Blood Pressure Medications – Remembering To Take Them

Are you currently taking medicine for your blood pressure? Do you take other medication as well? Remembering to take any medicine can be a hassle to some people especially if you have to take more than one at a time. Here are a few things that might help you remember because it is very important you do not forget to take your blood pressure medication.

Some people purchase little pill boxes that help you organize your pills. You can purchase pill boxes that have one for every day of the week. You put all the pills you need to take into each box for each day. You can purchase these almost anywhere and they do come in handy for those that are forgetful.

If you take medicine regularly you might try keeping it on your bathroom sink. When you finish getting ready or even just brushing your teeth, you can take your medicine. Have your blood pressure medicine and any other medication that you have to take right there. This is a great easy reminder.

Get into a routine. Taking your blood pressure pills at the same time every day will eventually get you in the habit and you won’t forget. If you have to take your medicine with food you could always take them every day with your lunch. Getting in the habit of this is a great way to never forget your blood pressure pills again.

There are many people that put notes everywhere to remind them to do something. Taking your blood pressure medicine is no different. Put up a note on your fridge or on your computer at work. Every other day or every week change the color of the note and place it in a different spot; on the phone, the mirror, the fridge, wherever you will see it.

A really great way to remember to take your blood pressure medicine is to make your own little personal chart. Try to use different color pens or pencils if you have different medications to take. This is a very neat and organized way to keep track and to help you remember.

If none of these would work for you, try having a friend or relative give you a quick call during the day to remind you. While this might sound effective it may not work as well for some. If you take your blood pressure medicine while you are on the phone with them it can be very helpful. If they just call to tell you and then you hang up, you might forget in that time.

If you have a computer and are savvy enough you could set up a reminder. You can also find free services that will do this for you and send you a reminder email. Have it tell you to take your blood pressure and have it repeat until you have taken it and then delete it. Make it do this daily and you will remember to take your blood pressure medicine.

You can easily come up with your own creative ways of remembering to take your blood pressure medication. Try a few different ways and see what works best for you. Once you get into a routine of taking it you shouldn’t have a problem remembering to take it.

Causes of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are not necessarily as common as say coughs and colds but it is one of the top reasons why people come rushing to the emergency wing of the hospital. Urine liquid is usually colored white or yellow so when you see that your urine is in a different color, say pink, then you worry so you troop to the hospital. When you sense a different kind of pain somewhere below your stomach, you begin to rattle because you know it is not just a simple case of indigestion.

When that sot of thing happens you also rush to the clinic or the hospital. After initial interview and certain tests, you are then confronted with the results you have kidney stones. So how in the world did you get kidney stones?

Not a lot of people are aware of kidney stones. Sure there are medical groups who push for more education about the kidney but most people only hear of kidney transplants. These are pretty major stuff already, kidney stones are very basic but it is a good place to start when it comes to discussing kidney and the importance of a healthy functioning kidney. The formation of kidney stones spring from crystal that are not excreted through urination but the real question is why does this happen. Doctors are not quick to point at any one particular cause but what can be done is discuss the several factors that can be attributed to this condition. Then maybe, the factors can be isolated as per patients case.

For one, it can be hereditary so if your parents and grandparents have it then most likely you will have kidney stones as well. It has been observed that a person with a family history of kidney stones are prone to forming kidney stones as well. This is probably the reason why urinary tract infections, kidney relate disorders such as cystic kidney diseases and some metabolic disorders like hyperparathyroidism which are all found to be linked to kidney stone formation are believed to be inherited as well.

Certain food in major food groups are also seen as potential causes of kidney stone formation. However people in the medical field believe that eating these food are major causes of kidney stone formation. People who tend to form high calcium which leads to the formation of one kind of stone called calcium oxalate are requested to limit or avoid certain foods.

These include spinach, beets, soybean crackers, peanuts, okra, chocolate, sweet potatoes, grapes, celery, fruit cake, strawberries, marmalade and liver. These are a bunch that includes delectable delights which is really sad news for those who have to cut down on them so work on keeping those kidneys healthy to keep enjoying those treats.

Just as the causes of kidney stones are quite a blur so are the symptoms and in fact most of the signs go unnoticed. For this reason kidney stones ahs been aptly called as the silent stones. These silent stones should eventually be found out. Scanning the urinary system through special tests called computerized tomography, more popularly known as CT scan, or an intravenous pyelogram help doctors detect kidney stones.

The results from these tests are also vital in finding out the proper course of action to treat the existing condition.

Symptoms of a Yeast Infection

What To Expect From a Yeast Infection

It is vital to know the symptoms of a yeast infection; most people will develop this condition at least once in their life. No matter where the yeast infection is located, the area will be red and inflamed. Pus may be present, especially if the infection is found in the mouth. The rash on the skin may have similarly affected patches of skin close by; these are called satellite lesions. The yeast infection rash often appears to have a lacy border.

Ear infections that are caused by improperly high amounts of yeast will lead to sharp pains in the affected ears, swelling of the ears, and possibly a whitish discharge that resembles cotton. If the webbed skin between your toes and fingers is dry, red, and itchy, it may be a symptom of a yeast infection caused by excessive sweating. Oral yeast infections often cause wide-ranging symptoms, from a flat, red rash topped with a milky white coating to pain when eating or drinking. Do not attempt to clean off the white areas; even when this is done gently, it is likely to cause bleeding.

Vaginal yeast infections may cause a burning sensation during urination. Often, it causes intercourse to be either uncomfortable or actually painful. Often, the typical redness and swelling will extend to the entire area surrounding the vagina. A thick discharge from the vagina is another telling symptom of this type of yeast infection. It will probably not have a bad odor, but it may be a different color than that of the womans normal discharge. The vaginal area will be itchy and irritated, and will be dry. In some cases, the yeast infection may make a woman feel the urge to urinate more often than she would in a normal situation.

When You Should See a Doctor

You should make time to visit a doctor as soon as you can after identifying the condition as a yeast infection. This is to confirm that you have only a yeast infection and not a more serious medical issue. Some STDs are known to have symptoms that mimic those of a yeast infection. Without treatment, these copycat diseases have been known to cause severe and lifelong health problems, including infertility.

Your doctor will be able to help you decide what medication should work best for your yeast infection. If you were to treat yourself for a yeast infection when you actually had some other type of malady, you could easily cause problems for yourself down the road. Yeast infections can become resistant to certain drugs if the drugs are used when they are not needed.

For children, you should visit the doctor at your first opportunity. Again, this is partly due to a need for guidance on which medication to use. If a child has been avoiding drinking due to the pain of an oral infection, he or she may be dehydrated and need further treatment.

In Summary

Knowledge of yeast infection symptoms is key to successful treatment; familiarize yourself with these indicators so you can keep yourself and your loved ones healthy.