Nightmares and Night Terrors – A Frightening Sleep Disorder

At some time in their childhood almost all children experience the sleep disorder of having a nightmare. They are common in children and can begin as early as two years old. They are most common in children between three and twelve years old and are considered part of the normal developmental process. However, only about 3 percent, experience night terrors, also called sleep terrors. Both of these sleep disorders can be very frightening to a child.

Nightmares are dreams that are so frightening that they wake the person up. Everyone has had nightmares occasionally throughout their life and they usually are not something to worry about.

Nightmares occur several hours after going to sleep during the REM stage of sleep when there is general body paralysis and active dreaming.

A child can remember the nightmare once they awake and they still remember it in the morning. Sometimes this nightmare sleep disorder can become a problem if the child has nightmares very often and becomes afraid to go to sleep or becomes sleep deprived. When a nightmare occurs it is important that the parent remains calm and reassuring.

There are several things that a parent can do to prevent nightmares. Discuss calm and comforting things with your child just before putting then to bed. Reading to them, or telling them a story can also be very comforting. Don’t let a child watch violent or scary shows on television, especially just before going to bed. Maintaining a relaxing bedtime routine is also important. Sometimes, nightmares indicate a more severe emotional problem within your child.

Night terrors usually occur during the first few hours of sleep, during deep non-REM sleep. They often occur at the same time each night. Night terrors are characterized by screaming, crying or moaning. It is not unusual for a child experiencing a night terror to sit straight up in bed and scream. Their heart rate is increased and they experience rapid breathing. An episode of this sleep disorder can last from 10 minutes to over an hour. Although the child’s eyes are open, they are actually still asleep and when they wake up in the morning there is no memory of what happened during the night.

Although night terrors can be frightening, they are not dangerous. They usually are not a sign of any type of mental distress. A parent should not try to wake the child, or comfort them, during a night terror. The best thing for a parent to do when their child is experiencing a night terror is to make sure they are safe. Generally, most children outgrow this sleep disorder after a few months or years.

Several of the factors that can contribute to night terrors include being overly tired, staying up extremely late, eating a heavy meal just before going to bed, and taking certain medications.

Although nightmares and night terrors can seem like a very scary type of sleep disorder to both the parents and the children involved, they are generally harmless.

How to Gain Stress and Anxiety Relief

Here are several ways to obtain stress and anxiety relief:

Do You Know Whats Causing It

Some people dont even know that what theyre feeling are general symptoms of stress and anxiety. They simply believe that theyre overly tired and one night of complete rest is sufficient for them to get back on their feet. You should know what the common symptoms of stress and anxiety are and most of them have already manifested, its highly possible that you are indeed suffering from this condition.

If so, the next thing you should do is to determine what caused it then make the necessary adjustments to alleviate the situation.

Are You Ready for Lifestyle Changing Effects?

Theres a good possibility that it could be some specific aspects of your lifestyle are whats causing you to experience stress and anxiety. Too much obsession on work and partying too hard are common sources of stress and anxiety. And obviously, the best way to get rid of them is what else get rid of the source.

All You Need is Some Sleep

Studies reveal that in most cases, sleep is actually the best answer against stress and anxiety. Adults generally need at least eight hours of restful sleep everyday. Napping every few hours or so dont count. When the human body is unable to obtain the needed hours of sleep, it tends to act abnormally and its why people who lack sleep are usually more emotionally high strung as well.

The Only Way to Conquer It is to Confront It!

If phobia or a traumatic event in your life is whats causing you to experience extreme stress and anxiety then the only way for you to survive it is to directly confront the source of your nightmares once and for all. Its reasonable to have fears, yes, but whats not reasonable is letting fears control your life. Remember however that this method applies to stressful but relatively harmless situations like conquering your fear of open spaces. Conquering hydrophobia is another matter entirely as directly confronting it will mean exposing yourself to the risk of drowning.

Escaping is Not Always Bad

As long as youre not running away from your problems, escaping to take a breather once in a while is not at all bad and it is quite good in reducing the amount of stress and anxiety in your life. If your work, for instance, consumes almost all of your time and thoughts then its extremely necessary for you to take one hours break at least two times a day just so you can relax and clear your mind bit. Let the pressures simply flow away. Youll see that youll be able to think more clearly afterwards.

No Man is an Island

And though some may say otherwise, its true in this case. Having a friend or relative to help you out is never a bad thing to have. Sometimes, we need other peoples support to conquer problems in life and thats not something to be ashamed of contrary to what others may seem to feel.

Be Careful of How You Obtain Stress and Anxiety Relief
If youve noticed, most of the techniques discussed here are natural ways of combating stress and anxiety relief. Its alright however if you wish to obtain relief through medication but be aware that you could suffer from side effects. Whichever way you prefer, good luck!

Hypnosis Training Can Be Used to Help Patients Suffering From

Hypnosis Training Can Be Used to Help Patients Suffering From Post Traumatic Stress

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage–at least it seems that way. If you’ve been thinking you need to know more about it, here’s your opportunity.

PSTD or post hypnotic stress or PTSD can happen to anyone. You dont have to be a hero to see what it is like since you could have witnessed a murder, been involved in an accident, raped, abused or survived a natural disaster. Naturally, you need counseling to overcome what has happened and people with hypnosis training can help.

Studies have shown hypnosis can help a patient deal with PTSD. Unlike other anxiety disorders, this will be a bit more challenging prone the circumstances that occurred. To help patients game with it, the specialist has to first develop a strategy.

The best approach is a straight forward one so you know what they have been through. Each case is different so veterans are treated differently from people who were abused or raped.

The only thing that stays the same though is what happens during the hypnosis session. Once the person is relaxed, it is time since the specialist to use the power of hypnotic suggestion to dream up the considerate let go of what happened.

When the session is nearly finished, the patient is brought back to reality by counting backwards, by snapping ones fingers, a clapping of the hands or simply instructing the patient to open their eyes.

Was the treatment successful? You will lone that if the considerate no longer has nightmares of what happened or claims that they now feel better.

If you want to do more than just find a specialist to help someone who needs their skill, you can enroll in a program that teaches you how to do hypnosis your self. There are courses offered in some schools and also online. Aside from listening or watching lectures, you also get to work on exercises and worksheets which will eventuate you for the real item.

For those who want to pursue a career in hypnosis, make sure that you get it from a reputable institution that is recognized so people will not question your capability as a specialist. See that it is accredited by National Grub of Finished and Ethical Standards and British Association of Therapeutically Hypnotists or some other organization.

Hypnosis has been in use for many years and it is now being used for divers problems aside from PTSD. It can be used to help people with other anxiety disorders, addictions, people who have low self – esteem and goal setting.

Pressure fact, a lot of doctors are now requesting the aid of specialists when they are not able to help a patient. This shows that doctors are now open to the idea that a patient can be treated without the use of medication and other techniques.

You or whoever needs help just has to be open – minded too otherwise no amount of hypnosis sessions will ever struggle and help you forget the traumatic event.

PTSD is a problem again this will continue to transform people regardless of age or gender because no one can prepare you for what is about to arise. When the situation occurs, the only thing you can do is deal with the event later on. Fortunately, we now have the means to deal with it and if treatment is successful, we owe a debt of gratitude to those who have had hypnosis training.
Knowing enough about hypnosis to make solid, informed choices cuts down on the fear factor. If you apply what you’ve just learned about hypnosis, you should have nothing to worry about.