Different Skin Care Problems And Their Treatment

The skin can make or break a persons appearance. One can have the perfect features but without the flawless skin to go with it, you wont be able to stand out in the crowd.

Despite the exodus of products in the market that help in caring for the skin, there are still a lot of people who are not in the best shape when it comes to their skin. Treating the skin can be a problem especially when you are not aware of what the cause and the nature of the problem.

Below are some of the most basic and common skin problems, their causes and their solutions. Read on and you might get some great advice about it.

1. Wrinkles and lines

This is perhaps the number one fear of most people lines and wrinkles, which are signs of aging. Besides growing old, this is also caused by too much exposure to the sun as well as repeated use of muscles.

Early intervention is perhaps the best solution. Always wear sunblock, which will protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun. Sunscreens that have SPH 15 and higher protect your skin from both UVB and UVA. Get a sunscreen that will also moisturize your skin. This is especially true with people who have dry skins.

2. Enlarged pores

Although this is not really much of a problem as compared to wrinkles and lines in the face, some people are still worried about this as large pores are more prone to acne and pimple problems. This is because dead skin cells and grime tend to clog the pores, leading to acne.

There is actually nothing that one can do with large pores as we are gifted with this from birth. The only thing that one can do is to prevent the clogging of the pores by removing make-up and washing your face before going to sleep. UV rays can also cause the opening of the pores so it is important to protect your skin well.

3. Dark Spots

This has actually been the problem of people who are already in their middle ages. Still, with the extreme heat of the sun and peoples penchant for sunbathing, many young people nowadays have developed dark spots on their skin. Dark spots are the result of the overactive production of melanin as a response to extreme heat.

Sunscreen. Sunscreen. Sunscreen. Need we say more?
One should also look for products that have vitamin C and E, which helps in preventing brown spots.

Caring For Skin Using Skin Care Cream

Age doesnt make you less of a person. It only does if you are not taking care of your well-being and you start to abandon the realms of healthy living. For those people who are becoming stressed out by visible signs of aging, its never too late to start regaining that youthful look and glow.

Two of the most common complaints of people when it comes to skin is having different kinds skin disorders or having visible signs of premature aging. These are what different beauty products are forto provide solution to peoples common skin problems.

A different kind of cream

It is only natural for people to find ways to maintain and protect their physical beauty. Since not everyone can stay as flawless as babies due to several external factors, more and more products are being uniquely developed depending on the persons skin type and needs.

One of the most popular skin care products available in the market today is the skin care cream. Since creams are known for being easily absorbed by the skin, countless of skin care creamsmostly anti-agingare being sold.

According to dermatologists, there are actually over 300 skin care creams and products created to solve different skin problems. Based on long-term reduction of wrinkles, instant reducing of fine lines, antioxidant protective properties that delay skin cell aging, collagen and skin renewal properties and skin smoothing properties, the most common skin care creams include Rejuvinol, Alpha Derma, Idebenol, Strixderm, Avotone, Strivectin-SD, Rejuvenex, and Hydroderm.

Although these skin care creams are known to contain high-grade chemicals and ingredients, which are uniquely formulated to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, most dermatologists still agree that proper skin care can help people maintain younger looking skin.

Here are some helpful tips in achieving that healthy skin:

1. The most basic thing you should learn in caring for your skin is to develop a good skin care regimen. Make sure that you clean your skin every day by deep cleansing it using safe cleansing products.

2. If you are using beauty products such as skin care creams, make sure that you are consistent in using or applying the product/s properly by following the instructions included.

3. Always keep your skin well hydrated by having enough liquid supply in your body by drinking lots of water or juices. Water or liquid intake should be 8 glasses or more daily.

4. If youre a woman, make facial skin care as your top priority by removing your make-up before sleeping. This would prevent skin pore clogging and congestion. Also, keep your makeup clean by replacing sponges and brushes regularly.

5. Always keep your skin moisturized day and night to keep it from harmful elements, which damage it. Use skin care products that have high vitamin E, shea butter, squalene, and aloe vera contents.

6. Protect your skin everyday by always using sunscreen with a SPF of at least 15. This can prevent premature skin aging, wrinkles, and fine lines. Along with sunscreen, protect your skin by using sunglasses, full-brimmed hats, long sleeved blouses, and slacks.

7. If youre smoking, quit. Giving up nicotine intake can help your skin regain its lost nutrients.

8. Reduce excessive intake of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks because they only causes dehydration which only lead to cell death.

The Benefits Of Professional Skin Care

You can get a variety of professional skin care products just about anywhere these days. It used to be that you were limited to only the selection of products at your local spa, but now there are quality skin care products at the pharmacy or health store, along with a number of outlets online. You no longer have to pay expensive spa fees just to get the products you need.

Along with the expanded choice of retailers, there is a vast array of professional skin care products available. You can choose an entire product line to cover all of your personal care needs or just select single products as you need them. There are also more organic and natural beauty products on the market now than ever before, so you do not have to use chemical-based skin care products. Some products have blended the natural with some synthetic substances, trying to avoid using the most toxic chemicals.

Many of these products can be purchased over the counter with no prescription, but some of the stronger items may require a prescription from a dermatologist. These products are usually a stronger concentration that is meant only for certain skin problems. They must be restricted because they may cause damage to people who do not have that particular condition. Some of the more common prescription products are used to treat acne, discoloration, and premature aging.

Of course, if you do need a prescription product, you will have to make an appointment with a dermatologist. A qualified dermatologist is the best person to decide if you have a severe enough skin condition to warrant treatment with professional skin care products. If he does determine that you have a problem, the dermatologist can suggest certain products that will be best suited for that specific skin condition. The doctor can also advise you on the safe use of all cosmetic products, including warnings specific to pregnant women.

