Low Blood Sugar Cause-Effect

Skipping meals is just one low blood sugar cause you need to avoid. When you skip meals your body is starved for nutrients and doesn’t really know what to do with itself. When your body does not know what to do with itself it will eventually tell you it needs food by sending signals that it needs to eat.

Some symptoms that your body sends out are blurred vision, dizziness, mental confusion, sweating, weakness, and abnormal behavior. When you experience these symptoms the only thing that should enter your mind is to get something to eat to raise your blood sugar as fast as you can.

Hard candy, a glass of milk, or a peanut butter and honey sandwich are all good choices to raise your blood sugar quickly. Peanut butter and honey is my favorite because the honey will bring your blood sugar up quickly and the peanut butter will hold it there. You can also try orange juice with some sugar dissolved into it too. If you do the juice thing you need to make sure you eat something more substantial afterward to keep your blood sugar within normal limits.

Normal levels of blood sugar are supposed to be between 70 and 110 mg/dl. When you consistently fall below the level of 70mg/dl then you are considered hypoglycemic and must get treatment started right away. Hypoglycemia is considered a forerunner of diabetes. Your doctor will no doubt have yoiu start checking your blood sugar and keeping a log every day. After a month or so of keeping this log then he or she will want to see it to see where your blood sugars tend to be at certain times during the day. This will help your doctor personalize a treatment for you.

If you are diabetic, low blood sugar cause may be attributed to your medication. If you have been on the same dose of insulin for some time you need to discuss with your doctor a medication adjustment if you have been having episodes of hypoglycemia especially during the night or first thing in the morning. There are a number of different types of insulin that you can use to control your diabetes.

Other causes that contribute to hypoglycemia are eating too many carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are converted into sugar very quickly after ingesting them and this causes a spike in your blood sugar. With your blood sugar spiking, your pancreas responds by flooding your bloodstream with insulin to take care of the increased sugar level.

The only problem is that the sugar spike caused by carbohydrates is short lived and the amount of insulin pumped into your bloodstream ends up to be too much and when the sugar is metabolized then you are left with a sharply dropping blood sugar and you find you have to eat again very shortly to bring your blood sugar back up.

Eating several small meals throughout your day is the best way to combat and control your low blood sugar problems. No more missing meals, not eating enough at a meal, drinking in excess, or even strenuous exercise can be low blood sugar cause.

Low Blood Sugar Cause

Skipping meals is just one low blood sugar cause you need to avoid. When you skip meals your body is starved for nutrients and doesn’t really know what to do with itself. When your body does not know what to do with itself it will eventually tell you it needs food by sending signals that it needs to eat.

Some symptoms that your body sends out are blurred vision, dizziness, mental confusion, sweating, weakness, and abnormal behavior. When you experience these symptoms the only thing that should enter your mind is to get something to eat to raise your blood sugar as fast as you can.

Hard candy, a glass of milk, or a peanut butter and honey sandwich are all good choices to raise your blood sugar quickly. Peanut butter and honey is my favorite because the honey will bring your blood sugar up quickly and the peanut butter will hold it there. You can also try orange juice with some sugar dissolved into it too. If you do the juice thing you need to make sure you eat something more substantial afterward to keep your blood sugar within normal limits.

Normal levels of blood sugar are supposed to be between 70 and 110 mg/dl. When you consistently fall below the level of 70mg/dl then you are considered hypoglycemic and must get treatment started right away. Hypoglycemia is considered a forerunner of diabetes. Your doctor will no doubt have yoiu start checking your blood sugar and keeping a log every day. After a month or so of keeping this log then he or she will want to see it to see where your blood sugars tend to be at certain times during the day. This will help your doctor personalize a treatment for you.

If you are diabetic, low blood sugar cause may be attributed to your medication. If you have been on the same dose of insulin for some time you need to discuss with your doctor a medication adjustment if you have been having episodes of hypoglycemia especially during the night or first thing in the morning. There are a number of different types of insulin that you can use to control your diabetes.

Other causes that contribute to hypoglycemia are eating too many carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are converted into sugar very quickly after ingesting them and this causes a spike in your blood sugar. With your blood sugar spiking, your pancreas responds by flooding your bloodstream with insulin to take care of the increased sugar level.

The only problem is that the sugar spike caused by carbohydrates is short lived and the amount of insulin pumped into your bloodstream ends up to be too much and when the sugar is metabolized then you are left with a sharply dropping blood sugar and you find you have to eat again very shortly to bring your blood sugar back up.

Eating several small meals throughout your day is the best way to combat and control your low blood sugar problems. No more missing meals, not eating enough at a meal, drinking in excess, or even strenuous exercise can be low blood sugar cause.


Pregnancy And Hair Loss

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First of all congratulations on your pregnancy!

