Using Aromatherapy During Pregnancy and Birth

The use of essential oils in aromatherapy has been used for centuries. Frankincense and Myrrh were noted in biblical times as a heavily useful meditation fragrance. It is well known that using essential oils can help alleviate a lot of the aches and pains that come with the days stress and anxiety. Although the term aromatherapy is now used, it did not become a common term until the 1920s.

The main ingredient in aromatherapy is the essential oils. Essential oils are extracted from various plants that contain therapeutic effects. The extract is removed, distilled, and bottled in pure form. They are highly potent oils, and they need to be diluted before proper use as an inhalant or cream.

There are a variety of ways to use the essential oils. Before choosing, you should research and study which essential oil is best for your condition. Test the fragrance to make sure there are no allergies. Place a small amount of diluted solution on your skin to make sure that it will not cause any skin irritations.

Place a few drops in a bath and relax your mind and body. Preparing a warm bath and diluting essential oils in the bath can relieve you from mind fatigue. It is incredibly relaxing which is important for an expectant mother. They can also help relieve the aches and pains from your muscles or the tension from the days events. If you prefer to take a shower, place some droplets behind the drain where the oil can have time to dilute. The warm shower water will dilute the oil leaving an incredibly soothing fragrance.

Although many essential oils have individual benefits, there are also good combinations. Certain combinations of key essential oils can provide a more potent way to treat mental issues and emotional imbalances. They can also help you regain memory and get rid of irritability.

Essential oils are also great for massage use. Tiny droplets diluted in massage oils can enhance a massage by relieving tension in muscles and helping soothe sore aches and pains. Use the oils on the temples, forehead, and scalp creates a relaxing effect that removes headaches and leaves your mind refreshed and clear.

Pregnant women are prone to hormonal imbalances that cause stress and anxiety. Aromatherapy can be used to help pregnant women relax and help balance their emotions. Small amounts can be placed in bath water or in a vaporizer to inhale the therapeutic scents. Below is a list of essential oils that will help you relax during your pregnancy.


Lavender is a restoring fragrance that helps relax the mind. It can put you in a euphoric state of rejuvenation and clear your mind from the days stress. It is also said to strengthen contractions.


This oil is a mild fragrance that calms the mind and the body. It is best for irritability and anxiety. Used in moderation, this fragrance can help you relieve stress and deal with emotional imbalances.


Neroli is an essential oil that helps with depression. It removes the negative thoughts from your mind and helps you relax. It can also help with insomnia and other stress related illnesses.


Bergamot is an effective mood enhancer that also helps you deal with depression. It will clear your mind and the citrus scent uplifts your spirit.


Word Count 560

How Do I Choose an Essential Oil?

Depending on your needs, you should carefully choose which essential oil is best for you. Essential oils can be used in aromatherapy or even as a diluted topical cream for different skin breakouts. Most mood enhancing essential oils are used in aromatherapy for mental fatigue, stress, and anxiety. If physical uses are the focus of your needs, then using essential oils that help with rashes or acne problems would be more beneficial. It is important to use the proper essential oil or you may find yourself frustrated from inactivity.

Before choosing an essential oil that is perfect for you, doing research and reading articles related to several essential oils will help you decide. Some essential oils are better as mood enhancers. If you suffer from depression or low self esteem, certain essential oils will properly help lift your spirits and increase your mood so that you can be more active during the day. You can also ask a professional or qualified consultant to help you choose. A professional can help you choose which essential oil will quickly help your condition with the best efficiency.

After you choose an essential oil it is important to test it prior to using it. Essential oils should never be applied without testing a small area of the skin. The oils should also never be used without first diluting the extract. Essential oils are potent, so using them on the skin without diluting can cause a rash or burn. Conversely, dilute a small drop in a few milliliters of vegetable oil. Spread the essential oil cream on a small area of your skin and observe for twenty four hours. If your skin becomes irritated or red, then you may be allergic to that specific oil. Use this method even before burning essential oils for aromatherapy.

After checking for allergies, it is time to use the essential oils. There are several different methods that you can use. Below is a list of ways to inhale or apply the essential oils for the different therapeutic effects. It is important to use them the way they are intended for the best benefits.


A diffuser will allow you to inhale the essential oils. Put a few drops of essential oils into the diffuser with water. Some essential oils can be used just with the heat, so make sure to read the directions. A diffuser will evaporate the essential oils into the air, and most come with a timer so that they can be used while sleeping.

Dry Evaporation

Dry evaporation is a more simple way to inhale the essential oils. You can place a few drops on a cotton swap or tissue and allow it to evaporate into the air. If you need a quick, strong scent inhale the fragrance directly from the cotton swap. For a less potent effect, allow the essential oils to evaporate on the tissue or cotton swap and leave it in the general vicinity of where you will remain for about an hour.


Steam is a simple way to inhale the essential oil aroma. Place a few drops into a steaming bowl of water. The oils will quickly vaporize into the air. Place a towel over your head and place your head close to the steam and inhale. The fresh fragrance of the essential oils will penetrate your senses and help you feel refreshed.


