bone strength.

Another popular remedy is the aquatic herb Bogbean. Since the
herb works as an anti-inflammatory, eating this herb or taking
the herb in a supplement form can dramatically aid you in
combating arthritis.

Other types of popular remedies include nutrition rich plants
like ginger, known universally for its properties in fighting
joint pain and stiffness.

Whether you add ingredient into your diet or take supplements
containing the root, your joints are sure to the difference.

For individuals who are unable or unwilling to take typical over
the counter anti-inflammatory medications–including aspirin or
Advil–due to the harmful effects on the stomach, should
consider using Boswellia.

In addition to improving circulation and reducing inflammation,
Boswellia will not cause any gastrointestinal pain or bleeding.

About the author:
Learn More and Get the Type of Natural Remedies for Arthritis that Will
Help You With the Fatigue and Joint Pain Associated with

Arthritis Remedies For A Much More Active Life

Most, if not all, sufferers of arthritis have been exposed to the medical pills, ointments and treatments for arthritis. All of which might or might not have worked to varying degrees and so searching around for arthritis remedies that will bring some relief has become central to their lives, which is no surprise really because arthritis is a painful condition to try and live with.

As well as trying to live with the pain, there is the added knowledge that arthritis can ravage the body and leave the sufferer with debilitating and disabling joints that will severely affect a persons standard of living and ability to do everyday things.

Arthritis remedies then usually begin in how to effectively manage and eliminate the pain associated with this condition. One of the main methods of managing arthritis is to look at the diet of the sufferer. It is widely held that switching the diet from one that is high in animal proteins and processed foods to a diet that closely resembles a vegan diet is highly effective in treating arthritis. Foods such as red meats, rich dairy products such as cheeses and eggs etc. should be replaced by nuts, whole grains and fruits and vegetables.

Arthritis remedies that involve reducing the swelling that this disease causes in the joints of the sufferer are highly thought of and suggested. Ice packs applied to a newly affected joint is a proven method to ease pain and reduce painful swelling. However, what needs to be added to this point, is that icing a joint can often lead to the joint stiffening and becoming inflexible. It is for this reason that icing of an arthritic joint is usually suggested at the end of the day.

Alternatively, applying heat to the affected joint also works well as arthritis remedies go. Heat works the opposite way to ice and so the best time to often use a hot water bottle or heat pack is at the beginning of the day. The joints have been stiffened throughout the night and a warm heat pack can often loosen up the joints and give more flexibility for the rest of the day.

It might sound counter-intuitive, but exercise is also a proven remedy for arthritis. Of course depending on the level of mobility that a suffer might have, exercise in its full range might not be possible. However as soon as arthritis is diagnosed, exercise should be placed at the top of the list. Without exercise, the bones and joints quickly become stiff and immobile and any hope of reclaiming the flexibility needed to live an independent and active life might disappear for good.

Massaging the affected joints with soothing oils, incorporating exercise and adjusting the diet are all proven and worthwhile arthritis remedies that can effectively offer relief and a much better quality of life to anyone struggling with arthritis.

What Is Arthritis?

What Is Arthritis?
Michael Russell

Arthritis is probably one of the most misunderstood of all diseases.
Quite honestly if you ask the average person in the street exactly what
arthritis is you won’t get an answer that’s even close. All they know is
that something hurts but don’t have a clue as to exactly what or why.
Before I go into the types and causes of arthritis I’m just going to throw
some facts at you. All of this can be gotten at the official web site if you
look hard enough for it.
1. In 1985 about 35 million people were diagnosed with arthritis.
Twenty years later the number is up to over 65 million.
2. Arthritis is the most common disability of Americans over the age of
15. Yes, young people can get arthritis.
3. Only heart disease is a greater cause of work disability.
4. The cost for treating arthritis in the US alone is over 86 billion
dollars each year.
5. Over 300,000 children have arthritis.
6. Half the people who have arthritis think there is nothing that can be
done for the condition.
7. There are actually over 100 different diseases associated with
8. Woman are more affected than men. The current numbers are 26
million women and 16 million men with doctor diagnosed arthritis.
How many of us knew all this? I certainly didn’t until doing some
research. Oh I knew about the poor lady in my church who’s about to
go in for knee replacement surgery and lives on pain killers. But I had
no idea this disease was this common.
So what IS arthritis?
A book can be written on the various forms of arthritis but the most
common MYTH of what arthritis is, aches and pains associated with
getting older, needs to be dispelled with quickly if people are going to
understand the disease. As I stated earlier, arthritis has nothing to do
with age as many children get it. Yes, it is more prevalent in older
people but it is not restricted to the elderly. Arthritis is a disease of the
skeletal system, mostly the joints which is where two or more bones
meet. Joint problems include pain, stiffness, inflammation, and
damage to the joint cartilage, which is the tough, smooth tissue that
covers the ends of the bones so that they can glide against each
other. It is the deterioration of this tissue that causes the pain because
what happens is you get bone rubbing against bone. The pain can
become so bad that it can interfere with everyday activities such as
walking or even trying to stand up from a chair.
However this is only one form of arthritis and only part of the problem.
Some forms of arthritis, called Rheumatoid arthritis effects the body’s
immune system and can ultimately end up damaging the heart,
lungs, kidneys, blood vessels and skin.
This is the most serious form of arthritis.
In my next article I am going to cover various treatments for arthritis
and their side effects.

About the Author
Michael Russell provides an online guide to arthritis which includes useful articles and resources for humans and pets.

Try Holistic Treatment For Arthritis Pain

Try Holistic Treatment For Arthritis Pain
Mike Herman

If you dislike taking over the counter or prescription
medications to control your stiff, swollen joints, consider
trying a holistic treatment for arthritis pain.

These treatments allow patients to avoid medications that can
potentially interact with current medications or conditions
while still ensuring they are free from pain and keep their
range of mobility.

Although a holistic treatment for arthritis pain may seem
unusual or unique, many of these treatments have garnered a
great deal of success in patients of all advancements of the

Furthermore, these treatments will allow arthritis sufferers to
experience a better overall sense of health and well-being,
since the treatments tend to focus on the entire body instead of
just the afflicted area.

When it comes to finding a holistic treatment for arthritis
pain, consult your physician regarding alternative options to
traditional prescription medications.

More and more arthritis sufferers are choosing these homeopathic
treatments, especially with the recent controversy surrounding
Vioxx, the prescription medication proposed as a cure-all for
arthritis pain, but proved to cause more serious problems,
including heart problems and even strokes.

Consider ancient Eastern exercises like Tai Chi. This slow
moving and stretching form of exercise is popular with
individuals of all ages.

In addition to slowly using all the muscles and joints in the
body, Tai Chi is an excellent way to achieve an introspective

Another great alternative method for treating arthritis pain is
to consult an acupuncturist.

Using age old techniques for identifying the parts of the body
thought to be connected, your pain, swelling, and stiffness
associated with arthritis can be diminished.

Another homeopathic method of treating arthritis without using
prescription medication is to use all natural herbs, vitamins,
and minerals instead.

This is an excellent way to ensure you do not experience any
problems with arthritis while not being at risk for drug

About the author:
Learn More About How You Can Treat and Live with Asthma at Asthma-Explained.com