Temporary Hair Color-Dont Commit It Doesnt Have To Be Permanent

Temporary Hair Color-Dont Commit It Doesnt Have To Be Permanent

Sometimes we don’t want to “commit” to a permanent new hair color and for those of us temporary hair color is a great option.

There are many reasons we might use temporary hair color. Sometimes we just have a social event that we want to channel our inner rebel for. Others we want to add a little color but we are afraid we won’t like it and don’t want to make full time commitment.

There are several types of color that can be added and will wash out, as well as the exact way you apply this type of hair color as well as how long it will generally stay in your hair.

Of course, your exact hair color when you start as well as the texture of your hair, will determine how long it is likely to stay in your hair.

Here are a few options:

1. Wash in type of hair color. These can literally be washed into your hair when you are in the shower. They usually last for a few weeks. You can find various colors available and since it is so easy to apply you don’t have to worry about messing it up.

The downside to this type of hair color is that it might be more difficult to only add it in specific areas of your hair. So, if you just wanted to add highlights rather than doing your whole head of hair, it might be more challenging with this type of hair color.

2. Gel. This adds hair color to your hair and it is easier to control just what part of your head gets the color and which part does not. For that reason, gel is the perfect option if you only want to add some highlights and you aren’t interested in doing all parts of you hair.

This type too, tends to wash out in anywhere from one or two shampoos to one or two weeks. Read the label carefully and you will likely get an idea of how long it is likely to stay.

3. Sprays. This too can allow you to only add color to one part of your hair, though it will be more difficult than using the gel to add highlights since the spray can go pretty much anywhere and it will be hard to control.

4. Another thing to keep in mind when trying to find a good temporary color is that one of the biggest advantages for these types of hair colors is that they may be less toxic.

All the more reason to carefully look over the label before you buy it. Also consider how long the product will remain in your hair. If you do want something for just a few days, focus on a product that will allow you to wash it out in one or two washings.

Today, we have a lot more options when it comes to “spicing up” our looks. We are no longer stuck with the idea of having to grow old gracefully, or even boringly. We can add virtually any color we want for pretty much any time frame we want.

Have fun with the many options of temporary hair color. You pick the color and how long you want it in your hair. Isn’t it nice to have options?

Looking Ageless-Make The Most Of It

A new acquaintance asks, “How old are you?” You have your reasons for not wanting to answer them, but the fact is that it’s a very difficult question to answer accurately. The reason is that there are three types of age: chronological age, biological age, and psychological age. Looking ageless is about taking charge of the ages that you have control over. We will go into more detail on each age, and then give you suggestions for making the most it.

Chronological age – This is simply a function of the day you were born. If you were born 50 years ago, then your chronological age is 50, and there’s not much you can do about that. When people ask you how old you are, they usually want to know your chronological age, however, there is much more to age than dates on a calendar. That being said, your chronological age serves as a useful point of comparison for the other types of age.

Biological age – While the calendar gives you one idea of age, your body will have its own idea about how old you are. Things such as your brain function, cardiovascular system, strength, endurance , and balance fall under this category. Genetics do come into play, but there are plenty of other factors that you can do something about.

Psychological age – You could be 30 and feel like you’re 60, or vice-versa. “You’re only as old as you feel” sums up this age quite nicely. How you feel will be reflected in how you look, so don’t underestimate the power of positive thinking.

Now that you have a better understanding of the full meaning of “age” you can start doing the right things for looking ageless. We will start with your biological age, and then move on to your psychological age.

Taking care of your health is the biggest secret to keeping your biological age lower than your chronological age. Eating the right foods and getting plenty of exercise are a good start. Do your best to eat foods that are close to their natural source, and focus on eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meat, low-fat dairy, fish, and healthy fats. Be sure to get the full range of nutrients and enough fiber.

When it comes to exercise and looking ageless, the key is to vary your routine. Cardiovascular exercise should be done most days of the week, and is any form of exercise that gets your heart rate up (walking, jogging, bicycling, boxing, and so on). Resistance training, such as weight lifting, helps keep your muscles strong. Balance and flexibility exercises should also be done on a regular basis as they help your overall fitness level and quality of life.

Your psychological age is all about having the right attitude. The more happy and positive you are, the younger you will look and feel. Embrace life and all that it has to offer. Don’t forget about prayer and meditation because they also have a positive effect on how you feel.

Is It A Wart Or Is It Something Else?

