Maximising Manhood and Beating Male Menopause, Believe You Can

When a man reaches the age of 45, he started to worry of the next stage-death. Subsequently, his fear of being the next in line among his friends or relatives who had passed away drives him to do some silly things. And his tendency is to find more exciting things to venture on, just so he could hide the inactiveness and hormonal changes hes feeling inside.

That stage in man’s life is called male menopause or andropause in medical terms.

Loss of vitality and fluctuation of virility level are the primary symptoms of andropause. This is due to the changes in production of the male sex hormones. In most cases, this predicament occurs at the age of 45 up to 55. But before the occurrence of andropause, there comes the mid-life crisis.

Dr. Malcolm Carruthers, the author of the book Maximizing Manhood: Beating male menopause explained the difference and occurrence of mid-life crisis and andropause.

These two distinct stages among males are often confused as one. In its real essence, these two are linked with each other since mid-life crisis happens between 35-45 years old right before the andropause period.

However, andropause comes early depending on how bad a man reacts to his mid-life crisis. Or, that it could be delayed if he had sustained a healthy and active lifestyle before this period.

Other signs of andropause include the abnormal drop of energy level, becoming more irritable, loss of sex drives and depression. Although some would consider these instances normal due to aging, you can still do something to overcome these effects. In medicine, andropause had grown to be a problem rather than a stage in life. For this reason, medical science has formulated solutions to this crisis.

Testosterone replacement therapy is formulated to relieve the symptoms of andropause among men. TRT comes in capsule, cream, implant or hormone patch forms. There are also claims for the efficiency of pills that contain male hormones and which can also relieve the symptoms of andropause. For those where neither of these works, pellet implant is also advisable. Testosterone pellets are implanted under the skin of the buttocks. The choice of which depends on how your body reacts to it. See which will work for you best.

The crisis in mans life called andropause is neither inherited nor natural for all men. Unlike that inevitable period among women called menopause, andropause can be beaten.

According to Carruthers study, there are external factors affecting the declination of testosterone level. Commonly, men living a healthy lifestyle decline in testosterone level by 1% yearly when he reaches the age of 40 to 70. This decrease of testosterone is more manifested among the unhealthy men.

Another factor which triggers the symptoms is stress. Both psychological and physical stresses which resorted to too much alcohol and cigarette consumption had aggravated the symptoms.

In most cases, effects of malnutrition or nutritional deficiency are accounted to andropause. Symptoms such as anxiety, loss of memory and low sex drive could be due to aging or deficiency of chromium.

So examining it closely, not all men could suffer the effects of andropause. Such crisis is a big insult to a male body. And staying healthy, especially as you age, is a powerful weapon to overcome male menopause.

Common Causes of Hair Loss

It is very natural for a person to loss 50 to 100 hairs each day under the bodys hair renewal process. But most of the people at least once in their lifetime suffer with heavy hair loss. There may be various reason behind this; like medication, chemotherapy, exposure to radiations and certain chemicals, nutritional and hormonal factors, thyroid disease, skin disease or stress, etc.

In most of the cases hair loss is temporary but in certain cases it may be permanent depending on the severity of disease. Some of the most common causes of hair loss are explained here.


Hormones are stimulant to hair growth and causes hair loss problems. Hormones affect heavily our hair growth. These affect both male as well as female hair health.

Hair thinning is one of the hormonal problems and affects both men and women. Hair thinning in male is specific and follows a pattern from the front through to the crown. Hair thinning in female does not follow any specific pattern.

Hair thinning is caused by androgen DHT or Dihydrotesterone. Everyone has DHT but only some suffers with hair problem, are you wandering, why? This owes to the hair follicles, which have a greater number of androgen receptors for the DHT to attach with. Till date the most effective treatment for the problems of hair thinning is; anti androgens. Anti androgens are preventive drugs that prevent the creation of DHT. In future we may get genes therapy for hair thinning problems.


Many of the females experience hair loss after labor. In such a situation many of the hair enters the telogen or resting phase. Some of the females experiences hair loss within two to three months after giving childbirth.

Hair problem due to pregnancy is temporary and in many of the cases eradicate within time, say 1 to 6 months. This occurs because of diverse hormonal changes that take place within the body during pregnancy.

Birth control pills

The females who are genetically programmed with Androgenic Alopecia, if takes birth control pills at much younger age encounters hair loss. Androgenic Alopecia is caused due to various hormonal changes.

The females who have history of hair loss in their family must consult doctor before taking any birth control pills. This type of hair loss is temporary and may stop in 1 to 6 months. But in some of the cases, it has been noticed that a female cannot regrow some of her hair that was lost due to Androgenic Alopecia.

Deficient diet

A good balanced diet rich in varied variety of nutrients is equally important to your hair health. The person who eats less of proteins or has irregular eating habits suffers with hair loss. Generally to save protein our body pushes growing hair into resting phase. If your hair can be pulled out by the root very easily, then this may be due to lack of a well balanced diet. This condition can be prevailed by eating a diet rich in proteins and other necessary nutrients.

Low serum iron

If some person either may not have access to iron rich food or his / her body may not absorb enough of iron then this may cause hair problems. Women during menstrual period are more prone to be iron deficient. Low iron in the body can be detected by laboratory test and can be corrected by taking a diet rich in iron and iron pills.

However, hair loss problems of any sort are generally temporary and can be solved by taking good nutritious diet and professional help.

When to Visit a Chiropractor

You may have heard that chiropractic care has many benefits. These benefits include natural relief of pain, discomfort, and difficulty walking. You receive pain relief, but it isnt like with over-the-counter medications. Relief is a combination of instant and long-lasting.

