The Effects of Low Estrogen Production in the Body

As the women grow older, the production of estrogen decreases resulting to the last stage of menstruation, which is better known as menopause. Estrogen is the main hormone responsible for the cessation of menstruation. Many studies have proven that low production of estrogen in the body causes the permanent absence of menstruation.

Estrogen is a female hormone produced by the ovaries. These particular hormones are responsible for the regulation of the different reproductive functions of the female body. It is one among the two female hormones that are responsible for the different shapes of the female body. It is done merely by the even distribution of fats in the body of a female.

Aside from that, estrogen is also responsible for the development of the uterus and the reconstruction of bones and tissues in the bones and brain. If you maintain a safe level of estrogen in your body, it will help in the maintenance of proper blood flow; it also controls the cholesterol level and functions as an antioxidant of the body that filters harmful chemicals found in the body.

With lower estrogen, the ovaries will produce minimum numbers of eggs as well. And with fewer eggs produced, menstrual cycle will stop. Usually, the cause of low estrogen production is aging. It can stop your ovaries from producing estrogens that will cause the absence of menstruation or menopause. The production of low estrogen also affects the holistic balance of the womans body or the homeostasis. Your body will find it difficult to maintain your natural anatomy. Low estrogen in the body also affects the normal function of the brain.

There are many studies that tell that estrogen can prevent the existence of Alzheimers disease. This is because estrogen increases the blood supply to the brain causing it to function well. With minimum amount of blood in the brain, women will have problems with recalling memory that sometimes leads to Alzheimers disease. Low production of estrogen has relatively strong effects to the normal functioning of a womans anatomy.

Low estrogen production, causes irregularities in the menstrual period of some women. Compared to other normal estrogen producing individuals, these people produces small amount of menstruation. It can also be a reason for some emotional problems like depression and aggression towards other people with no valid reason.

This is why maintaining a normal estrogen is essential especially to women. For more information about low estrogen, you can consult your doctor to know more about it.

Symptoms of High Estrogen Level

The womens primary sex hormone is called estrogen. Without it, women will not have the different characteristics that identify them as women. Estrogen production is also essential to menstruation. They are the reason why women menstruate. This is because, estrogen is found in the eggs produced by the ovaries.

Usually, the normal menstrual cycle in a womans anatomy last for twenty eight to thirty days. During this period, estrogen is found in a normal state. However, if menstruation is noted, that is the time where estrogen is found in a higher level. This is normal because of the release of corpus letuem found inside the eggs cells during this stage.

However, there are also moments that the production of estrogen is beyond normal. It can be a cause of some irregularities in the normal body function of some women.

Many studies have proven that women with high levels of estrogen manifest signs and symptoms of stroke. These signs and symptoms are difficulty of breathing, arrhythmia, high blood pressure and paralysis of half of the body. Usually, the over production of estrogen increases the blood pressure that can be the main cause of stroke. Most of the scientists believe that over production of estrogen can affect the normal function of the heart, which can cause some serious heart ailments.

Normally, menstruation lasts from three to six days and follows a twenty-eight day cycle. However, if a womens menstruation lasts up to almost ten days and follows shorter menstrual cycle, it can be a sign of high estrogen level. Women who have this abnormal menstrual pattern are believed to have high estrogen levels. The symptoms of these are hot flushes, weakness and irritability. Women who have abnormal menstrual cycle are often predisposed to having iron deficiency anemia because of the enormous blood loss during pregnancy. These women are advised to take iron regularly to avoid IDA.

These are the symptoms you can feel when you have high estrogen level. If you experience the same symptoms, you should consult your doctor and ask for more medical assistance. Doctors will give you medications if they found that the cause of these problems is due to high level of estrogen. Visit the nearest doctor in your area to evaluate your medical concern.

They will be the greatest person to count on and the most reliable source of information regarding the elimination of the symptoms of high estrogen level.

How to Maintain Normal Estrogen Level

Estrogen is the most essential hormone in the body in women. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries, which is responsible for the physical appearance that distinguishes women from men. It gives the identifying figures of women, which are smaller hips, bigger chest as well as menstruation.

Estrogen is also essential to normal body function, which is why women should maintain normal estrogen level in the body.

