What Causes of Acne?

Although much has already been researched about acne, there is still no clear preventive measure or even a treatment procedure that will complete eradicate its occurrence. This is perhaps because acne is not caused by just one factor but a host of factors that are all interconnected, contributing to the end product. To cure it, one need to take care of every consideration and to tell you the truth, there are a lot.

So what exactly causes acne?

Before going into the mysteries and procedures of acne occurrence, one must first determine what is acne. Acne is a skin condition characterized by the occurrence and presence of bumps on the skin. These bumps may be a whitehead; a blackhead, which is a whitehead with a black center; some pustules, which often have yellow or white center filled with pus and some nodes. A ski condition that involves only one or two pimples or a condition that you can count your pimples in your hands is not acne but just the eruption of the skin.

Acne can occur in all ages, although teenagers are often plagued by it because of changes in their bodies during the adolescent period. Adult acne, actually is quite prevalent, affecting 25 percent of men in their mid-twenties to their early forties and 50 percent of women in the same age range.

Acne occurs when the pores of the skin is clogged by excess oils, dead skin cells that line up the pores and dirt. This often happens when the hair follicle in the skin is trapped inside by sebum and dead cells. When these three factors interact with each other, eruptions may occur. When the acne bacteria, propionibacterium acnes, which is actually part of the skins natural environment, mix with the excess sebum, it will multiply and eventually lead to skin eruptions.

Scientists believe that acne is largely due to the change in the levels of androgenic hormones in the body, the hormone that is associated with the male and with growth and development. When testosterone is produced in the body, the hormone is metabolized in the skin producing dihydrotestosterone. It is this chemical that causes the sebaceous glands to produce excess oils on the skin.

Although, sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria are the main culprits, there are some factors that also contribute in the development of acne. One of these factors is medications or any chemicals that are put on the skin. Lets face it, there are skins that are too sensitive for their own good. This is why it is important that one consults first a dermatologist before putting chemicals on the skin.

Another risk factor for acne is the changes in the body system, which often occurs during pregnancy, menstruation and other hormonal abnormalities.

Although propionibacterium acnes, the skins resident and natural bacteria is already present in the skin, there are other unwanted bacteria that may attack the skin. Inflammation occurs when the body sends white blood cells to fight off the bacteria and gets clogged in the pores.

Although not proven conclusively yet, there are some who believe that stress can also contribute in the development of acne. This may be tied up with the fact that stress in the body may also wrought changes in the internal body system, which in turn can trigger abnormal hormonal response.

Treating Back Acne

Although acne is more frequently found on the face, there are instances when acne skips that part of the skin and goes to other parts of thee body such as the back, the chest and the buttocks. There are still no clear explanation why this happens except that maybe oil glands in affected parts of the body are more active than those in the face.

The cause of acne is actually the same as the causes of acne on the face. Often, eruptions are caused by the over activity of the oil glands that produce excess sebum on the skin. Experts believe that this is mainly due to changes in the body brought about by the male hormones testosterone and androgen. When there is overproduction of oil on the skin, hair follicles on the face, dead skin cells on the lining of the pores and dirt from the surrounding areas all combine to trap the sebum into the pores causing the swelling.

When this happens, resident bacteria that are normally found in the pores are activated, thus causing the skin eruptions. There are also times when bacteria outside come into the picture and settle on the pores of the skin. To fight off the attack, the body send white blood cells on the area. This then results in further swelling.

Still, many believe that body acne, particularly back acne is more of a hereditary problem than a hygienic one. People who have family history of acne are more prone to develop this kind of acne problem. There are also evidences that perspiration and tight fitting clothes may also help develop the problem. This is perhaps the reason why a lot of really active people, especially those that deal with a variety of sports have back acne.
Spandex for instance traps perspiration and dirt on the skin. When these two mixes with the natural oils produced by the body, acne can come about. Blemishes in the form of whiteheads, blackheads, papules and postules may appear.

Compared to facial acne, back acne and other types of body acne is harder to treat. They also do not respond well to scarring treatment. This is why it is important that one nip the problem in the bud before it spreads to other areas of the body. Aggressive treatment is often called for as this problem can be really stubborn.

Often, dermatologists will prescribe oral medicines, antibiotics, to help fight the problem. Medicines such as tetracycline or minocycline can often be found on the prescription paper. Retin A and benzoyl peroxide are also other options. If the problem still persists, accutane is often prescribed as a last resort because of its side effects.

Milder cases of back acne is treated with salicylic-acid cleanser. Patients are advised to wash the area every day for optimum results. They are also asked to take a shower after perspiring so as to minimize the development of the acne problem. Benzoyl peroxide is also applied on the problem area. Benzoyl has been proven to be quite effective in fighting off the problem. This is followed by a moisturizer made from alpha hydroxy acid. This will help exfoliate the skin while making sure that it does not dry out. Salicylic acid and Benzoyl peroxide are also used to treat the pimples individually.

As pieces of advice, people dealing with back acne or other forms of body acne should avoid wearing spandex clothes. As much as possible, they should wear cotton and should keep dry all the time. Apply powder or antiperspirant to prevent excessive sweating. Being hygienic and clean all the time will also help minimize the problem.

