Depression in Adolescents

Depression in adolescents is a disorder which occurs due to persistent sadness, loss of interest, loss of self worth and discouragement. Depression is normally a temporary reaction towards situations of stress. Depression is a normal part of the maturation process of adolescents. It is even induced due to production of sex hormones. Adolescent females are depressed twice more than adolescent boys according to a study.

Adolescent behavior is normally marked with good and bad moods. The transition from a good mood to bad mood and vice-versa, can take minutes, hours and even days. That is the reason why true depression is very difficult to find out. Depression in adolescents can be caused due to bad school performance, break up with boyfriend or girlfriend, and failing relations with friends and family. These causes can lead to persistent depression. Other serious causes are chronic illness, obesity, child abuse, stressful lifestyle, poor social skills, unstable care giving and depression in family history.

Symptoms of depression in adolescents are eating disorders, weight change, irritable mood, excessive sleeping in daytime, excessive temper, criminal behavior, memory loss, fatigue, self preoccupation, sadness, difficulty in concentrating, worthlessness feelings, loss of interest, self hatred, obsession with death and thought & attempts of suicides. When these symptoms are being noticed for more than two weeks, it is important to get treatment for the adolescent. Depression not only affects interpersonal relationships, but school performance as well. Depressed adolescents are more prone to take onto drugs and alcohol as an attempt to overcome their depression. Such problems require intensive treatment.

The doctor will take blood test and perform physical examination to determine the cause of depression. The adolescent can also be tested for substance abuse such as smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, marijuana smoking, and usage of other drugs. After the physical examination, psychiatric evaluation is also done to understand the cause of sadness, loss of interest and irritability. Depression can also lead to the development of other psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, mania and anxiety. It is also important to determine whether the adolescent poses a risk for himself/herself and others. Family and school personnel can provide valuable information about the adolescent to the doctor.

Treatment for depression for adolescent is similar to the treatment of depression for adults. Along with the treatment, the adolescent are given antidepressant medication and psychotherapy. Antidepressant medications include tricyclics, Prozac, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI. Some of the medicines increase the risk, so it is a good idea that parents discuss the possible risks with the doctor. Only some of the antidepressant medications are meant for children and adolescents. Adolescents with severe depression need to be hospitalized as they are more prone to kill themselves.

Family and school support is necessary to tackle the depression of the adolescent. Parents can get their children admitted in emotional growth schools, boot camps or wilderness programs, to solve the behavioral problems. These programs consist of non medical staff and confrontational therapies. But care must be taken as some of the programs can in turn harm children who are depressed and sensitive. Adolescents, who get caught due to criminal offense, should be taken special care of by their parents. It is best that the child face the consequences and learn a lesson from it. Depressed adolescents respond well to treatment if they are treated comprehensively and early. More than half of the adults are known to have depression when they were in their teens.


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Links Between Chronic Back Pain and Clinical Depression

Chronic back pain is defined as pain that lasts for up to 12 weeks or more and is often associated with traumatic or degenerative conditions of the spinal bones. Like with ordinary back pain, the causes that arise in chronic back pain are often undetermined since the anatomical causes are quite hard to distinguish, even with the use of x-rays.

Chronic back pain is difficult to deal with in itself. Unfortunately, majority of chronic attacks give room for the development of clinical depression. It is by far the most widespread emotional resultant. Clinical depression goes beyond the normal sadness felt by everyone and it persists for longer than a few weeks.

To help us acknowledge the truth behind clinical depression, here are some symptoms that generally occurs on clinically depressed individuals:

A prevalent mood that is sad, depressed, blue, low, hopeless, and irritable, trhat often include periods of crying spells.

Significant weight loss and poor appetite or the reverse

Sleep problems such as hyosomnia and hypersomnia

Restlessness and unnecessary fatigue

Loss of interest on previously pleasurable activities.

Feeling of guilt or worthlessness

Problems with memory and concentration

Thoughts of death and suicide

Decreased interest on generally everything

Clinical depression is often observed on suffers of chronic back pain rather than those experiencing only acute pain for which the condition is felt only for shorter periods. The issue on how clinical depression is developed through chronic back pain may be traced via the following conditions that arise during chronic pain attacks. These include:

The sufferer usually experience irritability and fatigue due to lack of sufficient sleep that is often hampered by the pain felt at night.

Lack of productive activities and isolation during the day since the pain impedes the person from doing things the normal ways. He always has to move slower and more carefully to avoid more severe pain attacks.

Financial difficulties may arise due to inability to work profitably.

Beyond the pain, gastrointestinal distresses may arise as side effects to anti-inflammatory drugs. Mental dullness may also be felt since some pain medications and relievers may induce the brain to function inefficiently.

The person may be distracted with the frequent concentration difficulties and memory lapses.

As it may be understood, these symptoms logically lead to frustration and despair that are normally the starting point for most major depression.

Depression And The Elderly

The elderly face many more challenges than their younger counterparts. They are at an age where death is almost expected whether it is reading about a friend in the paper or losing a family member. They also face more health problems. These factors can often lead to depression if older people do not have the appropriate support systems in place. Depression does not have to happen and it is not part of aging. However it can happen and it will prevent an elderly person from living a full life as they are more likely to withdraw into themselves and their memories.

