Acupuncture Explained, Eastern and Western

Acupuncture uses the insertion of needles to alleviate certain symptoms in the body. It has gotten wide acceptance among western medicine as treatment for such things as postoperative pain, anesthesia, menstrual cramps, etc. It stimulates a number of points on the body, usually by inserting thin metal needles into points that are carefully selected to address a particular symptom or set of symptoms. When the needles is inserted the patient may feel nothing, may feel more relaxed, or may feel a warm or other pleasant feeling. The reduction of symptoms can occur quite quickly, as in pain release, or over a series of treatments for the symptom.

The Eastern explanation of how acupuncture works comes from China, from a tradition going back more than two thousand years. In this view, the body works best when vital energy circulates around the body exactly as it should. At this time, everything in the body is in balance between two different principles, Yin and Yang. Yin generally is assigned to relaxed, cool, passive objects or feelings. Yang is assigned to active, warm, and assertive objects, organs, and actions. The vital energy flows from one organ system to another to maintain balance between Yin and Yang. When this energy (known as Qi) is blocked or depleted, the body no longer works well and symptoms begin to appear. Qi is assumed to regulate the well being of the entire person: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The assumption that Qi regulates all aspects of a person is the reason an acupuncture practitioner easily agrees to treat emotional issues, such as depression and anxiety, with as much enthusiasm as treating physical symptoms. In addition, symptoms that may be a combination of physical, mental, and emotional (such as sleeplessness) fit easily into the acupuncture view of an imbalance of Qi, and are treated accordingly. It also explains why the diagnosis of an acupuncture patient usually includes questions that go well beyond just the physical symptoms of a patient.

Western medicine has been studying the effects of acupuncture with interest for at least the last twenty years. It is clear that there are remarkable successes, and these studies have documented them. However, finding an explanation for the results of a number of these acupuncture studies is a bit more puzzling, if you need an explanation within the western system of medicine. The present view is that the needles affect the behavior of the nervous system, and stimulation of the system can assist in production of biochemicals to produce a particular result. For example, endorphins produced by the body help reduce or eliminate pain, and white blood cells fortify the immune system. However, it is unclear exactly how a particular needle stimulation encourages production of particular biochemicals. Also, other studies indicate that acupuncture points alter brain chemistry, which affects a number of body functions. This is still a very new and interesting field, and we will continue to see more studies that will help explain the marvelous results of acupuncture technique.

Dont Shortchange Your Efforts Diet Is Important

Accomplishing your fitness goals is the goal when it comes to fitness. We all know by now that all foods are not created equally. The best of food sources is fruits and vegetables free from toxic by products and other negatives like saturated fats, high sodium, and nitrates. Years of research has repeatedly shown that grains, fruits and vegetables are the bodys preferred food sources for optimum performance. Full of nutrients that the body needs to heal itself and operate properly the top of the food pyramid will give you the most bang for your buck when it comes to essential nutrients.
Reasons to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables include, helping to supply our bodies with much needed energy, improving immunity to diseases, and overall mind health. Read on to find out how to take advantage of a great diet.

Much like a car your body is built for performance thus proper maintenance, fuel, and care is needed. Simple, right? Then why is it that increases in obesity and other diet related illnesses still exist in abundance. We just are not taking care to what it is that we are putting in our bodies and expecting results that are simply unrealistic. We need to be champions and caregivers to our bodies and perform the fundamentals of overall body care by committing to better diets for overall better health. Our choices in nutrition and level of activity are partially a learned behavior. We can learn to eat a variety of foods from all of the food groups to help maintain weight, increase cardiovascular fitness, and increase energy levels naturally. Lowering blood cholesterol can be accomplished by increasing your intake of whole grain foods; fish can decrease the risk of death from coronary artery disease. The benefits of a healthy well balanced diet are endless and should be taken very seriously for optimum health.

Base your food choices on these patterns:
Lean meats and poultry without skin and added saturated and trans fats
Low fat dairy products
Low dietary cholesterol
Cut back on added sugars
Use little or no salt
Drink in moderation
And take care when eating out

Naturally these will be altered if you have any abnormal circumstances (for example, if you are very thin and you work out a lot, then you can ignore many of the rules related to fat and cholesterol, since your body can actually use them).

A healthy diet and life style will provide you with all of the energy, stamina, and endurance to met and exceed the challenges of everyday life. All you really need is provided by nature and at the top of the food pyramid in whole grains fruits and vegetables. So if you are trying to stay in shape, get in shape, maintain good shape or the like remember to handle your body like you handle the care of your automobile. Choose the right fuel to keep your engine running for a long time. Dont shortchange yourself or your life by fueling your body with damaging food sources and other activities that will diminish your chances for a long healthy happy life.

These principles hold true for anyone in the world. Seniors will reap many benefits from healthy lifestyles, as will young people. Sometimes it can be hard to be sure what the best intake for your body is, but if you start experimenting with different diets you will surely be able to adjust the different levels to their ideal amounts. You can also consult the advice of a dietician or a doctor, or simply find a calculator on the internet that will tell you what kind of food you need to be eating. Once you have found something that works for you, stick with it for the rest of your life. You will be glad that you did.

