Alcohol And Hypoglycemia

What do alcohol and hypoglycemia have to do with one another? Well, alcohol can be a huge contributer to hypoglycemia. Alcohol behaves just like those processed carbs after you ingest them. They convert to simple sugars and then your body has to counteract with insulin. Insulin lasts longer in your body then the sugar does so you then have a low blood sugar incidence.

The numbers and range for normal blood sugar are from 70mg/dl to 110mg/dl. If you fall below 70mg/dl then you can be considered to have low blood sugar. Don’t be too concerned if it only happens once or twice because anyone can have a low blood sugar incidence at any time based on what they have decided to eat. Do be concerned if it happens everyday for an extended period.

If you experience low blood sugar everyday for an extended period then go see your doctor and let him know. He will probably have you start to keep a food journal so he can see where your trouble spots are. He will also want to know about your consumption of alcohol and hypoglycemia incidences that may or may not follow your drinking.

Symptoms vary and you may not experience all of them all at the same time. Mild to moderate hypoglycemia can cause nausea, nervousness, chills, clammy skin, sweating, hunger, rapid heart rate, irritability, anxiousness, confusion, blurry vision, unsteadiness, and have trouble walking. Severe hypoglycemia can lead to loss of consciousness, seizures, coma, and even death.

Based on these symptoms and the severity, you can be sure that hypoglycemia is not a laughing matter and should be taken very seriously. Alcohol may give you what is referred to as a sugar high for a little while but if you drink heavily and would rather not eat food then you will have low blood sugar at some point. Even days later. I know that when you have an addiction or even just a bad habit, it can be hard to break. But, if you want to have a normal life and not have to worry about hypoglycemia then just quit drinking. If you need help to quit then go find it, there are places that can help you.

If you have to drink then make sure to eat some food that is low in carbs and high in protein. The protein will help maintain good blood sugar levels. Stay away from fried foods, they are very high in carbs. A high carb meal will only make things worse for you in the long run.

If you are already diabetic and are taking antidiabetic agents as your medication or have to inject insulin every day then alcohol is not your friend. Your doctor should know if you are drinking. Some medications cannot be taken if you are consuming alcohol. If you drink tell your doctor, he may allow you to have the occasional glass of wine or beer. You won’t know if you don’t ask.

Another way to combat the effects of alcohol and hypoglycemia is to alternate the alcoholic drinks you have with glasses of water. Staying hydrated will help your body get rid of the alcohol sooner and you probably will not drink as much so you will be less likely to have an incidence of low blood sugar.

Symptoms of High Estrogen Level

The womens primary sex hormone is called estrogen. Without it, women will not have the different characteristics that identify them as women. Estrogen production is also essential to menstruation. They are the reason why women menstruate. This is because, estrogen is found in the eggs produced by the ovaries.

Usually, the normal menstrual cycle in a womans anatomy last for twenty eight to thirty days. During this period, estrogen is found in a normal state. However, if menstruation is noted, that is the time where estrogen is found in a higher level. This is normal because of the release of corpus letuem found inside the eggs cells during this stage.

However, there are also moments that the production of estrogen is beyond normal. It can be a cause of some irregularities in the normal body function of some women.

Many studies have proven that women with high levels of estrogen manifest signs and symptoms of stroke. These signs and symptoms are difficulty of breathing, arrhythmia, high blood pressure and paralysis of half of the body. Usually, the over production of estrogen increases the blood pressure that can be the main cause of stroke. Most of the scientists believe that over production of estrogen can affect the normal function of the heart, which can cause some serious heart ailments.

Normally, menstruation lasts from three to six days and follows a twenty-eight day cycle. However, if a womens menstruation lasts up to almost ten days and follows shorter menstrual cycle, it can be a sign of high estrogen level. Women who have this abnormal menstrual pattern are believed to have high estrogen levels. The symptoms of these are hot flushes, weakness and irritability. Women who have abnormal menstrual cycle are often predisposed to having iron deficiency anemia because of the enormous blood loss during pregnancy. These women are advised to take iron regularly to avoid IDA.

These are the symptoms you can feel when you have high estrogen level. If you experience the same symptoms, you should consult your doctor and ask for more medical assistance. Doctors will give you medications if they found that the cause of these problems is due to high level of estrogen. Visit the nearest doctor in your area to evaluate your medical concern.

They will be the greatest person to count on and the most reliable source of information regarding the elimination of the symptoms of high estrogen level.

Antidepressant Withdrawal Suicide Risk

Antidepressants are commonly prescribed to treat depression and anxiety. They are usually prescribed for long periods of time, months and sometimes years. It is possible to stop taking them; however weaning yourself off can be difficult. It is essential that you have your doctors permission and know what the withdrawal effects are.

