If You Have Arthritis

If You Have Arthritis
Michal John

If You Have Arthritis?

Arthritis and related conditions affect nearly 43 million
Americans, or about one of every six people, making it one of
the most prevalent diseases in the United States.According to
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention one out of every
three Americans (an estimated 70 million people) is affected by
one of the more than 100 types of arthritis.Arthritis is a
chronic disease that will be with you for a long time and
possibly for the rest of your life.

Prevention & Causes of Arthritis:

These are some prevention and causes of arthritis.There is
evidence that behaviors such as weight reduction and avoiding
injury may slow the progression and impact of osteoarthritis.The
pain of arthritis may come from different sources.These may
include inflammation of the synovial membrane (tissue that lines
the joints),the tendons, or the ligaments; muscle strain; and
fatigue.Factors that contribute to the pain include swelling
within the joint,the amount ofheat or redness present, or damage
that has occurred within thejoint.Joint arthritis, the cartilage
may be damaged, narrowed and lost by a degenerative process or
by inflammation making movement painful.

Symptoms and Medications:

There are many different signs and symptoms of arthritis. If you
have experienced pain, stiffness, or swelling around a
joint.Many people will experience some difficulty functioning at
home, at work or at play because of joint pain, stiffness and
loss of motion regardless of the type of arthritis they
have.These arthritis symptoms may come up suddenly or slowly
over time and may also include sleeplessness, fatigue,
depression, and muscle aches.

Some Tropical medications for Arthritis: Arthritis Pain

Arthritis Pain


Ahhhloe Ice for
Pain Relief these products are useful to Arthritis pain.

Home Care Suggestions: 1.High doses of aspirin are not good
for the body. 2.Massage therapy is good and provides relief to
the joints. 3.Aloe Vera juice I glass daily and aloe Vera gel
are also very effective.

More Info About Arthritis

About the author:
Author By
Michal John

Live Longer by Coping with Anxiety and Stress

A person suffers from stress and anxiety for so many reasons. It may start from small and simple things but the effects can be serious. There are also ways in order for one to cope up with it.

1) Fear is anxiety

Anxiety is a fear of something. One who is anxious feels apprehended. Anxiousness of a certain person can be different from another persons feeling uptight.

2) Set yourself free

For some, traveling via air or sea can cause anxiety. Fear from things will stop you from exploring yourself. There are some classes that you can enroll at to help you overcome your fear. Think of it, overcoming your fear is like gaining freedom.

3) Beware of the signs

Some symptoms can be sudden movement, muscle strain, headaches, dryness of the mouth, sweating, trouble in swallowing and pain in the abdomen. These indications can occur with hasty heartbeat and breathing, sexual problems, bad temper poor concentration, low energy and diarrhea.

4) The positive side of stress

Stress can be from ones negative notion or different circumstances that make the person feel anxious, discouraged and angry. On the other hand, stress is a normal thing that one faces almost everyday.

Given its negative effects, it can be good sometimes if it is moderate because it can make a person feel motivated and help one to become more effective.

5) Scary stress

If you face too much stress, it can affect your health physically and mentally. Such things are heart disease, different types of infection, depression, and unusual and fatal diseases.

6) Farewell to a loved one

Losing someone you love can be very painful. A persons grief can become more serious. You should go out and entertain yourself. Avoid having idle moments. Think of the blessings that still comes your way. It is good to divert your attention to different activities such as sports, hobbies, joining clubs or whatever things you may be interested in.

7) Stress at work

A job can also be stressful. You probably have a lot of deadlines to meet and too many responsibilities. Never forget that you also need to give yourself at least a few minutes of relaxation. During break time, you may do some stretching and breathing exercises.

After office hours, you could go out with friends and co-workers and just have a good time.

8) From crisis to suicide

Financial crisis is one of the causes of stress especially in third world countries. Some suffers from hunger and then depression. Their financial situation eats them and sometimes they kill themselves and even their husband, wife and kids thinking that it is the only way to get out of their mess.

If you find yourself in this situation, it would help if you will communicate with your loved ones. Tell them how you feel, what you are thinking and ask for advices. If you think it is not enough, you may also seek professional counseling.

9) The sick becomes more sickly

A patients physical and mental condition can be affected when they learn that they carry dreaded diseases. They may worry too much and might cause the disease to worsen and consequently slim the chances for survival. You may help a sickly patient by telling them positive things and stories of survival.

