Refute Acne Myths & Proceed Towards Acne Free Life!

There is a good old story. The fox jumped after the bunch of grapes several times and finally when it could not get it, it said that the grapes are sour!

I have a question for acne-researchers. You say that acne is not a disease at all!
If it is not a disease, then, what are you treating for? Why these galaxy of medicines and lotions are mounting the windows of drug stores? And what about those scar-problems, that one has to face?

Now, dont say there is no scar at all! Just because, your search and research is unable to get at it, do not deny its existence! Can you say that Malaria fever comes and goes after 7 days? Dont you treat it as Malaria, when you get the attack?

Acne, which is also known as pimples or zits, is reported to be perfectly normal part of growing up. If it is part and parcel of the life of youth, why everybody does not get it? It is in the fitness of things to study the available facts about acne, and get and follow the precautions to prevent acne. Dont you agree that prevention is better than cure?

Certain precautions need to become part of your life, before this myth becomes a reality! The required precautions are:

1. Avoid tight clothes, especially during summer time. They are known to cause body acne by trapping sweat.

2. Use a sun-blocker by wearing a hat.

3. Dab the face dry carefully.

4. Use make up that do not clog pores.

5. Thoroughly understand the nature and practical use of the soaps, lotions, gels, creams that you are using. Dont get carried away by high-flown advertisements. The models get well-paid for their job, but let it be not at your cost.

6. Try to cure your acne condition naturally. Think well, what works for you and what does not.

7. It is not our nostrils alone, the skin also breathes, with millions of pores in it all over the body. Now do you say body hygiene in relation to acne is a myth? Researchers in the not too distant future may come out with facts, that this myth is also a myth! Be in the know how; the affirmation and refutation in the scientific circles, all with proofs relevant to that period time, was going on, is going on and will go on!

8. You must protect your skin from forming new bacteria that cause the breakouts. Use benzoyl peroxide to penetrate pores.

9. Dont pick your skin because it can cause bacteria to go deeper in to the skin.

10. Eat plenty of fruits and seasonal vegetables.

11. Exercise regularly.

The facial topography of every person is different, so of the skin. Give it the proper regimen so that it can live a smooth life without bothering you, the person.

Never hesitate to meet your dermatologist, if you have the slightest doubt that it is changing its true color!

Acne Scarring 101

When acne heals or when treated by a dermatologist, there are some instances when it will leave some scarring on skin. This is especially true with acne that appears on the later stages of life. Adult skin does not have a store of collagen that helps the skin heal and regenerate. Scarring may also occur when the acne is quite severe. This is because the problem is more intensive, cutting through the skin with more depth than what is usually seen with acne that are only on the surface.

A scar may initially appear as reddish in appearance. After a white, when the skin heals and try to regenerate, the scar will become lighter, sometimes turning white, several shades lighter than the skin tone. There may be pain sometimes, even irritation. Itching is of course not uncommon because as the skin heals, the wound dries up. Sometimes, there may also be some inflammation, swelling and redness.

Normally, only nodules and cystic acne types result in scarring. However, there are people who are more prone to scarring than others. With these people, even the common lesions may result in scarring if not treated well. This is why it is important that people have their acne treated even at the initial stages to prevent scarring and permanent damage to the skin.

Basically, there are two kinds of acne. One kind is the one caused by the increase in tissue formation while the other is caused by the loss of tissue on the skin. The former is what people call keloids, which does not look like your usual scar. Keloids are bumps of skin that resemble a pimple, forming even after the wound has already healed. It can even form on the surrounding healthy tissue. Keloid scarring is actually quite rare and only affects people who have family history of it.

Hypertrophic scars, on the other hand, form above the skin level and appear as bulges and bumps on the skin. Because of this, some people do not think of it as scars but rather pimples that have not yet healed.

The more usual scars are the deep and shallow kind that resembles small crevices on the skin. These are called the Atrophic scars, which are formed below the skin level. There are several types of these kind of scar depending on the shape that it forms on the skin. The ice pick scars, which is the most common, is characterized by deep pits that form v-shapes on the skin. Another form is the boxed scars that are usually seen on temple and cheeks. They are angularly shaped, almost similar to the ones gotten in chicken pox. They can be either superficial or deep depending on the severity of the acne condition. The rolling scar, on the other hand, is the kind that gives the skin a wave-like appearance.

Scarring can actually be treated depending on the severity of the scarring problem, your skin type and of course the type of scars that you have. Sometimes, the location of the scars will also affect the treatment. Often, scarring at the back and at the chest are more difficult to treat compared to those found on the face.

