Arthritis and Joint Pain: Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies

Arthritis and Joint Pain: Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies

Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints caused by the
wear and tear injury or any infection. This inflamed condition
of the joints is mostly seen in the elderly people. It comes
from two Greek words, athron meaning joints and itis meaning
inflammation. It affects almost half of the population of the
world. About 50 million people in the United States suffer from
one or the other type of arthritis. It is more common than
cancer and heart problems. In brief we can say that it is the
condition that affects the health of the bone joints in the body.

Arthritis refers to the more than 100 distinct diseases that
cause pain and swelling, and limit movement in joints and
connective tissue . The common types of arthritis are-


Rheumatoid arthritis


Osteoarthritis results from the loss of bone tissue from the
joints and is also known as degenerative arthritis. It mostly
occurs with the preceding age. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the
people above the age of 40. It is more dangerous than
osteoarthritis as it affects the ligaments and tendons that join
the bones and muscles. Gout mostly affects men who are above the
age of 40 years and is caused by the excess accumulation of uric
acid in the spaces between the joints causing intense pain and
inflammation of the joints.

The various symptoms of arthritis are:

Joint pain

Swelling of joints

Limitation of movement

Swelling of joints

Stiffness of the joints

There are many types of arthritis and each of them has a
different cause of occurrence.

The common causes of arthritis are:

Obesity and overweight

Preceding age

Heredity factors

Hormonal changes

Weather changes

Excessive acid in the body

Nutrient deficiencies

Home remedies for Arthritis

Two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey taken in a
cup of warm water twice daily is highly beneficial for the
treatment of arthritis.

Half teaspoon of turmeric powder taken with warm water twice a
day is also effective in curing arthritis.

Application of hot packs and ice packs for 10 minutes also
provides relief from joint pains.

Drinking alfalfa tea twice daily is also beneficial for the
treatment of arthritis.

Drink some radish juice with sugar added to it.

Soak Spiegel seeds in water, make a poultice and apply it on the
joints for immediate relief from pain.

Natural Solution: Arthcare Oil – An Anti-inflammatory Herbal
massage oil.

Arthcare is an anti-inflammatory herbal oil which not only gives
relief from arthritis pain but also strengthens the bone
tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving a
comfortable movements of joints and muscles.


Joint pain is on of the symptoms of arthritis. It affects one or
more joints. Many types of injuries or conditions can cause it.
Joint pain can also be caused by the inflammation of the bursae
known as bursitis. The bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion
and pad bony prominences, allowing free movement of muscles and
tendons over the bone.

The other causes of joint pain are:

Joint injury

Infections like viral infections, bacterial infections etc.

Joint strains

Auto-immune diseases

Nervous system disorder

Home remedies for Joint Pain

Warm baths is the highly beneficial water treatment for the
joint pains.

Drink 15 grams of fresh bathu juice daily with an empty stomach
without adding any salt or sugar to it.

Massaging the affected area with any oil will provide relief
from the pain.

Drink a cup of papaya seed tea six or seven times daily for two
or three weeks for relief from joint pain.

Eat porridge of 2 teaspoonfuls of winter cherry with ghee and
molasses with an empty stomach for 15 days.

Diet also plays an important role in the treatment of arthritis
and joint pain. Improvement in the digestion and metabolism of
the body is very important for the treatment. Heavy meals, meat
and fish, sour fruits and fried foods should be avoided, as they
are difficult to digest. Consumption of rice during nighttime
should be avoided. Among fruits bananas are considered best as
they provide strength to the joints and grease them. Carrot
juice is highly beneficial as it strengthens the ligaments.
Besides diet rest is also important for the patients suffering
from arthritis and joint pain.

Natural Solution: Arthcare Oil – An Anti-inflammatory Herbal
massage oil.

Arthcare is an anti-inflammatory herbal oil which not only gives
a relief from joint pains but also strengthens the bone tissues,
the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving a comfortable
movements of joints and muscles.

Visit for Natural Home Remedies for
Various Ailments, Diet, Lifestyle, Causes and Symptoms, Natural
Herbal Remedies and Treatment by Herbs

Arthcare Oil – Within minutes it removes the terrible persistent
misery due to Arthritis and Joint Pain

Brings relief from backaches, muscular strains, rheumatic pains,
joint pains etc.

