Testosterone Talk: Symptoms of Male Menopause

Shrugged shoulders this is mens common reaction whenever menopause is discussed by their significant other. Perhaps the reaction can be taken into account with the fact that it is hard to understand something that you do not personally experience.

What if men experience menopause? Will they begin to understand a womans menopausal plight?

It may be a resounding yes or no. Medical studies show that women are not the only ones who experience menopause, men does too. The term is referred to as male menopause commonly known as andropause. Viropause is another term for male menopause. This is described to be the cause of low testosterone levels. Others view it as an end to first adulthood and an indication to begin second adulthood. Some individuals on the other hand view andropause in a sexual manner, wherein it signifies deterioration of sexual desires and performance.

Men may find this fact alarming. Perhaps then, they will start to realize and later on comprehend how it is like to have drastic hormonal change. Menopause for women has distinct and defined symptoms such as stop of menstrual cycle, hot flashes which is evident on the face, chest and neck, too much perspiration, dryness in the vagina, throbbing heartbeat, body aches, itching skin, the growth of hair increases specifically on face but growth of hair decreases on armpit and pubic hair.

On the other hand, dropping of testosterone produced is the most well-defined symptom of male menopause. This can be screened and identified after consulting a physician since decrease in testosterone may also be associated with other illnesses such as diabetes. Once testosterone level has gone down, the following symptoms may be transparent:

Physical exhaustion from simple tasks. The usual alertness and drive to easily accomplish tasks decreases. Being usually tired however does not contribute for a man to gain better sleep. At this stage, he may suffer from insomnia.
Furthermore, increase in weight and body fat is evident yet unexplainable.
Mental fatigue. The ability to concentrate lessens. He may need time to digest things being discussed over a conversation, on a written material or even audio-related matters.
Emotional exhaustion. At this time, a mans temper varies. He may feel happy now and suddenly sadness might strike him. Sadness aside, he may depict an angry attitude most of the time. Moreover, a man experiencing male menopause can easily be observed as always nervous.
Decrease in sexual desire. This may be due to failure to get or sustain an erection.

Andropause is not an alarming situation if men have apt knowledge on facts about male menopause. It will also be helpful if he gains knowledge on its symptoms so he can gauge whether or not he is suffering from andropause. To further verify the condition, a visit to a physician is highly recommended.

The situation will be less distressing for men if their significant others will well support him. If women needs heightened support, love and understanding during the menopausal stage, men in the same way needs it.

Now that there is a male version of menopause, maybe then the successor of Adam will be able to understand what is going with a womans body when she begins to experience menopause. Perhaps now there will be no more shrugging of shoulders. Instead there will be a shoulder to lean on hard times such as undergoing andropause.

Boys Dont Cry: What You Can Do With Male Menopause

Boys Dont Cry: What You Can Do With Male Menopause and Depression

Men are considered tough. At a young age they were taught how to wear masks. Emotions, especially feelings, which denotes weakness does not have any room in a mans life. Men in effect tend to deny what they truly feel. Studies show that men are more susceptible to depression since negative emotions are suppressed.

Depression is an emotional disorder. An individual who is said to be depressed begins to experience prolonged sadness, time and again anxiety, inability to concentrate, unexplainable anger and low self-esteem.

The occurrence of depression varies. Some people experience it as a form of reaction to uneventful situations in their lives. Others feel depressed as a response to excessive smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and taking drugs. Depression can also be inevitable when an individual undergoes chemical and hormonal changes in the body.

Male menopause or known as andropause to some, is a condition in which a man undergo changes it may be physical, emotional, or to some extent spiritual. If a male individual reacts negatively towards andropause, then he is prone to experience depression.

Boys dont cry, is a clich. It is high time that men do what is necessary to fight depression caused by male menopause phenomenon.

Acknowledgement is a key to acceptance. Male individuals should acknowledge that they too like their female counterpart also experience menopause.

Education then leads to better understanding. After accepting the fact that you have male menopause then it is best to educate yourself with the said condition. Learn what the signs and symptoms are, then the diagnosis and treatments. It is also best if you undertake research for facts and issues concerning andropause. The Internet is a good venue to learn more about male menopause and depression. There are also online organizations which you can turn to to help you with your dilemma.

Better understanding is a bridge for you to project a positive attitude. Negative emotions block your sensibility for you to have better comprehension of what is happening in your body. Depression usually roots to suppress negative emotions. It is not asked from you to portray a happy face yet you are miserable deep inside. What is being asked from you is that you have to learn how to deal with the situation. Make no room for self-pity for it will only worsen the situation.

Do something about it. After you have taken the necessary steps then move forward to getting help. Primarily, get help from your significant others. This is the time when their unconditional support and love is needed. Explain to them what you are going through. Let them know what specific help you need, if there are.

You can seek assistance from a physician who has expertise in andropause and depression. He can point out the changes that might happen to you and further prescribe you on what you should do.

Support groups may also be helpful. If there are support groups in your community, then it is best to join them so that you will feel that you are not alone in your battle.

No man should allow depression to rule his life. Male menopause is never a reason for you to wallow in depression. After all, look at the brighter side of things, andropause welcomes you to a new phase in your life a phase where you can put down your mask and reveal your true self.

