Combat Arthritis Pain With A Natural Arthritis Remedy

Combat Arthritis Pain With A Natural Arthritis Remedy
Howard Tiano

Although there are different types of arthritis i.e. osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis it appears that both types can be improved through the use of natural arthritis remedies and many of those remedies can be found on websites or in local pharmacies, or health food supermarkets that have been springing up all over North America. Osteoarthritis can result from injuries to the joints, a lifestyle that overuses the joints, from deficiencies in the diet, or simply as a factor of the aging process. Deterioration occurs in the cartilage that protects the bone ends and they become rough instead of smooth as they should be. That causes friction and friction results in pain. One of the most well accepted natural arthritis remedies for osteoarthritis is taking glucosamine or chondroitin or better yet a combination of the two. Glucosamine has become especially popular in the last few years for one main reason: it works. It helps strengthen cartilage, and promotes healthy joints. Most people take the sulfate form of glucosamine, but new research shows that glucosamine hydrochloride will have better results.Other natural arthritis remedies include BioCell Collagen, Hylaronic Acid, and Methylsulfonyl Methane. All of these natural arthritis remedies can be found in sources that give information about herbs and other natural cures.Rheumatoid arthritis appears to have numerous contributing causes and requires a more holistic, comprehensive approach in order to provide a natural arthritis remedy. Many sufferers have a genetic marker that contributes to a tendency to develop the disease. In addition to herbal treatments, a change in diet is widely considered to be one of the best natural arthritis remedies available. Recent research shows a connection between intestinal health and inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Foods like refined sugars, saturated fats, processed foods and hydrogenated oils may well contribute to arthritis because they are pro-inflammatory foods. There is also evidence to indicate that food allergies play a strong role in development of arthritis.Nutrients that have been found to be effective in reducing symptoms for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis include zinc, selenium, manganese, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, and vitamin E. These natural arthritis remedies and others can be found in nearly any publication that talks about herbal cures. At the same time, changing the diet to exclude inflammatory foods and eat more naturally may be a strong factor in reducing arthritis symptoms.Whether the arthritis from which a particular individual suffers is caused by genetics, food allergies, aging, or injury, there are a number of natural cures available that can help reduce the symptoms significantly. Combating arthritis with natural remedies can substantially reduce the need for harsher treatments like prescription drugs or surgery. About the Author
Alternative Medicine Resource was conceived to inform visitors of the available choices for treatment beyond standard medical solutions, so you know your options, and can make the best decision for your circumstances.Howard Tiano provides free advice & information on alternative medicine, and can be found at

The History of the Air Ambulance

We have all come to know the familiar sound of the helicopter overhead that is flying quickly from the scene of a tragic car crash to the nearest trauma center at a nearby hospital. We may have even known someone who has needed to utilize such air ambulance service. Do you know the history behind these marvelous methods of medical transportation?

Think back nearly a century ago. During World War I, air ambulances were first introduced. Between 1914 and 1918, a variety of military organization tested the use of flying ambulances to treat patients. Over time, this beginning has spawned into the air ambulances of today.

What later became the Royal Doctor Flying Service started in the year 1928. This milestone event was the first air ambulance service ever to exist. This service began in the Australian Outback. This non-profit organization was intended to provide service to people living in the remote areas of the Outback. The Royal Doctor Flying Service provided emergency medical care, as well as, primary care for individuals who found it difficult to reach general healthcare facilities or hospitals due to the distance.

In 1934, Marie Marvingt started an air ambulance service. This was the first civil air ambulance service in Africa. The air ambulance service was established in Morocco. Again, the remote areas and terrain played a role in the decision to begin this service in the specific location.

Marie Marvingt used her pioneering spirit and record-breaking personality to help others when she began the air ambulance unit. She was the first woman to fly combat missions as a bomber pilot. She also was a qualified nurse. Specializing in aviation medicine she was the perfect candidate to begin the air ambulance service in Morocco. In fact, she worked to establish air ambulance services worldwide.

It was in 1936 that a military air ambulance service assisted wounded. The injured were evacuated from the Spanish Civil War. The wounded received treatment in Nazi Germany.

The Saskatchewan government established the first civil air ambulance in North America in 1946. Regina, Canada was home to this landmark service. Still today the air ambulance service is in operation.

Only one year later in 1947, Schaefer Air Service began. This was the first air ambulance service in the U.S. Founded in Los Angeles, California by J. Walter Schaefer. The Schaefer air ambulance service also became the first to be FAA certified in the United States.

It wasn’t until November 1 of 1970, that the first German Air ambulance helicopter began service at the hospital of Harlaching, Munich. This unit was called Christoph 1. As the idea spread over Germany, the air ambulance service continued to grow rapidly. By 1975, Christoph 10 began service. Currently, around 80 helicopters are being used as air ambulances in Germany. Each unit is named after Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travelers.

Denver, Colorado was home to the first hospital-based air ambulance medical helicopter in the United States. In 1977, Flight for Life began. Soon, the helicopter air ambulances expanded to use other types of aircraft.

