Why A Positive Attitude Helps In Coping With Arthritis Pain

Why A Positive Attitude Helps In Coping With Arthritis Pain Part 1
Cathy Posner

Why A Positive Attitude Helps In Coping With Arthritis Pain Part 1

Think Positive To Relieve Arthritis Pain.

My name is Cathy Posner and I live in Wauchope which is on
the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, Australia. I was
born in 1957 and in late 2004 was told that the aches in my
joints were Rheumatoid Arthritis.

My husband, Ray has a very positive approach to everything
and I guess that has rubbed off on me, so rather than sit
back and let things progress I decided to see what I could
do for myself.

Let me give you an example of Rays positive attitude. In
September 2003 he had to have open heart surgery to replace
his aortic valve. We live on 160 acres so before he went
into hospital he slashed a walking track so that he could
regularly exercise when he came out of hospital.

Not only that he left the tractor set up for slashing. Four
weeks after surgery, even though he was not allowed to lift
anything heavier that a 2 liter bottle of milk (about 4
pints) he got the OK to slash the paddocks as long as he did
big easy turns at the end of each run. (Actually I think he
secretly enjoyed having me open the car door for him and
carry the groceries.)

So, as you can see, in his mind there was no way that he
wasnt going to get back to a normal life as quickly as
possible, but within the guidelines of what the Doctors told

Now when you live with someone like that its hard not to
take a positive approach.

How can having a positive attitude help you in your fight
against the pain and difficulties arthritis can cause?

I know some of you already reading this have a positive
approach so please bear with me.

As I was saying Rays positive attitude helped him in his
recovery. I dont know how much pain he was in but I can
imagine it was considerable. After all you dont have your
sternum sawn in half and rejoined without pain.

In fact for some time he had to clutch a folded towel to his
chest whenever he coughed or went to the bathroom but he
never complained once.

He just got on with life within the restraints set by the
Doctors and in fact even started a new business while he was

OK you might ask how does this relate to me? I know pain
can be an all consuming, overpowering feeling but you need
to get your mind off it.

If you sit back and wallow in self-pity your days and nights
will drag, you will become depressed (or even more
depressed) and your pain feeds upon itself your mind
magnifies the intensity of your pain and you feel even

If this describes you and my comments offend you then I am
sorry but hopefully what I am about to say will be a wake
up call for you.

What are the benefits of having a positive attitude? Well to
start with your mind can be trained to focus on things other
that your pain. When it does, your pain is shut out creating
a sense of feeling better. This feeling feeds on itself in
the same way that if you allow yourself to focus on your
pain, it seems to get worse.

Can you learn to have a positive attitude? Of course you
can. If you are still breathing you have the ability to
learn. And really it is not so much learning but altering
the state of your mind.

All you need is the desire to help yourself, to get relief
from your pain and overcome obstacles that your arthritis
creates for you.

May I suggest some things you can do?

How is your lifestyle? Do you look after yourself? Your
wellbeing is very important to how you feel and
influences how you think.

Diet and Exercise are important to your overall health. If
you are not eating correctly and doing some exercise within
your limits, you are not helping yourself in your fight to get
arthritis pain relief.

To read more about diet, foods that can help, foods to
avoid and to get some great tips on getting started with
exercise simply click on the link at the end of this article
and then follow the links on the home page.

I recommend you read a book on Positive Thinking. There
are some excellent publications available and most will give
you the tools you need.

Sit down and relax. Think back to when you didnt have the
inconvenience and pain of arthritis. Pick a point in time
when you were doing something that you enjoyed.

Now focus on that thing. Experience it again. Feel the
emotion associated with it. Live it. Breathe it. Be there
in your mind be that person that you were then.

Do this 2 or 3 times a day for 5 to 10 minutes at a time.
Tip: if you sit down and find you go to sleep, try standing

This technique helps to reprogram your subconscious to think
pain free and you should find that your pain decreases or
may actually go away.

You can also use this anytime your pain starts to get the
better of you. Just go back to that time when you were pain
free and allow your mind to again experience that feeling.

This really works. But dont just do it once you must do
it every day, without fail and you will soon see the

Cathy Posner


About The Author

Cathy Posner is an arthritis sufferer and lives in Wauchope, New South Wales, Australia. Her website is as a result of personal research and where arthritis sufferers can find up-to-date advice and information on arthritis pain relief.
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Dehumidifier Specs

Dehumidifier specs differ from one model or brand name to the next but all dehumidifiers are relatively the same. They all will help reduce the moisture level in your home and make your home more comfortable to live in and save you money on heating and cooling costs.

The first dehumidifier specs you need to know before you buy one is the amount of square footage the unit will cover. Measure the size of the room or area that needs moisture reduction and keep that number in mind when you go buy the dehumidifier.

Next, check the range of the humidity the unit can remove. A good range should be around 35-70 percent. You should be able to manually program the unit to an optimum 45-50% humidity in your home. Find a unit that, once set, will remain at that setting, and turn itself back on, even if the power goes out.

Also make sure at what temperature the unit will start to freeze up. If your basement area is the area of your home that needs dehumidification and temperature of the area is below 65 degrees you need to buy a unit that will operate under these conditions.

If the temperature of the area goes below the specified maximum operating temperature of the unit, the unit will freeze up. The coils will condense and this condensation will freeze up due to the refrigerant used to draw the moisture from the air.

A low temperature unit will maintain maximum operating efficiency at temperatures down to 40 degrees before frost forms on the coils. Once frost does form on the coils the unit must be shut down and allowed to defrost before starting up again.

Another aspect of buying the right dehumidifier is the size of the bucket. How much water does the dehumidifier hold and will it shut itself off when it gets full. Measurement is usually in pints and can range from 40 pints to 65 pints to over 100 pints depending on the size of the unit.

Some units can be hooked to a hose or come with a drainage pipe that can be run to a floor drain so there is no need to empty a full, heavy bucket of water everyday. If you are not able to buy a unit like this then you will be subjected to lifting that bucket out of the machine every day to empty it. The unit will shut itself off when the bucket is at capacity.

If the square footage allows, you can buy a model that can be ducted to other rooms so the humidity level can be managed throughout your home and not just in one area.

You may need to take the weight of the unit into consideration if you are planning to place the unit on anything but the floor. An average unit may weight as much as 90 pounds or more at full capacity. Do not ever place the unit on anything that cannot safely hold this kind of weight.

These dehumidifier specs should help you buy the right type of unit for your specific needs.