How to Find an Acupuncture Practitioner

Finding an acupuncture practitioner is much easier now that it is a much more common means of therapy. You can find one the same way you find a dentist, by simply looking on the internet, in the phone book, or asking one of your friends that is knowledgeable about current health advances. There are several national acupuncture organizations on the Internet, and you can look up your locality by state and city. You can also ask your family physician, for more and more doctors are referring their patients to an acupuncture clinic for the treatment of certain problems. You might be even more surprised to find that your doctor or internist may have training in acupuncture themselves, or one of the associated therapies.

Once you find several acupuncture practitioners in your area, you should make sure to check their credentials. This is always a good idea for you to do for all of your health support team, from your internist to your dentist. Not all states have established training standards required for acupuncture certification, but if yours does, ask the acupuncture practitioner about their training, background, and certifications. Although a certification does not ensure an excellent practitioner, you are at least assured that they have had sufficient training in the area. Do not rely on your practitioner to diagnose a disease unless they have conventional medical training. An acupuncturist is well trained to observe and address symptoms, but the Chinese medicine behind acupuncture is not particularly concerned about naming a specific disease. If you have significant symptoms that you feel needs a precise diagnosis, rely on a trained doctor. As mentioned earlier, your doctor may encourage you to seek the services of an acupuncture clinic to address certain symptoms that you may have.

Once you have found out the background of the acupuncture practitioners, the decision to select one is similar to the decision that you use to select a dentist. You may have friends that recommend them, you may schedule an initial visit and see how you feel at the office, etc. The remainder of the decision is more on how comfortable you feel with that acupuncture practitioner. The initial visit will consist of a diagnosis, where you will talk at length with the practitioner, and that will give you a very good indication of whether you are comfortable or not.

The cost of the treatments will be discussed after your diagnosis. The number of treatments will depend on your set of symptoms and your overall health. The acupuncture practitioner should discuss this before the series of treatments start. Some symptoms only require a few treatments, whereas others may stretch over a series of weeks. Typically, physicians that are also trained in acupuncture will charge more than nonphysicians.
Your insurance may cover visits to the acupuncture clinic, but you should contact them first and discuss your individual case. Make sure to mention whether it is a referral from your physician, if indeed it is. This introduction has hopefully given you the information you need to confidently find and schedule your first acupuncture clinic visit!

Statistics for Lasik Surgery Patients

The Lasik operation can be a wonderful, life-changing option for many people whose vision is less than perfect. There are several different types of Lasik operations now available, from the original and well documented procedure to Lasik procedures done with three dimensional wavefronts, or done entirely with lasers. Each of these variations of the Lasik procedure should be discussed with the physician that is to perform the operation.
Like any surgery, Lasik does have the potential for side effects.

Sometimes reading the horror stories of the outcomes of a Lasik procedure can deter people from seriously considering such a choice. It is also true that the vast numbers of people who have a successful, trouble-free Lasik surgery tend not to report a long and detailed story of their experience, unlike those that have experienced trouble afterward.

However, it is good to know what the possible side effects of the Lasik procedure are, and also the likelihood that one of these side effects will occur for a particular patient. Just like any medicine we take, each has a possible number of side effects, but we generally assume that the likelihood of a serious side effect is small, and we take the medicine anyway. This article will hopefully put concerns of the prospective Lasik patient into perspective so that they can calmly and thoughtfully ponder having a Lasik procedure done in the future.

More than one million Lasik procedures are done in the US every year, according to the FDA. This arm of the national government has accumulated the following statistics for the most common side effects of the Lasik procedure. These statistics will also vary by the physician performing the surgery, so make sure to get as much information on the prospective Lasik physician as possible.

After Lasik surgery, 1.7 percent of patients experience some glare or sensitivity to light after the operation. This varies by patient, but this sensitivity is especially noticeable when looking at a bright light, such as a streetlight when walking at night, or other strong light and dark contrast. Another light related side effect is a halo around a light, and this occurs in 3.5 percent of Lasik patients.

The new, corrected vision can be noticed quickly by some Lasik patients, in as little as a few hours after surgery. Most patients that have undergone the Lasik procedure find the change is permanent within a few days. In 2.6 percent of clients that have had a Lasik procedure done, there is persistent visual fluctuation within at least a part of their sphere of vision.

Finally, some patients do not get a fully corrected sphere of vision after their Lasik procedure. This happens with a small number of clients, and the FDA statistics are that only 3 percent of patients have this effect. In all or nearly all cases, the physician in charge will perform an additional Lasik procedure to improve this.

This detailing of the major permanent side effects of the Lasik procedure should put any personal horror stories into perspective. Notice that none of the percentages are above 3 percent, and this should bring comfort to most prospective Lasik clients. However, it should also motivate them to look carefully at the Lasik physician’s personal record.

Solving a Lasik Post Op Problem

I had Lasik vision correction surgery two years ago, and am quite glad I did. I think that my Lasik story might be helpful to some that consider that they might not be a perfect Lasik client, and are concerned about side effects after the Lasik procedure. I did have a significant side effect after my Lasik operation, but have weathered it well, and still recommend the operation highly.

