Chiropractic Care: What If Your Primary Care Physician Says

Chiropractic Care: What If Your Primary Care Physician Says No

Here is the scenario: You are suffering painful, recurring migraines. You head to your primary care physician. They prescribe pain medication to treat your migraine headaches. You are sent on your way to deal with the pain as it returns. You stop and think maybe this isnt right. You ask your primary care physician about chiropractic care. They tell you it does not work or that you are only wasting your money. What should you do? Run.

For years, there have been some troubling problems between the traditional medical field and chiropractic care. Some primary care physicians believe that chiropractors are nothing but glorified spa masseuses. Is this true? No. In fact, these problems are slowly decreasing. More primary care physicians are realizing the benefits of chiropractic care. Unfortunately, you may have an old school, doctor who has yet to realize the benefits. What should you do?

First, turn to the internet. Perform a standard internet search with the phrase chiropractic benefits. You will see many results. Many are websites of chiropractors explaining their practice and their medical schooling. Others are firsthand accounts of pain suffering people who have sought and received relief from a chiropractor. So, if some people do seek relief from this type of medical care, why are some primary care physicians so against the procedure?

For starters, it takes away from their profits. Doctors run profitable businesses, but those profits arent always staggeringly high amounts. With state aid from Medicaid and Medicare programs and insurance companies who only want to pay less, some private practices are suffering. Your primary care physician realizes that if you do seek relief from a chiropractor you will continue to seek that relief and no longer need their services as much. Someone suffering from financial troubles do not want to lose paying clients.

Although some primary care physicians are concerned about the financial aspects of losing patients to chiropractic care, others believe it does not work. Primary care physicians tend to believe that medications and surgery are best courses of treatment. Chiropractors utilize neither. They provide natural relief. In fact, they do more than just temporarily relive the pain; they stop it at the source. They do so naturally with manual therapy. A patient with neck pain may just need an adjustment. This is done with precision force and thrust.

If you want to seek chiropractic care, do. You should not care what your primary care physician has to say. Truthfully, he or she should be supportive of your decision. If they believe it will not work, they should still let you try. A doctor who discourages you or outright prohibits you from seeing a chiropractor does not have your best interest at heart. As previously stated, this care is all natural, so there are no risks. Since there are no risks, you have nothing to lose.

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor, turn to your local phonebook or the internet. If your primary care physician was unreceptive to the treatment, they likely dont have a referral or suggestion for you. If covered by health insurance, see if coverage is extended to chiropractor care. If it is, choose one that accepts your insurance. With insurance coverage or price comparing, you can easily find an affordable chiropractor. Since you have nothing to lose physically and the costs are affordable, see what type of relief you can get.


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