Heal Damaged Hair-Take Care Of Daily Damage

I know that many of the things we do to our hair on a daily basis isn’t good for it. To help heal damaged hair there are many things you can do. You can also become more proactive and change some of your daily habits to limit the amount of damage you do to your hair in the first place.

In this article I will provide you with some simple tips to heal damaged hair, but as importantly, I will also give you some ideas of simple changes you can make so you don’t do as much damage in the first place.

So, here we go.

First off, to prevent damage there are many things you can do. One of the simplest is to cut down on the amount of heat you use on your hair. As much as possible try to time washing your hair to a time when you can let it air dry.

It might mean a change in your schedule but it can also result in better, more healthy looking hair.

Instead of showering in the morning, for example, why not take your shower earlier in the evening the night before? That way you can allow your hair to air dry. Than, if you need to, you can just get rid of your bed head in the morning by using a damp comb.

Another ultra simple thing to do to prevent damage in the first place is to limit the number of times you wash your hair. True, this will be easier if you are like me and you have dry hair and scalp as opposed to oily hair and scalp.

Though if you suffer from oily hair, your hair is probably not that damaged in the first place. Washing your hair every other day or every third day is perfectly fine for most people.

If you workout and sweat a lot you may need to wash it more during the week, but lay off the washings on the weekends when you aren’t working out.

Also, find more all natural shampoos. Many of the hair care products on the market are very hard on your hair. They are loaded with drying, potentially toxic chemicals that can really damage your hair.

Just finding less harsh shampoos can make a big difference.

If you do have some damage despite your best efforts one easy thing to do is go in for a trim. Your stylist can cut off the ends which is where you will find most of the damage.

Another thing you can do is to use a deep moisturizing treatment once a week. Also, find a shampoo that is made specifically for dry, damaged hair.

You can even turn to your refrigerator for help with damaged hair. Adding mayonnaise to your hair like a conditioner can help with some damage.

And, one last point, don’t overlook the important of the food you put in your body too. Beauty starts on the inside and works it’s way out. Make sure you eat a well balanced diet, get plenty of rest, drink enough water and keep your bad habits to a minimum.

Prevention in anything is usually the best way to go. When talking about keeping your hair healthy it’s just as true as when talking about keeping your whole body healthy.

Be willing to make simple changes and you can prevent dry hair so you won’t have to worry about how to heal damaged hair.

Is Saw Palmetto Used For Male Pattern Baldness?

Many nowadays prefer a natural hair loss remedy rather than treat their hair loss with drugs and medication. If you are looking for a natural hair loss remedy for male pattern baldness, you can try saw palmetto.

Saw palmetto is a particular type of fruit that has been shown to help in hair loss according to some studies.
Having some information about saw palmetto, its use and its benefits can help you decide if this natural hair loss remedy is the type of treatment that you are seeking for.

Saw palmetto is a red fruit that grows in warmer climates throughout the world. It is most often seen in South Eastern regions of the United States. Studies into the use of saw palmetto was first done for research on prostate health. However, it was also noticed during the clinical trials that this popular fruit have positive benefits to those with male pattern baldness.

Male pattern baldness is a hereditary condition that afflicts more men than women. Hair loss in male pattern baldness is characterized by a receding hairline and that continues in a horseshoe pattern. Hair on the sides and back of the head are mostly unaffected. The exact reason for male pattern baldness is still not very clear.

Some studies suggest that excessive conversion of testosterone to another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) may be an underlying cause. In the studies for prostate health, saw palmetto was shown to block the production of DHT in men suffering from enlargement of the prostate.

So how much saw palmetto should you eat for your hair loss? Unverified sources say that if you are eating the fruit, then one per day would in most instances be effective with treating your hair loss. However, if you are taking an extract, then a dosage of three hundred and twenty milligrams per day is recommended. Supplements containing nutrients of saw palmetto are also available to help with hair growth.

One of the advantages of taking saw palmetto is that there are no known side effects. This is obviously better than taking synthetic drugs or medication that may have potential adverse results. In fact, these side effects include fast heart rate, headaches, impotence, and decreased libido.

Saw palmetto should preferably be taken with other foods or substances. Otherwise, you may end up with a headache or stomachache. In addition, if you observed that you are getting allergic reactions, you should stop consuming saw palmetto immediately.

In addition, if you are female and pregnant, then you should not use saw palmetto without medical supervision.

Is Saw Palmetto used for Male Pattern Baldness? Currently, there is no known cure for male pattern baldness. Both conventional and natural treatments can help control the hair loss as long as one maintains the treatment. However, once the treatment is discontinued, there is the chance of recurrence.

Saw palmetto may be the answer to providing your body with the necessary balance of the hormones and enzymes beneficial for combating hair loss. Do research more into this option if you are looking for a natural hair loss remedy for mild to moderate male pattern baldness.