Alternative Treatments For Arthritis Pain Relief

Alternative Treatments For Arthritis Pain Relief
Priya Shah

Copyright 2005 Priya ShahNatural, herbal remedies can help arthritis sufferers who have tried traditional pain medications without success. Many natural remedies and supplements have been found to actually reduce cartilage deterioration and even rebuild a patient’s lost cartilage. Many people are also seeking natural remedies because of the increasing cost of prescription medication. Conventional over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can be very helpful in decreasing joint pain, but they do produce side effects and can cause problems in long-term users.Before adding any supplements to your daily routine, check with your healthcare advisor, as supplements can cause adverse reactions and may not be right for your situation. Before discontinuing a prescription medication, consult a physician. However, with a doctor’s approval, there are many natural solutions, which may aid in managing arthritis. Acupuncture – This is a popular alternative to medication for pain relief. Although the pain-relieving effects may be temporary, these sessions can be very beneficial for those who find that drugs or supplements are insufficient or have unacceptable side effects Aromatherapy – Aromatherapy focuses on using pleasurable aromatic botanical oils by either massaging them into the skin, adding them to the bath water, inhaling them directly or diffusing their scents into the surrounding environment. The oils have been known to affect moods, help with relaxation, lessen or end fatigue and anxiety, and help the brain and nervous system via olfactory nerves stimulation when inhaled. It is another holistic treatment used by some arthritic sufferers for pain relief and stress management.Cayenne Cream – Cayenne peppers contain an substance called capsaicin which is responsible for their spicy effect. This also causes a burning sensation when it comes in contact with skin, and inhibits the body’s production of substance P which is heavily involved the relaying signals of pain to the brain. You may need to apply the cayenne cream to painful areas two to three times per day for at least one week before you find relief.Chondroitin – The most popular dietary supplements for arthritis sufferers are chondroitin, fish oil and glucosamine. Chondroitin can draw fluid into the cartilage, improving shock-absorbing ability and weight control, as more weight equals more joint pressure. Fish Oil – Fish oils help with controlling inflammation in the body and may provide relief when arthritis is caused by an immune system dysfunction as in lupus. A vegetarian alternative to fish oil is flax seed or borage oil. More information can be found at http://www.omega3fats.comGlucosamine – Recent studies have shown that the cartilage-building substance called glucosamine is effective for the long-term relief of osteoarthritis pain. In some people, glucosamine appears to even slow the deterioration of joints over time and reinforce joint cartilage. Whether or not it can actually reverse the disease is still unclear. GlutathioneGlutathione – Glutathione is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties and can be safely boosted by consuming its precursors available in the supplements, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) or undenatured whey protein. You can find out more about it here http://www.1whey2health.comMagnets – Although magnets that are worn as jewelry or placed on bed linens have been reported by some to be effective pain relievers, results are still preliminary; doctors claim that these magnets are not strong enough. MSM – Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane is an organic sulfur supplement that appears to slow down the degeneration but is not yet proven and approved. It is used in the reduction of inflammation and can be used in conjunction with glucosamine, in some instances.Nettle leaf – Nettles can reduce a patient’s need for NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) by up to 70 percent.Vitamin B – It is an effective pain reliever. It works best on the knee and can help stop degeneration that is caused by free-radical molecules, not only in the joints but in other areas of the body as well. Vitamin E – This antioxidant is used primarily for osteoarthritis.Ginger – Ginger is an antioxidant that acts as an inflammatory with no major side effects.These are merely a few examples of what an arthritis sufferer can use when seeking pain relief from natural remedies. Due to the lack of scientific study and testing on many of these alternate treatments, there is no proof of their effectiveness. Nothing can cure osteoarthritis, but nutritional supplements, the application of heat or cold to affected joints, exercise, and weight loss can improve the function and flexibility of your joints, and perhaps even slow the progress of the disease.For a comprehensive report on arthritis, visit Arthritis Remedies About the Author
Priya Shah is the editor of
The Glutathione Report andHealth Naturale. This article may be reprinted as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

Warts: What Are They?

Millions of Americans develop problems with their skin. Sometimes these problems are major, but other times they are only minor. One minor problem that many individuals experience is warts. In fact, warts are not just considered a minor skin problem, but they are considered a common skin problem. That is because millions of Americans develop warts, at least once in their lifetime.

