The Right Ringing Ears Cure

A chronic ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, is a fairly common problem, but that commonality doesn’t make it any easier to bear. While ringing and buzzing are the two most frequently described sounds, some people also report hearing clicking, hissing, or chirping sounds. Whatever sound you may be hearing, finding the right ringing ears cure for you will help you to lead a normal life again.

Most people with mild tinnitus (if there is such a thing) do their best to live with what they consider an annoying symptom. However, that never-ending sound in the ears can be the symptom of a more serious problem, and it should be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.

After all, you won’t be able to cure the problem until your doctor has figured out what the root cause of the problem is. You should always see your doctor about any health concerns that you have, but you will play an active role in helping him determine what the cause of your problem is.

Two of the more common causes of ringing in the ears are injury and loud noise. Any sort of trauma to the head can lead to ringing, and loud noise could be considered a type of trauma. A single event may not cause ringing, or the ringing may subside in a short time, never to return. However, if the noise in your head persists, then you need to get it checked out.

The right ringing ears cure for you will depend mostly upon what is causing the problem. If, for example, your tinnitus is caused by poor circulation then doing exercises to improve your circulation would make the most sense. On the other hand, if the ringing is due to a cumulative effect (such as being exposed to loud noises while working in a factory) then finding the proper treatment may take a bit more effort.

Some people have found relief in the form of holistic medicine or various herbs. While modern science may frown on these concoctions as cures, they may be worth a try if they are able to stop the ringing in your ears.

What you may not know is that some cases of tinnitus could be classified as psychological. That’s not to say that problem is imagined, but rather that there is a psychological component contributing to the problem. A lack of sleep, working too much, or being under a lot of stress can all be contributing factors to ringing ears, and they need a unique form of treatment. Something as simple as meditation or stress reduction techniques may be all it takes to get the ringing to go away.

If you are having a hard time finding a cure, you may be able to get some relief by using other noises to mask the ringing. White noise can be particularly effective, but you may need to do some experimenting yo find which noises work best for you.

Female Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem amongst all the men and women. Many of the women of our society are facing the problems of hair fall and even going almost bald. The cause may be any but sometime it affects the confidence of women more in comparison to their male counterparts. Hair of a woman is the important asset to make her healthy and gorgeous. For many of the women hair problems are not only a biological setbacks but a part of self-esteem too.

The root cause of hair loss in women is not genetic but it is related to several other metabolic problems like, pregnancy, stress, chemotherapy, crash diets / anorexia, thyroid hormone deficiency, major surgery, sever infection or high fever. Hair loss in female due to above mentioned factors is normally temporary, so if you are facing hair loss and at the same time going through any of the above mentioned trauma, dont be panic, keep patience, take prescriptions and precautions and after all a diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Definitely your hair will grow again and as healthy as before.

The pattern of hair loss in females is completely different from males. While males go bald, the baldness in females is rare. The normally occurring pattern of hair loss in females are found as thinning and lessening in shaft hair diameter around the forehead and crown of the scalp. The pattern is more to be found in females in the forties. This pattern may also found in the females with the beginning of menopause. According to clinical trial and statistics, about 13 percent of females experience hair problems before menopause while this number is alarmingly high, about 37% for post menopause.

As a female grew old, the intensity and level of a hormone called Estrogen drops in her body. The estrogens blocks the steroid hormone pre menopause, which results in low level of DHT. Post menopause the level of DHT in females rises and some time it is so high that it causes hair problems.

Amongst commonly occurring post menopause hair problems are decline in hair growth, thinning of hair and general effluvium. As a female enters into her 80s, the follicle shrinks completely and hair growth stops.

Major Causes of Hair Loss in Females

The most common type hair problems diagnosed in females is Androgenetic alopecia inherited. However, this is most common cause of hair problems in males as well. Androgenic alopecia in females is seen as hair thinning which means the number of hair on female head heavily reduces. Since the reason of hair loss varies individual to individual and hence proper medical help is of utmost importance.

Some other common causes of hair problems of females are mentioned here:

1.Alopecia areata- This is patchy loss of hair from the scalp. Sometime eyebrows and other hair bearing parts begin losing hair. This type of hair loss is considered to be due to autoimmune.

2.Traction alopecia- This type of hair loss occurs because of continuous traction pressure on hair follicles. Sometime this may occur because of tight braiding or corn rowing of hair.