Step by Step Acne Skin Care

Acne prone skin is something that you have to carefully treat as the slightest mistake can cause an irritation or an allergic reaction that can exacerbate the condition rather than cure it.

Contrary to popular myth, acne is not caused by just dirt and grime on the skin. One can be the most hygienic but you can still develop acne. Perhaps one of the reasons why acne is so hard to combat is the fact that it is caused by a lot of factors that all contribute to its development.

Acne actually starts off with unwanted oils on the skin that tend to clog the pores. These excess oils are produced by the bodys hormones. This is one of the reasons why there are people whose skin are not pimple-prone. The oil on the skin is the initial factor that contributes in the development of acne. Another factor is the shape of the pore, which restricts the flow of oil in the skin. When the pores are abnormally shaped, it tends to encase the oil all the more inside, leading to build up and eventually to acne eruptions.

Dead skin cells that line up the pores and the dirt in the skin also interact with the oil causing clogging, which exacerbates the condition. Another factor is the presence of the bacteria propionibacterium acnes, which actually thrives in an oily environment.

Although it was mentioned that acne is not necessarily caused by unhygienic ways, this is not a reason to clean the face. A clean face will of course lessen the risk of further eruptions. For most people, a gentle water soluble cleanser is recommended especially for people who have ultra sensitive skin that can be irritated by the smallest of things.

Another advantage of a water soluble cleanser is the fact that no trace will be kept after washing. Some soaps tend to remain on the face and will only clog the pores, thereby leading to skin eruptions.

The next step to taking care of the skin is to remove the excess oils. This can be achieved by using facial masks at night and rice papers during the day. One must be careful though as some chemicals and products may irritate the skin. Before you use anything on your skin, it is best that you consult your dermatologist.

Another step towards acne free skin is exfoliation. This is done to remove the dead skin cells in the pore lining as these contribute in the clogging. Another function that exfoliation provides is skin renewal, wherein the old skin will be replaced by a new one. Products that contain 1% to 2% beta hydroxy acid (BHA) or 8% alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) are often recommended by dermatologists.

As a rule of thumb, BHA is actually more effective than AHA especially in penetrating through the pores. However, there are some people who are either allergic to BHA or have too sensitive skins for the chemical, so AHA is the next in line that doctors recommend.

Disinfecting the skin and killing off the bacteria in the pores is another crucial step in acne skin care. Although there are a lot of products in the market, most if not all contain the ingredient Benzoyl Peroxide, which is proven to be the most effective in fighting the bacteria.

Its All in the Cream

In a world where physical comeliness matters, it is only natural for people to find ways to maintain and protect their God-given potentials. Since not everyone is endowed with physical beauty based on the standards of the majority, more and more people search endlessly for products and services that would give solution to their physical flaws.

One of the most common complaints of people when it comes to skin is having infected and irritated pimples or acne breakout. Identified by superficial skin eruptions, acne in adults as well as acne in teenagers can be upsetting and disfiguring aside when left untreated.

Today, the market offers a wide range of acne treatment and products to cure acne. Among the so many products available, acne creams are proven to be one of those quite effective in treating acne in different stages.

Buying Acne Creams

Buying and using acne creams is indeed a good option in combating the skin disorder. But, before you purchase acne creams, try to research first on how the formulation and content of these creams help cure the skin infection:

– According most dermatologists, acne creams are effective to treat acne because these are quickly absorbed by the skin.

– It is a good option to cure acne because it is made from natural substances gathered from reliable and effective sources.

– Quality acne creams can help you get rid of adult acne as well as teen acne while preventing possible acne scarring.

– It is proven that the natural substances found in acne creams are complex compounds that combine natural antibiotic peptides proven to fight acne infection within the skin follicles; bio-available allantoin & skin regenerating peptides to vanish dark marks, prevent and repair acne scars; glycolic acid that opens clogged pores and allows for the other ingredients to penetrate deeply into the skin follicles; vitamins that stop the progress of inflammation; collagen and elastin which help restore the natural moisturizing capacity of a healthy skin.

– Most medical experts agree that acne creams work for most people that have mild acne. It is also proven to work for those who have developed severe acne infection when it is used simultaneously with oral antibiotics or retinoids/accutane to detoxify your skin.

– Acne creams that are applied twice a day are known to speed up the process of clearing the skins sebaceous glands of debris. This will get rid of acne bacteria within the skin follicles that eventually lead to the clearance of acne marks and repair acne scarring.

You have to bear in mind that before you buy acne creams, you have to make sure that they are hypoallergenic and can be used by children or pregnant women without enduring any pain or discomfort by checking the label. Knowing the ingredients used in the product will ensure that the acne cream has balanced formulation to deliver effective results. It will also pay to do a little research about the acne creams available in the market today because it will determine which is the best and suitable for your skin type.

After the initial application of the acne cream you bought, observe how your skin reacts to the product. Take note of the visible changes you notice to prevent possible side effects. If you think that the acne cream does not work on your skin after the prescribed length of time to be taken, stop using the product to avoid further damage on your skin.