Aromatherapy MassageIts Impact on the Health

The term aromatherapy massage is nowadays one common item among all and sundry. The term itself connotes a popular method of relaxation and healing following a set of effective techniques. Several practitioners are engaged in its promulgation all over the world. Tracing back time, the ancient inhabitants made use of different types of natural oils as extracted from the plants and herbs since they believed in their power to assist in healing. They have experienced their therapeutic effect on the various types of health conditions. As it is well known today, this method promotes both the mental, physical, and emotional relief to several individuals.

Looking into its relevance to the contemporary times, aromatherapy never fails to impose the same healing effect. The secret to it is due to the aroma of the different essential oils which are able to activate the nerve endings in the nose and which in turn deliver the impulses towards the brain area that stimulates memory and emotions. Undoubtedly, the aroma has a soothing and calming effect which leads to relaxation.

A Look into its Top Benefits

Of course, such method will not be recognized if there are no benefits that come around. Everyone is perfectly conscious about the benefits that aromatherapy brings about. It is known to improve the general health of a person. In England and the United States, it is regarded as the alternative to modern medicine. There may be some detractors but there is no doubt that its effects are wonderfully healing.

For further discussion, the following are its top benefits.

It aids in the medical arena. This method is warmly accepted in France. The doctors prescribe the use of the essential oils to eliminate the harmful organisms that thrive in the body. The prevention of infections is done by means of these oils. In the United States, the aroma of the essential oils is used to improve the body condition to fight off the symptoms of the illnesses.

It relieves stress. It is definitely given to people who experience loads of stress due to their hectic lifestyle. It likewise tones down the attack of depression.

It improves the person’s behavior. The massage clears the mind of all negative things so the behavior likewise improves.

It promotes sound sleeping. After the massage, the person feels like he is lulled into sleep. People who have sleeping disorders are advised to undergo the massage sessions.

It helps pregnant women. There is what is called the pregnancy massage which lessens the discomfort among the expecting women.

It fights off colds. The aroma of the essential oil as used during the massage session cures the colds.
It heightens the male’s sexual response. With the use of the appropriate oil, the erotic senses of the males are awaken. The massage is even credited to improve the blood circulation within the maleness area which can possibly cure impotence.

It contributes to a person’s alertness. The massage can boost the energy that enables a person to stay active.

It alleviates pain. Body pains are best cured using the massage technique with the aid of essential oils.

It treats wounds. Wounds heal safer and faster when applied with a right amount of pressure from the massage.

The aromatherapy massage is best performed by an aromatherapist. It is best to consult a certified practitioner and honestly tell him of your problems so that you will be given the due solution.

Male Menopause Symptoms and Its Strategies in Surviving Depression

It is not surprising that men are not spared from biological occurrences. Like women, men have also their menopausal stage. The male menopause known as andropause is a condition wherein the hormones of males naturally decline. Moreover, changes in their lives such as reordering life, career change, or divorce also happens. These events bring physiological and psychological changes which can later on become depression.

Andropause usually occurs in men at the age fifty and above. But some people are asking questions whether andropause is real or only a myth. Well, it is a fact that hormonal decline is not prevented as one person ages. However, the hormone declines in men are more gradual compared to women’s menopause. That is why andropause is medically termed as A.D.A.M or Androgen Decline in Aging Males.

Like women’s menopause, andropause in men are also characterized by different symptoms. These symptoms are apparent which are being manifested by erectile dysfunction or the failure of achieving an erection, mood changes, general tiredness, palpitations, and night sweats. Palpitations and night sweats happen because the autonomic system of men is overactive responding to their testosterone falling levels. But erectile dysfunction is considered the most important symptom of andropause.

Feelings to be closer to their family as well as friends are also developed during the andropause stage. Men in their early stage of life often focus on money, career, and power but when andropause strikes them, the transitions are clearly seen. These men became more concerned with their family and friends as if they regret their past attitudes.

Another symptom that is commonly reported is memory loss associated with the aging process. Nevertheless it is only minor and will not affect daily functioning compared to Alzheimer’s disease.

As been said, andropause brings changes in men both physically and psychologically. Therefore, men should handle issues and changes carefully because these can cause stress. If stress is not successfully managed then depression might take place. But worry no more since there are six strategies so that men can successfully passed the andropause stage.

1.Learning to reward and love themselves and others. Remember that it is much better to give than to receive. It is very important to leave legacies.

2.Controlling and organizing their self. Keep in mind that discipline is vital as they face their later life. It is much better not to abuse themselves with alcohol and cigarettes. Time management is also good for preparing wills, advancing directives, and designating management.

3.Exercising. Muscle and cardiovascular conditioning surely helps in delaying aging processes.

4.Having good relaxation and rest periods. This is good for coping up with physiological changes.

5.Obtaining the right diet. Take note that it is necessary to eat foods suited to their age.

6.Enjoying the andropause and aging stage. Accept that there are inevitable things beyond human control. Learn to be satisfied and just make the most out of what life has to offer. Andropause is part of life’s journey so be positive about it and concentrate on acquired blessings rather than being depressed.

Asking for the advice of a doctor can also help. Counseling may treat some physical and psychological changes. Fortunately, treatment for mood changes and erectile dysfunction or impotence is easily accessible today.

