“Andropause Mystery: Unraveling Truths about the Male Menopause”, the enlightenment

“Andropause Mystery: Unraveling Truths about the Male Menopause”, the enlightenment of men’s predicament on aging

Andropause is a stage in man’s life when there is a noticeable declination in his hormones. This usually occurs at the late 40’s or early 50’s. The declination of hormonal production extends until the eighties. During this period, physical, emotional, psychological and behavioral manifestations due to declination of hormones become more visible.

Dr. Robert S. Tan, a renowned geriatrician conducted a study about male andropause which he compacted in his book “The Andropause Mystery: Unraveling Truths about the Male Menopause”. The book deals with the physical changes and psychological challenges met by andropausal men. It serves as an eye opener on how to treat such a dilemma.

Andropause symptoms vary from one person to another. It is generally affected by the health condition. However, in the study of Dr. Robert Tan, some men between fifty to seventy years old reported the following symptoms: erectile dysfunction, tiredness, sudden mood sways, night sweats and occasional palpitations.

Aside from the physical changes, psychological changes that challenged their masculinity are augmented during the andropausal years. A man, no matter what age he is, tends to struggle to prove his strong sexuality, composed emotions, intellectual mind, supreme courage, good productivity, and strong personality, character and behavior.

But what happens when he’s in the andropausal years?

The testosterone level of a young man at the age of 15-30 is 1000ng/dl. When he reaches the andopausal stage, an alarming drop of up to 800ng/dl causes the many predicaments in his life.

Dr R. Tan observed that the decrease of testosterone makes andropausal men likely to be more in touch with their feminine side. They become more involved in domestic issues which they use to ignore. They are more attentive to their roles at home such as cooking, house keeping and bonding with their children. They devote much time now for the family and pleasure rather than their business roles. In a sense, the decrease of testosterone level makes them gentler and more domesticated.

On the mental side, judgment becomes less sharp than they used to be during a man’s early age. He loses his accuracy and sharp mind. On some cases, there are reports of impaired memory which can lead to dementia.

The andropausal years can be directed to the question of courage. Men who are in this condition has the tendency to become more conservative and less of a risk taker. Fear can easily stun them. While some men fear death, most andropausal men fear to be too dependent.

The next attack hits the pride of being productive. As a common knowledge, men ought to be dynamic, to be noticed for his achievements and efforts. The source of man’s happiness can be rooted on being the firm foundation of the family. When he reaches the andropausal period, he feels his inability to support his family as well as to manage complex business.

Personality is not a constant thing. Especially for men who are in their andropausal years, they are more susceptible to trimming down their being impulsive, hyperactive and ambitious. Through the passing of time, male menopause has begun to be accepted as part of aging.

But with the help of medical science, there are useful strategies formulated to cope up with the changes brought about by andropause. Careful supervision of a trained physician is though advisable.

Having Fun with Essential Oils

There has been a growing trend in the use of essential oils. The increasing variety of bath products in the health and beauty market gives us an idea of what customers are looking for. No longer are consumers satisfied with synthetic essences, but we are finding that more and more people are looking at the quality of the products they are purchasing.

You too can create your own unique blend of quality soaps, bath salts, massage oils, and creams with essential oils. Using quality base products (essential oils, carrier oils, beeswax, soaps, salts, and creams), create bath products just the way you like them. When you purchase ready made products, some may be too strong or too light. Some products may claim to have a certain level or purity or certification and still not be as effective as they claim to be. Remove the uncertainty by being able to create your own health and beauty products.

These products are not just for the women. Men too can enjoy the benefits that the essential oils provide. Create seductive blends that enhance masculinity and also provide the emotional balance. Experiment with different oils and carrier media to obtain the right blend for your special someone.

Once you’ve gained some experience learning to manufacture your own special blends of essential oil combinations, make some extra and use them as gifts for your family and loved ones. The oils can be given alone or by combining them with other useful products such as bath brushes, towels, diffusers, and anything that your gift recipient would appreciate. Learn about the medicinal effects of essential oils and combine them with other oils or bath products to create a “Cold buster” package or a “Relaxation” package. There are so many ideas and you are only limited by what you can create in your mind.

Creating the massage oils and bath products are easy to do. Keep in mind that safety precautions are a must when working with the essential oils. The oils are concentrated and may cause a physical reaction if not handled properly. The use of gloves purchased at a local drug store will be sufficient in most cases.

There is a difference between fragrance oils and essential oils. The fragrance oils do not carry the same therapeutic benefits as the essential oils do. The essential oils are derived from a plant (tree sap, leaf, bark, etc.) whereas the fragrance oils could be synthetically manufactured. The healing benefits are then lost if the original properties of the plant are not intact.

Have fun creating new blends and unleash the health benefits of essential oils at the same time. Enjoy placing different mixes of scents in various areas throughout your home. You will also be able to easily change the emotional climate of the room as easy as changing your home. Experience the maximum benefits of aromatherapy when you properly air the room between scent changes. There is no end to creating your own special environments. You will only be limited by the variety of essential oils you own!