The oldest known Facial massage in human history dates back to the third century B.C. where it was written about in an ancient Chinese medical text. Scientists have discovered many subsequent ancient medical records in archeological digs conducted in Greece, Persia, Japan and India. All these early-day writings have one thing in common; their Facial massages were described in vivid details but always as part and parcel of total body massage therapies in which specific pressure points on areas of the face and neck were depressed sufficiently to loosen obstructions in the flow of the vital energy which is also known as gi. The standalone Facial massage of the recent Western world was popularized in the twentieth century Europe before it was inducted into the North American world of cosmetic and beauty treatments. As a result, Facial massage came to be regarded as the job for estheticians, cosmetologists and makeup artists rather than massage therapists.

In the cosmetic and beauty arena, the Facial massage is administered with the intent to slow down the natural aging process and to attain younger, healthier and more vibrant looking and feeling facial skin. However, Facial massage also has therapeutic benefits as it can relieve and mitigate stress, migraine headaches, premenstrual syndromes (PMS) as well as sinus congestion.

In spite of their growing demand as entire massage sessions of their own, Facial massages are not precluded from total body massage treatments. Needless to say, Facial massage treatments which are performed the entire session are much more comprehensive and include many elements which are not included in Facial massages that are part of full body treatments. In both instances, though, gentle yet stimulating upward strokes are used in circular or semi-circular gliding movements. A typical and basic Facial massage will include the following procedure and usually in that same specific order:

* With the client comfortably reclining on his or her back on a treatment table and the professional seated closely to the clients head, the face is thoroughly cleanses and wiped dry.
* A lubricant such as a cream, a lotion or oil is applied to the entire face and neck area. The Facial massage will begin with repetitive rounded movements and will include every part of the face as well as the neck, ears and scalp. Crucial pressure points will also be stimulated in the process.
* The face, neck and ears are cleansed of the lubricant used for the massage and a facial moisturizer is applies.

Facial massages may also include the removal of facial hair as well as the removal of blackheads and whiteheads which will necessitate a moist steam treatment. These three elements will be included right after the massage session and before the application of the moisturizer. In addition, the entire process may be culminated with the application of full or partial makeup and sometimes even a hairdo.

The benefits of the Western style Facial massage are:

* Improvement of the facial skin and its muscle tone.
* Relaxation of the facial and eye muscles.
* Alleviation from tension headaches and general facial pain.
* Relief from stress and anxiety.
* The overall release of stress from the body and mind.

Facial massages are part of full body treatments in Eastern therapies where pressure is applied to points on the face which correspond to various internal organs such as the stomach, the liver and the gall bladder. With such different techniques, it is not surprising therefore, that the benefits of the Eastern Facial massages are very different from those of the West:

* The stimulation of meridian points on the face.
* Relief from eyestrain and neck tension.
* Correction of liver and fall bladder imbalances.
* Recovery from nervous disorders of the stomach.
* Release from premenstrual water retention.

Facial massages, Eastern or Western, are not recommended under the following circumstances:

* While clients are wearing contact lenses.
* Open sores, boils, cuts or recent scar tissues in the face or neck areas.
* Inflamed, infected or bruised skin of the face and neck.
* Acne, psoriases or eczema, all of which can be worsened by the treatment.

Facial massages are most often performed with bare hands that are lightly lubricated by oils or lotions to help them glide more smoothly over delicate facial skin. However, there are some mechanical devices that may also be used instead of the hands or in addition to them. Best of all, in my opinion, Facial massages can very easily and effectively be self administered just about any time and anywhere, and there are countless resources on the Internet that will instruct interested persons how to master the art.

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Makeup For Acne Scars!

Are you dropping out of society due to experiencing scars after acne breakouts? Are you searching for quality makeup for acne scars to help you blend your skin imperfections, and to also eliminate any future blemishes?

If your answer is yes to the questions above, then let me help you find the best cosmetic scar treatments that will allow you to get back out into the world, and enjoy your life the way you deserve to!

Nowadays, there are many advanced makeup products such as camouflage makeup specially designed for scars, and are widely offered by professional online skincare suppliers. These special skin products help you positively conceal such physical imperfections, such as scars, hyper pigmentation, rosacea, burns, and dark freckles to name a few.

If you happen to suffer from any of these conditions listed above, youre not alone, and this is why quality acne cosmetics and scar treatments have been designed specially for you to help you in your current condition.

Now You Can Get The Scar Coverage You Need, Custom Made For You!

With treatment makeup, many of these uniquely designed scar products give you a large array of colors to choose from, helping match your skin tone perfectly, thus offering you that custom looking facial skin color blend. You pick 2-3 shades, and unify these colors together for that natural cosmetics look, and quality finishing touch!

The specially created Camouflage makeup products are made with mineral pigments that are fragrance and oil free, so it does not irritate your skin. The best thing is that the finish looks flawless, and your complexion will have virtually no signs of visible acne scars.

Dont ever think that youre the only one that has facial scars in this world! You would be surprised and amazed on how many of your favorite celebrities, and athletes have the same scar condition as you. This is the main reason why top quality scar cosmetics have been created, and when youre under the camera and public microscope, these stars dont want to take any chances of exposing their skin condition to their fans.

