Hair Restoration Surgery Costs

You may be facing hair loss, and contemplating a follicular hair transplant. However, just one factor is dragging you behind. The hair restoration cost.

So is it expensive?

Well, you very much have the option to go for an affordable hair restoration. And that too without compromising on the quality. The cost depends on various factors like the clinic, its location, etc.

Hair restoration – A cost-effective method

Certainly nobody can call hair restoration to be a cheap process. But on the flip side, it is certainly a cost-effective process. Why? Because, it offers you a permanent solution for your hair problem.

One might argue that medicinal treatment of hair loss is a cheaper option. Yes, it is apparently so. However, the picture will be different if you calculate the total amount of money spent on medicinal treatment and hair transplant procedure. Why? Because you have to spend money on medicinal treatment for over a long period.

Factors affecting hair restoration cost

There are several factors that affect the surgery cost. For example, the choice of the clinic. There are some clinics that charge per graft implantation, while some others charge even for anesthesia. Clinics follow two types of methods to measure the total cost of hair transplantation surgery – cost per follicular unit transplanted and cost per hair restoration operation. In the first approach the number of grafts can directly affect the surgery cost. In this approach the more grafts used the more costly the operation is. A number of US and Canadian hair transplantation centers offer cost-effective surgery with cost per hair restoration surgery.

Factors behind cost differences

Some of the factors behind cost differences are as follows

->Reputation of the surgeon
->Heavy advertising budget of the clinic, as it will try to make it by charging you heavily
->Attractive surrounding of the clinic, as it needs money to spend on its maintenance
->If the clinic has a huge number of employees, as then the clinic needs more money to pay its employees
->If the hair restoration is not a standard one, but one for correcting burn injury, eyebrow transplantation, etc.

Is there insurance cover for hair restoration cost?

In general hair restoration cost is not covered by insurance, as it is a cosmetic surgery. However, the operation is considered a reconstructive treatment in case it is necessitated by some accident or burn. In that case it comes under the purview of health insurance.

You are better advised to check with your insurance agent about availability and extent of the insurance coverage.

Exercising is the Best Way to Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol is something that is in every human being. This is just one of the many things that are produced by the person in order to function properly.

Unfortunately, eating food and drinking alcohol that is high in sugar, fat and oil may do more harm than good to a person. The individual will soon suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack or a stroke.

The good news is there is a way to prevent this before it happens. It will take a lot of sacrifice and hard work on the part of the individual because the body will not be able to sustain the effects because of aging.

Apart from eating less and making changes in the diet, the best way to lower cholesterol is by exercising. This will increase the heart rate and metabolism in the body allowing it to expel the harmful oils, which are detrimental to ones health.

Those who have not exercised before should first consult with a physician to find out which is safe. Those who have a heart condition may not do something rigorous and will have to rely on something that is low impact such as walking, weight lifting or stretching.

Should the physician say the patient can participate in high impact exercises; there is running, swimming, aerobics and bicycling. The type of exercise will depend on several factors and not only medical history. This will also depend on gender, age and weight.

The doctor can make a plan then the person should relay this to the fitness instructor as to what is safe or not. From there, an exercise program can be made and all the patient has to do is follow it.

After a week or two, there will be improvements in the levels of good and bad cholesterol in the body as well as reduction in the current weight of the person.

Exercising is also considered to be the best way because the use of drugs has known to cause side effects when the person takes this.

If the individual does not have time to enroll in a gym, there are other ways to pump those muscles and increase the heart rate. For starters, men and women can go brisk walking early in the morning or before going to work.

Some offices and hospitals encourage people to walk up one or two flights of stairs instead of using the elevator to go up or down a few floors. If the company where one works in has a big parking lot, the individual can try walking a few yards more instead of taking the space near the door.

During any exercise, it is best to drink lots of water. This will prevent the body from dehydration that often leads to exhaustion. Instead of going to the fountain every few minutes, it is best to bring a water bottle.

This will save a lot of time and keep the person at pace with the group activity or the work being done on the machine.

Someone once said that health is wealth. By exercising, one will be able to lower the bad cholesterol in the body and live longer than those who choose to do nothing but are aware of the dangers of not making some lifestyle changes.