There are a lot of treatment procedures available for scarring such as corticosteroid injections and cryosurgery. Surgical procedures may also be done to remove the scarring as well as x-ray therapy.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils An Inheritance Well Acclaimed

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with alternative medicine? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about alternative medicine.
Aromatherapy Essential Oils An Inheritance Well Acclaimed

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The therapeutic benefits of essential oils are many. Derived from the essence of plants, a few drops of aromatherapy essential oil produce the same effect as loads of the plant. This article has described essential oils and its properties, dealing with the ways in which essential oils encumbrance be used for maximum benefit. Additionally a checklist for the people who are planning to buy essential oils has been given in the article.

Essential oils, essential massage oils, essential oils wholesale, aromatherapy essential oils

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The use of essential oils, which is derived from the pure essence of a plant, is not new. Though the word aromatherapy was coined only in the 1920s ( by Gattefoss control 1928 ), people knew of aromatherapy essential oils from the prehistoric times. Starting from the Chinese to Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Persian and Indian civilizations, each have added to the science of essential oils and to aromatherapy as a whole.

Research still continues in the field of aromatherapy essential oils, with new developments being made in the vocation. Aromatherapy and essential oils are no longer limited to cosmetic or aromatic uses only. Many of the essential oils have been proved to have medicinal again therapeutic benefits too. Take lavender oil due to instance. French chemist Gattefoss would have been unaware of the properties of lavender oil to give instant relief irrevocable any scar spell cases of burn, until he burnt his hand also accidentally put his hand in the jar full of the essence of lavender. Similarly, there are a large digit of leading oils that have medicinal properties. The ‘tulsi’ plant or Indian basil, distinct through its strong aroma and taste, is considered ” the elixir of life ” since present is thought to bring longevity. The call of the plants extracts is made to rejoicing illnesses like headaches, inflammation, heart disease, and malaria. The essential oils derived from karpoora tulsi have found fitness in the get ready of herbal toiletry.

Essential oils are derived from almost every part of the authorize. Leaves, stems, flowers, roots, etc are distilled through clout or water to result into essential oils. Consequently, aromatherapy essential oils contain the true design of the plant. In its purest form, a few drops of essential oil can supply the same results that loads of that plant would have given. This is because essential oils are available in concentrated form.

Though referred to as oil, essential oils fame aromatherapy move not give that oily feeing. Except for a few oils not unlike as patchouli, orange and lemongrass, most oils are clear and see – through.

Aromatherapy essential oils must be differentiated from the perfume or fragrance oils. While essential oils contain the purest approximation of the plant, fragrance oils are made of artificially created substances as a whole or a part of it. Fragrance oils may cause allergies or contradistinctive skin reaction because of the use of artificial substances; but the use of essential oils brings upon no such sensitive reaction.

Aromatherapy essential oils can be used by humans either through inhalation or by applying them on skin in a diluted form. When essential oils are inhaled, they enter the bloodstream and lungs directly, thus producing an instant effect on the ailment.

Applying aromatherapy essential oils on the body is choice for absorption. Since essential oils are available in a concentrated form, they exigency to be diluted using carrier oil. Sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, grape seed oil, etc are blended with the essential oil; and the mixture is used on the body or the part that is pained.
One needs to be very careful while purchasing an essential oil. Though readily available, people are not well equipped to ken between the good quality and poor quality essential oil. The following checklist qualification be helpful to all those people who are on their way shopping for aromatherapy essential oils:

A vendor who allows you to check the essential oil is preferred added.
If the bottle containing essential oils has terms such as fragrance oils, score identical oils; they are not essential oils.
Never buy a bottle of essential oil that seems old. It know-how be adulterated or just might not produce the medicinal benefits.
A clear glass bottle of essential oils allows light to come in, accordingly reducing its redolence therapeutic benefits. Avoid buying essential oils that are sold in clear glass bottles.
Essential oils sold in plastic bottles too must serve as avoided as actual dissolves plastic and becomes contaminated now applicability.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Women have been trying to improve on what nature provided them for as long as men have noticed. The early methods consisted of padding inside the clothing. This only worked as long as the clothes remained on.

In 1895 the first implant was performed. The substances used for these early implants left much to be desired. It wasnt until 1961 that silicone implants were developed. The saline implants followed in 1964. There have been other substances developed, but none as common today as saline and silicone.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentations are the most common type of cosmetic surgery performed in America. 329,000 breast augmentations were done in 2006.

The breast augmentation surgery typically lasts one to two hours. The visits between patient and surgeon before the surgery are usually spent discussing the type of procedure which will be used. The differences are in the type of implant, the incision thats required and where it will be placed. Also discussed is where the placement of the actual implant will be made. These factors have an impact on the final appearance as well as possible complications.

Within a week of the surgery, normal work or school routines are able to be resumed by most implant patients. Of course this does somewhat depend on the level of activity these routines require. The incision scar from the surgery will probably last six weeks or longer. The scars should start fading within a few months.