With that in mind, you can now take advantage of these quality skincare makeup products as well, and you dont have to settle for the over-the-counter generic items that give you that caked on look, and do not properly blend away your scars. In most cases these retail products end up enhancing the look of your scar, rather than blending them.

You may notice that the prices on these products are a little higher than your retail store generic makeup products, but when you actually try them, you will understand why, and also realize that these uniquely designed scar care makeup items easily available to you online, are created for you in mind, and will eventually allow you to get your life back, by feeling comfortable in the public eye again!

Find Out What Really Causes Acne

All of the factors that affect acne are not completely understood. However the main cause of acne is well known. Excess production of an oily substance that helps keep the hair and skin soft is a prime ingredient. This oil is Sebum, during adolescence the amount of sebum produced by your body is greatly increased.

This sebum when combined with naturally occurring dead skin cells can block hair follicles which then turn into an acne lesion.

Not only will this mixture block pores it also provides a growing environment for bacteria. It is the growth of bacterial that causes what is commonly called a pimple.

The male hormone testosterone is what causes your body to create excess sebum. Testosterone is produced by both males and females. During puberty the increase of testosterone causes the body to have an abnormal reaction which manifests itself with the excessive production of sebum. This excessive oil is commonly found on the facial skin, as well as back and shoulders. In most people the testosterone levels have normalized by the time they are 20 and any acne issues will clear up.

Recent studies seem to indicate that acne is at least partially hereditary. In many cases though it is not possible to determine why some people are susceptible to it and others are not.

Other contributing factors can be; stress, diet, skin irritation, hormonal changes and some medications.

When it comes to diet skim milk seems to be a substantial contributing factor. Many people believe that chocolate, dark soft drinks and greasy foods will cause acne outbreaks. There is not statistical evidence supporting any of those beliefs.

Acne can also be induced or aggravated by medications such as; lithium, barbiturates, anabolic steroids and androgens.

Recent studies of acne may have found another cause of acne, narrowing hair follicles. These narrower hair follicles can prevent dead skin cells from being expelled from the pore. These trapped skin cells then mix with sebum and bacteria on the skin to form the acne lesions. The are several different issues that can cause the narrowing of the hair follicle, excessive shedding of cells within the follicle, abnormal cell binding and water retention.

It is commonly believed that you should squeeze a pimple to remove the blocking sebum as well as the bacteria. This can actually make the problem worse by spreading the bacteria to other areas of your skin as well as possibly causing scarring. This scarring if severe enough can be permanent.

In reality touching the area that has acne can actually make it worse as you transfer some of the oil from your hands to an area that already has excessive skin oil. Your hands can also carry bacteria which will aid in the spread of the acne.

Your hair can also exacerbate the acne problem by adding oil to areas it touches. It is important to keep your hair clean so it will not contribute to the problems. You should also try to avoid wearing hats and sweatbands as they will help trap the skin oils and just cause more problems.

How to Deal with Cystic Acne

Acne is a very common skin disorder that is usually experienced by young individuals. It is caused by bacteria that form follicles in the skin, usually on the face. Though it is not really serious, acne can cause a lot of discomfort and shame because of its unattractive appearance.

There are many kinds of acne and they range from the simple to the very severe. More commonly known as pimples or zits, acne takes shape in many forms.

The most common of course are white heads and black heads. This type of acne are very easy to treat. Usually, all you need to get rid of white heads and black heads is a good facial wash or soap.

Then there are the more sever type of acne. Cystic acne is one of them. Cystic acne is a form of acne characterized by a proliferation of cysts and nodules, hence its name. This nodules or cysts are filled with pus can become very painful aside from the fact that they can be very unsightly.

This is why individuals with cystic acne are usually under huge physical, emotional or psychological stress. The worst thing about cystic acne is that it can form scars in your face, especially if its squeezed or picked.

What are the causes of cystic acne?

Like other forms of acne, cystic acne is caused by an over production of oil glands by the skin. When the skin, particularly facial skin, produces excess oil the skin erupts. And when there are bacteria, follicles are formed in the skin resulting to acne.

How is cystic acne treated?

Currently, there really is no definite cure for cystic acne. One of the best things that an individual with cystic acne can do is follow a clear skin methodology. The clear skin method is that standard system for treating cystic acne.

The clear skin method is a system of composed activities aimed at diminishing the acne on your face. You will nee specific treatments for this healing system. The first that you will need is benzoyl peroxide. Be warned though that you must only get a low dosage of benzoyl peroxide because it can have a harsh effect on the skin which can result to redness and irritation.

For the clear skin methodology, you will also need a good over the counter facial cleanser. You should get one that would not dry your skin. To be sure that your cleanser is non-drying, you must get one that is specifically for individuals with oily skin. You must avoid using soap as it can strip your skin of its natural oils and moisture.

The next thing that you should get is a facial moisturizer. You must use a moisturizer every day to counteract the reddening and drying effects of the benzoyl peroxide. In choosing a facial moisturizer, select one that has the word non-comedogenic in its label. This means that the moisturizer would not clog your pores.

Water-based moisturizer is usually non-comedogenic. You must also choose one that is hypoallergenic so your skin would not get irritated. It is also wise to get a moisturizer and sunscreen combination. By doing so, you will not only moisturizer you skin but you will also be able to protect from the harsh UV rays of the sun which can make you cystic acne sever.