3.Trichtotillomania- This type is supposed to be cause of stress or result of some other psychological disorder.

4.Telogen effluvium- This is associated with poor nutrition, drugs and stress.

5.Loose anagen syndrome- This disease is more common in fair haired ladies. This is the situation in which bunch of hairs drops down while combing, shampooing, etc. Normally the scalp hair comes out very easily and this lessens the hair density on your head.

Balding Solution for Men and Women

Androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern balding) is by far the most common cause of hair loss amongst men and a serious problem for many women. There are three important components which are responsible for both female and male balding:

1. A genetic predisposition for balding to occur

2. Excessive presence of male hormones

3. Aging – enough time for the first two factors to occur

Both men and women produce male hormones that have a useful role to play in both sexes; but the fact that androgens occur in much higher concentrations in men explains why male pattern baldness is more common than the female balding.

DHT the root cause of hair loss

It is metabolism of male hormones (androgen/testosterone) which is main cause of hair loss and male and female pattern balding both in men and women.

The metabolism of androgen involves an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase which combines with the hormone (testosterone) and converts it to DHT (Dihydro-testosterone). DHT is a natural metabolite of our body.

The cause of male and female pattern balding

Some individuals, both men and women, are genetically pre-disposed to produce more DHT than the normal individuals. It is this accumulation of DHT and its effect on the cells inside the hair follicle and root which is one of the primary causes of male and female pattern balding.

When DHT gets into the hair follicle and root, especially a region called the dermal papilla, it changes the cell’ activity and prevents necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals from providing nourishment needed to sustain life in the hairs of those follicles. Consequently, hair follicles are reproduced at a much slower rate.

This shortens their growing stage (anagen phase) and or lengthens their resting stage (telogen phase) of the follicle. DHT also causes hair follicle to shrink and get progressively smaller and finer. This process is known as miniaturization and causes the hair to ultimately fall. DHT induced androgenetic aloepcia is responsible for 95% of all hair loss.

Blocking the synthesis of DHT at the molecular level forms the basis for the treatment of MPHL (male pattern hair loss) and FPHL (female pattern hair loss). There are many natural DHT blockers and a number of drugs which are used for medical hair restoration.

Benefits Of Stretching Exercises For Lower Back Pain

Unfortunately, stretching exercises for lower back pain is something that everyone should educate themselves on at some point in their life because odds are, everyone will experience lower back pain at some point in their life. While it’s infinitely better to try to attempt to avoid injuring your back rather than treating an injury later, it’s not always possible to prevent a back injury. Car accidents and the like are often out of our control, after all.

One of the main ways people prefer to treat back injuries is through medication. Medication can be helpful in some ways, yet detrimental in others. If you are experiencing a lot of pain, too much pain to be able to function, pain medication is definitely the way you need to go. If you’re having muscle spasms in your back that is causing the pain, muscle relaxers can be beneficial. The problem with any medication is that they rarely treat the root cause of the problem. They just mask it enough to let us get through each day. Obviously, without fixing the problem itself, a person will continue to have to live with lower back pain.

Fortunately, there are other methods of treating lower back pain. These methods can be far more effective than medication, provided you are dedicated to using them and give them enough of a chance to start working. What are these seemingly miracle cures? Stretching exercises for lower back pain.

There are many benefits to stretching exercises for lower back pain. First, it’s an all natural way to treat the problem. You arent taking any medications or relying out outside interventions to help you with your problem. It’s just you and your body working together to treat your lower back pain. Because it’s all natural, you won’t have any adverse side effects that could prove harmful or even fatal later, like can often be the case with some medications.

Another clear benefit of stretching exercises for lower back pain is it can help prevent future injuries. How many medications can boast that claim? By strengthening your core muscles, you are giving your body the tools it needs to handle the activities and stresses you put upon it on a daily basis. You’re also keeping your muscles limber and flexible which allows them to extend and flex whenever and however you need them to.

Stretching exercises for lower back pain not only helps your lower back but the rest of your body, too. By being active and exercising, you help your entire cardiovascular system. You become more fit and healthy. Being more fit and healthy keeps your immune system going strong which ultimately results in you not getting sick as often or for as long.

It is in everyone’s best interest to stay active and stay healthy through stretching exercises. Not only can stretching exercises for lower back pain help your back, they can help keep you and your entire body healthy, as well.