Mens Health Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer, one of the most common forms of cancer in men, is not widely talked about in male circles. Yet, statistics have shown that one in six men should expect this diagnosis. This slow growing disease and todays treatments ensure that only a few may die from it. Of course, the more you know about the disease the better the chance of being one of the few to prevention and fighting it if necessary. High risk category patients will be those who have a family history or are currently experiencing symptoms, but regular examination can spot the cancer early by testing the amount of prostate-specific antigens in the blood. Using the most effective means of testing is the digital rectal exam where the doctor inserts a finger into the rectum and manually checks for abnormalities on the prostate. As uncomfortable as this may seem, priority will encourage you to seek regular testing the catch the cancer early to increase the chances of experiencing the effects of prostate cancer, which are much more uncomfortable than the examination.

Prostate cancer in its most common form develops in the glandular cells, typically very slowly with the possibility to spread to areas surrounding the prostate and continuing to attack the lymph nodes, lings, liver, and possibly other organs if not quickly diagnosed and treated. The prostate gland is walnut sized in the front of the rectum and below the bladder and produces the fluid that protects and supply nourishment to the sperm cells. The scary part about prostate cancer (and many other types of cancer as well) is that the signs are not always immediately noticeable. You may have the disease for months before it grows big enough to become noticeable, and by then it may be too late. Therefore if you have even the slightest suspicion of a tumor, you should get an examination just to be doubly sure.

While the risks of prostate cancer increases with age it is also more likely to occur in black men rather than white and Hispanic men; and occurrences appear to be extremely low in Asian men. The reason for this is still unknown but at any rate, family history plays a big factor and can double your risks of actually contracting prostate cancer. Many cases of prostate cancer are symptom free with minor notification like difficulty in urination, hip and /or back pain, burning during urination, or just a weak stream of urine, or pain during ejaculation. The encouragement to see a doctor if you experience these symptoms wont be necessary as most men will immediately seek medical attention if these symptoms occur. Detection of the cancer is priority one, and if detected the doctor will then grade the cancer stage from 1 to 5 depending on the amount and presence of the number of cancerous cells as compared to the amount of abnormal cells. A determination of the aggressiveness of the cancer is then evaluated to produce what is called a Gleason score. The higher the score the more aggressive the cancer.

There is high hope of cure if detected and treated early. Treatments include the watch and wait approach which, as the name implies, monitors the progression for slow growing cancerous cells. Radiation treatments that can be linked to impotence, Radical prostatectomy where the prostate gland is removed, Chemotherapy drugs used for advanced stages, or hormone therapy which can slow the progression and manage the disease. The main point is to seek immediate care if you think that you may be experiencing problems and not to let the examination scare you out of your chances for survival. Take care of your body, particularly as you enter the older stages of your life. Being cautious leads to longevity and happiness, and prostate cancer is certainly something that you need to be cautious about. For further reading, check out a book from your library, or ask for literature from your doctor.

How Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life

Candlelight dinners, sweet gifts, and soft music are some things people do to initiate intimate relations. But can exercise work just as well and contribute to a healthy sex life? According to the American Council on Exercise it can. Heating your sex life can be accomplished through maintaining a good exercise regimen improving sexual function in both men and women. Exercise is not only a physical but mental activity much like sex is. Exercise can enhanced sexuality because of the benefits gained in muscle strength, endurance, and cardiovascular functioning. Increased performance of blood flow and increased levels of testosterone levels all lead to a robust and energetic sex life. Studies published in the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality conclude that people who regularly exercise have a better perception of themselves, and are more confident in their physical abilities, and find themselves more sexually attractive which all add to feelings of competency in love making. They also experience higher levels of satisfaction or may feel more sexually desirable to the opposite sex.

For men, a good healthy body contributes to a good healthy erection and reduction of the risks for impotency. Adding years to a mans life, exercise increases blood flow allowing for better erections with a more than 30 percent lower risk of impotence than men who do not regularly exercise. Because good circulation is necessary for good sexual functioning, it stands to reason that performance is enhanced with better circulation and increased blood flow to organs used when having sex. On the other hand, men who are obese or overweight have mental and physical limitations that interfere with the positive affects of good circulation. They may feel less adequate when having sex, or experience difficulty with the physical demands of sexual activity. Slimming down is a great ego boost, and it gets some of the extra baggage out of the way.

For women, a good exercise program could have a positive effect on their sex loves with increase enthusiasm, cardio, and muscular endurance as well. Females may find that they are able to hold positions for longer periods of time and enjoy longer lasting sex and greater comfort. Greater comfort during sex and increased endurance has the possibility of better ability to achieve orgasms for women who have a problem achieving satisfying orgasms. Conditioning of the body and its muscle groups allow for greater flexibility, making the sexual activity more enjoyable as you are able to try new things that might not have been possible before. Ill let you use your imagination for this one.

Boosting your sex life with physical activity is boosting your overall general health and the healthier you are the better your sex life can be. The psychological benefits such as improved self esteem, good mood, and increased confidence along with stress reduction benefits are immediately noticeable. The more your health and physical abilities improve the better your sex life can be. Simple exercises like walking briskly at least two miles per day can reap wonderful benefits in the bedroom. So just imagine the benefits you could gain from an overall exercise regime. So, getting healthy and staying healthy only has more benefits than you might have originally though.

If you are really interested in getting fit, you should look into a membership at your local gym. You can use their cardio machines and weight machines to gain considerable stamina and muscle mass. You may even skip the gym membership, and go for a run every day. This will get you in great shape as well, it just depends on how much you want to get into the whole fitness thing. Being fit has hundreds of benefits, and better sex is just one of them. So as soon as you can, start doing more research related to how you can get fit, and how it will help you in life.