Childhood Obesity And How To Combat It

This chronic condition has increased rapidly over the past years has finally gained national recognition. Many more children between the ages of two years old and five years old are already on there way to becoming the next generation of obese teens, and eventually obese adults and obese seniors. With obesity being one of the leading causes of morbidity, disability, discrimination, and employment problems, it has become one of the biggest public problems since tobacco use and exposure. Bad eating habits are not the only culprit, genetic diseases that can predispose children to become overweight cannot be forgotten. Diseases such as Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome are common in obese children, however still playing a larger role in the general overall population is bad eating and exercise habits.

It is the hope of many health educators, and medical professionals from psychologists to medical doctors that increased public awareness and preventive policies will eventually improve the situation. Professionals are treating this as a major public health concern that is threatening to damage our most precious resources, the children. Introduction of healthy play, healthy food choices, and recreation that promotes physical activity is on the top of the list for discussion and plans of battling this epidemic. Having caretakers take pro active measures to keep the child on the right track and setting good examples are key elements to helping these children to learn a healthier behavior and attitude towards their own health.

The annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has come to the conclusion that as many as one third of U.S. children are overweight or at high risk for childhood obesity. The health problems that will begin to manifest themselves from the heavy weight of such young children will start kids down a road the problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and increased risks of diabetes. These are diseases usually reserved to adults, not children. Combating this troubling condition must however, begin at home with the caregivers for these children. Improving overall diet, not dieting, and exercise is the key to resolving the problem. Protecting childrens health now and in the future will depend greatly on education of parents and caregivers to implement healthy daily living strategies.

Preventing an at-risk child from becoming overweight can start a process of healthy and active lifestyles to ensure longevity and energy throughout the childs life. Little things such as: not getting into power struggles with the child over food, never use food as a behavior modification tool, and setting a good example are some starting places. This only perpetuates the same behavior and may cause psychological behaviors that are unwanted. Critical commenting, and taunting rarely if ever handles the situation with a positive outcome. Emphasizing whats positive and benefits of changing behavior can make all of the difference in the world. Just fostering the childs natural inclination to please you, have fun, and explore are perfect opportunities to introduce fitness routines, and reduce such incidents like eating out of boredom. If these things are done with every child in danger of becoming obese, then the numbers suffering will likely decrease.

Therefore, you should always keep in mind the health of yourself and your children. By keeping in shape yourself and displaying a good diet, you can impress upon them the importance of being a health-oriented individual. These habits will stay with them for all of their lives. You will also have quite a few benefits from eating healthy and slimming down. If you shed your extra weight, you will feel much better about yourself. If you want to find out more information about how you should change your diet habits, you should go to your local library for a book about diet and health. You can also talk to your doctor if you want some recommendations that are specific for your current health.

What To Do If You Have A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

What To Do If You Have A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

Living with a bipolar disorder diagnosis isn’t easy. However, knowing, as they say, is half the battle. Once a diagnosis is established, a person has two main choices right off. They are whether to let the disorder take control of one’s life, or to fight it with every weapon in the modern psychiatric and psychological arsenal.

If fighting for normalcy is the answer, then a bipolar disorder diagnosis can make one aware of what one is fighting. Bipolar disorder can touch every aspect of a person’s life, so someone with a bipolar disorder diagnosis will need to be wary on all fronts.

First of all, if there is a bipolar disorder diagnosis then there must have been some sign of the disease. The more severe this manifestation is, the more likely one is to take notice. It is important, though, to treat the illness as soon as a bipolar disorder diagnosis is obtained.

Early treatment can often help prevent some of the more extreme manic highs and depressive lows of bipolar disorder. The earlier treatment is successfully begun, the less the devastating effects of the disease on the person with a bipolar disorder diagnosis.

Early treatment is helpful. The challenge is to keep someone interested in taking medications or engaging in talk therapy when there has been no crisis to set him or her on this path. Such a person needs to be convinced that their bipolar disorder diagnosis is accurate.

For others, the first signs of illness are so overwhelming they consider their bipolar disorder diagnosis to be a relief. For them, it is just good to know that there is a name for what is happening to them and that there are treatments.

For these people, it is extremely important to keep taking medications that are prescribed. This is a responsibility one has to oneself when he or she gets a bipolar disorder diagnosis. If the medication seems to be causing problems, it is important to contact the prescribing doctor to discuss the matter. If no satisfaction can be obtained, finding another doctor is even preferable to simply stopping the medications on one’s own.

Those with a bipolar disorder diagnosis usually are given the recommendation to take some form of counseling, or talk therapy. Some may balk at the notion that talking to a therapist can effect their disease. The truth is that these therapies have been shown to have a positive effect on those with bipolar disorder diagnosis.

There are other actions a person with a bipolar disorder diagnosis can take to help lessen their illness. These include the ways a person takes care of him or herself in day to day life. It may seem obvious that a person should eat and sleep in reasonable amounts and times, or do an adequate but reasonable amount of exercise. A person with a bipolar disorder diagnosis will probably find that these common acts do not come naturally. However, with some conscious effort they can begin to see some difference.

A bipolar disorder diagnosis can certainly seem to complicate one’s life. It can lead one to take medications, submit him or herself to talk therapy, and take the time and energy to regulate his or her own personal habits. On the other hand, all these concessions to the disease can help a person to live a much calmer and more fulfilling life than that person would had he or she never gotten their bipolar disorder diagnosis. In other words, it doesn’t have to be the end of the world.