Warts are defined as small growths that appear on the skin. These growths are considered benign; in other words, they are not cancerous. In fact, in most cases, warts are considered completely harmless. Despite being harmless, there are many individual who want to have their warts removed. This is because warts tend to be unattractive. Warts can appear on just about any place of the body; however, they tend to occur on the feet, hands, neck, and face.

One thing that you may not know about warts is that they are typically caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HVP). Another point that you may have previously been unaware of is the fact that warts can spread from person to person. Despite having direct contact with someone who has warts, you may not develop them yourself. This is because, although warts are spread by touch, not everyone is susceptible to them. This means that you may not develop them by touching someone elses wart, but another individual could. Honestly, it all depends on the health and condition of your own skin.

When it comes to warts, there are many individuals who wonder who can get them. Honestly, just about anyone can get a wart. Warts are common in children, adults, and even the elderly. At any point in time, anyone can develop a wart, no matter what their age, sex, or race. As mentioned above, most warts are harmless. The only problem is that some are painful. Honestly, the pain associated with a wart all depends on where it is located. For that reason, you may or may not want to have your wart removed.

If you are interested in having a wart or warts removed, you are advised to contact your local physician. Not only can they give you information on effective treatment options, but they can also examine your wart. As mentioned above, most warts are harmless, but it is still nice to know for sure. If you have health insurance coverage, you will find that this visit, as well as the wart removal, should be covered. If this is the case, there is nothing that you should stop you or prevent you from visiting your physician.

If you do not have a health insurance or you cannot find the time to make a doctors appoint, you will be relieved to know that there are a number of over-the-counter treatment options for you. These treatment options can often be purchased for around five to thirty dollars. Of course, you are always advised to be cautious when treating yourself, even with a minor skin condition, such as a wart.

The above mentioned information is the just essentials, when it comes to explaining and understanding warts. If you would like more information on warts, the complications they may cause, as well as wart removal options, you are advised to speak with a professional healthcare provider. In addition to speaking to a professional, you may also be able to find valuable information online. This information could easily be found with a standard internet search.


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Nowadays, it seem as if you always need to schedule

Nowadays, it seem as if you always need to schedule a consultation appointment before undergoing a particular medical procedure, no matter how major or minor that procedure is. While many of us associate consultation appointments with new patients, more and more healthcare professionals are making consultation appointments a regular occurrence, even for their regular patients. This may leave you wondering whether or not a consultation appointment is needed for a simple wart removal.

Before you can begin to understand whether or not you will be required to schedule a consultation appointment, you need to keep one thing in mind. Not all doctors are the same. In the United States, there are a number of different doctors who perform wart removals. These doctors all have the ability to run and operate their business in anyway that they see fit. Essentially, this means that just because your neighbor was required to schedule a consultation appointment with his or her physician, it does not necessarily mean that you will be required to.

When it comes to consultation appointments, dermatologists are more likely to require them than other doctors. This is because dermatologists rarely end up treating their patients on a regular basis. This means that there is good chance that you are either a really old patient or a new patient. If this is the case, a dermatologist may wish to perform a consultation appointment first. This consultation appoint may not only be used to examine the wart or warts in question, but it may also be used as an opportunity to express any other skin concerns you may have. So, in a way, a consultation appointment, if you can afford one, can be considered a good thing.

As mentioned, not all healthcare professionals operate under the same rules and restrictions. To determine whether or not you will have to schedule and pay for a consultation appointment, in addition to the actual wart removal appointment, you are advised to contact the doctor that you plan on seeing. Their office should be able to give you an accurate timetable, as well as an estimated cost of service. It is important that you learn this information upfront. If treatment is too much for you to afford, you may have to look for alternative options; therefore, it is important that you get your questions answered before you are responsible for any services incurred.

Perhaps, it is also important to mention that you can choose any healthcare professional that you would like. For example, if your primary care physician would require you to schedule and pay for a consultation appointment and you do not think that one is necessary, you may want to think about finding another doctor, at least for the wart removal. By contacting a number of local dermatologists or other primary care physicians, you should be able to find at least one professional who could treat you in one appointment. This will not only save you time, but maybe even money.

As you should be able see, consultation appointments, in most cases, are not necessary. Depending on how many warts you need to have removed, your healthcare professional should be able to examine the situation, as well as remove all of your warts, in one appointment. If you would like a consultation appointment or you would like to have yours eliminated, feel free to speak to your healthcare provider; the worst that they could say would be no.


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