The Yeast Infection: Its Causes and Symptoms

What Causes a Yeast Infection to Occur?

An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to yeast infections. Once you learn the yeast infections causes and symptoms, you will be armed in the fight against it. While you may not be able to avoid all yeast infections in the future, you will know how to protect yourself from most of them.

Yeast infections are caused by levels of yeast that have gotten out of control. This can happen due to a number of factors. Fingers and toes that develop yeast infection in their webs were infected due to excessive sweating. Invest in some loose, cotton socks; they help your feet get more air and dry the sweat that invariably occurs when feet are confined in shoes.

Vaginal yeast infections can come about when a woman is having her period or is pregnant. This is due to hormonal changes that occur in her body at these times. Birth control pills and steroids also contribute to vaginal yeast infections. A stressed-out emotional state or a compromised immune system can also allow a yeast infection to spring up. Yeast infections have been known to occur due to vaginal injuries.

All types of yeast infections can be caused by taking antibiotics. In the normally functioning human body, the yeast fungus is kept to reasonable levels because our good bacteria kills some of it. However, if we take antibiotics to kill off bad bacteria, we often get rid of the good stuff along with it. This leaves the yeast with no natural predator; so much yeast is allowed to grow that an infection takes place. This is a good reason to take antibiotics only when absolutely necessary.

How Can I Recognize a Yeast Infection?

The answer depends on which part of the body is being attacked. Oral yeast infections, also known as thrush, are fairly common in babies. Thrush will appear as a red patch of skin in the mouth; often, this rash will be coated with what appear to be milk curds. However, this is not milk; do not try to clean it off, or bleeding will result. A rash on the skin from a yeast infection will usually have a scalloped shape and may have several patchy, red areas on the surrounding skin.

A vaginal yeast infection will have symptoms including redness, irritation of the tissues, and swelling. There may be a white discharge that is noticeably thicker than the discharge that occurs with ovulation. In some cases, it may be clumpy to the point that it resembles cottage cheese. There may be discoloration. Urination is likely to cause burning pain, and intercourse may also be uncomfortable. The vaginal area will probably be very dry and itchy.

I Have a Yeast Infection; Now What?

Not so fast you still need to see a doctor to make sure that you do, indeed, have a yeast infection and not some other kind of infection. Your doctor will be able to prescribe a medication to help your body fight off the yeast infection.

DHT Blocker Supplements

People read articles and ads of hair loss supplements in almost every publication everyday. These are herbal supplements and steroid based hair loss supplement but do these Hair Loss supplements really work? Most of the hair loss is caused by DHT or Dihydrotestosterone.

This is a naturally occurring enzyme, and one of the most potent ones in the human body, and is produced by the reaction of an enzyme called 5 alpha-reductase with the hormone testosterone; this DHT is the main cause of thinning of hair which finally leads to hair loss in men and women.

When DHT id formed by the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme reacts with testosterone in the fair follicles the DHT thus formed attaches itself to the receptor cells of the air follicle thus stifling the growth of the hair. This finally leads to loss of hair because the DHT finally kills the hair follicle. Luckily for many this condition can be reversed or rather prevented by taking DHT Blocker Supplements that stop or block DHT formation in the body.

These can be herbal supplements or laboratory prepared steroids with the ability to stop the effects of DHT and finally assist the re growth of hair in men between the ages of eighteen and forty. However, whatever the DHT blocker supplements one is advised to take them only in consultancy with a qualified medical practitioner as some of the DHT blocker supplements have serious side effects.

How long does one wait to see results?

DHT Blocker supplements have to be taken on a regular basis twice a day as a preventive measure, though the kind of DHT blocker supplement depends on the cause of the high level of DHT in the body. The results of DHT blocker supplements can be seen in the first week of taking the DHT blocker supplements. The improvements continue over the next six or eight weeks. One pack of DHT Blocker supplements lasts for a month though you will find some good advice and offers on Procerin.

Some of the better known DHT blocker supplements are Saw Palmetto or Serenoa repens. The berries of these naturally available DHT blocker supplements contain certain fatty acids and sterols that effectively block 5-Alpha-Reductase and reduce DHT uptake by hair follicles thus preventing hair loss very effectively.

The other DHT blocker supplements are Boarage oil, Stinging nettle or Urtica diocia and Green tea as well as grape seed extract. For a greater description of how these DHT blocker supplements can help you Click here Procerin.

