Acne Prevention – Do and Dont’s

As stated in the previous pages, pimples are not the result of poor hygiene nor are they caused by foods. Having said this, you can aggravate your pimples and worsen your condition. So pay close attention to the information on this page so as to not deteriorate your condition further.


Use skincare products that will not ‘clog pores’, they are usually described as ‘oil-free’ and/or ‘non-comedogenic’ on the package.

Skin care should include: a mild cleanser and application of a non-comedogenic sunscreen on sun-exposed surfaces.

Gently wash your face twice a day using mild face cleanser and pat dry.

When you are washing your face, be sure you take the time to remove all of your makeup.

Be patient! Treatment may take a few weeks to start having useful effects.

Remember that all of the treatments only work by preventing new spots and that all treatments have to be tried for at least four months before you decide whether they are helping.

Some acne products can increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight and ultraviolet light from tanning booths so use protective clothing and sunscreens and avoid tanning booths.

If irritation, dryness and peeling occur, an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer can be used.

If your skin is getting too irritated, red or dry while undergoing a topical treatment, then start using them every other day. It takes time for your skin to adapt to your new medicines.

If you have long hair that touches your face, be sure to wash it frequently enough to keep oil away. Also wash your face after you’ve been exercising hard and sweating a lot. And try not to touch your face throughout the day.


Avoid thick, greasy make-up over affected areas. Some make-up is acceptable but try to choose “non-comedogenic” cosmetics if possible.

Resist the temptation to squeeze your acne. This can cause the area to spread and become more inflamed and therefore more likely to scar.

Do not use harsh soaps when washing face. Vigorously washing and scrubbing will irritate your skin and only make your acne worse.

Avoid things that may aggravate your acne such as oils, airborne grease, irritating clothing etc.

Avoid covering yourself with thick layers of make up, and if you do, wash it off as soon as you can, certainly do not leave on overnight.

Avoid strongly fragranced or alcohol based products.

Avoid from hair sprays or gels, try to keep them away from your face, as they can also clog up pores.

Acne isn’t really helped by the sun, either. Although a suntan can temporarily make acne look less severe, it won’t help it go away permanently. So don’t soak up those rays – either under the sun or from a tanning bed – in an effort to help your skin.

Avoid wearing hats or headbands that rub on your forehead, since this can also make acne worse.

Avoid touching your face a lot, as your hands have oil on them and this can make acne worse.

Individual pimples can take up to 2 or 3 months to form even though they may appear to “pop-up” overnight. Thus, although there is often some initial improvement in the first few weeks after starting a new treatment, it takes at least 2-3 months of regular use before you can assess the full benefit of any acne treatment.

Acne Prevention – Do and Dont’s

As stated in the previous pages, pimples are not the result of poor hygiene nor are they caused by foods. Having said this, you can aggravate your pimples and worsen your condition. So pay close attention to the information on this page so as to not deteriorate your condition further.


Use skincare products that will not ‘clog pores’, they are usually described as ‘oil-free’ and/or ‘non-comedogenic’ on the package.

Skin care should include: a mild cleanser and application of a non-comedogenic sunscreen on sun-exposed surfaces.

Gently wash your face twice a day using mild face cleanser and pat dry.

When you are washing your face, be sure you take the time to remove all of your makeup.

Be patient! Treatment may take a few weeks to start having useful effects.

Remember that all of the treatments only work by preventing new spots and that all treatments have to be tried for at least four months before you decide whether they are helping.

Some acne products can increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight and ultraviolet light from tanning booths so use protective clothing and sunscreens and avoid tanning booths.

If irritation, dryness and peeling occur, an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer can be used.

If your skin is getting too irritated, red or dry while undergoing a topical treatment, then start using them every other day. It takes time for your skin to adapt to your new medicines.

If you have long hair that touches your face, be sure to wash it frequently enough to keep oil away. Also wash your face after you’ve been exercising hard and sweating a lot. And try not to touch your face throughout the day.


Avoid thick, greasy make-up over affected areas. Some make-up is acceptable but try to choose “non-comedogenic” cosmetics if possible.

Resist the temptation to squeeze your acne. This can cause the area to spread and become more inflamed and therefore more likely to scar.

Do not use harsh soaps when washing face. Vigorously washing and scrubbing will irritate your skin and only make your acne worse.

Avoid things that may aggravate your acne such as oils, airborne grease, irritating clothing etc.

Avoid covering yourself with thick layers of make up, and if you do, wash it off as soon as you can, certainly do not leave on overnight.

Avoid strongly fragranced or alcohol based products.

Avoid from hair sprays or gels, try to keep them away from your face, as they can also clog up pores.

Acne isn’t really helped by the sun, either. Although a suntan can temporarily make acne look less severe, it won’t help it go away permanently. So don’t soak up those rays – either under the sun or from a tanning bed – in an effort to help your skin.

Avoid wearing hats or headbands that rub on your forehead, since this can also make acne worse.

Avoid touching your face a lot, as your hands have oil on them and this can make acne worse.

Individual pimples can take up to 2 or 3 months to form even though they may appear to “pop-up” overnight. Thus, although there is often some initial improvement in the first few weeks after starting a new treatment, it takes at least 2-3 months of regular use before you can assess the full benefit of any acne treatment.

Kidney Stones Research

Kidney stones have been present for a very long time in human history. It was said to have been found in a mummy that is over seven thousand years old. That should be enough proof that humans have long been afflicted by it. These days though people are more aware of kidney stones, why they exist and what to do about them.

Proper information that states how usual it is to develop kidney stones reduces a lot of panic because now you do not have to immediately rush to the emergency room. People now know that drinking lots of water is not just for beautiful skin but also for a healthy kidney.

There maybe times though when drinking tons of water is not enough so more drastic measures need to be taken because the kidney stones cannot be flushed through urine. Here then comes the next option which is surgery. It used to be open surgery procedure for kidney stone removal but in recent years, doctors have found a way to take out kidney stones without the patient having to go under the knife.

Three of the most popular kidney removal surgeries are extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), percutaneous nephrolithotomy and ureteroscopy. It is very important to remember that all your decisions should be carefully though of and that you should always be constantly coordinating with your doctor. There should be a thorough understanding of the different procedures and more significant is the awareness of the different risks involved.

The Division of Kidney, Urologic and Hematolgic Diseases of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) maybe a mouthful but its cause is something that is really worth fighting for. The group sources and manages funds for research on the causes, treatments, and prevention of kidney stones. This group affiliated with the National Institutes of Health in Bethseda, MD is so passionate that new medicines and the growing field of lithotripsy have been a great help in finding safer and better treatments for kidney stones. This is really good news for those who are victims of kidney stones otherwise known as the silent stone because it can go on undetected.

Some of the questions this group want answered include: Why do some people continue to have painful stones? What are the long term effects of lithotripsy? What is/are the natural substance(s) found in urine that blocks stone formation? How can medicine help people identify symptoms of kidney stone formation? Finding the answers to these questions are very crucial in advancing the research so that soon kidney stones prevention and treatment will be as easy as preventing or treating coughs and colds.

With the hope of good things to come in the field of kidney stone research, we go back to the basics. First, someone who is at risk for developing stones may need certain blood and urine tests to determine which factors can be controlled to reduce risks. Second, the first and most elementary way to prevent kidney stones from forming is to drink plenty of fluids and that means more than eight glasses of water a day.

Last and certainly not the least is to keep in mind that getting treated is not enough. A person undergoing treatment should be patient in doing follow up tests to make sure that the treatment is working.