Male Menopause Enlarged

There are currently numerous debates in the medical community on whether menopause really exists in men.

Menopause in women is defined as the time when the menstrual periods cease. Based on this, men cannot have menopause. But, as the doctors have argued, they can undergo andropause the male equivalent of menopause in women. Male who have andropause manifest the same symptoms as those women with menopause.

Male menopause is used to refer to the condition in which men experience a decrease in their hormone levels. But unlike the case of women whose hormone levels drop dramatically, male menopause takes place with a gradual fall in hormone testosterone. Medical reports show that many men in their 70’s have almost the same testosterone levels as those in their 20’s.

Men with menopause manifest symptoms that include irritability, sweating, memory problems, concentration difficulties, and hot flushing.

Other common complaints of men with menopause consist of low sex drive, hair loss, fatigue, generalized pains, and body shape changes as they tend to become more rounded and less brawny.

Analyzing the symptoms, it becomes clear why male menopause is compared with that of women. Women may manifest some or all of the symptoms listed.

It is important to note, however, that the symptoms listed may be caused by other physical illnesses other than menopause. Thyroid gland dysfunction, depression, or anemia may be the underlying roots.

Some doctors, however, claim that male menopause is caused not by the hormonal changes but by psychological reasons. The realization that they are ageing is underlined by the signs of physical changes such as the occurrence of wrinkles, fat and waning hairline.

Men in their middle age usually weaken their self-esteem as they begin to question themselves as to whether they still have a role in their homes and the society. An example is when their children mature and leave home; they start to feel empty and futile in the family.

Other possible psychological triggers of menopause in men include financial problems, job dissatisfaction, and marital conflicts.

It is important to note, however, that the symptoms listed may be caused by other physical illnesses other than menopause. Again, thyroid gland dysfunction, depression, or anemia may be the underlying causes.

The diagnosis of male menopause is done by running a physical exam, the doctor will inquire about the symptoms the male is experiencing. He may conduct necessary diagnostic tests to discard other medical problems which may be affecting the condition. Series of blood tests will then be carried out to analyze the patient’s hormone levels, as well as the blood testosterone status.

Testosterone replacement therapy is applied if the testosterone levels are found to be low. This process also helps to minimize the symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and low libido, or poor sex drive.

Hormone replacement therapy has as well been tied to the development in the brain functions, bone density and night sweats.

Testosterone replacement comes in oral medication, implants, or injections.

The oral drugs are given to those who cannot bear implants or injections.

On the other hand, implants are placed in the lower hip or abdomen. This method provides cure that keeps going for up to six months.

The testosterone injections are typically given about once every two weeks.

If you are considering testosterone replacement therapy, it is important that you talk to a doctor to learn more about it. Your physician may also advise some changes in your lifestyle, such as an exercise program, proper diet, and medications to help alleviate the symptoms caused by male menopause.

How to Find an Acupuncture Practitioner

Finding an acupuncture practitioner is much easier now that it is a much more common means of therapy. You can find one the same way you find a dentist, by simply looking on the internet, in the phone book, or asking one of your friends that is knowledgeable about current health advances. There are several national acupuncture organizations on the Internet, and you can look up your locality by state and city. You can also ask your family physician, for more and more doctors are referring their patients to an acupuncture clinic for the treatment of certain problems. You might be even more surprised to find that your doctor or internist may have training in acupuncture themselves, or one of the associated therapies.

Once you find several acupuncture practitioners in your area, you should make sure to check their credentials. This is always a good idea for you to do for all of your health support team, from your internist to your dentist. Not all states have established training standards required for acupuncture certification, but if yours does, ask the acupuncture practitioner about their training, background, and certifications. Although a certification does not ensure an excellent practitioner, you are at least assured that they have had sufficient training in the area. Do not rely on your practitioner to diagnose a disease unless they have conventional medical training. An acupuncturist is well trained to observe and address symptoms, but the Chinese medicine behind acupuncture is not particularly concerned about naming a specific disease. If you have significant symptoms that you feel needs a precise diagnosis, rely on a trained doctor. As mentioned earlier, your doctor may encourage you to seek the services of an acupuncture clinic to address certain symptoms that you may have.

Once you have found out the background of the acupuncture practitioners, the decision to select one is similar to the decision that you use to select a dentist. You may have friends that recommend them, you may schedule an initial visit and see how you feel at the office, etc. The remainder of the decision is more on how comfortable you feel with that acupuncture practitioner. The initial visit will consist of a diagnosis, where you will talk at length with the practitioner, and that will give you a very good indication of whether you are comfortable or not.

The cost of the treatments will be discussed after your diagnosis. The number of treatments will depend on your set of symptoms and your overall health. The acupuncture practitioner should discuss this before the series of treatments start. Some symptoms only require a few treatments, whereas others may stretch over a series of weeks. Typically, physicians that are also trained in acupuncture will charge more than nonphysicians.
Your insurance may cover visits to the acupuncture clinic, but you should contact them first and discuss your individual case. Make sure to mention whether it is a referral from your physician, if indeed it is. This introduction has hopefully given you the information you need to confidently find and schedule your first acupuncture clinic visit!