Narcolepsy: The Sleeping Disease

There are over 3 million cases of narcolepsy and is estimated by medical reports that 200,000 Americans, but just under 50,000 are actually officially diagnosed by a doctor. It has been said that it’s widespread like the neurological disease Parkinson’s disorder. This condition is usually recognized in both men and women at any age, yet the symptoms are usually first noticed in teenagers and younger age adults usually in their 20s and early 30s.

It’s been noted that there is a 15-year between the onset and actual diagnosis of the problem, which has contributed to the debilitating features of this particular disorder. Those who deal with narcolepsy have a plethora of cognitive, educational, occupational, and psychological issues that can arise from this problem. The presence of narcolepsy is 1 in 2000 people and is also found in people with diagnosed learning disabilities and currently the treatment options are very limited.

The studies that were conducted for this concluded that this problem is constantly under diagnosed in the general population in society. Some narcoleptics don’t show any signs visibly and the severity of the condition varies from person to person.

This is where medical science has its blunders because of the fact that this condition is so under diagnosed that it’s hard to really get a grasp of the severity of this problem, because it varies in levels from noticeable to barely obvious.

Polysonogram and Multiple Sleep Latency exams are the two tests that are done to give a formal and correct diagnostic approach to the condition and usually this is where the diagnosis presents the level of severity so that it’s properly noted by a specialist to ensure a proper treatment plan for that person. Tests are conducted in two-hour increments to allow the person to sleep and usually the polysonogram test does a continuous test of brain activity when it’s in REM sleep mode when sleep happens at night.

Usually most narcoleptics fall asleep in nighttime sleep mode fairly quickly. There are several methods of treatments for people with narcolepsy and usually it consists of anti-depressants and planned short-timed naps have also been helpful to lower the dependence on medicinal treatments and allowing the body to do what it should be doing naturally. Retraining the body to sleep at a reasonable time has helped those with narcolepsy to recognize sleeping at night and taking short naps during the day so that their body stays alert because a lot of narcoleptics have been putting themselves and others at risk when they fall asleep during their normal work day or even driving or operating machinery.

With the new wave of holistic medicine being readily available to help people with conditions from skin to psychological issues. Narcoleptics can also work with a treatment plan that includes a change in diet and incorporating exercise and taking nutritional supplements and formulas to give someone added nutrition if they’re not getting enough from the food they eat.

Narcolepsy is manageable if you follow the doctor’s instructions and taking medications when you’re supposed to and following therapy plans that are designed for that person to follow to the last detail.

Surefire Ways To Achieve Better Stress Management On Your Own

Surefire Ways To Achieve Better Stress Management On Your Own

When you’re learning about something new, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.

Some people have this false omission that stress is a condition beyond their grasp or control. As a result, they wink at to employ proper stress management techniques when in truth there are a lot of ways for you to control it instead of the other way around.

Struggling with stress? Here are some effective ways you can use to finally win over your battle with it.

Identifying Symptoms of Stress

When it comes to stress management, self – help is just as effective. But you cannot take steps to combatting signs of stress if you cannot recognize the symptoms for this condition. Hence, you must start by identifying the symptoms of stress. Some of the most common ones enter the following:

Muscle pain or tension
Sweating and dizziness
Bowel problems
Tensed feeling all over your body
Feeling of irritability
Memory failure

In appendix to the above symptoms, one could also develop severe problems resulting from stress such as asthma, high blood pressure, and other problems of the heart.

Stress Management Methods

Your ability to manage stress could make the difference in your life. It would also enable you to overcome the physical, emotional, and mental impact of too much stress and worry in life. It is not enough that you crop up to identify the symptoms of stress. You need to act on it and manufacture an effort to correct them!

Below are practical stress management methods you can employ.

Problem Identification and Showdown Solution

In any problem, you need to outset by identifying the source of the problem. Without this knowledge, there is no way for you to identify the best solution. According to experts, identifying the problem means half of the battle is won. It enables you to regain control over the situation and better understand your condition.

Avoiding Source of Stress

Once you have identified the main source of your stress, your best approach is to avoid them or steer clear off them. For example, if a certain type of environment or being around a particular group of people is causing you stress or making you feel unhealthy, then it would be best for you to take them out of the equation in your life. Instead, re – focus your attention toward something more useful and substantial while drawing out positive vibes out of unaffected.

Control Your Emotions

Learn how to take charge over your feelings. Identification of the source of stress will enable you to achieve this. You need to inspire yourself to think solo positive thoughts and constantly reassure yourself that it is you who is in manipulation of your emotions and avoid it from overpowering you instead. You can divert your problems into other more significant activities, congenerous as engaging in sports, hobbies, or going on a vacation. Well-qualified is no reason to dwell on things that is causing you to harbor ill or negative feelings.

Live Healthy!

The most obvious yet challenging step towards stress management is to adapt a healthy lifestyle. How do you do this? You need to start with your body. Since this is the first one affected by stress, you need to begin with taking care of your body. Make irrefutable that you are well rested such that you can enable your mind and body to rejuvenate itself. Avoid drinking or smoking since these are unhealthy solutions to stress; in fact, it will only make things worse!
Sometimes it’s tough to sort out all the details related to this subject, but I’m positive you’ll have no trouble making sense of the information presented above.