Hair Loss Caused By Lichen Planus

There are several factors that can result in hair loss. One common disease is a disorder known as lichen planus. This particular disease is not in itself a direct cause but it is an important trigger and often causes complications with the scalp and can lead to this problem.

Lichen planus is more of a skin disorder that also affects other areas of the body. Thus, it can not only affect the skin and body, but also the scalp. When the scalp is affected, hair loss is experienced. Licen phanus is usually considered to be an allergic reaction and is often associated with a poor immune system. Some believe that lichen planus is triggered from excessive stress. Stress weakens the bodys immune system and render it susceptible to infection and other health symptoms such as hair loss. The chances of getting another lichen planus attack rise with the first affliction, even with treatment and prevention measures.

Lichen planus is most identifiable by the changes in the skin that occur. There will be itching in certain areas of the skin, as well as skin lesions that will appear in a variety of places. The skin lesions will have a variety of attributes related to their shape, size and color, all which will help you in identifying the disorder. There may also be nail abnormalities, such as ridges in the nails that begin to appear. The skin lesions will then begin to move into the mouth area and cause your mouth to feel dry. From here, lichen planus will begin to show on the scalp area and hair will be lost from the irritation from the scalp area.

Once you notice these symptoms, do not wait too long to treat the lichen planus. In most cases, the symptoms are not severe enough and will simply go away over time. However, there is also the possibility of the symptoms become full blown and it will be more difficult to treat at that point in time.

For treatment, you can take prescribed medications. Antihistamines are useful in helping to treat lichen planus. Vitamin A in the form of ointments and creams are also considered to be effective. It can be expected that this disorder will disappear after a few months or after a longer amount of time. Also, ensure a healthy diet and lifestyle to boost your immune system.

If you notice both the above mentioned symptoms and also experience hair loss at the same time, then it is possible that you can be having lichen planus. To be absolutely sure, it is best to seek a professional diagnosis. Lichen planus can cause much discomfort to you as it affects your physical appearance. Understanding what the symptoms of lichen planus are and knowing what to do will help you repair your skin and treat yourself from hair loss.

Acne Scars Treatments-Good News

Good news! There is no reason to continue suffering from acne scars. It doesn’t matter if you have deep, pitted scars, or relatively minor ones, there are acne scars treatments available that can help you. These treatments cover everything to inexpensive home remedies to fairly pricey procedures that can only be performed by a medical professional.

Which option you choose will depend on several factors:
– How many scars you currently have
– How severe the scarring is
– The amount of time you are able to take to get rid of the acne scars
– How much money you have and what acne scars treatments your health insurance will cover
– Whether past treatments have worked

In most cases it is best to wait until you are done with your acne outbreaks before getting treatment for any scarring you may have. After all, you wouldn’t want to pay to have scars removed only to have a new outbreak cause more scars.

You should always check with your doctor or a dermatologist before trying any of the several acne scars treatments that are available. With that word of caution in mind, here are some options you may want to try:

1. Home remedy acne scars treatments. There isn’t a lot of medical evidence to back up claims about the effectiveness of home remedies, but many people use them and swear they work. Gently applying vitamin E or olive oil seems to moisturize the skin and reduce scarring, especially if you catch it early. Some people like to use lemon juice, but others find it to be too acidic, so be sure to test it on a small area of the skin first.

2. Medication for acne scars. You can go to the store and find several products that will help with acne which can minimize future scarring. There are also products that are made to reduce scarring, so you may want to give those a try. Another option is to talk to your doctor about prescription medications that you can use.

3. Acne scar procedures. There are also a few good options that require a visit to a doctor or an aesthetician. Lasers basically burn away old skin cells and promote the growth of healthier new cells. IPL (Intense Pulse Light) does the same basic thing, but does not require a medical license (in most jurisdictions) to be used. Dermabrasion is another of the acne scars treatments that removes old skin so new skin can take its place. Chemical peels are another option that removes skin, but many people are sensitive to this procedure; however, if your dermatologist believes you can tolerate it, then it’s worth a shot.

As you can see, there are several acne scars treatments that are available to you. However, none of them will do you any good if you just read about them. Instead you need to take action. See, you don’t have to live with unsightly scars from acne, so go ahead and take the first step now toward looking your best.