Options for Dealing with High Blood Pressure

If you are battling high blood pressure do not be discouraged. Did you know that as many as seventy two million people in the U.S. 20 and older have high blood pressure? Twenty eight percent of these do not even know they have it.

Some people do not worry about their blood pressure until they get older. While this might make sense to an extent, it is never too early to monitor your blood pressure. If you have a family history of high blood pressure, you want to start right away.

How many people wait until they are diagnosed with something before attempting to prevent it or cure it? Too many. By taking control of your blood pressure today you can prevent a stroke or developing heart or kidney disease later in life.

When you are young you might be more active than when you get older. Try to stay active and if you aren’t, get active. All it takes is thirty minutes a day of physical activity or exercise to control your blood pressure and better your health.

Eat healthy foods. Try to stay away from salty and fatty foods. Salt increases your blood pressure and fatty foods might cause weight gain, which causes high blood pressure as well. Try to eat more vegetables and fresh fruits. You might find you like more than you thought you would.

Stress can cause high blood pressure but there are so many ways to de-stress. Do you have a favorite hobby that has no stress? If so, try to do this every time you feel yourself overwhelmed or stressed out. You will be surprised at the wonders it can do.

If you take medications talk with your doctor to make sure they aren’t affecting your blood pressure. Certain medications can raise your blood pressure. Antidepressants, cold medicines, oral contraceptives, steroids, even nasal decongestants might be affecting your blood pressure without your knowledge.

If you are unsure of your family history, check it out. If you have a family history of high blood pressure chances are you will end up with high blood pressure as well. If you are aware of this early on, you can start monitoring and controlling your blood pressure before it gets a chance to become high.

There are many different kinds of blood pressure medications if you are unable to see results with regular lifestyle changes. Sometimes these medications are needed along with a regular healthy diet and exercise to be more effective.

The best thing you can do is talk with your doctor. They can suggest something that will help you control your blood pressure and even prescribe you some medication. If you start medication be sure you tell them of any other medicine you are taking as well.

You want to be in charge of your health and not wait until something happens to take that control. When it comes to your health you can never be too late so start as early as you can. You are never alone when it comes to dealing with your blood pressure and other health issues.

Will Using A Body Building DVD Work

Using a body building DVD doesn’t offer the same benefits as working out in your gym under the watchful gaze of the instructor. But you could use it to provide some inspiration if you are feeling a little bit overwhelmed and wonder if you will ever see the results you crave. They are also a great source of information on bodybuilding helping you to become more familiar with the terms of the sport. The better productions will also include sections on the types of cardio exercise routines you should be following as well as useful hints and tips on your new bodybuilding diet.

They should recommend plenty of vegetables and fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds, low fat dairy products, lean meat, fish and eggs. They shouldn’t be suggesting that you take steroids but if you are going to do a lot of weight training you may want to consider some protein supplements. Discuss this first with your instructor.

Body building DVDs should be rated so that you know whether you are looking at exercises for beginners or those that know their way around the weights. You will probably not have the correct equipment at home but you can often substitute normal household items such as bottles of water or bags of sugar. Don’t be tempted to think that you cannot do yourself an injury using these items. Lifting any sort of weights can cause a problem – just ask the mother of any young child.

You should always obey the rules of exercise even when working out at home. Always do your warm up and cool down exercises. Never start on a full stomach and don’t overstretch yourself. Drink enough to keep you hydrated but don’t over do it with the liquid intake. You should eat small meals one to two hours before you start exercising.

Chose a DVD aimed at the type of results you are looking to achieve. You can get bodybuilding DVDs that target specific projects for example the swimsuit workouts tend to be very popular. If you want to follow a bodybuilding program for women aimed at achieving the perfect bikini body, buy one from a trainer who looks like you would want to. If you are into the muscle look then buy a DVD from one of the women bodybuilding champions. Don’t bother wasting your time using a bodybuilding DVD aimed at men as weight training for women involves a totally different exercise regime. You do not want to end up confused.

Look for a bodybulding program designed by an expert in this field. If the DVD promises to increase your chest size, dump it as this is a huge myth associated with female bodybuilding. If anything lifting weights may increase the width of your back but unfortunately is not the way to achieving larger breasts.

In addition to completing the workout on your body building DVD, do get outside in the air to go running, walking or any other form of aerobic activity. Not only will you lose weight but you will also feel better.