Tips for Controlling Your Blood Pressure

Do you have high blood pressure or at risk to develop high blood pressure? If so do not be discouraged, there are ways of controlling and lowering your blood pressure without medication. Simple lifestyle habits are the most common causes for high blood pressure and easily helped.

Keep in mind that sometimes everything you try may not work. You might have to have the help of medication along with your healthier lifestyle. Talk with your doctor first. They will be able to assist you with the best option for your lifestyle.

The first thing you can do is achieve a healthy weight if you aren’t already. Being overweight is a great risk for developing high blood pressure. You can avoid this by watching your diet and reaching your healthy weight.

If you are unsure of what your healthy weight should be, you should talk to your doctor. You can even find a site online that lets you calculate your BMI (body mass index) and this will tell you what your healthy weight is.

Exercising should be a normal part of your lifestyle. Not everyone enjoys exercising and even if you are one of those people, you can still add it to your every day routine. Only thirty minutes a day of exercise will greatly decrease your risk of high blood pressure.

If you cannot set aside thirty minutes at one time, do ten minutes at a time. This is just as effective and you can get thirty minutes in your day quicker and easier than you thought. You can walk or run or whatever you like.

Your diet plays a major role in your blood pressure levels as well. A high intake of salt and sodium can greatly increase your risks. Try to limit yourself on salt and sodium intake and have your doctor advise you on the recommended amount according to your blood pressure levels.

Using herbs and spices in place of salt is a great way to reduce your salt intake. When you go out to eat somewhere, suggest ‘no salt’ or ask if they add salt so you know if you should or not. Many people consume tons more salt than they really should and do not even know it.

Stress plays a big role in high blood pressure and unfortunately many people suffer from stress. The best way to help your own is by finding a relaxation technique that works best for you. Try meditating, or something that has always relaxed you before. Let the stress of the day leave you and enjoy your stress free time. Take as long as you want to do this.

While trying to change your lifestyle habits, try to keep a record as well. Grab a notebook or journal and write down what you did and check your blood pressure often. Note if it is making a difference or staying the same.

If lifestyle changes do not help as much as you would like, you might consider talking with your doctor about taking medication. Sometimes lifestyle changes alone aren’t as effective unless used with medication. Talk with your doctor about any concerns you might have and they can help decide what is best for you.

Lowering Your Blood Pressure

Do you have high blood pressure? Maybe you want to prevent getting high blood pressure, no matter what the case is, there are everyday things you can do. What you eat, how much you exercise, even your habits can effect your blood pressure.

If you see your doctor regularly you more than likely have your blood pressure checked every time. This is a necessary procedure to monitor your pressure and be sure you don’t have high blood pressure. There are different reasons one has high blood pressure and different things you can do to help lower it.

If you have high blood pressure it damages your blood vessels increasing your risk for stroke or heart and kidney diseases. In other words, having high blood pressure is very harmful to your health and you want to treat it right away.

Making lifestyle changes is the first way to go when you want to lower your blood pressure. If doing these simple changes does not help and you have to use medication, continue doing the changes along with the medication. The lifestyle changes alone may just not be enough and added with medication could help significantly.

If you use any tobacco of any kind, stop your use or decrease it significantly. Nicotine makes your blood vessels constrict resulting in a faster heart beat. This faster heart beat raises your blood pressure. You can easily find products that help quit smoking or help quit the use of other tobacco products.

If you are overweight you are at a high risk of high blood pressure. Start a diet program and start eating healthier. Exercising regularly is very beneficial to lowering your blood pressure. Plan an exercise routine and track your progress. This will show you what is working and what is not.

Eat plenty of fruit and veggies and try a low fat diet. Try to stay clear of sodium, alcohol and caffeine or at least limit your intake. Sodium isn’t harmful to everyone’s blood pressure but until you know for sure, it is better to take precaution.

Alcohol can cause high blood pressure in some people as well. Try to only drink one or two alcoholic beverages a day. If you know this is increasing your blood pressure, try to quit altogether. Your health might be at risk.

Stress can sometimes affect your blood pressure. Stress is very common and there are millions of ways to help reduce stress. Try some relaxing techniques first and if none of these work talk to your doctor. They may have some better suggestions.

If all else fails you may have to turn to medication. There are many types of medicine to help you lower your blood pressure. You may end up taking this medicine for the rest of your life but if it helps keep you healthy, it is worth it.

If you are still unsure of how to handle your blood pressure talking with your doctor is the best solution. Tell them of your concerns or ask them any questions you might have. No question is stupid when it comes to your health. You could even do some research online and find out many things about blood pressure. You are not the only one curious about taking care of your health. Take the necessary steps to live a long healthy life.


Good Exercises To Do When Pregnant

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Most women can and should exercise when pregnant. Unless your pregnancy is high risk or your doctor has ordered you to stay in bed, there is no reason in fact you cant exercise while pregnant.

Studies show that there are numerous benefits to exercising while pregnant. You can improve your energy levels, get your blood pumping to your legs and improve your circulation, and improve your chances for a speedy recovery.

Another reason to exercise? Moms who worked out whil…


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Most women can and should exercise when pregnant. Unless your pregnancy is high risk or your doctor has ordered you to stay in bed, there is no reason in fact you cant exercise while pregnant.

