Whirlpool Air Purifiers: Reviewed

If you are a homeowner, there is a good chance that you have heard of Whirlpool before. Whirlpool is a well-known and well-trusted company. They make and sell a wide variety of different products. These products include, but are not limited to, ovens, dishwashers, washers, dryers, refrigerators, and air conditioners. In addition to the previously mentioned items, Whirlpool also makes and sells air purifiers. If you are in the market for a new air purifier, whether that air purifier is for your home or for your office, you are advised to examine what Whirlpool air purifiers can do for you.

Whirlpool currently has two different types of air purifiers available for sale. These air purifiers include the Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier and the Whirlpool Air Purifier. Each of the air purifiers are great for those who are looking to clean up the air inside their home or their office. Both air purifiers are considered well performing, due to their use of HEPA filters. It has been noted that HEPA filters are the best type of filters for air purifiers.

With the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, you are not only getting a top of the line air purifier, but you are also getting an air purifier that is considered energy efficient. In fact, the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier is considered an Energy Star product. Another reason why you may love this air purifier is because it has a sleep mode, as well as a change filter indicator. It is also important to note that the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier is qualified to clean the air in rooms with up to 510 square feet.

The Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier tends to cost a little bit more than most air purifiers. Despite the cost, which typically ranges around $300, you need to remember one thing. The air purifier is designed to clean the air in rooms up to 510 square feet. Most of the low-costing air purifiers can only clean the air of rooms with 200 to 300 square feet. In addition to the original purchase price of the Whirlpool Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, you also need to consider the cost of the replacement filters. These replacement filters cost around $100; however, replacement filters are only needed about once a year.

The other air purifier developed and sold by Whirlpool is often referred to as the traditional Whirlpool Air Purifier. Despite sometimes being referred to as traditional, this air purifier is just as effective as the one mentioned above. In reality, the only difference between the two is the amount of space that it covers. Instead of covering 510 square feet, like the above mentioned Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, this model is only effective at cleaning the air in spaces that are up to 250 square feet. That is why you will find that the cost is a little bit lower.

The cost of the Whirlpool Air Purifier, which is also considered an Energy Star product, is around $200. In addition to the originally cost of purchase, you also need to examine the cost of replacement filters. These replacement filters cost around $100 each. Replacement filters need to be replaced whenever the replacement filter light is activated, which tends to be about once every year.

In addition to all of the features mentioned above, Whirlpool air purifiers, including the Whispure True HEPA Air Purifier, as well as the traditional Whirlpool Air Purifier, are known as being extremely quiet. In fact, you might even say that they are silent. Whirlpool stands behind the quietness of their air purifiers, so much that they offer a 30 day money back guarantee. That guarantee states that if their air purifier isnt as quiet as the air purifier that you are replacing, they will take the product back and return your money.

If you would like more information on the above mentioned Whirlpool air purifiers, you are urged to visit the online website of Whirlpool. That online website can be found by visiting www.whirlpool.com.

Natural Therapy For Relief From Insomnia

Insomnia! Talk about an awful condition to be suffering from. Having a difficult time falling asleep or staying asleep happens to all of us on occasion, but when the problem doesn’t go away or impacts life in a negative way, then getting it treated is a good idea. Natural therapy to relieve insomnia is often an ideal choice because you don’t have to worry about relying on drugs, or getting addicted to them.

Just to be clear, if your doctor has already prescribed something, you should continue taking it unless they advise you otherwise. Stopping medication without proper oversight can lead to even bigger problems.

Meditation is one of the most natural ways to relax and get a good night of restful sleep. Try anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes of meditation just prior to bedtime. You will not only rid yourself of some of the stresses of the day, but you will also be putting your body into sleep mode. You can learn how to meditate on your own, or you can choose from any number of guided meditations for sleep.