When should you visit a chiropractor?

After a car accident. Many car accident victims suffer from whiplash. This is painful, but usually corrects on its own. Therapeutic massages from a chiropractor can provide temporary relief. As the natural correction occurs, a chiropractor will monitor the progression. They will make the decision to perform an adjustment or realignment if and when the time is right. Even if you arent diagnosed has having whiplash, there are still benefits to seeking chiropractic care after an automobile accident.

If participating in sports. All athletes, both old and young, can benefit from continued chiropractic care. After a sports injury, massage and adjustments are important for pain relief and to prevent later complications. All athletes should seek chiropractic care after an injury, but you dont have to wait. Contact sports place a lot of pressure on the spine and other joints.

If pregnant. Many pregnant women mistakenly believe that chiropractic care is dangerous. It isnt. In fact, there are many benefits to incorporating it into prenatal care. Lower back pain is common in the later stages of pregnancy. A chiropractor can eliminate these pains. Also, the hormonal changes a woman experiences during pregnancy can bring back the pain from prior injuries.

If you just gave birth. After labor, a womans body goes through many changes. Severe labor pains and difficult labors can lead to join or spinal pain. These are specialties treated by chiropractors. Not only should you seek chiropractic care after birth, but bring your newborn into. Chiropractic care is safe for individuals of all ages. Birth is not only difficult on the mother, but the child too.

Headaches. As previously stated, individuals should see a chiropractor when experiencing pain and discomfort. This is common with a headache. Daily stress can cause headaches, but there can be a more serious underlying cause. For example, muscle contractions can cause spinal pressure. A neck adjustment or realignment can alleviate the pressure and pain.

Arthritis. Many arthritis patients mistakenly believe that they will suffer for the rest of their lives. It does not have to be that way. It is possible to seek relief from chiropractic care. Over-the-counter pain relief pills and surgery arent your only option. A chiropractor can adjust joints to promote free movement. Therapeutic massages can treat ongoing chronic pain.

If your child has a medical condition that causes them pain and discomfort. When considering this, also think outside of the box. A chiropractor can help your child with lower back pains and frequent headaches, but that is not all. Chiropractic care, spinal and joint manipulation can all reduce the discomfort associated with frequent earaches, allergies, sleep disorders, and scoliosis.

When stress consumes your life. With the troubling economy, growing number of layoffs, and increasing number of foreclosures, all Americans have stress. There is a difference between stressing over losing your home and stressing over the little things, such as having a clean house. Those who suffer from stress severe enough to have a panic attack cannot only benefit from relaxing therapeutic massages, but adjustments too. Occasionally, an aggravated nerve route sends confusing messages to the brain.

If you just want to improve your health. Overtime, it is easy to develop spine and joint problems. These problems may be mild and may not even result in pain, but that may change later in life. Chiropractic care also prevents free and healthy movement. It does so with no medications or invasive procedures. If you want your body to stay healthy, active, and natural, chiropractic care is the way to go.

In short, most patients want a reason to seek chiropractic care. In fact, their insurance providers would like a reason too. Truthfully, you can seek care for any reason or none at all.


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How to Lessen the Chances of Seeking Spider Vein Treatment

How to Lessen the Chances of Seeking Spider Vein Treatment

What do you expect when you undergo spider vein treatment? Different people are expected to have different opinions. And besides, not everybody will be willing to undergo such procedures. There are various processes that can be done to eliminate the unwanted vein. But how badly do you want this to be done?

Some people opt for their veins to be removed out of mere vanity. Others feel like the situation is causing too much trouble and pains that they want to live without. There are those who just cannot accept that they are getting old and the spider veins are part of the process. To whom you can relate among the three? Whatever your reasons are for availing treatments, you must consult with the right doctor as to your best options. They can provide you with the proper details that will suit your body fine accordingly.

Before you start contemplating about getting the right medications and procedures, you must first have an overview of how the situation comes about.

What are the causes of spider veins?

There are actually a lot of factors that come into play and contribute to the gravity of the situation. Here are only some to give you basic idea about the overall scheme of things with regards to the veins.

1. Women usually develop more spider veins as they reach their menopausal stage. This causes many hormonal changes that lead to the situation.

2. Women also suffer from such when they get pregnant. The situation may also lead for more serious problems like the swelling of the veins near their private parts, more commonly known as hemorrhoids.

3. But not only pregnant women are prone to such. People who suffer from obesity are likely to develop spider veins as well as other kinds of veins which might be painful, like varicose veins.

4. Medical conditions like high blood pressure can also increase the emergence of the unwanted veins.

5. Standing for a very long time will also cause such problem. To avoid this, you must shift your weight every once in a while so that the pressure wont be handled by only one leg. You must also do necessary exercises like walking, jogging and running to develop the muscles on your legs and for the lower part of your body to gain strength.

6. Too much sitting also causes the development of the unwanted veins. To help solve the problem, if you find yourself in such situation, you must stand up every 30 minutes or so. Walk a while for a brief time. This way, your blood circulation will be regulated. And you will lessen the emergence of the unwanted veins.

7. Incorrect diet can also cause the veins to easily become visible all throughout your body. To remedy this, make sure that your diet is composed of high-fiber foods like wheat grain, well-cooked vegetable, juices and fresh fruits. The foods that are high in fiber will lessen constipation. This will also lessen the early developments of the unwanted veins. You must also make sure that you regulate the amount of salt that you get inside your system. Such element can cause swelling that may lead to the development of the veins.

Now that you know the causes, you will lessen the possibility of seeking out spider vein treatment in the future.