Maximising Manhood and Beating Male Menopause, Believe You Can

When a man reaches the age of 45, he started to worry of the next stage-death. Subsequently, his fear of being the next in line among his friends or relatives who had passed away drives him to do some silly things. And his tendency is to find more exciting things to venture on, just so he could hide the inactiveness and hormonal changes hes feeling inside.

That stage in man’s life is called male menopause or andropause in medical terms.

Loss of vitality and fluctuation of virility level are the primary symptoms of andropause. This is due to the changes in production of the male sex hormones. In most cases, this predicament occurs at the age of 45 up to 55. But before the occurrence of andropause, there comes the mid-life crisis.

Dr. Malcolm Carruthers, the author of the book Maximizing Manhood: Beating male menopause explained the difference and occurrence of mid-life crisis and andropause.

These two distinct stages among males are often confused as one. In its real essence, these two are linked with each other since mid-life crisis happens between 35-45 years old right before the andropause period.

However, andropause comes early depending on how bad a man reacts to his mid-life crisis. Or, that it could be delayed if he had sustained a healthy and active lifestyle before this period.

Other signs of andropause include the abnormal drop of energy level, becoming more irritable, loss of sex drives and depression. Although some would consider these instances normal due to aging, you can still do something to overcome these effects. In medicine, andropause had grown to be a problem rather than a stage in life. For this reason, medical science has formulated solutions to this crisis.

Testosterone replacement therapy is formulated to relieve the symptoms of andropause among men. TRT comes in capsule, cream, implant or hormone patch forms. There are also claims for the efficiency of pills that contain male hormones and which can also relieve the symptoms of andropause. For those where neither of these works, pellet implant is also advisable. Testosterone pellets are implanted under the skin of the buttocks. The choice of which depends on how your body reacts to it. See which will work for you best.

The crisis in mans life called andropause is neither inherited nor natural for all men. Unlike that inevitable period among women called menopause, andropause can be beaten.

According to Carruthers study, there are external factors affecting the declination of testosterone level. Commonly, men living a healthy lifestyle decline in testosterone level by 1% yearly when he reaches the age of 40 to 70. This decrease of testosterone is more manifested among the unhealthy men.

Another factor which triggers the symptoms is stress. Both psychological and physical stresses which resorted to too much alcohol and cigarette consumption had aggravated the symptoms.

In most cases, effects of malnutrition or nutritional deficiency are accounted to andropause. Symptoms such as anxiety, loss of memory and low sex drive could be due to aging or deficiency of chromium.

So examining it closely, not all men could suffer the effects of andropause. Such crisis is a big insult to a male body. And staying healthy, especially as you age, is a powerful weapon to overcome male menopause.

Narcolepsy: The Sleeping Disease

There are over 3 million cases of narcolepsy and is estimated by medical reports that 200,000 Americans, but just under 50,000 are actually officially diagnosed by a doctor. It has been said that it’s widespread like the neurological disease Parkinson’s disorder. This condition is usually recognized in both men and women at any age, yet the symptoms are usually first noticed in teenagers and younger age adults usually in their 20s and early 30s.

It’s been noted that there is a 15-year between the onset and actual diagnosis of the problem, which has contributed to the debilitating features of this particular disorder. Those who deal with narcolepsy have a plethora of cognitive, educational, occupational, and psychological issues that can arise from this problem. The presence of narcolepsy is 1 in 2000 people and is also found in people with diagnosed learning disabilities and currently the treatment options are very limited.

The studies that were conducted for this concluded that this problem is constantly under diagnosed in the general population in society. Some narcoleptics don’t show any signs visibly and the severity of the condition varies from person to person.

This is where medical science has its blunders because of the fact that this condition is so under diagnosed that it’s hard to really get a grasp of the severity of this problem, because it varies in levels from noticeable to barely obvious.

Polysonogram and Multiple Sleep Latency exams are the two tests that are done to give a formal and correct diagnostic approach to the condition and usually this is where the diagnosis presents the level of severity so that it’s properly noted by a specialist to ensure a proper treatment plan for that person. Tests are conducted in two-hour increments to allow the person to sleep and usually the polysonogram test does a continuous test of brain activity when it’s in REM sleep mode when sleep happens at night.

Usually most narcoleptics fall asleep in nighttime sleep mode fairly quickly. There are several methods of treatments for people with narcolepsy and usually it consists of anti-depressants and planned short-timed naps have also been helpful to lower the dependence on medicinal treatments and allowing the body to do what it should be doing naturally. Retraining the body to sleep at a reasonable time has helped those with narcolepsy to recognize sleeping at night and taking short naps during the day so that their body stays alert because a lot of narcoleptics have been putting themselves and others at risk when they fall asleep during their normal work day or even driving or operating machinery.