My operation went exactly as described, with no pain or real discomfort at all. My Lasik physician was clear, stating each step that he completed so that I would know the Lasik procedure was proceeding as expected, and more quickly than I had imagined. I know that all of the discussion I had earlier with the Lasik professionals stated the operation generally took less than twenty minutes, but I was still surprised.

At the end of the operation, my Lasik doctor replaced the flap to its correct position in my eye and covered it with some kind of clear goop. Even at that time I could notice a distinct improvement in my vision. I was instructed to wear goggles over my eyes for five nights in order to prevent me rubbing my eyes while I was sleeping. I guess they assumed that any good Lasik patient would not do that when awake.

In addition, I followed all post-op Lasik procedure instruction to the letter. I slept immediately after the Lasik procedure was done (after I made it home, of course), used the eye drops religiously, and did not try to strain my eyes by reading everything that I could. I was amazed the immediate improvement in vision that Lasik makes, just as if there was a set of weightless contact lenses. Very impressive.

My biggest problem in Lasik procedure recovery was a result of epithelial erosion. The flap that is made in the eye during the Lasik procedure is made from epithelial cells. Once the flap is replaced at the end of the Lasik procedure, these cells start to regenerate in order to fill in the line where the flap has been cut. All of this is normal post-op Lasik healing. However, in my case the cells would grow fine, but at night my eyes tended to dry out when I was asleep. So, when I woke up, my eyelid would pull up some of the new cells from their place where they belonged, where if my eye was sufficiently moist they would have stayed in place.

I told this to my Lasik physician, who said this side effect just makes healing a little longer and it was not a serious side effect. When I went for a checkup to the Lasik center (which I highly recommend any time a Lasik client has any post-op worries or questions) they decided that I needed a thicker, more jelly like version of the eye drops to use at night. This worked well, and the rest of my post-Lasik recovery went well.
I am a strong advocate of the Lasik vision correction procedure. I also strongly suggest interviewing a number of positions, and do not put low cost as the highest priority. Your eyes are very important, and a highly competent Lasik physician is the most important factor.

What is Congestive Heart Failure?

It’s a terrifying moment for many patients: the moment when the doctor enters their hospital room and informs them they are suffering from congestive heart failure. Many people do not know what congestive heart failure is or what it means for their life, and they ask themselves, “Is congestive heart failure the end of my world as I know it?”

Congestive heart failure occurs when for whatever reason the heart is unable to effectively pump the blood through the body. This usually occurs when the heart muscle is weak due to disease or stressed beyond its ability to function. Congestive heart failure is usually a secondary disease following another cardiac condition, primarily either coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, valvular disease, or cardiac arrhythmias, with coronary artery disease carrying the poorest prognosis. It may also follow a myocardial infarction, renal failure, sepsis or severe anemia.

Each side of the heart has a different function, and therefore will have a slightly different effect on the body when it is unable to fulfill that function. If it is the left side of the heart that has failed accumulation of fluid in and around the lungs will cause the patient to experience difficulty breathing, and the kidneys will respond to the reduced blood in the circulation by retaining fluid as well. If it is the right side that fails the excess fluid accumulates in the venous system, giving the patient a generalized edema that becomes more severe as their condition deteriorates.

Dyspnea is the prevalent presenting symptom in congestive heart failure, although the severity will vary from patient to patient. Some will possess perfectly normal pulmonary function until under exertion, such as while exercising, walking up stairs or mowing their lawn; others will have so much fluid accumulated that simply rising from bed in the morning will prove difficult. These patients will also usually become easily fatigued due to a lack of oxygen to the tissues. Heart failure will also cause a condition known as pitting edema, in which the body retains fluid to the point that when pressure is applied to specific spot on the body the indentation remains (non-pitting edema is not caused by heart failure).

Treatment of congestive heart failure consists primarily of treating the symptoms. Vital signs should be taken regularly, and often diuretics will be prescribed to facilitate expulsion of accumulated fluid from the body. While in the hospital fluid intake and output will be measured very carefully. Patients will probably be placed in an upright position to assist in moving fluid from around the heart and lungs, given potassium supplements and prescribed bed rest for a period of time. BUN levels and serum creatinine, potassium, sodium, chloride and bicarbonate levels are monitered frequently by a physician.

There are several factors that contribute to congestive heart failure and, if diagnosed, should be treated and maintained. These include hypertension, anemia or poycythemia, endocrine disorders, malnutrition, drug or alcohol use and obesity. Therefore, it is very important that patients suffering from congestive heart failure pay particular attention to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A doctor can aid in establishing the best diet and exercise plan with each individual to prevent placing undue stress on the heart and lungs.

While no said cure exists for congestive heart failure and the prognosis varies from case to case, by following a strict diet and exercise program, taking all prescribed medications regularly and maintaining a close relationship with their physicians many patients who suffer from heart failure can continue to lead a fairly normal life.