In 1977, Ontario, Canada a flight paramedic program began with a single rotor-wing aircraft. Today, this program has become the largest and most sophisticated air ambulance program in North America. The fleet is dispatched to over 17,000 missions annually.

Lee County, Florida began a public service air ambulance transport in 1978. They began using a Bell47 then progressed to a BO 105. Currently, they use a BO 105 and an EC-145.

Today, the air ambulance industry has grown and expanded to become worldwide. Aircraft vary from helicopters to jets. The medical advances and technology has also grown to include high-tech tools and equipment that can effectively monitor and prolong life during medical emergencies in the air.

Arthritis Management Through Diet

Arthritis Management Through Diet
Kathryn Whittaker

The term arthritis refers to the chronic inflammation of joints throughout the body. Arthritis is one of the most rapidly growing chronic conditions in North America. Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is also known as wear and tear arthritis and degenerative joint disease. This form of arthritis classically affects the knee joint, the hips and other weight bearing joints. Other forms include rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis.

New treatments for arthritis are constantly researched. The most common arthritis medications are non-steroid or steroid anti-inflammatory drugs which, although effective, have serious side-effects. They can have unpleasant side effects: cause weight gain, acne, osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, cataracts and infections. The side effects of steroids impact on almost every system of the body, and the more steroids you take, the more side effects you are likely to experience.

The newest findings link arthritis not only to poor diet and obesity, but also to the overall state of the immune system. Quite recently, researchers have found a protein in the immune system that malfunctioned in patients who have arthritis or other inflammatory diseases. Doctors believe they can block this protein to reduce the need for steroids.

As the general population ages, the number of people with arthritis is growing. Today arthritis medications are aimed at baby-boomers who have spent more years living with obesity than the previous generation. Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have found that there are more cases of obesity-related arthritis among baby boomers compared to the previous generation.

What we eat often plays a large role in setting the stage for the start of arthritis. There are a few changes anyone can make to their diet to successfully offset arthritis even without using arthritis medications.

The typical North American diet contains an overwhelming amount of cooked, processed and other acid forming foods. A healthy diet should be 70lkaline and 30cidic. Unfortunately, the average North American diet has reversed this ratio.

Instead of eating cooked foods that are acid forming, a diet of mostly raw, fresh vegetables, fruits and reducing the consumption of meats are an excellent way to help reduce inflammation throughout the body.

To ease your arthritis symptoms without succumbing to arthritis medications, avoid foods that form acid in your body. These foods include bread, coffee, corn, honey, oatmeal, peanuts, rice, soy, pasta and wheat. When treating arthritis, stay away from saturated fats, such as butter, cream, and margarine.

Antioxidants in brightly colored fruits and vegetables offer substantial protection against arthritis. By eating more yellow and orange fruits and vegetables you will consume antioxidants called carotenoids, which can lower your chances of developing inflammatory arthritis. Some dietitians suggest that night-shade vegetables are unsuitable for arthritis patients, which means you should think twice about eating peppers, (red, green and yellow), potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants.

Build your arthritis diet around such alkaline-forming products as most berries, bananas, dates, figs, prunes, raisins, almonds, asparagus, avocado, fresh beans, beets, carrots, grapes, plums, spinach, apricots, broccoli, all kind of cabbage, cantaloupe, celery, cherries, chestnuts, chicory, coconut milk, fresh sweet corn and cucumbers. Focusing on vegetables instead of proteins will ease many other symptoms and help you reduce weight too.

Proper hydration is a must. Drink half your weight in ounces that would be 75 oz of water for a person weighing 150 pounds. If you must drink alcohol, coffee or soda, drink an extra 16 oz of water for every alcoholic drink and cup of coffee or soda you consume in addition to the water you would normally drink.

Arthritis is a condition that takes years to develop. In many cases, arthritis can be avoided or effectively managed through the use of alternative methods that include proper nutrition, hydration and specific nutritional supplements that can reduce the damage done to aging joints.

About the author:

Kathryn writes articles on a number of different topics. For more information on Arthritis please visit http://www.arthritis-resource.comand for additional articles on Arthritis

Implant Placement

Complications commonly arise from any surgical procedure. The possibility and severity of these complications vary depending on all the circumstances of each individual surgery. The same is true for breast augmentation. One factor in determining any potential complications you may encounter is how and where the breast implants are placed. The placement can also affect the final appearance..

There are four commonly used methods of placing breast implants. The placements vary from being underneath, below or against the pectoralis muscle. These methods achieve different results as well as encountering different complications.

The subpectoral technique is the most common method used in North America. It has the lowest rate of capsular contracture. The subglandular method has a higher capsular contracture rate, but is thought to produce results that are more natural in appearance. This method also might show ripples or wrinkles in the implant in women with thin tissue in the placement area.

The benefits of a third method, subfascial, are still being debated. Supporters claim the method helps in sustaining the implant position. The fourth technique is called the submuscular implant. This method is commonly chosen when doing full breast reconstruction.

Your surgeon may have a preferred method, or choose it based on each individual case. He should discuss the method choices available to you before surgery is scheduled. No particular method rules out the chance of complications just as no method assures them either. And the appearance achieved by one technique may differ from person to person.