With the new wave of holistic medicine being readily available to help people with conditions from skin to psychological issues. Narcoleptics can also work with a treatment plan that includes a change in diet and incorporating exercise and taking nutritional supplements and formulas to give someone added nutrition if they’re not getting enough from the food they eat.

Narcolepsy is manageable if you follow the doctor’s instructions and taking medications when you’re supposed to and following therapy plans that are designed for that person to follow to the last detail.


Fertility Test: One Effective Way to Ensure Pregnancy

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Fertility Test: One Effective Way to Ensure Pregnancy

reproductive system,trauma,physical condition, age,stress.

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From the early generations up to the contemporary times, infertility is a problem that continuously presses on individuals of all times. Infertility is a medical and social concern that dawn on almost everybody regardless of the economic and social statuses, age, religion, color, and race. As far as medical science is concerned, infertility is a disease that affects the reproductive system. Infertility on either of the parties can cause a severe trauma to both the psychological and emotional well-beings of both the male and the female partner.

Couples feel all the happier when the news of pregnancy hits them. They feel almost complete by the mere thought that their beloved child is on the way. The husbands somewhat become more careful and more loving to their wives. On the other hand, the expectant mothers are more health-conscious as they do want to secure that their baby will be healthy. The moment of truth now lies in the couples capacity to conceive. Both partners may seem normal and health-wise. But there are still millions of cases when fertility seems to be far within reach of plenty of married individuals.

Some women are blessed with the gift of getting pregnant hassle-free while there are those who face traumas and a lot other difficulties to conceive. Women who dont easily get pregnant must face the fact that there are a lot of factors which may bring about a difficulty in their fertility. Among the many reasons are ones physical condition, age, and stress.

Are you experiencing various difficulties in getting pregnant? Have you tried all methods but still your efforts are for nothing? It may have been several years since youve tried conceiving but then there is no positive result that greets both of you. Now you should come to terms with understanding the truth that women are all different. But to make things easy for you, the medical society makes available the necessary tools for you to take the fertility test.

Types of Fertility Test

The fertility test allows you to know the very reason as to why you find it hard to get pregnant. You may consult your most trusted fertility specialist for this matter.

The Hormone Testing. Various blood tests taken in diverse times are required for the hormone testing. The test is chiefly for the detection of the normal production of hormone. The test hence evaluates the quantity of progesterone you possess and if you will be able to sustain a pregnancy. One of the blood tests done is to verify your prolactin level. It is the hormone that produces the breast milk. Another test is to examine how your thyroid functions.

The Ovulation Test. For this process, your gynecologist will be looking into the regularity of your menstrual cycle. The tool to be used is called the ovulation prediction kit.

The Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Cultures. This test is performed in order to detect the possible presence of these viruses which are possible causes of infertility. They can be prevented but then its detection is difficult.

The Sperm Analysis. The test is conducted to your partner to see the quality and count of the sperm.

The fertility test is one way which helps your doctor detect where the problem lies. Getting pregnant may be possible when the mistake in your body system is corrected.

Breast Augmentation – Not A New Idea

Breast augmentation isnt new. Its not even a twentieth century idea. Women have been trying to improve on nature for centuries. It was only a matter of time before women turned to science and medicine for aid.

In 1889, paraffin injections were tried. The results of this were disastrous. 1895 is the earliest known use of implants. The first one was done by the German surgeon, Vincenz Czerny. He used the adipose tissue (the fatty tissue) from the womans back. This benign growth or a lipoma, seemed appropriate because theyre comprised of fatty tissues, soft to the touch and moveable.

Between 1895 and the early to mid-1900s many other substances were tried. Glass balls, ox cartilage, ivory, Terylene wood, polyethylene chips, ground rubber, polyester, Silastic rubber and Teflon-silicone prostheses were some of the choices.

In 1945 and 1950 attempts were made to rotate the womans chest wall tissue into the breast to add volume. Different synthetics were used during the 1950s and 1960s. An estimated 50,000 women received injections of silicone. In some of these women, hardening of the breasts and development of silicone granulomas (small nodules) were so severe, mastectomies were needed for treatment. 30 years after these treatments, women are still seeking medical services from complications resulting from these injections.

Todays implants are much safer and the instances of complications have been greatly reduced. Hopefully, medical science will be able to keep up with womens attempts to improve on their natural gifts.