Word Count 569

Get Beautiful Skin through Essential Oils

While essential oils are mainly used for mental health, they can also be used to help fight off painful acne. The benefits of essential oils on acne can eliminate current acne and keep your skin beautiful and healthy. Your skin is sensitive to environmental changes, stress, and oily buildup that can lead to dreadful acne. Some essential oils have the ability to fight off acne breakouts. Some people take medication to fight off acne without knowing their side effects. Using essential oils is a way to naturally remove acne and keep your skin clear.

Essential oils are non greasy, so they will not cause a buildup and clog your pores. They will do quite the contrary. In fact, using essential oils on acne are good ways to spot treat existing acne without using harsh treatments. The list below is several essential oils that will help you fight acne, remove blemishes, and tighten small premature wrinkles.

You may already use essential oils without your knowledge. Some manufacturers of fine creams and moisturizers already use essential oils in small amounts in their ingredient list. The fragrance can be detected in some creams that you buy over the counter. Designing your perfect beauty regimen is difficult to do without the use of essential oils. Their benefits bring healthy skin and a smooth, radiant glow your facial features. The essential oils used in popular acne products have been used for therapeutic effects for years.

Essential oils are often dissolved in cream or oil and then applied as a moisturizer. Even in small concentrations they provide medicinal advantages over acne breakouts. The oils bring oxygen and nutrients to the skin, helping it fight off any blemishes. Below is a list of some of the most popular essential oils that will help with your acne treatments.

Clary Sage

Clary Sage is extracted from plants that greatly imitate the bodys own hormones. The use of Clary Sage is often implemented where acne stems from hormonal imbalances. The essential oil can act as a precursor allowing the body to balance its hormones.


Eucalyptus is a popular plant extract that helps your body fight off blackheads. It has a cleansing effect that removes dirt and oils and leaves only clear skin.


Lavender is considered an all-purpose oil since its uses include acne treatment as well as mental fatigue rejuvenation. Lavender is good for the skin, and it can calm your mind and soothe your muscles from the stress and anxiety from the day.


The citrus effects of lemon can help refresh your mind and restore your skins natural balance. Lemon oil is known to quickly clear up current acne and remove blemishes. After applying lemon, one should be careful not to have over-exposure to the sun since it can cause skin discoloration.


Myrrh is a popular, ancient essential oil that was used as a balm to treat sores and scars. It can be used to treat rashes and acne breakouts for recurring. Myrrh has a variety of uses including elimination of warts or acne-causing bacteria.


Patchouly is a good essential oil to fight off many skin conditions. It will help you fight off acne, but it is also a good way to treat rashes and scarring. It can be used as a moisturizer as well and its fragrance will give you a calming effect.


Word Count 566


The Korean Martial Therapy, also well known by its acronym KMT, had been recognized for its effectiveness in keeping warriors in their topmost forms after as well as before battles. The Korean Martial Therapy, therefore, became widely used and closely associated with the numerous Korean martial arts since the 17th century.

A newly developed Korean martial art, combining several old Korean martial arts and the Japanese Aikido discipline, was introduced in Korea in the latter part of the 19th century as Hapkido. Today, Hapkido is one of the most popular martial arts in Korea as well as elsewhere around the world and has become closely linked to the Korean Martial Therapy.

The Korean Martial Therapy made its way into the United State via Jae Kwon Yun, a master in Korean martial arts specializing in Hapkido for many years, who opened a school of Korean Martial Therapy where he integrated the combative aspect of Hapkido with the therapeutic aspect of the Korean Martial Therapy. This, in his opinion, formed a perfectly balanced modality.

Now that we have covered some of its background history, let us look at the Korean Martial Therapy itself and its technique of deep tissue massage as it is performed in either a sitting position or reclining flat on a massage table. The fundamental principle of the Korean Martial Therapy is to utilize a variety of sinuous movements performed by the client to promote the therapeutic effects on the body and the spirit. Traditionally, the Korean Martial Therapy was facilitated by a trained therapist or a practitioner who guided the clients body into the correct movements and positions. However, the Korean Martial Therapy can be just as easily accomplished as a self-directed therapy without losing any of its curative values.

Another crucially important principle of the Korean Martial Therapy is the notion that the same movements that can lead to pain, damage and destruction on the battle field can also be used to provide healing in a peaceful arena. In other words, the Korean Martial Therapy works on the premise that anything that can hurt can also do the opposite; it can cure. And in fact, many of the pressure points along the gi meridians used in Korean Martial Therapy for promoting positive energy for restoring health are likewise used in Hapkido as points for promoting negative energy and agony.

Initially having been created for the battlefield to relieve combatants of their pain and suffering, the Korean Martial Therapy primarily strives for instant curative results. And that is in direct opposition to other alternative healing techniques which aspire for long term effects of weeks or months or even years into the future. The Korean Martial Therapy is made up of a varied combination of techniques and the most frequently used among them are the conventional massaging strokes, ballistic stretching, applying deliberate pressure to specific points along the body, the yin yang therapy and the Korean energy work. Since the Korean Martial Therapy makes the most of the body movements used in martial arts, it relieves the therapist from doing much of the work and it has, therefore, been favored by many practitioners.

Perhaps the Korean Martial Therapy has not had must use on the modern-day battle fields as it had in the past, but it certainly is great for treating the more contemporary conditions such as repetitive motion syndromes, stress and muscle strain as well as depression, anxiety, migraine headaches, and sport injuries.


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