Studies show that there are numerous benefits to exercising while pregnant. You can improve your energy levels, get your blood pumping to your legs and improve your circulation, and improve your chances for a speedy recovery.

Another reason to exercise? Moms who worked out while pregnant generally had shorter and easier labors.

So what kinds of exercises are good to do when pregnant?

Well lets start with those you should avoid. You should avoid embarking on any stringent exercise program you are unfamiliar with. Avoid running and other jarring activities unless you are a very experienced runner. Even then you should consult with your physician.

Here are some generally good and safe exercises that are recommended during pregnancy:

Walking This is the best overall exercise for pregnant mothers anywhere. It is low impact but still gets your heart rate up and your blood pumping. Walking is usually safe throughout the entire pregnancy.

Jogging Jogging can be done safely if you are an experienced jogger. You should reduce your jogging regimen however the further along you are in your pregnancy. If you are not able to have a conversation when jogging, then you are working out too hard.

Swimming This is the number one exercise and the safest exercise when it comes to pregnancy. Swimming alleviates the heaviness you feel from weight gain associated with pregnancy. It also provides you with optimal cardiovascular benefits and helps you feel light and refreshed.

Yoga Yoga can help you maintain your muscle tone and stretch out tight ligaments during pregnancy. Be sure you investigate a pre-natal yoga class if at all possible.

Weight Training Weight training is a great way to maintain and build muscle during your pregnancy. Just keep in mind you should avoid heavy weights and weight bearing exercises that require you to lie on your back.

To be safe you should always consult with your doctor or physician before beginning any exercise program. Most pregnant women are fine to work out particularly if theyve been active before.

If you are just starting a program be sure to take it easy initially. You should also commit to exercising regularly. Generally 30 minutes of exercise 4-7 days per week is recommended.

One last point be sure to keep hydrated and avoid over-heating which can be dangerous for you and your baby. Avoid getting your heart rate much over 140 and stop any exercise if you start to feel dizzy or lightheaded.

Also dont forget the importance of warming up before any and all activity. Youll reduce the likelihood of injury. Warm up after activities will also help your heart rate return to normal.
Good luck and have fun!

Arthritis Patients: Do You Need Surgery?

If you have recently been diagnosed with arthritis or if you suspect you have it, thoughts of surgery may automatically pop into your head. Yes, some patients must undergo surgery, but it is actually very rare. Despite the common belief, it is possible to treat and manage the symptoms of arthritis, such as joint paint, swelling, and difficulty moving, without surgery.

When is surgery considered an option?

Unbearable Pain. When the pain is so severe that over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription pain relievers do not work, surgery may be the last resort. Overtime, our bodies get use to the pain relievers we ingest. Overtime the Tylenol that once provided with you with relief, may no longer do so. If and when that point arrives, speak to your doctor about prescribed medications. He or she will likely want to try those first before opting for surgery.

Joint damage. The elderly and those who let their arthritis go untreated are susceptible to joint damage. This includes deformities. For example, a patient with severe rheumatoid arthritis may have bent out of shape fingers. This not only looks different, but it is excruciating in terms of pain. Surgery can be used to correct these deformities and other severe joint damage.

What type of procedures may be performed?

Arthroscopy. This is a minimally invasive surgery and a great alternative to open surgery. A small incision is made in the skin. Then, a thin viewing instrument, known as an arthroscope is inserted. Its destination? The painful joint. Many surgeons use this procedure to diagnose a problem and decide on a course of treatment. It can also be used to perform small surgeries. It has many benefits, including less pain, lower costs, and less hospitalization. So, if you need surgery, offer an arthroscopy as a suggestion.

Arthrodesis. This surgery is very rare, as there is a high risk of complications. And, it results in a permanent disability. So, why is it even offered? It is the only hope of pain relief for some individuals. These individuals have a diseased joint that cannot be fixed any other way. Pain and swelling are common and unmanageable. Arthrodesis involves fusing two bones into a joint. This prevents joint movement. For many, this is a last and only resort.

Joint replacement. Joint replacement surgeries are common with the shoulders, knees, and hips. With joint replacement surgeries, the ends of nearby bones are replaced. This results in new joint surfaces. It will take time and physical therapy, but most patients experience a reduction and pain and an increase in mobility. For the fingers and toes, joint replacement is less common. Typically, surgeons opt for the fusion of smaller joints, as opposed to total replacement.

What are the alternatives to arthritis related surgery?

It depends. For starters, how severe is your arthritis? When were you diagnosed? The earlier osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are diagnosed, the easier it is to treat without surgery. Exercise is vital. Yes, it is difficult to move your joints, so exercise may seem like it is out of the question, but it is not. Start with low impact exercises or opt for water exercises or physical therapy. The more a joint is moved, the less stiffness you experience. This can later reduce the chance of deformities.

As for the pain, remember that surgery is only used as a last resort. First, try over-the-counter pain pills and cream or ask for stronger prescription medications. Heat also helps many. Soak in a warm bath daily or use a heating pad. Although there is little scientific proof to back these claims, many arthritis patients report long-term relief with continued use of natural remedies and supplements, including cayenne pepper, pineapples, ASU, and ginger.


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