The outermost layer of the skin is called the epidermis. As the skin covers all parts of the body, warts can be found virtually anywhere on the body. Unfortunately, there are also a number of other types of growths which can appear on the skin in a similar manner. In order to affect the best means of treatment, it is important to determine whether a particular growth is a wart or whether it is something else. Being able to treat a growth for what it is obviously is relevant in selecting the best treatment; but another important factor is that some types of growths can be much more dangerous than most common warts. In taking both of these points into consideration, the earliest possible diagnosis is essential.

A wart is a benign tumor. As the word “tumor” can lead people to scurry off to their doctors, presenting it in this manner can be helpful. The reason for this is that many common warts, benign in themselves, can easily be confused with the malignant growths that are skin cancers. If you have a wart, or a cluster of them, do not be too hasty to dismiss them as harmless. There is a possibility that it could be a skin cancer, and many types of skin cancer are deadly. The significant rate of deaths from skin cancer is usually attributed to the fact that the cancer is not diagnosed and treated in time, and spreads quite rapidly.

For everyone in general, but most especially people who have had a lot of exposure to the sun, any new growth on the skin should be treated as suspicious and checked by a physician as soon as possible. You may indeed have nothing more than an annoying wart, but prompt medical attention to determine this is very important. Most skin cancers are usually one-hundred-percent curable if they are diagnosed and treated in time.

Another growth on the skin which is frequently mistaken for a wart is the common callous. A callous is a hardening of the skin, usually rough to the touch. Callouses occur in areas where there is the most pressure or friction to the skin, such as the heels of the feet, or the areas of the fingers if the person does a lot of writing or other similar detailed work.

Clavi commonly known as corns are smaller, more localized forms of callouses. They are most common on the feet, especially when one wears improperly-fitting shoes. They can bear a striking resemblance to warts, but they are not contagious to other people and will not spread to other parts of the body.

All types of warts are a problem to those who suffer from them, and can be as much of a problem to anyone who acquires warts from another person or infected surfaces. But in the interest of your health, before making a decision about the best treatment for your warts, it is a very good idea to first know for certain that it is indeed a wart and not any of the other types of growths that can appear on your skin. Although the black spot of the blood supply to a wart is a sign that that’s what it is, for the sake of your own peace of mind it is best that you not try to diagnose it yourself. A physician is the most competent judge as whether a growth is a wart, or whether it is something else.

Genital Warts: Men Need To Be Concerned Too

Only females can die from cervical cancer. Perhaps that is the reason why there has been so much recent emphasis and debate on producing and mandating a vaccine to prevent girls from acquiring the virus which causes the genital warts. Perhaps it is also the reason why most talk about irresponsible sexual activity is generally focused on girls and women. Where there is less focus, however, is that males can be equally responsible in preventing genital warts in themselves. Males can avoid contracting these warts, and can also avoid passing them on if they do become infected.

Given the status of American society today, it should not be surprising that for males as well as females the focus is not on conducing oneself in a responsible manner, but to take preventive measures while continuing risky behavior. Although males generally have much less chance of genital warts leading to life-threatening illnesses, studies show an average of an eighty-percent risk of acquiring genital warts during their lifetimes.

Studies rarely add that the primary risk factor is that of having numerous sexual partners. In that genital warts in men rarely lead to serious health conditions in themselves, the main concern is to not infect their partners with these warts.

One of the most recent studies on the subject of these warts has been by the Medical College of Georgia. The goal of these studies has been to perfect a vaccine made especially for men. The concept behind these studies was that even though men do not usually have life-threatening risks from warts, transmitting the infection to their partners is reason enough to take the issue seriously. Preventing males from acquiring any of the four strains of the virus which cause these warts would in turn prevent outbreaks of warts. This in turn would ensure the safety of their partners.

Although the Medical College of Georgia began its studies into the possibility of such a vaccine a number of years ago, at last check there have been no conclusive results. The College had been seeking test-subjects who had not yet developed genital warts. They were specifically looking for sexually-active males who were between the ages of sixteen and twenty-three, to participate in these research studies.

But while the Medical College of Georgia was also responsible for the largest similar research on this vaccine in women, the vaccine has not only been approved for but distributed to girls, while the vaccine for males has not been. As both males and females are susceptible to this virus, it would seem that preventing both from acquiring genital warts should be the same priority.

As those who have been conducting this research have lacked this priority, it leaves the subject of responsible conduct in the hands of men themselves.