Old age can be one of the reasons why women experience irregular estrogen production. Usually, when women reach old age, their body can no longer produce normal estrogen, which may lead to some bothering body malfunctions.

Most of the women develop body irregularities due to inadequate production of estrogen. However, women should supply their body with estrogen to maintain normal functions and prevent some damages in the body. How are you going to fill your body with the needed amount of estrogen? Is it possible?

To maintain a normal estrogen in the body, there are several ways you can do in order to fill the required level of estrogen in the body. These are the effective methods to supply normal estrogen level in the body. Here are the different ways.

Hormone replacement therapy these is a method used to supply the needed amount of estrogen in the body. It regulates the amount of estrogen to normal in the body so it will function effectively.

Estrogen supplements – these are drugs that are taken orally to maintain the normal estrogen level in the body. These drugs are available over all the leading drug stores in your area. However, you will need to consult your doctor first for further medical management. They will educate you about the function of the normal estrogen level in the body and all the information you need regarding this matter.

You can also eat estrogen-containing foods. There are many foods that contain estrogen. Some of which are apples, licorice, eggplant, cucumbers, peas, pomegranates, clover, carrots, garlic, pumpkins, soybeans and soybean sprouts, barley, papaya, dates, potatoes, alfalfa, eggs, fennels, plums, oats, yams, wheat, rice, and many more. With regular intake of these foods, your body will maintain normal estrogen level.

These are the different ways to maintain normal estrogen level in your body. However, before you try these kinds of estrogen maintenance, it is advisable that you consult a doctor regarding this matter. These professionals are willing to give you information and knowledge about this matter.


Odds Of Getting Pregnant And Age

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The odds of getting pregnant decline with age. The odds of getting pregnant are the greatest for a woman in her early twenties and then slowly decline with the passing years. Here are some numbers related to the chances of getting pregnant and age:

1. For ages early to mid-thirties – a woman in general will be about 15-20% less fertile.

2. For ages mid to late thirties – fertility will generally decline by up to 50%.

3. For women ages early to mid-forties – fertility…

odds of getting pregnant,getting pregnant,how to get pregnant,trying to get pregnant,

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The odds of getting pregnant decline with age. The odds of getting pregnant are the greatest for a woman in her early twenties and then slowly decline with the passing years. Here are some numbers related to the chances of getting pregnant and age:

1. For ages early to mid-thirties – a woman in general will be about 15-20% less fertile.

2. For ages mid to late thirties – fertility will generally decline by up to 50%.

3. For women ages early to mid-forties – fertility declines by over 90%.

Why do the odds of getting pregnant generally decline as the woman gets older? Studies have indicated the reasons for fertility decline are related to the quality of the woman’s eggs as well as the quantity. A woman in her lifetime will typically produce about 400 fully developed eggs (usually one per month) that are capable of becoming implanted in the uterus and causing pregnancy. As these eggs get used up over thirty years or so and estrogen production slows so that the uterine and vaginal linings are no longer properly stimulated, pregnancy becomes less and less likely.

And what about the male’s role, age and the odds of getting pregnant? Studies have found that the probability of causing pregnancy for a man in his late thirties declines by about 40% from the probability during his twenties to mid-thirties.

How does a woman increase the odds of getting pregnant? Here are some tips:

Know your fertile time – ovulation generally happens about 14 days before your next period begins. For women with cycles of 28 days, that could make day #14 your most fertile for getting pregnant (day #1 being the first day that your last period began).

Monitor your basal body temperature – the slight elevations in your body temperature upon awakening each day will signal your most fertile time.

Monitor your cervical mucus – ovulation will cause a change in the appearance and consistency of cervical mucus. Check yourself each day and you’ll be able to see the ‘egg-white-like’ vaginal discharge that indicates ovulation and your most fertile time.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle – the odds of getting pregnant increase the more healthy you are. Healthy living includes a sensible diet, nutritional supplements, adequate quality sleep, managing stress, some exercise and weight management.

Planning to start a family, getting pregnant and pregnancy can be exciting, frustrating, fulfilling and without any certain outcome. Improving your health will add to the likelihood that you can become pregnant and have a healthy baby.

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