One of the major changes is change with the hair like other parts of the bd. It could thin or fall out, or it could also thicken. Understanding why this happens during pregnancy and what you can do to help the problem will help you in fighting the thinning and loss of your hair or with extra hair growth.

Hormones have lot of effects on your hair. The main reason your hair will change during pregnancy is the change in hormo…

jobs, healthcare, hair loss

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First of all congratulations on your pregnancy!

One of the major changes is change with the hair like other parts of the bd. It could thin or fall out, or it could also thicken. Understanding why this happens during pregnancy and what you can do to help the problem will help you in fighting the thinning and loss of your hair or with extra hair growth.

Hormones have lot of effects on your hair. The main reason your hair will change during pregnancy is the change in hormones. Estrogen plays a large part in the way that your hair is shaped. If your hair begins to grow faster and becomes thicker, it is most likely because there is an increased amount of estrogen that is moving through your body. Estrogen moves to the hair follicles in your body to increase the growth rate. There will also be extra nutrients that are provided from the estrogen increase, which will also increase hair growth. This is usually a result of the estrogen allowing the metabolism to move faster, which then supplies extra nutrients throughout the body.

Another change that you may notice from pregnancy is a change in the style. Your hair may not only be fuller or thinner, but may also change from straight to curly, or have the opposite effect. This is usually attributed to the hormone changes as well. The hormone increase that you experience will automatically move into the cortex, where hair begins to grow and add the texture to it. Usually, this will not change back until the hormones return to normal after pregnancy.

These same changes also occur after your baby is born. You may realize that your hair is thinning or falling out. Usually, the first three to six months after pregnancy will cause a change in your hair. This should be expected and is normal after a pregnancy. This usually occurs because the estrogen levels are able to move back to normal and slow down the nutrients that are moving through your body.

If your hair falls out during pregnancy, its because of not receiving the nutrients your body needs. Without those essential nutrients, your body is unable to produce the amount of estrogen it needs. One of the things to be aware of is if your hair falls out during your pregnancy. If this occurs, it is most likely a result of not receiving enough nutrients for your body to produce the right amounts of estrogen. This is especially a problem within the first trimester because of morning sickness and nausea. It is important to make sure that you are getting the right amounts of nutrients during this time to allow your body to stay balanced.

Knowing what changes your body goes through during pregnancy will help you adjust your hair routine to keep it healthy. Additional vitamins and other supplements will help your hair and scalp healthy and your hair beautiful.

Ways to Better Your Brain, Cognitively and Physiologically

When you start forgetting things, you blame your brain. When you don’t feel so good since you stayed up late and drank till 3am, you won’t be working in the office like a sharp instrument. When you don’t even notice what doesn’t work among the solutions you come up with and argue for during meetings, you have to do something about this. When you can relate to all these, you need to better your brain, both in sharpening your perceptions, in improving how you approach problems, in analyzing information, and in adjusting your health, sleeping, eating, and work out regimen.

Your brain is not only like a muscle. It’s also like a 10 year old. It could have started out curious and as you nourish that curiosity and savor the habit of learning more, of seeing relationships among things, of solving problems, you tend to improve the cognitive aspect of your brain.

Problem solving is a good way to keep your brain sharp. Once you get familiar with how your biases clog and impede your way of seeing things, and get some training on problem solving techniques, not only will your stress level go down, you will start to feel empowered. Most people try to avoid problems, but if you’re curious on how to generate solutions to things and to try them out, then problems become opportunities to make things better. The more empowered and capable you feel about your problem solving skills, the better you feel about yourself, the more you become capable of dealing with stress. Consequently, the more capable your observational and analytic skills become, the healthier your brain gets.

So it’s recommended to start researching on problem solving techniques, and see how the many strategies may apply to your various domestic, academic, and work scenarios.

On the other hand, your brain is like a muscle. It atrophies or welts when you don’t use it. Like a plant, It doesn’t grow well when it doesn’t receive the right nutrients. Like a dog underfed and eating trash, it limps and gets sick easily.

There is also a social and self-affirming positive outlook about trying to better your brain. It involves spending time enjoying the company of your friends and family, when you can be yourself, and just let it all hang. There’s something spiritually relieving about being yourself, and around the people you’re comfortable with, and whose company you enjoy. This kind of rest is good for your brain, too.

Get some sleep, a lot of sleep. The brain works better when your synapses are healthily firing and your subconscious has had time to sort itself out. This means rest physically and mentally. The more time away from a problem you get the more your mind has time to work on it, subconsciously. It’s always better to approach work problems after a long night’s sleep.

Work out, too, on a regular basis. The more your heart gets pumped and often the more blood circulates throughout your body, and to your brain, bringing fresh supplies of oxygen and nutrients to it. Also, working out brings about increased levels of release of endorphins that make you feel good. It’s no wonder some people become addicted to exercise. Your brain will like it, too. These are just some of the ways to better your brain.