Testosterone Talk: Symptoms of Male Menopause

Shrugged shoulders this is mens common reaction whenever menopause is discussed by their significant other. Perhaps the reaction can be taken into account with the fact that it is hard to understand something that you do not personally experience.

What if men experience menopause? Will they begin to understand a womans menopausal plight?

It may be a resounding yes or no. Medical studies show that women are not the only ones who experience menopause, men does too. The term is referred to as male menopause commonly known as andropause. Viropause is another term for male menopause. This is described to be the cause of low testosterone levels. Others view it as an end to first adulthood and an indication to begin second adulthood. Some individuals on the other hand view andropause in a sexual manner, wherein it signifies deterioration of sexual desires and performance.

Men may find this fact alarming. Perhaps then, they will start to realize and later on comprehend how it is like to have drastic hormonal change. Menopause for women has distinct and defined symptoms such as stop of menstrual cycle, hot flashes which is evident on the face, chest and neck, too much perspiration, dryness in the vagina, throbbing heartbeat, body aches, itching skin, the growth of hair increases specifically on face but growth of hair decreases on armpit and pubic hair.

On the other hand, dropping of testosterone produced is the most well-defined symptom of male menopause. This can be screened and identified after consulting a physician since decrease in testosterone may also be associated with other illnesses such as diabetes. Once testosterone level has gone down, the following symptoms may be transparent:

Physical exhaustion from simple tasks. The usual alertness and drive to easily accomplish tasks decreases. Being usually tired however does not contribute for a man to gain better sleep. At this stage, he may suffer from insomnia.
Furthermore, increase in weight and body fat is evident yet unexplainable.
Mental fatigue. The ability to concentrate lessens. He may need time to digest things being discussed over a conversation, on a written material or even audio-related matters.
Emotional exhaustion. At this time, a mans temper varies. He may feel happy now and suddenly sadness might strike him. Sadness aside, he may depict an angry attitude most of the time. Moreover, a man experiencing male menopause can easily be observed as always nervous.
Decrease in sexual desire. This may be due to failure to get or sustain an erection.

Andropause is not an alarming situation if men have apt knowledge on facts about male menopause. It will also be helpful if he gains knowledge on its symptoms so he can gauge whether or not he is suffering from andropause. To further verify the condition, a visit to a physician is highly recommended.

The situation will be less distressing for men if their significant others will well support him. If women needs heightened support, love and understanding during the menopausal stage, men in the same way needs it.

Now that there is a male version of menopause, maybe then the successor of Adam will be able to understand what is going with a womans body when she begins to experience menopause. Perhaps now there will be no more shrugging of shoulders. Instead there will be a shoulder to lean on hard times such as undergoing andropause.

Rejuvenate your Mind with Essential Oils

With all the responsibility and worry that a person needs to juggle in todays world, mental fatigue has become a hugely common. The fatigue that is suffered takes a toll on your energy and eventually even your mental health. Using essential oils in aromatherapy to help you fight mental fatigue will improve your memory, your health, and your overall mood. You will find yourself more revitalized and you will even sleep better after a few days of burning the essential oils.

Working life for many is usually more than the typical eight hours a day. Ten or twelve hour work days sometimes through the weekend are not uncommon for many people. The long work days and hectic schedule take a toll on your mental health and cause mental fatigue. The fatigue that is suffered can make you more irritable during the day especially at work. It harms your mood balance, your emotional state, and it can be seen by coworkers and customers.

Using essential oils in aromatherapy in the office will help balance your mood and help you cope with the stress and struggles at work. Just burning a few drops during the day in the office will improve your mood almost immediately. You will be able to function better and concentrate on your work. Your stress will drop and you will be able to complete your job function more accurately with fewer mistakes due to the mental fatigue.

Not all mental fatigue comes from the work environment. Some stress and mental fatigue comes from home. A housewife or stay at home mom can also suffer from mental fatigue and stress of keeping schedules, taking care of the kids, and making sure the home is in perfect condition. Burning a few drops of essential oils in your home can help prevent mental fatigue from occurring. Aromatherapy can also be used if you feel the days stress getting the better of you. It can calm your nerves and help balance your emotions.

Using the below essential oils will help revitalize your memory and help remove the mental fatigue that plagues your mind. Using Lavender, Peppermint, and Rosemary will help you rid your body from the stress that creates the mental fatigue. You can use the essential oils separately for their individual effects, but they can also be used in combination for an extremely potent mental fatigue remedy.

Lavender French

Lavender French is a relaxing essential oil that soothes your mind from the effects of mental fatigue. It is an exotic plant that is grown in France, and it has been long used for its relaxing fragrance. It has been used therapeutically for ages. It has been used in Europe to relieve tension, soothe aches and pains in the muscles, and help you feel more rejuvenated throughout the day.


Peppermint is a well known essential oil for its cool scent that revives the senses. The essential oils scent penetrates the senses and helps you regain your mental and physical energy. The aromatherapy is especially pleasing after a hard days work at the office. Just a few drops will soothe your mind and help you relax for a good nights sleep. It is an extremely powerful oil that will cure you from aches and pains associated with work.


Rosemary is a good follow up essential oil to the others that relieve your stress and aches and pains. Although it is a stimulating essential oil, it is also a therapeutic way to clear your head and help you relax for a better nights sleep. Rosemary is also said to help your short and long term memory helping you concentrate and focus on important work.