Men should take these helpful steps to avoid depression and see the brighter side of life despite facing andropause.

The Condition and more Symptoms of Male Menopause

The condition and the symptoms of male menopause are comparable to the ones women experience and can sometimes be as worse. However male menopause does not affect all men, at least not with the same inclusion. Only some of the men between the age of forty and fifty can experience the condition and most of the symptoms of male menopause.

All the changes that occur in every man during the male menopausal period can affect every aspect of their lives. Male menopause is recognized as a physical condition and manifests in personal, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions.

Men also experience difficulties in hormonal fluctuations that affect their sexuality, mood, and personality like women. It is only one of the manifestations of the aging process of a man, where changes comes and make the person better out of it.

All men going through male menopausal can experience hormonal changes that greatly affect their lives. The levels of hormones will lower at their mid-life and may have changes which are usually associated with male menopausal. It is important to mark that every man has a unique personality and their individual levels of hormonal loss may vary widely. They have different outlook in life and strategies of living with satisfaction.

If the level of hormones lowers, it can be the cause to the decrease in sex drive and the general well being of their health. The occurrence of these things will also lead to the increase of depression and weight gain and absolutely will change the day to day living as compared to their lives before the onset of male menopause.

During the menopausal period, some men can experience problems with regards to impotence. Wherein it is the constant inability to achieve and maintain an erection that is enough to have a satisfactory sexual performance. And because of impotency, men are having lowered sexual desires.

How can a man recognize that he is going through that certain stage in life, the menopausal period? There are some symptoms to be aware of. Some are physical, some are psychological, and some are sexual. The following are the symptoms that a male is going through a male menopausal period.

Physical symptoms of male menopause include:

Recovery from injuries and illness takes longer
Less endurance for physical activity
Gaining weight
Difficulty reading small print
Loss or thinning of hair
Sleep disturbances
Low libido
Lack of energy

Psychological symptoms of male menopause include:

Hesitancy or difficulty in making decisions
Worry and fear for life
Having low self-esteem, self-confidence and joy
Loss of purpose and direction in life
Feeling alone, unattractive, and unloved
Lack of memory and complexity in concentrating
Mood swings

Sexual symptoms of male menopause include:

Decreased sex drive
Fear of sexual impotency
More relationship problems and fights occurs with regards to sex, love, and intimacy
Incapacity to erect during intimacy
Increased of attraction to a much younger opposite sex

All the symptoms that a male can experience during the male menopausal period can be treated. Although men have been suffering from either physical, emotional or sexual symptoms of male menopause, you need to control it not through attempting self-diagnosis but by talking to a doctor, this will lead to being better informed and getting the proper treatment to alleviate the symptoms of the condition.

More Symptoms Associated With the Male Menopause Condition

Everyone knows that menopause is associated with women who reach a certain age. However, not many people are aware that menopause will also be experienced by the male population when they also reach a certain age. The male menopause condition or also known as andropause is very real and as a male, you have to be informed about it in order to cope with it.

Male menopause occurs when you reach the age of about 50 to early 60’s. The signs and symptoms of male menopause are quite similar to what women experience when they are going through the menopause.

However, unlike the female menopause where the production of hormones stops instantly, the male menopause will only decline in the production of male hormones called testosterone. This decline will result in the different signs and symptoms that you will experience when you go through male menopause.

Male menopause will have symptoms similar to menopause that women experience, such as fatigue, infertility, hot flashes, and mood swings. However, there are more symptoms that men should be aware of when they experience male menopause.

You have to consider that you will also experience erectile dysfunction, loss of interest in sex, depression, and anxiety. There are also other symptoms linked to male menopause. Some men reported that they became more motherly. It is a fact that males are more focused on money, power, and career. When they experience male menopause, they somewhat reported that they became more focused on family, and friends, which is the primary concerns of women. Sometimes they say that they regretted their former attitude.

Males will also experience loss of hair in the armpits and axilla, decreased sex drive, shrinking of testicles, impotence, constant feeling of tiredness, decreased muscle strength, decreased muscle mass, decreased bone density, and low sperm count. All these symptoms points to male menopause.

This is all due to the loss of androgens in the male’s body. This is why there is testosterone replacement therapy as a treatment for men who are going through male menopause. It has been found that testosterone replacement can significantly improve your condition and decrease the signs and symptoms of male menopause.

There are also other treatments that are not as complicated as testosterone replacement therapy that you can do in order to improve your condition. However, it is recommended that you should mix these activities with testosterone replacement therapy. It is recommended that men should relax and rest well, exercise, eat the right kinds of food, and abstain from drinking and smoking.

Together with testosterone replacement therapy, you will see that it will significantly improve your condition. You will see that it will increase your sex drive or your libido, increase your muscle mass and strength, increase bone density, and it will also prevent depression.

Before you jump up and get yourself treated with testosterone replacement therapy, it is very important that you should consult your doctor first. The doctor will be able to determine if you have a low testosterone level by conducting a series of tests. The doctor will also be the one to recommend you to a qualified professional to do the testosterone replacement therapy.

Always remember that testosterone replacement therapy will not cure male menopause. It can only relieve the symptoms you experience associated with male menopause and can help you cope up with this condition. Just remember the signs and symptoms of male menopause and you can easily determine if you need to visit your doctor.