Any professional skin care product you buy should come with an instruction booklet and warnings. A good dermatologist will also verbally warn you of any side effect and should explain how to use the product correctly. Always follow the doctor’s instructions or ask the pharmacist if you have any questions about how the product should be used or how much to use.

Although all professional skin care products come with their own instruction leaflets, your dermatologist should be able to verbally repeat product instructions and warnings. A good doctor will always warn you if you should expect some side effects. He can also tell you exactly how to safely get the most out of your product. You should also check with your doctor to make sure there are no adverse reactions with any other medications or products you are currently using.

The expansion of the skin care industry has brought many high-end products to the consumer. You may now be able to find your skin care solution without having to see the dermatologist. Of course, be careful when purchasing your own products without a doctor’s guidance as there may be side effects or interactions. Always do your research to make sure you are getting the right type of professional skin care products.

Simple Safe Acne Anti Aging Skin Care

Are you facing the problem of your skin aging before it’s time? Relax! Thanks to the advances in acne anti aging skin care treatments there is a skin care product or actual medical treatment to help you. However, you and I need to know a few things before we can choose the right skin care treatment.

As a matter of course, before you or I even think about what product or type of treatment we are going to employ, we should always consult a qualified professional first. Obviously, the well trained and licensed physician can advise us as to what our actual skin problems are. Many times we may find out that we have an underlying health condition, such as a thyroid problem or other condition, causing our skin to age faster than normal. Obviously, treating the medical problem would be the very first step in our battle; to stop the premature aging of our skin. In addition to ruling out a medical condition, there are a few other things our doctor will be able to fill us in on.

One of the first things we need to know is that, as in many other things, female and male skin is different. Big surprise! Right? As an example a man’s face, when treating over exposure to the sun, wind and other environmental hazards, needs a skin care moisturizer which contains vitamin B5. Many of today’s dermatologists also recommend creams with a combination of witch hazel and B5.

However, because the fairer sex, have other problems with their skin, than the old rugged male, women only need B5 in their acne anti aging skin care battle. But it really helps both men and women, to kick their skin care battle up a notch, to include lotions and moisturizer creams with vitamins such as coenzyme Q10. In addition there are many other ingredients found in today’s moisturizer creams and lotions.

A great many of the over the counter lotions and moisturizer creams contain an ingredient known as petrolatum. Emphasis on the petro! Because it is so common many of us have used it for years and guess what? Yep! You guessed it. It may cause our skin to age that much faster. Studies which have been conducted, over the years, by well qualified skin specialist; bear this theory out. One of the easiest and simplest things to do in our acne anti aging skin care treatment; is to avoid the products which contain petrolatum. But we need to remember there are other chemical and preservatives which should be avoided.

We should take the time to read every label on every bottle and tube of skin treatment products. However you and I know, we normally cant spell many of the ingredients listed, much less pronounce them or know what they mean. Heres a little tip, a science teacher friend of mine gave me. If the word is about 2 inches long, chances are it is a chemical compound which is not natural to our body. Avoid it!

Its easy for us to understand there is more to simple, safe acne anti aging skin care than just using any old cream or moisturizer. It will pay for us to gain as much knowledge as we can; to keep us from looking old before our time.

Are you facing the problem of your skin aging before it’s time? Relax! Thanks to the advances in acne anti aging skin care treatments there is a skin care product or actual medical treatment to help you. However, you and I need to know a few things before we can choose the right skin care treatment.

As a matter of course, before you or I even think about what product or type of treatment we are going to employ, we should always consult a qualified professional first. Obviously, the well trained and licensed physician can advise us as to what our actual skin problems are. Many times we may find out that we have an underlying health condition, such as a thyroid problem or other condition, causing our skin to age faster than normal. Obviously, treating the medical problem would be the very first step in our battle; to stop the premature aging of our skin. In addition to ruling out a medical condition, there are a few other things our doctor will be able to fill us in on.

One of the first things we need to know is that, as in many other things, female and male skin is different. Big surprise! Right? As an example a man’s face, when treating over exposure to the sun, wind and other environmental hazards, needs a skin care moisturizer which contains vitamin B5. Many of today’s dermatologists also recommend creams with a combination of witch hazel and B5.

However, because the fairer sex, have other problems with their skin, than the old rugged male, women only need B5 in their acne anti aging skin care battle. But it really helps both men and women, to kick their skin care battle up a notch, to include lotions and moisturizer creams with vitamins such as coenzyme Q10. In addition there are many other ingredients found in today’s moisturizer creams and lotions.

A great many of the over the counter lotions and moisturizer creams contain an ingredient known as petrolatum. Emphasis on the petro! Because it is so common many of us have used it for years and guess what? Yep! You guessed it. It may cause our skin to age that much faster. Studies which have been conducted, over the years, by well qualified skin specialist; bear this theory out. One of the easiest and simplest things to do in our acne anti aging skin care treatment; is to avoid the products which contain petrolatum. But we need to remember there are other chemical and preservatives which should be avoided.

We should take the time to read every label on every bottle and tube of skin treatment products. However you and I know, we normally cant spell many of the ingredients listed, much less pronounce them or know what they mean. Heres a little tip, a science teacher friend of mine gave me. If the word is about 2 inches long, chances are it is a chemical compound which is not natural to our body. Avoid it!

Its easy for us to understand there is more to simple, safe acne anti aging skin care than just using any old cream or moisturizer. It will pay for us to gain as much knowledge as we can; to keep us from looking old before our time.