Tips For Stress Management On Kids

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with stress.

Kids, like adults, suffer from stress too. Hence, they exigency also retain proper stress management techniques to ensure that they can overcome it and enjoy good physical, emotional, and mental health. This is especially true if your child is on their schooling age already. Peruse more below to find out how you can help your child shade with stress.

Kids and Stress

Despite the bourgeois misconception that only adults suffer from stress, children can suffer from just as much stress too. But how is it possible? Stress in kids might even be more challenging than in the case of adults since they often do not have a clear grasp yet on what stress is about and how they can deal with it.

You can start by identifying the root of the problem. Stress can crop up from academic pressure, bullying from other kids in interpret, social difficulties or discrimination, and even family problems can affect kids. Unless you find out what the source of stress is, it should be quite difficult to resolve it. So, you must always begin with this step to eliminate critical worry or stress that your child proficiency have to deal with.

Healthy Communication

The simplest method to understand the onset of stress in your child is to communicate with them. Even if you are busy with work, take a few minutes off your time each day to speak with your child and ask them about clear things that might be bothering them at school or even in your own home.

As a parent, it is your responsibility to understand and help your child deal with their problems. This will also encourage your kids to be open to you about intentional problems that they are dealing with on an everyday basis.

Succor Positive Attitude in Your Kids

This is a very important for instance you can teach your child. You essential to let them understand that stress is ordinary and may even be healthy if channeled in the ethical way. Parents are the ones to store as model for their kids when it comes to acquiring a positive attitude in life. If possible, you need to start this at an early age. Stress and worry can promote negativity and pessimism in your child. In the long run, this will begin to affect their health and air in life.

Engage Them in Sports and Play

The most effective stress buster for kids is to engage in sports and games. Thus, parents need to get their children to stay out and have fun doing physical activities. Aside from focusing on physical sports, you can also get them to do puzzles and board games to help boost their focus and concentration. You must encourage them to do physical exercises and you can increase benefits by doing them together, identical as walking, cycling, biking, or jogging.

Develop Healthy Lifestyle and Diet

The diet and lifestyle of your child can both dramatically impact their ability to deal with stress. Indeed, a healthy disposition in life will enable them to develop effective stress management skills. Make sure that you look after the foods that they are eating to arrange that it is good for them. Always keep in contact upset with your child so you can do lots of beneficial activities together. This can exhibit stress relieving for the both of you!
Those who only know one or two facts about stress can be confused by misleading information. The best way to help those who are misled is to gently correct them with the truths you’re learning here.

What Sets Gilberts Disease Apart From Jaundice

There are a lot of diseases that can be identified with the liver and its functions, one of those diseases is called Gilberts disease. There had been reports and studies that tried to connect Jaundice and Gilberts disease with each other. Some experts would like to have a broad grasp on this issue and have yet to close their books on it and accept the fact that the two are connected.

One of the reasons why there are still experts that stand their ground when it comes to the supposed connection is because of the lack of negative effects on the body of Gilberts disease. Gilberts disease can cause jaundice and fatigue and thats the most of it. Some experts are still trying to find out if there are still other effects.

What exactly can Gilberts syndrome do to the body? Gilberts disease produces an elevated level of unconjugated bilirubin in the bloodstream but normally has no serious or damaging consequence. Mild jaundice may appear under conditions of exertion, stress, fasting, and infections, but the condition is otherwise asymptomatic.

It has been reported that GS may contribute to an accelerated onset of neonatal jaundice. Here are some signs and symptoms as well as other means of prevention or treatment that are still debated until now:

1. Diffuse symptoms. Some people report diffuse symptoms related to Gilberts disease , but no clear adverse symptoms related to Gilberts disease in adults have been found in scientific studies. This has led some to dispute whether Gilberts disease should classify as a disease.

2. Prevention. The unfortunate thing about Gilberts disease is that there has been no known prevention method, and because there had been no known way to prevent the condition getting it is inevitable. Another reasons for inevitability on its victims health is the fact that it is hereditary.

3. Support groups. Many of our relatives and friends who are sick are need of people around them that can make them feel that everything is going to be all right. It is what we call a support group. A support group can have members who are also afflicted by the disease, family members, doctors and other people that can give kind words and supportive comments to people who feel like it is the end of the world for them.

4. Treatment. Because of the nature of Gilberts disease and the least harmful effects it has on a patients body the treatment for Gilberts disease does not really exist. But when a person is afflicted by Gilberts disease the treatment focuses on the underlying conditions that develop the jaundice and other treatments focus on the liver itself. More and more people also take in dietary supplements to help make their livers more stable and healthy despite the affliction of Gilberts disease.

Though it is not something that can be cured, Gilberts disease is still a serious matter that people should take into account. More and more people are suffering from it and it is causing some people great discomfort. Although Gilberts disease does not have adverse effects on the patients body there is still a little window of sadness and suffering that they go through. The best cure for this condition is not really the expensive treatments, the medications or the dietary supplements. The best help and relief that we can give to patients suffering from Gilberts disease are the support and understanding that we have for them.