Body Building Women Is That You

When I say body building women, what image comes into your mind? Is it of a well toned lady with a flat stomach, small waist and a pert bum? Or is it a woman who looks more like a man with bulging muscles all over the place? It is probably the second option but this is not how most body building women look. The ones with the excessive muscles have usually been taking steroids and let’s face facts. A woman’s body was not meant to cope with an overload of testosterone.

If you want to tone up and slim down, you should seriously consider doing a bodybuilding course at your local gym. Find an instructor who specializes in helping females to work out as our routine will be slightly different to the male bodybuilders. Most of us women want to target our stomach, bums and thighs as these are the areas where fat seems to be attracted to most.

A lot of people use the excuse that if they build up muscle it will turn to fat when they stop working out. This is a bit like thinking brass is going to turn into gold. Fat and muscle are two completely different substances and one cannot turn into the other. What tends to happen is that when you are bodybuilding you will eat more. In fact the recommended diet is to eat at least five or six small meals a day with plenty of quality protein, vegetables and healthy fats. If you stop working out, your body will not need as much fuel as it did previously. But often people forget this little point and continue eating at the same level. If you are not burning the energy produced by your food intake, you will put on weight.

Certain bodybuilding activities add shape and definition to the areas you want to target. Your instructor will be able to help you come up with a bodybuilding routine to maximize the effect of your training. You will also need to do at least 6 sessions of cardio workout a week. The bad news is that these are most effective when done before you have had breakfast so you need to set that alarm clock for a little earlier! Another myth about bodybuilding is that you cannot combine it with aerobic exercise as it will prevent you building muscle. In my opinion this is rubbish. Aerobic exercise burns calories and fat, is good for your health and actually helps to increase muscle mass. So make sure it is part of your new bodybuilding routine.

Following a bodybuilding diet will help you to get the most out of your weight training program. Eating smaller but more regular meals will boost your metabolism helping to burn the calories. It will also help to regulate your blood sugar levels helping to prevent those cravings that can cause the end of the diet. And perhaps most importantly you won’t get that deprived starving feeling associated with most weight loss plans.

If you need some inspiration consider the fact that the models you see on TV with their superflat stomachs and toned legs are all body building women.

Body Building Tips For Women

All us women want is a nice chest size, low body fat, small waist and a flat stomach. Not too much to ask for really is it? Well not so long as you forget about eating candy, cake and chips. Try these body building tips for women and see how you can improve your body and your overall health.

The first tip is to set yourself some goals. By writing these down, you are increasing your chances of success. Now be realistic. It is completely pointless setting a target that you know you won’t reach. Try small but challenging goals as your motivation increases when you successfully reach each one.

When writing these down, you need to be specific. It is not enough to say I want to have a slim stomach. Writing down something like I will lose 2 inches by a specific date is much better. Don’t call your new regime a diet as that word has negative connotations for most of us. You are not on a diet, you are on a new healthy eating and exercise program.

You should keep a diary to track your progress. This will show you at a glance how far you have come. Perfect for those days when we are less motivated than we should be. Now you have set your targets, you need to write down the plan for achieving them. Your plan should cover the number and type of sessions you are going to complete per week, the amount and type of foods you will eat etc.

Clear your house of all the foods that are not good for your bodybuilding diet. You can’t be tempted if they aren’t around. Also prepare your meals in advance so that you don’t reach for a takeaway or processed meal because time is running short. You should have five to six small meals a day to help increase your metabolism. You want to include lots of vegetables, good fats and healthy protein. Eating regular meals will help the digestive process so you shouldn’t have that sluggish feeling anymore.

You need to do at least 6 cardio workouts a week preferably before breakfast to get the best results. You may have to reorganize your day to fit in this new routine but it is extremely important. Aerobic exercise helps with the growth of muscle as well as burning calories and being good for your health.

Don’t worry about becoming very muscular when bodybuilding. This only happens to those men and women who take anabolic steroids otherwise known as synthetic testosterone. Training with weights will help you to tone your muscles and thus prevent wastage. Follow a weight training program as you need to repeat patterns of workouts on specific areas to see results.

The more organized you are the better your chances of success. If you know exactly what you have to do each day, you are going to procrastinate less. You will sleep better and believe it or not, getting sufficient sleep is one of the most important body building tips for women.