Blood Pressure Control = Health Control

Do you realize by taking control of your blood pressure you can also take control of your health? Who doesn’t want to have a healthy and long life? Taking care of your body can help ensure you get to endure that long healthy lifestyle you want.

You should be receiving regular blood pressure checks at your regular doctor visits. If you want to check it more often than you go to the doctor, you can purchase a home device that lets you monitor your blood pressure. There are different kinds to choose from.

Two of those are the aneroid and digital monitor. There are ups and downs to both monitors so you want to choose which one is best for you. The aneroid monitor uses a pointer to let you read your blood pressure. The digital monitor displays your reading on a screen which makes it easier to read.

The aneroid monitor is cheaper than the digital but requires more work from you. Check them out and even discuss with your doctor which one might be better for you. Once you purchase it, have your doctor show you how to effectively use it.

Among taking your own blood pressure readings, you can double check your lifestyle habits. Are you on a healthy diet? Eating healthy will help keep your blood pressure low and normal. Cut back on salt and sodium if you can’t get rid of it altogether. Opt for seasonings instead.

Introduce more vegetables and fresh fruits into your diet. Once you become used to eating certain foods, it will be easier to do it every day. Before you know it you will be in the habit of eating healthy foods and won’t think twice before doing so.

If you use tobacco or drink excessive amounts of alcohol try to cut back or refrain completely. These will raise your blood pressure putting you at more risk for a stroke or heart disease.

If you cannot quit these on your own there are plenty of resources and medications to help you. Talk with your doctor about the best way to go about quitting.

Would you consider yourself at a healthy weight or overweight? Overweight people are more prone to developing high blood pressure and if this is your case, try to lose at least ten pounds. You should see results in your blood pressure as well as the way you feel.

If you are not already regularly physically active, try to do at least thirty minutes of physical activity or exercise every day. This will help lower your blood pressure as well as make you feel a whole lot better.

If you find yourself lacking motivation to do some of these things, talk with a friend or relative that could buddy up with you. Having someone to exercise with or take on a challenge such as quitting smoking or drinking can help drastically.

Having high blood pressure puts your health at risk and that alone should be motivation but to some it isn’t. Do not be discouraged, there are many ways to help lower your blood pressure.

If these lifestyle changes do not help, consider medication. There are many different kinds of blood pressure medications and sometimes they need to be combined with a healthy lifestyle to work more effectively.

If you have questions or concerns about your blood pressure talk with your doctor. Let them know what you want and they can help find the way that is best for you to control or maintain your blood pressure letting you control your health as well.

Benefits of Early Blood Pressure Monitoring

Did you know that your blood pressure increases as you age? By taking control of your blood pressure at an early age you can have the benefit of a longer healthy life. In this article you will find ways to monitor your blood pressure and the benefits that come with it.

If you are unable to have regular check ups at your doctor’s office, you can purchase a blood pressure monitoring device. If you have a history of having high blood pressure a monitor is a great way to keep an eye on it.

Since blood pressure increases with age it is best to start monitoring it as early as possible. Many young people do not worry about things like this, but if your family history involves high blood pressure, it is best to start now.

The first thing when monitoring your blood pressure is to know what makes it increase. The following are just a few things that can cause it to increase.

Smoking and Alcohol

Tobacco use and alcohol can drastically increase your blood pressure. The best way to prevent this is to sustain from using tobacco or drinking alcohol. If you do not desire to do this, you can try limiting your use of tobacco and alcohol consumption. If you have tried quitting either before there are many available resources to help aid you in completely quitting.


Being overweight will also drastically increase your blood pressure. If you can try to lose at least ten pounds this will help significantly.

Physical Inactivity

Do you exercise regularly? If not, you might want to start doing so. Exercise can help lower your blood pressure. Try doing at least thirty minutes of physical activity every day. If you cannot set aside thirty minutes at one time, try doing ten minutes at a time. As long as you get thirty minutes a day you will see results.


Yes, stress can raise your blood pressure. If you find yourself stressed every day, consider doing something to help you relax and de-stress. Meditation or a similar relaxation technique will do wonders with dealing with stress.

Your Diet

If you have an unhealthy diet, this could be the cause of your blood pressure increase. Try to limit your salt intake and introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Read nutrition labels and try to eat less fat, etc.

Sleeping Disorders

Sleeping disorders can raise your blood pressure because your breathing is interrupted while you’re sleeping. You can fix this by talking with your doctor about medication to help you sleep. There are many available medicines that have proven to be effective in helping sleeping disorders.

Over-the-counter drugs, substances and supplements

Some over the counter medicines and other supplements can trigger high blood pressure. Specifically antidepressants, cold medicines, oral contraceptives and nasal decongestants. If you are worried about a certain medication you are currently taking, consult your doctor. Ask any and all questions you may have concerning your blood pressure.

By watching all this you can stay away from the risks of high blood pressure including stroke and heart or kidney disease. It is never too late to start taking care of your health.

All about Blood Pressure

What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the force of your blood against your artery walls. When you have your blood pressure checked the reading has two numbers; one on top and one on bottom.

