Why Plugged Hair Follicles Thin Your Hair and What You

Why Plugged Hair Follicles Thin Your Hair and What You Can Do

Losing your hair to where it thins or you become bald does not have to happen.
Just by understanding why your hair falls out and thins allows you to take counter measures. Discover what counter measures you need to take to keep your hair full, thick, or from thinning.

There are various ways to keep your hair clean, shiny, and thick. If you still have hair and want to keep it or if your hair is starting to thin out, here are some hair remedies that you can use.

When your hair starts to thin down, three of the reasons are:

* Your hair follicles are slowly becoming plug and preventing hair from growing out

* Your hair is not receiving the nutrients it needs to grow and stay strong

* Your hair is not getting enough blood circulating in your scalp

I will cover only the first of the two items.

Plugged Hair Follicles

Just like acne, your hair follicles can become plugged. In acne a plug follicle results in sebum and bacteria becoming trapped in the follicle, which leads to an infection known as a pimple.

When a hair follicle becomes plugged on your scalp, the hair in that follicle becomes trapped and is prevented from coming to the surface. Over time, your scalp becomes smooth and you become bald or lose most of your hair.

So the secret to preventing hair loss, thinning and balding is to prevent your hair follicles from becoming plugged. Once you know what causes your follicle to plug, you can avoid or counteract those conditions.

Here is what causes your follicles to become plugged.

* Excessive build up of testosterone in blood converting over to DHT and plugging up your hair follicles

* Use of shampoos, conditioners, and gels that contain excessive un-natural chemical that stay on your scalp and get trapped in your follicles

* Excessive release of sebum and scalp flaking mixing together to form a hard material that plugs up your follicles.

DHT Build Up in Your Follicle

It is well known now that excessive conversion of testosterone into DHT accumulates in the hair follicles and plugs. Knowing this you can use a variety of shampoos on your hair to dissolve this DHT. This keeps your pores open and your hair growing normally. You can also take capsules that prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT.

Un-natural Shampoo and Conditioners

Most shampoos, conditioners, and hair gels are created using petrochemicals, un-natural additives, dyes, preservatives that are harmful to your hair and scalp.

In addition, these un-natural hair product chemicals get into your pores and can plug. Once in the follicle, they also get into your blood and are harmful to your liver and the rest of your body.

Search for more natural shampoo products which contain fewer petrochemicals and have more herbs with natural cleansing chemicals

Excessive Sebum and Scalp Flaking

Some people have oily hair and some dry.

When the hair follicle releases excess sebum it accumulates on the scalp. Here it will combine with dirt, dead scalp cells, and shampoo chemical residues.

Using natural remedies reduces the amount of chemical available to combine with excess sebum and dead scalp cells. If you use any type of gel to style your hair these gels combine with sebum to plug up your follicles.

To keep your hair and scalp clean and follicles open, use aloe vera gel mixed with a few drops of jojoba oil. Buy aloe vera gel, 99% pure and pure jojoba oil. Put some aloe vera gel in your hand and add 4-5 drops of jojoba oil. Rub your hands together then rub this mixture into your hair. This mixture will keep your hair shiny and thick and your hair follicles open.

Just making these changes to your hair care will go a long way in keeping your hair from thinning any further

Hair Replacement And Restoration Techniques

There has been a great deal of progress in the field of hair replacement and restoration in the past few years. Surgical techniques have improved greatly from the days when hair replacement first began. All hair replacement techniques involve the use of your own hair; therefore, hair replacement candidates must have some healthy hair, usually at the back and sides of the head.

The process is a relatively safe procedure when performed by a qualified surgeon, however as with any surgery there are risks. Candidates must be checked for uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood-clotting problems, or skin that scars excessively, as these conditions may make healing difficult. Small pieces of hair growing scalp grafts are removed from areas of the scalp with healthy hair and are placed where hair is thinning. There are three major types of grafts: punch grafts, mini-grafts, and micro-grafts.

Punch grafting takes about 10-15 hairs and places them in the scalp. This was the first type of technique to be developed, and when first developed caused a patchy look in many candidates. The technique has been improved since the first days of being developed, and the new mini-graft technique has also been added as an option. Mini-grafts contain only 2-4 hairs per graft, and therefore look much more natural. Micro-grafts are still smaller grafts that contain one to two hairs each.

To maintain healthy circulation of the scalp, grafts are placed 1/8th of an inch apart. Local anesthesia is usually sufficient for these procedures, and several procedures are usually required to achieve the desired result. Post-surgery, a period of approximately 10 days of no sexual or strenuous activity is recommended, as strenuous activity may cause bleeding from the graft areas.

Of course surgery is a serious option, and often an expensive one as well. For those not wishing to undergo surgery for either reason, the option of non-surgical hair additions is often explored. Many professionals have developed techniques to add hair to existing hair on your scalp that look very natural. Weaves, fusions, bonding, cabling and micro linking are some of the techniques used to bond hair to the existing hair or scalp non-surgically.

Many jokes were made in the past about wigs and toupees, and they have gained an unfavorable light amongst many people because they were so obvious on the wearer. Todays toupees and wigs are often made of real hair and are very well styled, causing them to look ore natural on the wearer. These hairpieces are held in place by affixing adhesive to the scalp and stay in place through vigorous exercise.

Structured hairpieces as they are called are a semi-surgical approach that permanently attaches hair to the scalp by stitching the hair to the bald scalp. This procedure is not recommended, as it is a process that involves introducing a foreign material to the scalp. Most ethical surgeons do not perform this procedure any longer as they are generally deemed to be ethically inappropriate. If this procedure is recommended to you, get a second opinion from a trusted physician.

A much safer procedure is hair weaving, yet this can only be used if hair is thinning and large balding areas are not present. The process is also called hair intensification or hair integration. Strands of synthetic or real hair are braided or weaved into your own existing hair giving an appearance of a full head of hair.

This method is usually expensive and can only be left in for a few weeks at a time it is usually impractical for the average person.