Causes of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are not necessarily as common as say coughs and colds but it is one of the top reasons why people come rushing to the emergency wing of the hospital. Urine liquid is usually colored white or yellow so when you see that your urine is in a different color, say pink, then you worry so you troop to the hospital. When you sense a different kind of pain somewhere below your stomach, you begin to rattle because you know it is not just a simple case of indigestion.

When that sot of thing happens you also rush to the clinic or the hospital. After initial interview and certain tests, you are then confronted with the results you have kidney stones. So how in the world did you get kidney stones?

Not a lot of people are aware of kidney stones. Sure there are medical groups who push for more education about the kidney but most people only hear of kidney transplants. These are pretty major stuff already, kidney stones are very basic but it is a good place to start when it comes to discussing kidney and the importance of a healthy functioning kidney. The formation of kidney stones spring from crystal that are not excreted through urination but the real question is why does this happen. Doctors are not quick to point at any one particular cause but what can be done is discuss the several factors that can be attributed to this condition. Then maybe, the factors can be isolated as per patients case.

For one, it can be hereditary so if your parents and grandparents have it then most likely you will have kidney stones as well. It has been observed that a person with a family history of kidney stones are prone to forming kidney stones as well. This is probably the reason why urinary tract infections, kidney relate disorders such as cystic kidney diseases and some metabolic disorders like hyperparathyroidism which are all found to be linked to kidney stone formation are believed to be inherited as well.

Certain food in major food groups are also seen as potential causes of kidney stone formation. However people in the medical field believe that eating these food are major causes of kidney stone formation. People who tend to form high calcium which leads to the formation of one kind of stone called calcium oxalate are requested to limit or avoid certain foods.

These include spinach, beets, soybean crackers, peanuts, okra, chocolate, sweet potatoes, grapes, celery, fruit cake, strawberries, marmalade and liver. These are a bunch that includes delectable delights which is really sad news for those who have to cut down on them so work on keeping those kidneys healthy to keep enjoying those treats.

Just as the causes of kidney stones are quite a blur so are the symptoms and in fact most of the signs go unnoticed. For this reason kidney stones ahs been aptly called as the silent stones. These silent stones should eventually be found out. Scanning the urinary system through special tests called computerized tomography, more popularly known as CT scan, or an intravenous pyelogram help doctors detect kidney stones.

The results from these tests are also vital in finding out the proper course of action to treat the existing condition.

Osteoarthritis: Causes and Symptoms

Osteoarthritis: Causes and Symptoms
John Robben

Osteoarthritis: Cause and Symptoms

In our last article, we briefly discussed Osteoarthritis and
Rheumatoid Arthritis. This article will take a close look at the
cause, symptoms, and current treatment used for Osteoarthritis.
So let’s take a second look at what Osteoarthritis is.

Osteoarthritis is known by many as “wear and tear” Arthritis. It
is one of the most common forms of Arthritis and is the result
of cartilage wearing away from the joints. This cartilage is
responsible for the smooth gliding of joints, and once it begins
to deteriorate, the patient is left with pain, joint swelling
and inflammation, and even deformity.

Osteoarthritis patients usually state that their pain is
greatest during times of movement, and then lessens
significantly during periods of rest. Osteoarthritis affects
many more women than men. There is an estimated 24 million
Osteoarthritis sufferers in the United States and roughly 74%
are women.

The cause of Osteoarthritis is not known, yet doctors have many
suspicions. Some of the symptoms of Osteoarthritis boggle the
minds of scientists and more research needs to take place to
determine the actual root of the disease. For instance, X-rays
can tell that Arthritis is present, yet the amount of pain
reported by Osteoarthritis sufferers differs from the results of
the X-ray. Though many people refer to Osteoarthritis as the
“wear and tear” disease, evidence shows that this disease and
its mysterious cause are not as simple as that definition. In
fact, “wear and tear” does not take place in just one joint, but
affects joints simultaneously throughout the body. An example of
this, is that sufferers with Osteoarthritis of the knee, offer
suffer Osteoarthritis in the hand. Also, doctors have noted that
patients don’t suffer with Osteoarthritis on just one side of
the body (as would be expected due to wear and tear) but because
it seems to affect the body concurrently, it appears that
Osteoarthritis is a systematic disease affecting all of the
cartilage at once.

One suggestion is that Osteoarthritis is a result of cartilage
that has stopped functioning at optimum level. Cartilage is
continuously undergoing a process where it is broken down, then
rebuilt. Some theories state that this process becomes
unbalanced and out of hand. This is referred to as “End Stage
Osteoarthritis.” It is at this stage that joint pain and
impairment begin to manifest. There are many natural remedies
that show promise in the management of Osteoarthritis pain and
symptoms. Look for future articles in our Arthritis Series that
will offer natural remedies that may prevent enzymes from
damaging cartilage.

Some other ideas that point to the cause of Osteoarthritis

Previous Sports related or Joint Injuries Genetically
Inherited (it appears that Osteoarthritis runs in families)
Repeated Occurrences of Bleeding into a Joint (as occurs with
Hemophilia and other diseases) Repeated Occurrences of Gout
and Gout like Diseases Avascular Necrosis- this is a condition
where blood near a bone is cut off, this leads to bone death as
well as joint damage. Avascular Necrosis typically afflicts the
hip joint. Previous Rheumatoid Related Illness- such as
Rheumatoid Arthritis can lead to chronic inflammation of the
joints. Osteoporosis-due to the high risk of bone fractures
and injury, Osteoarthritis may develop in joints. Metabolic
Disorders- for example, Hemochromatosis can result in high
levels of Iron being deposited in the joints Joint
Infection-It is believed that cartilage may deteriorate in
people who have defects in their cartilage and joints.

We’ve discussed the potential causes of Osteoarthritis, now it
is time to look at the various symptoms of Osteoarthritis.
The symptoms of Osteoarthritis include:

Joint Pain- this tends to be worse when rising in the morning
Joint Swelling and Inflammation- this occurs during periods of
activity Feeling a “Grinding” Sensation when a Joint is moved
Loss of Mobility and Flexibility

There is no sure way to prevent Arthritis in any of its forms.
There are however some things that you can do to help lower your
risk of developing Osteoarthritis or any other type of
Arthritis. Some of the preventative methods that you may add
to your lifestyle today include:

Maintain an Ideal Body Weight Take steps to prevent the
development of Osteoporosis. Some of these include taking
adequate Vitamin D and Calcium, exercising, and taking
medication if needed. Do your best to prevent injuring your
bones and joints -try to avoid accidents such as sports related,
implementing joint protection by using splints and braces.

About the author:
Written by John
Robben of Ultimate Water Massage, Inc. Providing Massage
Services and Pain Relief products. Visit our
Arthritis Information