The weaning process must be done slowly. If you suddenly stop taking them, then the withdrawal effects can be severe. You can experiences effects like restlessness, dizziness, irritability, tiredness, nausea, muscle spasms, and crying spells.

These are all known as Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome. This is found more often when antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft are discontinued, but it is possible with all antidepressant medications.

You have to be cautious when weaning yourself off these medications. It is easy to relapse into the very depression or anxiety the doctor was trying to help you with. If depression becomes a withdrawal symptom, it can be worse than the original case. The only way to fix this is to go back on the medication. This creates a vicious circle. The best way to avoid antidepressant withdrawal symptoms is to gradually taper the doses until you are off them completely. This process can take a couple of months but is more likely to work. This should always be done under doctors supervision.

Since the effects of antidepressant medications are not fully understood, there is always a chance that the medications can increases the effects of the persons depression. Increased effects of depression can lead to thoughts of suicide. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration enforce the regulation that all antidepressant medication containers include a warning label of the possible risk of suicide. It is increasingly possible in children and young adults. The first couple of months hold the greatest potential for this effect.

It has been proven that the withdrawal symptoms from antidepressants such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, and Celexa are more likely to result in thoughts of suicide than the other such medications in children and young adults. Young adults are more susceptible to suicidal, violent, and invincibility thoughts due to their age. The above mentioned medications can elevate the risks of these types of thoughts. The reason for this is these antidepressants, also called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, have an almost addictive quality. Their withdrawal symptoms are far more severe than other antidepressant medications. Thus making young adults more likely to revert back into a depression and possibly even sink deeper into it.

It is important that individuals taking antidepressants be closely monitored for possible thoughts and behaviors relating to suicide. This is important if the person on the antidepressants has had their dosage changed recently or it is their first time on the medication. The risk of suicide is elevated for these individuals.

Symptoms to recognize if the person becomes suicidal include aggression, anger, acting dangerously, irritability, suicidal thoughts, and difficulty sleeping. IF you know someone or you yourself are experiencing any of these symptoms, you must contact your therapist or doctor immediately.

Celiac Disease- Digesting The Root Of The Problem

Theres no one symptom that can be used to diagnose Celiac disease. The condition, which simply can be described as a form of gluten intolerance, is a combination of symptoms. In fact, there are many cases where the disease has been misdiagnosed because the symptoms it shares with other digestive and allergy related diseases. Among the symptoms that manifest in children include abdominal pain, diarrhea, not gaining weight, nausea, anemia, mouth sores, lack of appetite, hair loss, bloated abdomen, not growing in height, dermatitis, and behavioral disorders. In adults, it is common to exhibit fatigue, depression, osteoporosis, irritability, and lactose intolerance. The importance in diagnosis celiac disease is getting to the root of the problem to diagnose it properly.

As we all know, celiac disease is a condition where the inner lining of the small intestines gets inflamed due to the contact with gluten. Gluten is a protein that is commonly found in wheat, barley and rye. Once inflammation of the small intestines occurs, the body is unable to absorb the necessary nutrients from the food you eat. So no matter how much you gobble up food, you will still experience malnutrition. And because youre not receiving the right amounts of nutrients, your body will get weaker and becomes more susceptible to other diseases.

Diagnosing the condition is somewhat troublesome due to the fact that the exact cause of the disease is still unknown. Research and studies, however, have proven that the disease is genetic based. So this means that if someone in your family has it, theres a chance that you can have it as well.

Tests and diagnosing the disease can be done through laboratory analysis of blood samples. What doctors will be looking for is the high levels of antibodies, more specifically anti-gliadin, anti-endomysium, and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies, in your blood. It has been found out that people with celiac disease has high levels of these antibodies in their system. These antibodies identify gluten as a threat to the body and try to get rid of it just like the immune system trying to get rid of virus and bacteria.

However, there are times that the levels of these antibodies were found to be normal, and yet patients still exhibit symptoms of celiac disease. Only once gluten is removed from their diet did they only started feeling a lot better. The disease is really a tricky one to diagnose but through observations and laboratory analysis the task is not impossible.

If left undiagnosed, the disease can potentially lead to complications and other more dangerous disease. Some of the risks the people with the disease have to be ready for include lupus, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, microscopic colitis, and autoimmune thyroid disease.

Of course, malnutrition will be a starting point for deficiencies in vitamins A, B-12, De, E, and K which can cause anemia and weight loss. The body will be lacking in calcium as well which greatly affects the bone density. The damage caused by the disease can also result to developing other allergic reactions from foods that dont even contain gluten, such as lactose.

So it is really important that people who exhibit symptoms of the disease get some medical attention get to the root of the problem. And if the doctors found out that the disease is not celiac, then thats still good. However, leaving everything as it is will never turn out good.