Read more about Arthritis at

About the author:
Visit for Natural Home Remedies for
Various Ailments, Diet, Lifestyle, Causes and Symptoms, Natural
Herbal Remedies and Treatment by Herbs

Arthcare Oil – Within minutes it removes the terrible persistent
misery due to Arthritis and Joint Pain

Brings relief from backaches, muscular strains, rheumatic pains,
joint pains etc.

5 Sure-Fire Tips For Treating Your Arthritis

5 Sure-Fire Tips For Treating Your Arthritis
Susan Easton

The numbers can rattle you down to your bones if you let them. Millions upon millions of American adults suffer from arthritis, and that’s not including folks around the globe in other countries. In fact, arthritis tops the list as one of the most common chronic conditions in the United States and most other Western nations.
The numbers are much worse when you consider that arthritis pain and other arthritis symptoms are so hard to live with many times. Arthritis symptoms can include debilitating pain in your joints and in your bones. It can lead to the inability to move certain limbs, or extreme stiffness in others.
Arthritis pain could steal you ability to feed yourself with utensils, to be able to pick up your grandchildren, or to even get out bed in the morning. Other arthritis symptoms can include swelling, burning sensations in your joints, aches and pains in indiscriminate parts of your body, and redness.
Arthritis is actually a family of a whole host of different disorders. And to find the arthritis pain relief and treatment for you, you must know your particular type of arthritis. The two main kinds of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (OA). There is also gout, and some even consider fibromyalgia a form of arthritis.
Each type has its own arthritis treatment. For osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, for instance, to get arthritis pain relief some experts recommend alternative herbal remedies, or even your standard supplement treatments such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and calcium.
The top sure-fire arthritis treatment tips involve a little of such remedies, as well as some physical things you can do to better protect your joints.
1. Be kind to your joints. OA starts as excessive wear and tear in your joints. So one of the best ways to reduce the risk of this is by avoiding repetitive motions, which can include swinging a tennis racket, golf club, picking up packages at work, and other things you do the same way over and over.
2. Lose weight. Another way to be the kindest to your joints is to drop the load they have to bear. In other words, lose weight. Talk to your doctor about what a healthy weight is for you if you’re overweight.
3. Eat right. Some experts believe that calcium-filled dairy foods, and vitamin packed fruits and vegetables, can go a long way as an arthritis treatment and prevention method.
4. Know your drugs. NSAIDs work well against some forms of arthritis pain, but they also come with risks. Remember Vioxx? Acetaminophen, the drug in Tylenol, works well, too, but it can also lead to kidney and liver problems in excessive doses. So don’t take these drugs without your doctor’s advice.
5. Know your herbal remedies. Glucosamine and chondroitin have finally been proven as effective remedies for arthritis pain. But talk with your doctor before you take them.
There is no guarantee that any of these arthritis treatments can help you not become part of that frightening arthritis statistic, but the beauty is, no matter how much they work for your arthritis pain, they will definitely benefit your overall health. So it’s a win-win situation no matter how you look at it.

About The Author

This article about arthritis is submitted by Susan Easton, writing for

Massage Therapy Risks – Fact or Fiction?

True enough, some critics believe that there are also risks involved in massage as a therapeutic technique. Life is not a bed of roses and it follows that for every advantage there is an equivalent disadvantage. How real can the massage therapy risks be? What impact will they pose on the human health? While there are folks who ring the bell to the benefits of massage as a form of therapy, there are likewise those individuals who contest them.

Clear enough, it is safe to assume that there is typically an exception to every rule. Simply put, there are several other health conditions which are not to be addressed by massage alone. There is a much better medical solution that is apt for them.

Explaining the other Side

In several articles, you surely have read about the various kinds of massage therapy. They come in different names and are done in different fashions too. At the same time, they are comprised of different techniques. The point that is being driven is the fact that if massage therapy is applied to a serious medical circumstance such as cancer, the tendency is for the situation to get even worse. In fact, the individual’s life may be actually threatened. Doctors often advice that their attention should be called for prior to taking things further. Any type of massage therapy has to be pre-approved by them. Of course, the patient needs to go through an extensive test to ensure that no sort of danger will get inflicted on him.