Use the above essential oils separately or in combination for an effective way to relieve yourself from mental fatigue. Just a few drops burned during the day will improve your mental health almost immediately.


Word Count 652

Proper Ways to Apply Essential Oils

Although essential oils are a mild, natural way to help fight off mental fatigue, stress, sore muscles, and other physical conditions, they are also very potent and need to be applied properly. After you have purchased the perfect essential oils for your condition, it is important to know how to apply them. If used without proper direction, they can have a negative effect which can frustrate you. They may even cause harm if not applied properly.

First, using undiluted essential oils directly on your skin can harm rather than help your condition. Used directly on the skin, essential oils can sometimes leave a rash or a burn. The essential oils are powerful solutions to many issues, but used improperly they can cause painful sores when directly applied to the skin. Diluting the essential oils in cream, or non-greasy oil will keep it from strongly affecting your skin.

Like many creams or lotions, spreading essential oils directly on the skin can cause an overdose. Essential oils are absorbed by your skin quickly. If the oil that you are applying isnt diluted, it can lead to an overdose that will cause a rash, irritation, or skin breakout. It is also important not to have overexposure to sun especially if youve accidentally applied too much. Essential oils and sun exposure can lead to adverse effects.

Even though essential oils are naturally occurring extracts from plants and trees, they are also powerful therapeutic agents. It is important to keep them out of the reach of children. Spreading essential oils undiluted onto a childs skin can be dangerous and leave a very painful breakout rash. If ingested, it can be lethal to a child and the caretaker should contact emergency medical personnel immediately.

When applying essential oils be sure to keep it away from your eyes, nose, or ears. The oils should never be ingested or allowed to enter the internal body. Keeping the essential oils away from openings on your body can ensure your overall health and remove the possibility of an overdose. You may even want to use latex gloves so that they are not improperly absorbed on your fingers.

Never ingest essential oils. They can be harmful or even lethal if swallowed.

Never go into a tanning booth or tan in the sun after using essential oils. Some oils are incredibly sensitive to sun exposure. Citrus oils especially fall into this category. Popular citrus oils to avoid the sun after using are bergamot oil and grapefruit oil.

Before fully using essential oils, make sure to test them on a very small part of your skin. This includes essential oils that you may use in aromatherapy. Apply a small dab to your arm and observe any reaction for twenty four hours. For essential oils that you will apply as a cream, dilute the oil into vegetable oil and apply to the skin. Observe for any reaction for twenty four hours to make sure they are safe for topical use.

Finally, overuse of essential oils can cause dizziness, headaches, or other side effects. If you believe you have accidentally overdosed on any essential oil, make sure to contact emergency response personnel immediately. Although essential oils are mostly therapeutic, using essential oils safely is important for your safety and good health.


Word Count 552

How to Choose Essential Oils

When you decide to use essential oils to help your mood, stress, or physical illness it is hard to decide from the many available products which one is right for you. Essential oils come in a variety of scents and fragrances and the different extracts act on different components. Some help your mental fatigue, others relieve stress, and others can be used as topical creams that help you alleviate scars or acne.

The first thing to consider when choosing an essential oil is to inhale the fragrance. Some scents are very pungent, others are citrus, and others have a flowery smell. If any of these scents bother you, then the essential oil will not help with the relaxing effects. Make sure to be familiar with the fragrance before you make your purchase. When testing the scent, make sure to keep it a few inches away if it is not diluted. Undiluted essential oils can give you a headache.

When testing scents, make sure to take a break from the testing. Do not continually inhale too many fragrances or they will ultimately cause you to get dizzy or give you a headache. You also may not be able to distinguish between the scents after saturating your senses.

Avoid buying essential oils that do not have a variety of prices. You may ask why that is important. Some essential oils are rare and expensive. If a company is selling essential oils at a consistent price, the chances are that the more expensive oils are not authentic. They may also have been distilled with cheaper methods that leave some of the by-products in the packaging.

If you are sensitive to oily solvents, then avoid using essential oils that are diluted with vegetable oil. Although this is a recommended way to dilute the extracts, it leaves an oily residue behind. To test if an essential oil has been diluted this way, place a tiny drop on a piece of paper. If it leaves behind a residue as the drop slides off the paper then it has likely been diluted with vegetable oil.

When shopping for bottles, use manufacturers that list the Latin name on the bottle. This leaves no confusion on the actual extract that is contained in the bottle. Some extracts are closely related to the common names that we know, so they are falsely advertised as the real thing. Also take note of the country. Some essential oils come from exotic places such as Africa while others are native to France. This will give you an idea if it is authentic as well.

The best essential oils are pure. Some companies sell synthetic essential oils which can be dangerous. The synthetic oils do not contain the therapeutic effects that pure essential oils contain. Also, the synthetic oils can cause allergies or painful headaches.

Choose pure essential oils over synthetic essential oils. Aromatherapy experts prefer pure oils, saying that synthetic oils do not have the same therapeutic properties as pure essential oils. Also, synthetic oils are thought to cause more headaches and allergic reactions.

Containers used to keep essential oils should be dark or navy blue. Clear bottles allow sunlight to enter the oils and they can spoil the extracts more quickly. Make sure to keep extracts out of sunlight and in a dry, cool place.


Word Count 557