Many people have found that aromatherapy is useful tool for drifting off to sleep. Essential oils such as sandalwood and eucalyptus produce a calming effect that can relieve your insomnia. You can add it to warm bathwater shortly before bed, or put a few drops on a handkerchief that you place under your pillow. The key is to enjoy the aroma, but to not have it so strong that it becomes distracting. You can also combine aromatherapy and meditation for a one-two punch that will have you sleeping like a baby.

If you aren’t lactose intolerant, then you may try a glass of warm milk. Your grandparents probably used this remedy, and for good reason. Food and beverage plays a major role in your ability to sleep. Avoiding eating a heavy meal too close to bedtime, and don’t eat anything that may give you heartburn. Many people like to have a bit of alcohol prior to retiring, but having a nightcap will actually contribute to sleeplessness. It’s also a good idea to not drink too much water in the evening; otherwise you may have to get up in the middle of the night to relieve yourself.

There are a few natural supplements that have been shown to help people beat insomnia. Valerian root seems to work by relaxing the central nervous system. Melatonin is naturally produced by your body, but it can also be purchased as a supplement. Melatonin is one of the most important chemicals for falling asleep, and a natural supplement of it may be just what you need.

Having a regular schedule for sleeping will get your body used to falling asleep at a certain time. Be sure that you only use the bedroom for sleeping (no television, no eating, etc.), and that it is at a comfortable temperature. Combine these things with natural therapy to relieve insomnia and you will ultimately get a good night’s sleep.

Narcolepsy: The Sleeping Disease

There are over 3 million cases of narcolepsy and is estimated by medical reports that 200,000 Americans, but just under 50,000 are actually officially diagnosed by a doctor. It has been said that it’s widespread like the neurological disease Parkinson’s disorder. This condition is usually recognized in both men and women at any age, yet the symptoms are usually first noticed in teenagers and younger age adults usually in their 20s and early 30s.

It’s been noted that there is a 15-year between the onset and actual diagnosis of the problem, which has contributed to the debilitating features of this particular disorder. Those who deal with narcolepsy have a plethora of cognitive, educational, occupational, and psychological issues that can arise from this problem. The presence of narcolepsy is 1 in 2000 people and is also found in people with diagnosed learning disabilities and currently the treatment options are very limited.

The studies that were conducted for this concluded that this problem is constantly under diagnosed in the general population in society. Some narcoleptics don’t show any signs visibly and the severity of the condition varies from person to person.

This is where medical science has its blunders because of the fact that this condition is so under diagnosed that it’s hard to really get a grasp of the severity of this problem, because it varies in levels from noticeable to barely obvious.

Polysonogram and Multiple Sleep Latency exams are the two tests that are done to give a formal and correct diagnostic approach to the condition and usually this is where the diagnosis presents the level of severity so that it’s properly noted by a specialist to ensure a proper treatment plan for that person. Tests are conducted in two-hour increments to allow the person to sleep and usually the polysonogram test does a continuous test of brain activity when it’s in REM sleep mode when sleep happens at night.

Usually most narcoleptics fall asleep in nighttime sleep mode fairly quickly. There are several methods of treatments for people with narcolepsy and usually it consists of anti-depressants and planned short-timed naps have also been helpful to lower the dependence on medicinal treatments and allowing the body to do what it should be doing naturally. Retraining the body to sleep at a reasonable time has helped those with narcolepsy to recognize sleeping at night and taking short naps during the day so that their body stays alert because a lot of narcoleptics have been putting themselves and others at risk when they fall asleep during their normal work day or even driving or operating machinery.

With the new wave of holistic medicine being readily available to help people with conditions from skin to psychological issues. Narcoleptics can also work with a treatment plan that includes a change in diet and incorporating exercise and taking nutritional supplements and formulas to give someone added nutrition if they’re not getting enough from the food they eat.

Narcolepsy is manageable if you follow the doctor’s instructions and taking medications when you’re supposed to and following therapy plans that are designed for that person to follow to the last detail.