Remember that what is inside a persons mind and how one feels is reflected on the outside. So, always smile and think positive. Keep your cool and set yourself free from unhelpful thoughts. Live healthy and live longer.

What May Cause Back Neck Pain

Though cases of cervical neck pain is more infrequent as compared to lumbar pain, a large portion of the American population still undergoes neck pains that often come with arm pain. The majority of such cases may be healed in time without the need of medical interventions. But there are a number of symptoms that may prove to be indications of more serious cases and need immediate medical help.

One such symptom is the progressive neurological degeneration, which may manifest as weakening of the arms or loss of sensitivity and coordination of the limbs. Another sign is the sustained pain that is accompanied with unplanned weight loss, fever, shakes and chills, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting that are signs of spinal infection or tumor.

While the majority of back neck pain does not have identifiable anatomical roots, many are closely linked to general conditions such as muscle strain and herniated vertebral disc.

Acute Back Neck Pain
The most common causes of acute neck pain are muscle strain, neck strain and strain experienced by other softer tissues such as ligaments and tendons. Neck strain is due to stiff neck caused by wrong bed position and partly due to carrying too many loads. A sudden jolt and pressure on the other hand may cause muscle strain.

Majority of minor injuries on the soft tissues usually heals a couple of days after the pain. There is good blood supply in this section of the body, which allow the circulation of protein and essential nutrients that trigger fast healing. To alleviate the pain and symptoms of back neck pain, the sufferer may use conservative methods such as physical therapy, ice or heat, osteopathic manipulation and medications.

Chronic Back Neck Pain
This form of neck pain is very much the same in effects with acute back neck pain. However, they largely differ on the symptoms. Listed below are some of the symptoms of chronic back pain:

Neck back pain that goes down to the arms
Neck pain that may be linked to certain activities
Arm pain due to lack of coordination
Neck back pain that may be felt for much longer duration of time
Neck pain that may go worse by the end of the day and in the morning

Other than these, there are a number of common symptoms that may be associated with cervical conditions. These may bring other cervical problems like wrist pain, shoulder pain, headaches and elbow pain.

Few Things to Consider When Seeking Lower Back Pain Relief

Few Things to Consider When Seeking Lower Back Pain Relief

The best thing that you may probably have considered in your search for an efficient lower back pain relief is to find out what really cause this condition. There are quite a number of factors that may result to lower back pain though there are conditions for which the causes are unknown. Nonetheless, the pain is real and sometimes excruciating.

Among these factors are muscle spasm, muscle strain, ligament sprains, joint problems, herniated disc, improper posture, too much weight carried by the lumbar section of the back bone and several more others.

A herniated disc, or sometimes called as degenerated disc is caused by the bulging between the bones. This condition may press on the nerves and cause the excruciating pain. However, many people don’t know what affected their back bones that induced this pain.

To allow lower back pain relief, there were different exercises and body positions, which may help raise the possibility of releasing the back bone from too much stress. Most physical therapists would suggest that the patient lie on the floor with pillows underneath his head and knees. It is important that the hips and knees are bent in this posture. This will help free the back from the weight and stress it is carrying.

If your case is severe, you may need to rest in this position for one to two days. However, you may need to reinforce your muscle strength during this period through walking, though this may hurt quite a bit.

If you would not want to risk muscle strength in this or the idea of walking while your lower back aches, you can use heating pads, ice packs and massages as alternatives. Their effects may be impermanent but temporary treatment may as well prove a great relief.

Nonprescription drugs may also be excellent aids for reducing pain and swelling. These include the following: aspirin, naproxen (Aleve), acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (brand name: Motrin) and ketoprofen (Orudis).

Lower back pain may either be a continuous process or may be a series of attacks. For ongoing back pain, the ideal action to take is direct the treatment at the actual causes. This may mean loosing weight. Obesity is pointed as one reason why people suffer lower back pain. As we know, the lower back carries all the weight that may be induced on the upper body. Once the body is overweight and too much force is created to stress out the muscles and the bones on the lower back, the end result may be extreme lower back pain. Two other things that you might want to consider is to correct your posture and to put your muscles in shape.

These things, if addressed correctly may prove beneficial in searching for lower back pain relief