A Threat for Cancer Patients

Studies show how this kind of therapy can truly endanger the life of a cancer patient. Cancer is a serious illness that should be addressed following the right healthcare precautions. Some of the risks involve the following:

Bone fractures. Cancer treatments often lead to the weakness of the bones. There is a tendency that during the massage, the application of some pressure may cause the bones to break.

Bleeding. Cancer-afflicted individuals often bleed profusely. For one, the deep tissue massage may cause them the life-threatening internal bleeding.

Spread of the cancer tumors. While this is yet being taken under a heated debate, there are some specialists who claim that a strong pressure on the tumor area will lead it towards metastasis. This may not yet be proven but it still calls for an extreme form of caution.

Lymphedema. This is the term used to refer to the buildup of the lymph in the soft tissues which therefore causes the soreness of the limbs. Some forms of massage therapy can cause this condition especially to someone who has just had the cancerous lymph nodes removed.

Symptoms of flu. Those who have been taking up chemotherapy sessions and at the same time the massage therapy are likely to develop the symptoms of flu.

Pains. Unbearable pains often come after the treatment which nonetheless heightens the patient’s suffering.

Post-surgery effect. Someone who is yet recuperating from a surgery should not get exposed to this kind of therapy since it may lead to the reopening of the incision and the provoking of the internal or external bleeding.

These are just some of the prime massage therapy risks known to the public. Sure enough, some other dangers may surface later on. Thus be very careful and seek for your doctor’s advice prior to consenting to this kind of healing procedure.

Aromatherapy MassageIts Impact on the Health

The term aromatherapy massage is nowadays one common item among all and sundry. The term itself connotes a popular method of relaxation and healing following a set of effective techniques. Several practitioners are engaged in its promulgation all over the world. Tracing back time, the ancient inhabitants made use of different types of natural oils as extracted from the plants and herbs since they believed in their power to assist in healing. They have experienced their therapeutic effect on the various types of health conditions. As it is well known today, this method promotes both the mental, physical, and emotional relief to several individuals.

Looking into its relevance to the contemporary times, aromatherapy never fails to impose the same healing effect. The secret to it is due to the aroma of the different essential oils which are able to activate the nerve endings in the nose and which in turn deliver the impulses towards the brain area that stimulates memory and emotions. Undoubtedly, the aroma has a soothing and calming effect which leads to relaxation.

A Look into its Top Benefits

Of course, such method will not be recognized if there are no benefits that come around. Everyone is perfectly conscious about the benefits that aromatherapy brings about. It is known to improve the general health of a person. In England and the United States, it is regarded as the alternative to modern medicine. There may be some detractors but there is no doubt that its effects are wonderfully healing.

For further discussion, the following are its top benefits.

It aids in the medical arena. This method is warmly accepted in France. The doctors prescribe the use of the essential oils to eliminate the harmful organisms that thrive in the body. The prevention of infections is done by means of these oils. In the United States, the aroma of the essential oils is used to improve the body condition to fight off the symptoms of the illnesses.

It relieves stress. It is definitely given to people who experience loads of stress due to their hectic lifestyle. It likewise tones down the attack of depression.

It improves the person’s behavior. The massage clears the mind of all negative things so the behavior likewise improves.

It promotes sound sleeping. After the massage, the person feels like he is lulled into sleep. People who have sleeping disorders are advised to undergo the massage sessions.

It helps pregnant women. There is what is called the pregnancy massage which lessens the discomfort among the expecting women.

It fights off colds. The aroma of the essential oil as used during the massage session cures the colds.
It heightens the male’s sexual response. With the use of the appropriate oil, the erotic senses of the males are awaken. The massage is even credited to improve the blood circulation within the maleness area which can possibly cure impotence.

It contributes to a person’s alertness. The massage can boost the energy that enables a person to stay active.

It alleviates pain. Body pains are best cured using the massage technique with the aid of essential oils.

It treats wounds. Wounds heal safer and faster when applied with a right amount of pressure from the massage.

The aromatherapy massage is best performed by an aromatherapist. It is best to consult a certified practitioner and honestly tell him of your problems so that you will be given the due solution.