The top number is your systolic pressure. This is the force of your blood in your arteries when your heart beats. The bottom number is your diastolic pressure. This is the force of your blood in your arteries when your heart relaxes in-between beats.

Normal blood pressure would be a reading of 120/80 or lower. High blood pressure would be a reading of 140/90 or higher. If you have high blood pressure you are at a greater risk of a stroke or heart and kidney disease.

Many things can cause high blood pressure including physical inactivity, tobacco and alcohol use, stress and your diet. These are only a few things. Certain medical conditions and medications can also cause high blood pressure.

High blood pressure can cause your body to have certain effects. For instance it can cause a stroke. The high pressure can cause a weakened blood vessel to break causing it to bleed into the brain; thus leaving you with a stroke.

High blood pressure can also sometimes cause your blood vessels in your eyes to bleed or burst. If this happens your vision will be blurred or impaired and might even result in blindness. Another reason it is best to keep control on your blood pressure.

Along with a stroke or kidney disease high blood pressure can also cause a heart attack. Your arteries are what bring blood carrying oxygen to your heart muscle. If your heart is not getting enough oxygen you will experience chest pain. If the blood flow is blocked as well you will experience a heart attack.

Congestive Heart Failure is very common among people with high blood pressure. This is a very serious condition where your heart cannot pump enough blood to supply the needs of your body. It is never too late to start taking control of your health starting with your blood pressure.

Anyone can develop high blood pressure, even children. It is more common for African Americans to develop it. Many Americans will develop high blood pressure as they age but that doesn’t mean it is healthy.

Obesity plays a role in high blood pressure. If you are over weight you are at a higher risk of having high blood pressure as well as a stroke or heart disease. Try to lose at least ten pounds and this will help lower your blood pressure significantly.

Eating a healthy diet is a great way to lower or control your blood pressure. Limit your intake of salt and sodium and introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Once you establish your healthy diet you will have less worry of developing high blood pressure.

You should always have your blood pressure checked at your regular doctor visits. If you have high blood pressure and are concerned you can easily monitor from home. If you do this you want to have your doctor look at your home monitoring device to help ensure it is effective and you are operating it correctly.

Keep track of your blood pressure readings so you can see what is helping and what isn’t. Sometimes regular lifestyle changes alone won’t help as much as they would combined with blood pressure medication. Your doctor will be able to tell you what the best option for your needs would be.

Why Do We Develop High Blood Pressure?

You might wonder why you and everyone else develop high blood pressure. While you might develop it you can easily lower or control it. The best way to prevent developing it is to keep a close eye on it from the beginning.

Older adults may be more prone to developing high blood pressure but if you start at a young age you can prevent it easier. There are a few things you want to watch for that cause high blood pressure. This is why we develop high blood pressure because we are not aware of what is causing it.

Weight plays a major role in developing high blood pressure. Overweight people are more likely to develop high blood pressure but do not be discouraged. Losing as little as ten pounds can help your blood pressure significantly.

Once you lose a measly ten pounds just imagine how much easier it will be to lose even more. A great way to keep losing and maintain a healthy weight is by a healthy diet. Your diet factors in to developing high blood pressure as well.

High amounts of salt and sodium intake can cause high blood pressure. Try to limit your meals on salt and opt for other seasonings instead. There is a wide variety of seasonings available so you are sure to find something you really like.

Also try to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Eating more of these will help your blood pressure not to mention you will feel healthier as well.

Do you use tobacco or drink large amounts of alcohol? If so, this could be why you have developed high blood pressure. Both of these can raise your blood pressure so if possible try to quit or at least cut back on your use and consumption. This will significantly help lower or maintain a normal level of blood pressure.

African Americans are more prone to develop high blood pressure. It starts at an early age and can be more severe. African Americans also have a higher death rate from kidney disease and stroke than white Americans. Even so, you can still treat high blood pressure effectively.

Do you exercise regularly? If not you might be at risk for developing high blood pressure than those that do regular exercise. Luckily you can easily fix this by doing physical activity for at least thirty minutes a day. You might say, “I don’t have thirty minutes a day to set aside.” While you may not have thirty minutes all at once to set aside, you could probably find it easier to set aside ten minutes at a time.

If you find yourself stressed very easily over anything and everything you could easily develop high blood pressure. Yes, stress is a factor of high blood pressure. Stress is very common for many people but easily treatable. Is there something you enjoy doing that relaxes you?

Consider picking up a hobby that you find relaxing and lets you de-stress. Do this whenever you feel stressed to the max and do it often. Keeping your stress level low will help keep your blood pressure low as well.

Last but not least, certain medications can cause you to develop high blood pressure. Are you on medications? You might consider talking with your doctor about their side effects and if they cause high blood pressure. Every time you start a new medication you want to ask your doctor about this.

It is never too late to take better care of your health so consider starting today. Keeping control of your blood pressure will help lower your risk of a stroke or heart and kidney disease. Talk with your doctor about any concerns or ask any questions you might have.