The biggest thing a family can do for their elderly parent or relative is to learn to distinguish between the symptoms of depression and of grief. Grief occurs much more frequently for the elderly as they are more likely to lose loved ones, their health, their mobility, their freedoms, and their careers. Doctors know grief is painful and can last a long time sometimes even weeks. It is when these weeks start to turn in to months and the grievers behaviors start to change that is cause for concern.

Depression in the elderly is more likely to go unchecked and untreated than in any other age group. Often relatives do not visit as often so do not notice how long the person has been feeling sad. Some assume feeling sad is part of aging, although that could not be further from the truth. Even doctors are often more concerned about the physical well-being of their patients rather than their emotion state. The consequences of these inactions are cause for serious concern. Depressed elderly individuals are at a higher risk for alcohol and drug abuse, illness, and suicide. Their relatives need to be able to discern when a person is depressed and to watch out for the warning signs.

Warning signs for depression in the elderly can be isolation, extreme sadness, loss of interest in hobbies, weight loss, difficulties sleeping, feelings of being a burden to their family, lack of personal hygiene, even possible suicide attempts. Sometimes the signs are harder to see as the depressed elderly individual may not even feel sad. It may be that they are constantly worrying, wringing their hands, complaining more than usual, experiencing more aches and pains than before, pacing in the home, or even generally lacking energy. These are all signs of depression that relatives should be on the lookout for so they can help the elderly seek the treatment they need and deserve.

Treatment is available and necessary. As the general population of Americans age, the once-called baby boomers are now turning into our elderly. The population of elderly is steadily increasing at rates never before seen. It is essential for families and relatives to pull together to help keep an eye on our older loved ones. Perhaps it is as simple as inviting a parent, grand-parent, or elderly aunt over for supper. Perhaps it is getting involved at the local recreation center and organizing activities for the elderly. Perhaps it is watching over older family members more closely to make sure they are eating properly and taking their medications on time. Whatever we choose to do, it is our responsibility as the younger generation to look after our elders.

Substances Involving Dual Diagnosis

This article explains a few things about diagnosis, and if you’re interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don’t know.

Substances used for medication or misused for addiction can have different effects on the person who is receiving the drug. This fact can be noted as something which can further enhance the persons vulnerability to the substance. Although, the effects may differ and reactions may vary from one matter to another. All of these will depend on the quantity and sort of the sense that were introduced to the individual. The persons gender, mood, expectations, age, weight and heartfelt state of mental health can also stir the drugs viability. Accordingly, dual diagnosis is probable.

Elicit drugs that were brought up in the streets are always mixed with different kinds of substances in order to maximize the profit that are generated. The result is, potency and appearance of drugs can vary not unless the drug was for sample testing, no one will recognize what was used.

Depressant Drugs

Depressants are usually referred to as the drug that can bring a persons behavior in a down side. When downers are used in an excessive behaviour, it can cause the mimicking of depression. This drug will create the loss of interest in the persons surroundings further lack of motivation can be manifested thatll result to elf – neglect and even harming oneself one of which is suicide.

Overdosing on depressant drugs is easy most especially if alcohol is involved. Whenever there is great or regular use of depressant drugs, the person must not instantly cutoff because this may result to recession that may engender problems as serious as cramps, tremors, stomach pains, diaphoresis or sweating excessively, deliriums can also occur and even seizures.

Examples of depressant substances are:

1. Alcohol when the components of alcohol runs through the bloodstream, effects will depend on the dose of alcohol the person made. Delay concern of important nutrients taken from food may occur. Alcohol usage is common among those who are already experiencing mental illnesses.

2. Cannabis also recognized to the public as dope, grass, weed, blow, etc., cannabis can have effects that results to hallucinations and can have the possibility to stimulate although, it is still regarded as a depressant. When in the in of cannabis, a person may feel lethargic, paranoid, and occurrences of short – title memory loss.

Stimulant Drugs

If there are drugs that can lower deserted the mood and relax an individual, there are also drugs which can regulate stimulation inside the body and make a person more active which are known as stimulants. Stimulants are drugs that have the capability to constrict a persons blood vessels, raise pressure of the blood and speed heart rate. If exposed immensely long with stimulant drugs, a person may experience depletion of energy and may result to need. Stimulants have the characteristic to mimic paranoia, mania, depression or even psychosis.

Examples of stimulants are:

1. Cocaine may cause prostration and anxiety, irritability, longer hours of anchor, besides paranoia. There is a sudden rise in the pressure of blood but with a slow beating of the heart. People use cocaine to increase confidence to face the outside world. But the effect is only for a short period of time that is why people crave for more. Cocaine is highly addictive and can cause multiple damages to the form using it.

2. Anabolic steroids these are drugs that are similar to a persons natural hormones which promote the building up of proteins that results to increase in muscle size.

Popularity of these drugs to be able to distinguish dual diagnosis is proper.
The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you’ll be glad you took the time to learn more about diagnosis.